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Messages - Frood

Quote from: JOE on June 02, 2024, 01:57:29 PMWell they nailed Clinton over the same sorta thing although he was never convicted.

Someone here remarked that Trump is a 1980s/90s Democratic President or candidate. In some respects that is true. Ie John Edward's Eliott Pitz & others. But they managed to get away with it but he didn't

Ok, Canuckistani Boomer.
I doubt he would have sullied his loins with Stormy Horse Head Daniels.

Bitch was nasty as fuck even before and got barebacked often because of an alleged latex allergy.

Trump has a germ phobia.

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 02, 2024, 12:36:53 PMNo of course not.

But it does demonstrate clearly how far we have fallen as a society when a once shinning star could be seen acting in such a deplorable fashion.

[Flea Speak]Imma gonna sit this one out [/Flea Speak]

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 02, 2024, 11:44:05 AMI hear you loud and clear but I'm just a little hesitant to believe that the very same sister and mom that stood by him everyday during that travesty of justice those kangaroo herders on the left called a trial are now signing on to smear him

what would be the motive for such a complete 180?

and they are referencing passages from his book which is available to anyone who wishes to purchase it. And in it are details about the private lives of these three women and the neglect he allegedly suffered at the hands of his mom. How is any of that germane to the subject matter and reason one would buy the book in  the first place?

In my mind, THAT is the smear job, or at least the first punch in a series of regrettable smear jobs being lobbed by BOTH sides of this family tragedy.

But in the end, Kyle is the MAN and as MAN Is duty bound to take care of his family. ESPECIALLY when his family consists of three vulnerable women who stood by him through his ordeal. The three women who bore and continue to bare the lingering consequence of the spillover backlash we all know these libtarded fucktard vermin animals have no problem issuing to innocents. 

As a true conservative patriot he needs to keep one important fact close to mind and heart. NOTHING is more important than family and there is NOTHING more the loser left hates more than the family unit. If there problems and factors here, he needs to be smart enough to realize they are being cultivated by the left and hold steadfast to the idea that his mom and his sisters come FIRST. Period.

there is no excuse for a MAN who has the means to allow his mother and sisters to fall into extreme poverty. None whatsoever.

Love those women from a far if their faults are that deep and disturbing but show the world what a conservative man truly is and TAKE CARE OF YOUR FAMILY.

And keep in mind. I have thought very highly of this kid. Supported him through and through. And remain in 100% support of his innocence

But THIS, if true, no matter the underlying motive, is a bridge too far for me.

Again, I can't judge either way. Money, fame, and envy does strange things to family units.

I've always said to the wife that if I won 100 million in the lottery, I'd try to disperse it quietly to kin and townies best I could.

But I also wouldn't tell her I had won the lottery nor buy anything outside of our budget...

Same same...
Quote from: DKG on June 02, 2024, 10:01:07 AMI am in no rush to judge Kyle Rittenhouse at this point. We are getting sone side of the story.

Me either. I need more than what appears to be another hit job on leaders, icons, or symbols of the NOT LEFT.

I'll reserve judgment until more info arises.

Nobody is perfect... but having said that,few things get equal treatment or fairness anymore.

Click bait won't suffice.
The Flea Trap / My daughter
May 31, 2024, 12:54:34 PM
She was sick today and felt very unwell.

So she requested music.

I played for her all the tunes I knew she liked, but I made the mistake of playing a song I still can't hear and started to tear up over.

Did my best to look the other way but SHE LEAPT UP, saw my quiet tears..and gave me the best hug ever in order to console her dad, reasons unknown to her.

Which made me bite down even harder. But I couldn't avoid her gaze.

Here is this sick little girl hugging her dad and saying it's okay, and I'm saying it's fine while she's telling me it's OK daddy and hugging me tightly.

I dunno... but kids are angels.

The Flea Trap / Re: Dayum
May 29, 2024, 10:45:29 PM
Quote from: Herman on May 29, 2024, 10:15:04 PMYou have a fetish for gals that resemble pre teen boys.

You need your eyes and testosterone levels checked.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dayum
May 29, 2024, 08:54:05 PM
Herman could get a boner removing one of those fatberg's from a sewer drain. 
The Flea Trap / Re: Dayum
May 29, 2024, 01:02:36 AM
Quote from: Herman on May 28, 2024, 10:54:13 PMCompared to the stick women or possibly kids you like.

You have a morbidly obese fetish.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dayum
May 28, 2024, 10:37:42 PM
Quote from: Herman on May 28, 2024, 07:32:18 PMCompared to the real gals I post, yes it is.

Really fat gals you mean.
Quote from: JOE on May 28, 2024, 05:23:24 AMSometimes in Canada the Conservatives only get 20% or less of the vote in some provinces during elections. But they still end up with 2 MPs or seats.

I know Canada may not be perfect, but at least if one of the parties gets enough votes in a particular district, they still get representation.

If Canada ran like the states, and the Liberals got only 40% of the vote, and Conservatives received 39.5%, under American rules, they'd still get nothing. The Liberals would take every seat/vote. And of course, that's not fair. If a party gets enough votes, they should be represented. Likewise, Liberals should be represented if they lose in that scenario too.

Say if there's 11 ev's, and its a virtual tie, the winner gets 6 and the loser gets 5.

Winner take all sucks.

Go fuck yourself with a rusty wire welding brush, Thiel-sleeve.
Or, they can tell Western Oregon to go fuck themselves with a rusty wire welding brush.

Much more "equitable".
The Flea Trap / Re: Dayum
May 28, 2024, 12:48:54 AM
Quote from: Herman on May 28, 2024, 12:17:01 AMWhy are you posting videos of little boys.

Eh? You reckon that's a boy??  :crampe:
The Flea Trap / Re: Dayum
May 28, 2024, 12:08:21 AM