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Topics - Shen Li

Manchin will continue to caucus with Democrats and keep his chairmanship, according to a person familiar with his thinking who was granted anonymity to share his plans. The move helps Democrats preserve their slim 51-49 majority in the Senate.
Politics / The People's Action Party
April 08, 2024, 11:42:37 PM
No politician or political party in any country is perfect, but compared to North America's no choice choices, the PAP rocks. :yeahhh:

Party Objectives
The Party shall be a national movement dedicated to serving our nation and advancing the well-being of our people. Towards this end, the Party's objectives are: –

(a) To preserve, protect and defend the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Singapore.

(b) To safeguard the freedom, and advance the well-being, of Singaporeans through representative and democratic government.

(c) To uphold a multi-racial and multi-religious society, where people of diverse backgrounds and beliefs live harmoniously together as fellow citizens, and deepen our national identity and commitment to Singapore;

(d) To sustain a vibrant economy which creates good jobs and better lives for all, and enables every Singaporean to achieve their full potential;

(e) To build a fair and just society, which encourages individual effort and family responsibility, while ensuring community and government support for the vulnerable and less fortunate;

(f) To strengthen an open and compassionate meritocracy, with opportunities for Singaporeans to develop skills in diverse fields, active support for those who start off with less, and ladders to success at every stage of life;

(g) To develop a democracy of deeds, where citizenship embodies both rights and duties, and nurtures a sense of collective responsibility and community action;

(h) To represent and serve all Singaporeans responsively and responsibly, attentive to immediate concerns, focussed on long-term challenges and opportunities, and governing with integrity and honesty.
General Chit Chat / For The Canadians
February 26, 2024, 12:34:08 AM
Unless one is blind, in denial, or a raging authoritarian libtard, there's no denying Canada has become less free and prosperous over the past decade.

Do any of the Canadians here still think Canada has a future, or are it's best days in the rearview mirror?

I've made my decision and I'm voting with my feet. So, the rest of you Canucks, where do you see Canada in 10, 20, 30, 40 years from now?
Most people I know that have gotten into relationships recently in Canada and China have met by actively looking on dating and relationship sites. However, my alma mater, the Uni of Alberta a study that says might not be the best way to find love.

QuoteThe hunt for a soulmate can sometimes be demoralizing for the romantically unattached, but one University of Alberta professor believes that very hunt may be hurting your chances at long-lasting love.

That's according to the findings of a new study co-authored by Adam Galovan, from the Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences, and co-author of a new research report that challenges the myth of there being a perfect match, or "soulmate."

Instead of following previous studies that analyzed the satisfaction rates of couples who identify as soulmates, Galovan and his colleagues decided to investigate how these types of couples defined satisfaction, and whether or not they were actually healthy relationships.

"It depends on if you have a destiny belief or a growth belief in relationships," said Galovan.

"A destiny belief is the idea that if you can just find that one and only soulmate then everything will just be perfect.

"The growth belief is one where you think there are many people out there we could probably get along with, but we have to put in effort and contribute to the relationship."

The study suggests five methods to help set aside the kind of thinking that leads to what they call the "soul trap."

The first, and the most vital method according to Galovan, is to avoid what they call a consumer approach to relationship, where the allure of personal gain, low cost, and entitlement leads one to think something better is always around the corner.

"You know it's not just what you're getting from the relationship," said Galovan.

"Are you actually developing healthy relationship habits that help you question not just if they're right for you but are you right for them? Have you developed the ability to work through differences, and differences of opinion, to show compassion and to be supportive and the type of person that I'm hoping to find for myself."

The study also advises people looking for love to set realistic expectations, develop a more well-rounded understanding of love, and maintain an optimistic outlook in the face of potential heartbreaks.

"Sometimes a relationship doesn't work out, and you have to be able to walk away," said Galovan.

"If you stay optimistic, you can say try again, maybe evaluate yourself a bit and grow. It will still hurt, but getting out of the soulmate mentality gives you more optimism that there are other opportunities out there to find happiness with someone."
The Guest Nest / Moonpie
December 21, 2023, 12:12:25 AM
I see you registered and UR logged in.

Remember me? I'm the mighty Iron Chink. I'm feared throughout the land. However, I'm still sweeter than fucking sugar.

