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Messages - DKG

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 11:24:35 AMbut of course that's all okay. No problem whatsoever ... the financial and learning loss to millions of businesses and children among a entire array of other serious issues

But an accountant logging a payment to an attorney as a payment to an attorney in a privately held company is a "THREAT TO DEMOCRACY"

Liberals  live in clown world
Precisely. The new left believes the justice system should be used to punish their political enemies who committed midemeanours decades ago and shield those who support their globalist aims, even if they have the blood of millions on their hands.
A lack of consensus won't stop the WHO from trying again to further extend its tentacles.

WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and other globalists were met with failure at the May 27-June 1 World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland. Rather than win over critics with reassurances ahead of the next stage of his campaign to promote the failed scheme, Ghebreyesus instead doubled down, urging a crackdown on skeptics.

Road to failure
Ghebreyesus has spent several months promoting his "global pandemic agreement."

In his Feb. 12 Dubai address, entitled, "A Pact with the Future: Why the Pandemic Agreement Is Mission-Critical for Humanity," Ghebreyesus said, "We cannot allow this historic agreement, this milestone in global health, to be sabotaged by those who spread lies, either deliberately or unknowingly."

The critics whom Ghebreyesus branded liars and conspiracy theorists include those who reckon the pact would undermine national sovereignty as well as those skeptical of the WHO's competence. In the latter case, the WHO did itself no favors in recent years, particularly during the pandemic.

After all, the organization reportedly aided the Chinese communist regime in its cover up of COVID-19's origins; told the nations of the world not to restrict travelers from China or close their borders even though China had domestically; granted Beijing a veto over the WHO's COVID-19 origins report; and it endorsed vaccines that were not nearly as safe or as effective as advertised, including the blood clot-inducing Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine whose developer now faces a class-action lawsuit over injuries in the United Kingdom as well as a recent lawsuit in Utah. Prior to the pandemic, it also courted controversy with its sexual abuse scandal, wasteful spending, and corruption.

Evidently, it was not enough for the WHO director to demean opponents of his grand scheme to see it through.
Fauci admitted that there was no scientific evidence behind the 6-foot social distancing protocol or the guidelines for masking children, according to bombshell congressional testimony. Fauci also conceded that the lab leak theory is a "possible" explanation for the origins of COVID-19.
In the first four months of 2024, a whopping 113,843 illegal aliens had their asylum cases terminated.

The Biden administration has effectively offered "mass amnesty" by quietly terminating asylum cases to hundreds of thousands of migrants, according to an eye-opening report.

The Biden administration has "terminated without a decision on the merits of their asylum claim" more than 350,000 migrant asylum cases since 2022, according to a new report from the New York Post – citing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials as their source. The illegal immigrants reportedly have their asylum cases dismissed as long as they don't have a criminal record or are deemed to not be a threat to the United States.

While the migrants are not granted asylum per se, they are also not denied asylum. In addition, their asylum cases are terminated without a decision based on the merits of their asylum claim. Consequently, they are removed from the legal system and no longer required to check in with authorities. They are free to live in the U.S. without fear of deportation.
Politics / Re: Justin Troodo
Today at 11:03:56 AM
Trudeau has placed Canada in a conundrum usually faced by developing nations. Trudeau's entire term in office has been to make Canada less free and less prosperous.

Problems With Trudeau's Immigration Policy Increasingly Undeniable

When even bank economists are calling for immigration restriction, you know something is seriously wrong with Canada's immigration policy.

Published on January 15th, a new special report by National Bank of Canada economists Stéfane Marion and Alexandra Ducharme argues that the country now finds itself in a "population trap".

A population trap occurs when a country's population is growing so fast that the ratio of capital (wealth) to labour (workers) remains the same or declines.

In this scenario, companies inundated with cheap labour spend less on improving worker productivity – say, by purchasing or upgrading machinery.

In a population trap, any increase in the average living standard is impossible.

You probably have never heard of this odd scenario, because population traps usually only occur in emerging economies like India or Sub-Saharan Africa.

The report explains that Trudeau's open-door immigration policy, which has intensified in the last couple of years, is to blame.

The figures are staggering.

Canada's population grew by 825,000 in 2022, and then more than 1.2 million in 2023.

In order to find another time that Canada's population grew by more than 600,000 in one year, you have to go back to 1949 – and that's only because Newfoundland joined Confederation!

In percentage terms, our population grew by 3.2% in 2023 – five times higher than the OECD average of 0.6%.

This growth was not limited to Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal: all ten provinces grew more than twice as fast as the OECD average.

The highest growth rates, in percentage terms, were Alberta (4.3%) and Prince Edward Island (4%).

