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Topics - Bricktop

With another mass shooting.

6 dead.
The Flea Trap / One for the conspirators...
March 07, 2022, 06:21:52 PM
Ukraine is being used as a bioweapon research facility.">//

Now we know why Russia invaded.

Clearly some law firm has seen an opportunity to make some money and got behind him to sue those who slandered and libeled him.

If he is successful, the way will be cleared for others to make the media pay for their lies.
Cos I think I'm going to pass.


Sue them.

Make them bleed.
The Flea Trap / OK. Let's see your very OLD pics!!!
February 16, 2022, 01:31:25 AM
If you have the fortitude let's see you in your early days!!!

C'mon...who's got the moxie?">

Your humble scribe waving the flag at the Coronation Parade, 1953.

I was a real patriot!!! Rule Brittania!!!
The Flea Trap / Gun running scum has to cough up $75M
February 15, 2022, 04:14:48 PM
At last people in the US seem to be waking up to who the real killers are in the US.

The utterly despicable corporations that make the guns that kill innocent people.">//

Maybe the tide is turning, as they are being held to account, just like the drug companies that poured tons of opiates into their communties for profit.

Profiteering from distributing millions of machines designed to kill into civilian hands is a blight on humanity.
The Flea Trap / Watch American corruption at work.
February 12, 2022, 08:28:51 PM

Biden seems hell bent on putting corrupt female bureacrats in key positions.

A state of emergency in the nation's capital.

The mayor wants troops in the streets.

So much for democracy and listening to the people.
Just another example of how entertainment media magnates are using their positions of influence to advance their political agenda.


Star Wars and Star Trek were converted to woke propaganda. Add to the list Dr Who, Masters of the Universe, Indiana Jones (reportedly), James Bond and so many other establised franchises. Even video games are not immune from being feminised and homosexually prioritised.

Hollywood has always been subversive, promoting America's values and culture in a fraudulently complimentary light. Their "sitcoms" were especially employed to show how wonderful America and it's cultural values were, especially in the 1950's.

To be fair, it sometimes wasn't afraid to show the dark side...Taxi Driver, Apocalypse Now, Colours and so on.

But this current trend is more sinister because it is built on a falsehood and deception that is based on political ideology. It is thus propaganda to promote a specific political viewpoint that is not universally accepted.

And it is no coincidence that much of this tripe is targeted towards young minds. Especially female young minds. Empowerment is one thing...distortion and deceit is quite another. Baiting young people with beloved characters and fictional worlds such as Star Wars only to then promote an opinion on how society should behave is wrong.

Seems the issue hasn't gone away.

Skeletons may still be in the closet.
I'm going to list ten movies I have seen that were hailed as masterworks and I found them utterly dull.

Feel free to add your own.

1. Dances with Wolves. 3 hours of tedium Americana that went nowhere, said nothing, served no purpose.

2. Gravity. Amazing special effects combined with an thoroughly absurd plot starring two very overrated actors.

3. Chariots of Fire. This thing won an Oscar because critics assumed that somewhere in the dross was a "message". There wasn't. Just dross.

4. Star Wars. The last one. Absolutely awful, predictable and another attempt to portray women as men. They are not. They never will be. They should be grateful for that.

5. The Revenant. The World's Greenest Actor, Leo De Caprio in a silly western "back from the dead" plot driven by "deus ex machina" nonsense.

6. Roma. This thing won an Oscar!!! It has to be seen to be believed...but first you have to stay awake long enough to realise it isn't about anything.

7. Quantum of Solace. I love James Bond, and Daniel Craig did the role proud. But this thing made no sense, had no suspense, and wasted all its talent.

8. Interstellar. Stellar it aint. Confusing, irrational, nonsensical. Might have known with the very dull cast in it.

9. Yesterday. A feckless failed INDIAN song writer wakes up to find that he is the only person who knows Beatle songs and becomes a superstar. Yes, it IS that bad.

10. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. It defies belief that this tired character is being dusted off for another farcical run around. At least it featured the "fridge" moment that will be remembered as the silliest escape routine in cinema history.

Anyone else?
The Flea Trap / We've had a drop of rain lately.
January 23, 2022, 09:22:29 PM">

The remote northern areas of the State are awash with unseasonal and extremely rare rainfalls.

A tropical cyclone hit the eastern coast in Queensland, and in an unusual turn of events kept going into the central and southern parts of Australia.

it has been raining here for three days, virtually continuously. I've never known rain in this part of the country to keep falling that long. In the sub tropics it can get fairly wet. But not in the south.