General Chit Chat / Happy B-day Blaze
October 24, 2023, 07:46:31 PM
Tomorrow is the birthday of one of my fave posters ever, Blazor.
The Flea Trap / East Asians Have Higher IQ's Than whites
September 29, 2023, 03:19:13 PM
The world's 6 most intelligent nations and sub sovereign self governing areas ranked by their IQ are all in East Asia. :w00t_more:  :yahoo:

1. Japan
The average IQ is 106.48 according to sources like the World Population Review and the Ulster Institute.
2. Taiwan
Average IQ: 106.47
3. Singapore
Average IQ: 105.89
4. Hong Kong
Average IQ: 105.37
5. China
Average IQ: 104.1
6. South Korea
Average IQ: 102.35
General Chit Chat / I'm 39 today
September 23, 2023, 08:41:32 AM
This is my last year in my 30's. I'm married, I have 2 boys in primary school. I'm not young and cute anymore. However, I'm still racially superior to white chix.
White chick teachers having sex with boys in high school or junior high. What the fuck is wrong with white women. Sick twats.
The Octagon / I Don't Get CeeDubya
August 13, 2023, 06:39:30 PM
I was on her forum. It wasn't busy, but it was wide open. You could post anything. Now she's a mod on the most censored bored on the fucking planet. What's with her?
The Flea Trap / Pictures Part Deux
August 06, 2023, 06:39:09 PM
This is my second last summer long weekend in Canada. We went to the zoo.

A meerkat. They are very entertaining.
From a 10 second search.

QuoteFact check: RFK Jr.'s misleading viral claim about Secret Service protection

QuoteA running list of RFK Jr.'s controversies

Quote'Republican stooge': RFK Jr mocked after it's revealed half his Super PAC funding comes from GOP mega donor

QuoteRFK Jr.'s campaign filings show payments to a litany of Republicans and controversial activists, including some anti-vaxxers

QuoteJFK's grandson calls RFK Jr.'s presidential candidacy an 'embarrassment' and 'vanity project'
She used Oerdin to do her dirty work. Using men is what Dove does best. She's still there trying to worm her way out of it.
The Guest Nest / White Trash
April 22, 2023, 03:36:54 PM

The Guest Nest / Dove, Just Shut The Fuck Up
April 18, 2023, 02:50:20 PM
I was curious about the great white whale's latest antics, so I took a peek at the flame forum. I couldn't find what I was looking for, but I did find this:

QuoteI feel it nessesary to point out that while I'm separated and divorcing, I'm living with my male besty and getting intensely turned on by his cooking skills, writing skills, amazing sense of humor and his enduring care for my well being and devotion to it.

If I marry this guy the weekend after my divorce is final absolutely no one should be surprised lol. The 4th pancake is usually the winner for me.

I get it Dove, you are a turmoil-junkie mess of a woman. You''ll never change. However, why the fuck do you always have to share your latest self-inflicted wounds with a tiny group of strangers on an obscure forum. Nobody needs to be reminded again, again and again what a total fuck up you are . No normal person wants to know these details of your life either.
The Flea Trap / 15 Minute Cities
March 07, 2023, 06:55:02 PM
The erosion of freedom and the elimination of choice in Canada is speeding up. Our communist city council will decide how 1 million people can move around this hellhole of a city.

QuoteMore details are emerging about Edmonton's plan to become a 15-minute city.

One of those details is the city wants people to cut their vehicle usage by 50% to use other modes of transportation.

It appears the Edmonton wants to be a 15-minute city for residents and that cars will have limited places to drive and park once the plan is finished.

Whyte Avenue may look very different in the coming years as the city plans to convert one lane each way to a dedicated bus lane and remove some parking to widen sidewalks."> ... 6ca6e.html">
My future country, Singapore has built a safety net that doesn't reward laziness and doesn't force the next generation to pay the bills for social transfers today.

In most metrics, from economic freedom to lifespan to medical care to home ownership, Singapore is well ahead of the People's Republic of Canada and the United Socialist States of America. Not to mention Singaporeans don't have the consumer debt levels and taxes Canadians do.

This is an old article, but the facts of it remain true today.

