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Sweden's parliament has dumped its 100 per cent renewable target amid ongoing concerns about short-term energy security as it looks to join several European nations to build new nuclear plants.

The country's three operational nuclear power plants with six operational reactors generated around 30 per cent of Sweden's electricity production in 2022.

The ongoing war in Ukraine has forced Europe to turn its focus on energy security has it has tried to wean itself away from Russian gas exports. The EU has positioned itself as a leader in climate policy, targeting a 55 per cent cut in greenhouse gas emissions on 1990s levels by 2030 and net-zero by 2050.

Swedish Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson said the current circumstances had created conditions for nuclear power, despite a decision 40 years ago to phase out the technology.

"We need more electricity production, we need clean electricity and we need a stable energy system," she said.

Vattenfall, Sweden's state-owned utility, plans to build at least two small modular reactors and extend the lifetime of the country's existing nuclear reactors.

The country has among the largest uranium reserves in Europe but has banned uranium mining since 2018. Today its uranium is imported from Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan. The government will also attempt to overturn a ban and several legislative hurdles over where it can build new plants.

The International Energy Agency has consistently warned a steep decline in nuclear energy capacity would threaten climate goals and power supply security unless advanced economies found a way to extend the lifespan of their reactors

Environmental campaigners, including Greens MPs, have criticised the recent changes to Sweden's energy policy, saying it clashes with the country's previous identity as a climate leader.

The Swedish government has promised generous loan guarantees because it believes new reactors are essential to power the shift towards net-zero emissions.

Throughout Europe, there has been a pause on the rush to unreliable wind and solar. Sweden is blessed with an abundance of hydroelectric capabilities. Nuclear can safely and reliably supply the remainder of the nation's electricity needs whereas wind and solar cannot.
Quote from: Conservative Perspective on May 27, 2024, 08:57:31 AMTrump VP short list has new top contender: report

Former President Donald Trump is heavily considering Sen. Tom Cotton as a potential running mate in his 2024 campaign, according to a report from the New York Times.

Source: Trump VP short list has new top contender: report
I hope this is just a rumour. He will not sway indy voters.
Quote from: Garraty_47 on Today at 10:28:59 AMThe size of Bernie's rallies (especially in 2016) would beg to differ. Yes he consistently brought up a handful of issues but that's part of what made him appealing: his rhetorical consistency. It was only when his rhetoric was exposed as hollow and insincere that it lost much of its power to energize people.
Same with Trump, but I don't think he is a particularly gifted orator either.

Both of them appeal to voters who feel the duopoly(as you call it) has abandoned them.
I never had an issue with Oak during her brief time here or my brief time on SG. I try to the message and not the messenger.

I suppose it might have happened when she discovered, although Trump is far from my ideal president, he is a better option by a factor ot ten than the current occupant of the white house.
The Flea Trap / Re: Money Sense
Today at 10:25:45 AM
I was reading an op-ed by real estate mogul Grant Cardone.

With elevated interest rates and persistently high home prices, American homebuyers have felt firsthand the squeeze on their budgets.

He thinks the savior of America will not be lower prices, it will be longer mortgages. He says we will see mortgages go from 30 to 40, 50 and maybe even 60 years.
Quote from: Oliver the Second on May 27, 2024, 03:15:06 PMThe elites always think they will be immune from the disorder they inflict on the common folk and are genuinely surprised and upset when it affects them too. 

My old company owner was a big Obama fan until the business got hit with a fat new Obama tax. He asked the accounting girl about it (she was a big Trump fan) and she said "Well that's what you voted for". Boy was he pissed  :crampe:
It was the same with defund the police, until the elites that wanted the police defunded became victims of crime.
Quote from: Shen Li on Today at 01:38:21 AMTrump can't expect 100% loyalty when he doesn't give it either.
That is politics. Loyalties change.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 10:15:06 AM
Quote from: Odinson on May 27, 2024, 04:06:23 PMChinese martial arts training.

Must be eunuchs.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 10:13:08 AM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on May 26, 2024, 07:09:58 PMI think they lack the capacity for self reflection and improvement. Aside from the fact that many of these cretins have sprung from the lowest of the low depths in the human gene pool, They most certainly lack the testicular fortitude to stand alone, tethered to a belief contrary to the system adopted by their surrounding peers. That I can tell you with the utmost confidence after very personal interactions with at least one of them.

Like a mass of aimless lemmings unified in a drunken stupor, their only real avenue to keep the lesser lemmings in line & parroting the narrative is regular pats of positive reinforcement on their heads when they fall in line without question; and threats of exclusion whenever they do not. The truth is really that simple. Watching someone like seamajor attempt to state the libtard case with conviction is like watching a pet perform rehearsed tricks for treats at a circus. The master says jump and the pet obliges with the belief it will be rewarded with a treat. Say jump a second time and the pet will repeat the action. Over and over again without question or hesitation.

The libtard puppeteers have proved repeatedly and rather conclusively that these are indeed tactics which work perfectly and precisely on the small minds of utter wankers like Sewage Major, Murdumb and Admongo. Mostly because their personal insecurities and general ignorance as it pertains to pretty much any matter of substantive value make them the perfect vessels for this type of idiocy

Certainly not a sustainable strategy with anyone with the cogitative brain function that surpasses a cantaloupe. But for this group they have their tried and true contingency. Fear mongering with baseless claims of a phobia they can neither prove nor explain. Systemic Racism and Transphobia being two examples sampled out of a myriad of equally ridiculous ideas presented by the modern left.  But then again, they don't need to explain anything to their base now do they? No they don't, they just need to keep them obedient and focused on someone to hate. And that's the point.