The report goes on to argue that, in addition to preventing an increase in living standards, large-scale immigration is fuelling the housing crisis.

The authors explain that the housing supply deficit is at a record low: there is now just one housing start for every 4.2 people entering the working-age population.

In order to meet demand, and reduce inflation in the cost of housing, Canada would need to reach a jaw-dropping 700,000 housing starts per year.

To limit the strain on Canada's housing infrastructure, and to help us escape our current population trap, the authors call for a dramatic cut in immigration numbers.

Specifically, they suggest that annual population growth should not exceed 300,000 to 500,000 – a far cry from the current annual growth rate of 1.2 million.

The immigration file is now a rare instance where economists and the Canadian public are of one accord: cool the jets on population growth!

In an Abacus poll released in November, a remarkable 67% of Canadians said that Trudeau's immigration target is too high.

Strikingly, majorities among both native-born Canadians (68%) and foreign-born Canadians (62%) thought so.

Furthermore, majorities of Conservative voters (82%), NDP voters (63%), Liberal voters (61%), and Bloc voters (80%) said there was too much immigration.

There are not many issues in Canada which can unify National Bank economists, the wider public, Conservatives, first-generation immigrants, Bloc voters, the Liberals and the NDP.

It seems like there's only one demographic left that thinks our immigration system is working just fine: the political class.

Are they listening?
Politics / Re: EV's, Reliable Power, et al
Today at 10:54:29 AM
Quote from: Oerdin on June 02, 2024, 07:04:37 PMHis reasoning is unsound on that topic.  Not to mention outdated.
I was surprised by that too.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 09:23:33 AMDid you see this?

HAMAS vs the degenerate faggots like admin

who will win?
I know this marriage of convenience cannot last.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 09:58:06 AMThere are no public defenders so criminals must be allowed to go free

but there are an ample supply of state funded tampons in Mens bathrooms tho  :crazy:

Isn't that gay faggot cock licker from Oregon?
This rulng represents the straw that will finally break the state's back.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 10:45:53 AM
Quote from: Odinson on Today at 09:54:09 AMI have been working outdoors.

I'm starting to look like Papas Tatoupoulos.
Like Canada, Finland has short summers. You make hay while the sun shines.
Quote from: Shen Li on June 02, 2024, 12:41:14 AMManchin will continue to caucus with Democrats and keep his chairmanship, according to a person familiar with his thinking who was granted anonymity to share his plans. The move helps Democrats preserve their slim 51-49 majority in the Senate.
I hope he retires from politics. He helped get the inflationary corporate welfare bulls IRA and CHIPS Act across the finish line. I want WV to elect a fiscally conservative senator in November.
Politics / Re: EV's, Reliable Power, et al
June 02, 2024, 10:18:38 AM
Quote from: Oerdin on May 31, 2024, 08:23:26 AM
Michael Schellengerg is lnowledgeable on climate science without any of the apocalyptic exaggeration.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
June 02, 2024, 10:10:33 AM
Quote from: Sloan on June 01, 2024, 08:45:07 PMTaken from the snowflake factory shoutbox just a few minutes ago

 Dove: You are the SAME. On the other end. Just as bad.
20 minutes ago
Dove: Vitty is leftwing. He is no Trump supporter at all. But because he doesnt just echo the guys lump him in with extreme Maga people. He doesnt even bother addressing it because he knows its useless to bother.
17 minutes ago
Dove: He knows its pointless to explain his stance.
17 minutes ago
Admin.: Name calling does not win you any brownie buttons, you ignorant slut.
15 minutes ago
Dove: I havent called anyone names.
A moment ago

Have any of you ever noticed this phenomenon? That leftists become even more unhinged and angry when they get their way? It's as if that hole in their soul can never quite be filled.
That is one unhinged outburst by Admin.

What I like about Garraty is he sticks to issues and reserves his attacks for the post and not the poster. He disagrees with my fiscal conservatism, but he doesn't call me a balding gook when we disagree. The hyper partisan TDS crew from CBT, but now at BF seem incapable of that kind of maturity.
Quote from: Herman on June 01, 2024, 10:35:11 PMIf it is true, I am disappointed in the kid. I know he is making the rounds and probably making some coim. His family stood by him in his darkest hour. He has to do the same.
I am in no rush to judge Kyle Rittenhouse at this point. We are getting one side of the story.
Quote from: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on June 02, 2024, 08:33:06 AMOh goody, that means we can look forward to more government gridlock.  Yay democracy!

EDITOR'S NOTE:  The sarcasm factor in the above post, on a 1-10 scale, is 11.4.
Precisely. And again welcome professor.