You Canucks would feel right at home.

Its horribly humid!!!

The Flea Trap / Locked down!!!!
January 22, 2022, 05:11:30 PM
I had my son and grandchildren stay at our house last week as he had been designated a close contact. His wife has the virus. He tested and was all clear but had to find alternative accommodation. On the last day we all had to test.

My son tested positive!!! I tested negative.I am a "close contact" so have to go into isolation.  :t1929:

My wife had already moved to our daughter's house for safety and to ensure that plague couldn't spread to our daughter's babies.

So, I am now in lock down. Negative test, but in isolation. My wife had to drop groceries off at the door and leave without even saying hello.

If anyone is passing by, ring the doorbell and say hello.
The Flea Trap / One for Willow fans...
January 18, 2022, 12:35:50 AM
I know Freud will love this...


Cuz struttin it like a boss!!!!
The Guest Nest / OK, folks. Pick your team!!!
January 08, 2022, 07:44:59 PM
cc has exposed a conspiracy in our ranks.

In the interests of openness, and so we know who our enemies are, would you mind indicating which clan you belong to.

Indicate below if you are one of the conspirators seeking to shut down the forum, or you're on Team cc seeking to save it from their devious and sinister ambitions.

In this modern age, neutrality is no longer an option. You're either for one side, or against them (remember George Bush).

According to cc, the Blue Cashew Liberation Front consists of myself, Blazor, DSM, Seoulbro and Dinky. So far. Of course there are some subversive members who's identity is unknown.

Clearly Fashionista, Herman and IHJ are in Team cc.

We're going to organise T shirts, special avatars and signatures to ensure there is no confusion as to where your allegiance lies.

Please be quick. The Liberation Front plans to complete its takeover and dismantling of the forum within weeks.
Now they want people to sit and watch 2 hrs of this crap.


I'm weary of America's racial turmoil, right or wrong, being exported to every corner of the planet.

Deal with it. Quit trying to convince the rest of the world you're either racist or not. I simply don't CARE about race relations in your broken nation.
The Flea Trap / Anyone for tennis? Not in Melbourne...
January 05, 2022, 07:23:35 PM
Oh dear.

Dinky's Uncle Dan Andrews has done it again.

There's a tennis tournament due in Melbourne. Some guy who's a big cheese in the sport (I don't follow it. Stupid game) was given permission by Comrade Dan to enter the country so he could hit a ball over a net for large sums of money. Trouble was this guy isn't vaxxed.

So when he gets into Melbourne Airport (Federal territory, not State) the Border Security guys check his visa, see he's unvaxxed and prohibits entry as per the FEDERAL law.">//

Comrade Dan has fucked up royally by trying to treat this ball hitter differently to everyone else, and seems to have forgotten that entry to AUSTRALIA is a Federal Government responsibility, not State.

Apparently, Serbians (this guy is Serbian) are going to riot in the streets, Australia should be banned from hosting tennis (a move I wholeheartedly support) and once again we see how this plague has created scenarios demonstrating how utterly incompetent our government's are.
The Flea Trap / Racism has never been more rife.
January 03, 2022, 09:42:33 PM
New York is apparently providing Covid vaccinations on the basis of non-whites first.">//

"The Health Department is ensuring there is fair and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines. Our plans account for health inequities and disparities faced by underserved communities (PDF). We are ensuring the communities hit hardest by the pandemic have access to the vaccine."

Apparently this means black communities and citizens will receive priority in obtaining vaccines.">//

Other than overt racism, I wonder what the rationale behind this is?
At spotting reality from theory.

One of the below is in fact true. Your mission is to pick which one. Try not to Google, and have a little fun.

1. A secret society that rules the world – the Illuminati – and the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) are in cahoots.

2. The US government is putting chemicals in the water that are turning people into homosexuals.

3. Paul McCartney, the Beatles' bass guitarist and vocalist actually passed away in 1969, and was replaced by a look-a-like.

4. The Canada government was so paranoid about homosexuality that it developed a "gaydar" machine.

5. The US government tried to poison the entire state of Georgia with a toxic snow.

6. Prince Charles might have descended from Vlad the Impaler

7. 297 years of our history didn't exist. The events from 614 to 911 have been faked.

8. Osama Bin Laden is still alive.

9. The CIA distributed crack to American inner cities.

10. 5G causes cancer and COVID-19.

OK, theorists and skeptics alike...let's see what you got!!!

One of the above is actually the truth.

The others are known conspiracy theories that are discredited.