We saw the miserable hens on the view attempt this very tactic with someone who's brain power could dwarf their collective IQ by a double digits. Did that simple fact stop them from breaking out a couple of cartons of eggs to smash across all of their ugly faces? Nope. Did it matter to these morons that trying to intimidate this man intellectually was tantamount to shooting at an armored tank with a Nerf gun expecting stoppage?  No. not at all. And that's how utterly duped these idiots are. But you're BEN CARSON whoopie Goldberg shrieked... as if Ben Carson was to suddenly pause in fear because this talking turnip might disapprove  and not think as highly of him as she once did. Assuming of course, that he could be convinced to stretch the definition of the word "think" to include whatever activities going on in the hollow head of hers and imbeciles like her.

You see? They're too stupid to even realize their stupid. It's like they're in a matrix but not plugged into anything -- least of all reality.

They'll ramble on for hours and hours a pop on how the man even former democrats are flocking to support is a serial racist, serial mycologist, serial conman, serial bastard, end of the world bringer, monster, the boogieman under your bed, the reason there is prostate cancer and any other silly and baseless claim they can muster

all without ever asking the one simple question..... and that question is  "how bad has my own party become that so many Americans across so many different walks of life and political spectrum are flocking to him in droves"

how bad must it be in YOUR CAMP for such an anomaly to exist in the first place?

Questions they will never ask themselves. Ever.
Well said. :good:
Quote from: Garraty_47 on Today at 07:57:00 AMBoth gifted orators whose presidential campaigns exposed them as unsuitable to lead a movement (or the country) but for different reasons. Bernie, at the end of the day, proved to be little more than an agent of the democrat party and unwilling to expose their corruption even when it was maliciously aimed directly at him. West turned out to be too entitled and imperious; thinking it was everyone else's job to make it possible for him to simply stroll into the white house on name recognition alone while lashing out at anyone who dared question or make demands of him.

They do have similarities though... careerists who, no matter what rhetoric they spout, will never fundamentally change the systems that have benefited them for all these years.
Cornel West is a good communicator, but Bernie? He is a sound bite at best.
Joe derails another thread because he is bored that nobody besides Lokmar responds to his outdated trolling. :facepalm:
The Flea Trap / Re: The scary tranny thread
May 27, 2024, 08:34:18 AM
A knife-wielding man went on a stabbing rampage in Massachusetts on Saturday evening. Police believe there were two separate stabbing attacks by the same suspect, including the assault of young girls at a movie theater. Law enforcement sources said the suspect is also connected to a murder investigation in Connecticut.

Around 6 p.m. on Saturday, a man entered the AMC movie theater in Braintree, Massachusetts. He allegedly walked straight past the ticket booth and entered one of the theaters without paying.

Without any warning, the suspect reportedly stabbed four young girls inside the AMC Braintree 10. The four girls stabbed in the unprovoked attack ranged in age from 9 to 17, according to a statement from the Braintree Police Department. The victims were rushed to Boston-area hospitals with non-life-threatening injuries.

An AMC employee who was working at the concession stand at the time of the stabbings described the man as wearing "an oversized trench coat, sunglasses, and a long blonde wig."
During breaks from his deployments in the Afghanistan war, Craig turned to smoking cannabis to alleviate stress, just as he had done as a teenager. However, one evening, things took a turn when he barricaded himself and his two young daughters in the master bedroom.

"He thought the house was surrounded by terrorists," Jennifer Thomas, the girls' mother, recounted while speaking to The Epoch Times. "That night was bad; he said they were under attack. The other times before that were mostly him seeing auras and aliens talking."

Military police took Craig to a psychiatric hospital, where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia at 26.

he Cannabis–Psychosis Link
New UK research shows adults who consumed high-potency cannabis between ages 16 and 18 are twice as likely to experience psychotic episodes like hallucinations and delusions by their mid-20s compared to those using low-potency strains or abstaining. The longitudinal study, published in Addiction, highlights cannabis' risks to adolescent brain development.
"Young people using higher-potency forms of cannabis are twice as likely to have experiences associated with psychosis, such as hallucinations and delusions," lead author Lindsey Hines, a professor from the University of Bath Department of Psychology with a doctorate in epidemiological psychiatry, stated in a press release.

Over the past several decades, illicit marijuana products have become significantly more potent. The concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)—the psychoactive compound in cannabis responsible for the "high" sensation and one linked to psychotic experiences in some people—increased from around 10 percent in 2009 to roughly 14 percent by 2019, according to a scientific review published in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.

"This is the problem," Yasmin Hurd, director of the Addiction Institute at Mount Sinai in New York, told The Epoch Times. "Many people don't realize that the cannabis that is consumed today—the majority or all of it—is high-potency."

Food for thought. But, not edibles.
Quote from: Herman on May 26, 2024, 10:36:03 PMDo a search yourself and you will see.
I could do a search and find out that 9/11 was an inside job too.
Politics / Re: Justin Troodo
May 27, 2024, 08:12:57 AM
Quote from: Brent on May 26, 2024, 11:04:52 AMI hope you are right and Herman's info is wrong. We still plan on getting out of Canada.
I get why so many people want to emigrate from Canada. But, Herman's info is fake news.