Part of the reason for Singapore's remarkable climb up the international income ladder is bread and butter capitalism. The Fraser nstitute's Freedom of the World report lists Singapore as the second freest economy in the world -- right behind Hong Kong. As Frasier scholars have demonstrated year after year, economic growth and free markets go hand and hand.

But Singapore has done something even more remarkable than its economic accomplishments. It has built an alternative to the European style welfare state. Think of all the reasons why people turn to government in other developed countries: retirement income, housing, education, medical care etc. In Singapore people are required to save to take care of these needs themselves.

At times the forced saving rate has been as high as 50% of income. Today, employees under 50 years of age must set aside 20% of their wages and employers must contribute another 16%. These funds go into accounts where they grow through time until specific needs arise. For example, one of the uses for these savings is housing. About 90% of Singapore households are home owners – the highest rate of home ownership in the world.

For many years, the only two scholars in the Western world who paid much attention to Singapore were Washington University economist Michael Sherraden and me. Michael approached the Singapore experience from a left-of-center perspective and I came from the opposite direction. We both ended in the same place: this is an alternative to the welfare state that works.

Lately, quite a number of other scholars have discovered Singapore, especially its health care system – again, with both right and left finding a lot to admire. It's taken almost three decades, but Singapore is now the subject of a book by Brookings Institution, a whole slew of posts by Austin Frakt and Aaron Carroll, and a good overview by Tyler Cowen, with links to other studies and comments.

Sherraden recently summarized some of Singapore's major social policy innovations as follows:

Step by step, the Singapore state created a new social policy system that had asset building as its central structure.... In the world of social policy, it would be hard to overstate the exceptionality and the extent of this innovation.... During the past 25 years, Singapore policy has taken important steps toward lifelong asset building, beginning very early in life.  These innovations include EduSave, the Baby Bonus, Child Development Accounts, and related asset-building incentives.

For John Fund, Singapore's most significant accomplishment is the avoidance of the mistakes of other countries:

I believe that the least appreciated part of Lee Kwan Yew's legacy is his method of ensuring that one generation won't bankrupt future generations by selfishly living beyond its means. It's a welfare state that works, and one he always said was available to any political leader with the courage to tell his people the truth about the limits of government's power to pass out goodies.

For my part, I would summarize the philosophy of Singapore as follows:

Each generation should pay its own way.

Each family should pay its own way.

Each individual should pay his own way.

Only after passing through these three filters should anyone turn to the government for help.

If the United States had adopted a similar approach to public policy, there would be no deficit problem in this country."> ... 2c362b76c0">
Could an Indigenous-owned pro hockey franchise be a reality? Former NHL player and coach Ted Nolan believes the answer is a resounding yes, particularly for women's hockey.

Students in a sports marketing class at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) will conduct a study this semester to determine the feasibility of establishing an Indigenous-owned professional hockey squad.

Canada needs more Aboriginal investment and vusiness ownership.
Because I want Canada to fail just as much as white libtards do.
That overpaid waste of skin can't play an instrument, he doesn't write songs and he knows nothing about music. He can't even sing for fuck sakes. His voice has no range. These are indisputable facts and I'm not the only person who thinks so.

QuoteThere's no doubt that Ozzy Osbourne is one of the most iconic and successful metal singers of all time. His work with Black Sabbath and later solo career went a long way in defining the conventions of the genre, and his later reality TV antics endeared him to a whole new demographic of fans. However, all that said, Ozzy definitely doesn't have the vocal range of some of his hard rock peers.">

QuoteThe 9 Most Overrated Rock Stars Of All Time

Ozzy Osbourne

We're into the top three. Rock royalty. And still overrated. When drugs and alcohol account for much of an individual's success, it robs talent from the equation. It would be stupid to suggest Ozzy Osbourne isn't one of the coolest rock stars out there. The fact that he's still functional after he melted his brain like a box of crayons on a hot stove is seriously impressive. And the guy is genuine and influential. But one of the greatest of all time? Not really. He has enjoyed more fame across the board through reality TV than he did on stage. Yes, Ozzy knocked a few jams out of the park, and his on stage antics...? Well, they were just that, weren't they? Antics. The real rock star in the Ozzy equation? Sharon Osbourne."> ... -all-time/">