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Topics - Biggie Smiles

The Guest Nest / Free speech is one thing
August 15, 2021, 01:55:05 AM
But letting loser spam queens like Edward decay your forum from the inside out is another thing entirely

Give me the reigns so I can take out this fucking trash and be done with this shit once and for all

seriously, your forum is dying due to untalented spam merchants like this dipshit

Make Blue Cashew great again.
When trump wins the electoral and popular vote?

Get ready you fucking douche bags, the pain train is coming  ac_dance
The Guest Nest / Monster is having a melty
October 26, 2020, 09:14:46 AM
5 days before the only day when he can go outside without a paper bag over his head

Don't be jealous because he reserved the most tears for me. I've been making that clown lose his shit for over 10 years now and I've chased him off countless boards and had him crying in literally dozens of posters PM box

snagged from Cry Baby Tantrums dot com

    LOL. It is gone tho, isn't it? ... Would have been fun to slip in camo & trigger them ... Seems they don't know that "CBT" is used worldwide for "Cognitive Behavioural Therapy"

I would remind cc that (1) I've previously invited her to visit here but evidently she suffers from an abundance of paranoia; and (2) there is no one here likely to be triggered by her capering, other than Cindy who no doubt would eventually tire of seeing said caperings. But (3) cc is not in a position to speak of snowflakes getting triggered, given the stone fact that no one may post anything she doesn't like on HER subforum, lest it vanish before the electrons are even dry. And (4) CBT can also denote a host of other word strings, including Cross Boundary Team. Hellz, there's a long list at as well as a list for the acronym TBC , wherein one finds Toilet Bowl Cleaner among other choices.

Renee said:

    It's a forum full of the most pretentious, far left, faux intellectuals you will ever see on this rock. It's basically a petri dish overflowing with grievance ideology and terminal TDS. The only thing it is good for is possibly research fodder for a psychological study on how extreme liberalism and an adherence to CRT creates halfwitted individuals who enjoy orgasmic pleasure derived from reveling in their own self-appointed sense of moral and intellectual superiority.

I would remind Renee that she's spent five dollars worth of venom on what is essentially a nickel problem. It's ironic as hell that she doesn't recognize Preaching To The Choir as just another cheap Troll Trick, one that's been around since before the internet was even invented. They do this same thing at TBC also, just from the other side of the aisle. As trolls go, it's easy enough to ignore.

seoulbro said:

    I know the CBT gang has no use for my penny pinching, but I was willing to meet them half way. Fash knows that I have wanted centre-left for civil discussion. But, the CBTer's don't seem capable of doing that.

I'll remind seoulbro that I began with him by taking this oft-repeated claim of his seriously, and had a few conversations with him in which I discussed the topic with an open mind, most civilly, yielding a point or two whilst he yielded nothing at all. But all I had to do was bring up the general topic of James M. Buchanan, Public Choice theory, Charles Koch, and the Nancy MacLean book "Democracy in Chains" to turn his "civil discourse" claim into a gigantic JOKE. That thread is still there, should he wish to refresh his memory. Better luck next time.

Fashionista said:

    I want to say I'm a little disappointed in the way Peaches departed here...I know he didn't get along with many posters here, but I thought he had no issue with Cronus and I.

Correct as to Cronus, I don't think we've ever had an issue. And you and I have both made the effort. But there are two things... one is, you invited me to a secret social place where I promised to be nice, no trolling or flaming, and subsequently you brought both Stubby and Poofie in there and allowed them to flail away at me until they got bored with it. And two, after Cindy reported your forum to your host you stated you were going to "kick me out" of that social place because I had turned out to be "a snake." That is as illogical as Mel blaming you for stuff RW did as admin here. I am not Cindy – and if you can't see that, I've evidently misplaced my trust in you.

Stubby Smellz wrote:

    The Halloween freak I chased outta here

Stubby knows by now that I find his 2009 characterizations of me (as well as his endless air claims) to be tiresome at best. But I'll comment on this one because it bears on what I told Fash a couple of years ago when Stubby (ThugLife) showed up at the Cashew with his new running buddy Martini in tow, and set out to schmooze Shen Li and Fashionista up, no doubt in pursuit of one of his dank schemes. And Fash asked me privately what I thought of one of his proposals and I counseled her against trusting him.

So now, let us look at this claim that Stubby Smellz has made, the one I quoted. In order for this to be true, Stubby would have to have executed a Long Troll by having Dovey start a thread there in Rejected about what a pack of haterz was at CBT, and judiciously fluff the thread in order to troll up a "Fash, let's you and them fight" contest and hope one of them would report the other to their host. And then he'd have to count on Fash to turn on me due to "guilt by association."

But wait...all of that shit DID happen, right? Was it coincidence, or was it all by Stubby's design? I'll have to let you be the judge, but evidently he thinks HE gets the credit for my leaving TBC. It's not nearly as impressive a feat as me trolling his vertically challenged ass out of TrollValhalla when he was an admin there, but still there might be some cold comfort there for him. After all, he did post at StinkyGonadz recently that he'd spent the last decade or more of his life hating me, so maybe this will help him out. I just think he should thank everyone who helped him, though, and give Fash the credit.

And one last thing – alla y'all can KEEP the Rejected sub. It's a sure recipe for trouble, to allow folks with grudges to post anonymously.
The Guest Nest / The Portland PD needs to take note
October 21, 2020, 09:27:35 AM
Police in NIgeria open fire on protestors after 12 days.

Meanwhile, in Portland we're up to what now? 120 days or some dumb shit like that?

Mow those cock sucking soyboy losers down already ! They're unemployable jagoff leaches on society and no one will miss them."> ... y-protests">
These states have the highest unemployment

Hawaii and Cali... lol... both of them need to sink into the ocean tomorrow."> ... 35273.html">
Former Gov Chris Christe leaves hospital after only a few days

that's TWO so called "high risk" individuals who have tested positive for COVID and treated within days

But no, keep the economy on lockdown and sink the economy so that full blown communism can take root

Fucking lemming pigs on the left, I swear"> ... 9-released">
The Guest Nest / 2020 would be the best year ever
October 09, 2020, 02:04:46 PM
If Nancy Pelosi suddenly dropped fucking dead right there in the middle of a press conference

Dianne Frankenstien too

The three witches burning in hell together would be a wonderful way to start the new year.
And the fact that they are doing this 3 weeks before the election tells you everything you need to know about who the winner is going to be.

4 MORE YEARS!"> ... mps-health">
The Guest Nest / Kamala got SMOKED!
October 07, 2020, 10:38:49 PM
I personally saw the looks on the faces of 3 black women and they all agreed she was toast within the first 10 minutes

THat ratchet hoe needs to go back to sucking dick. THis VP thing ain't for her  ac_lmfao
The Guest Nest / The Trump train is rolling
October 07, 2020, 02:25:18 PM
And America is all on board


And Ruth Bader is still
The Guest Nest / On the fence with this one
October 07, 2020, 12:42:33 PM
DOJ decides not to seek the death penalty for ISIS members who beheaded 4 so called Americans

I mean, they were libs afterall."> ... n-hostages">
The Guest Nest / Get well soon 45
October 03, 2020, 11:09:46 AM
America loves you and we know you'll beat this like you've beaten every rotten cocksucking piece of shit liberal that's  tried to come after you

Long live 45!
The Guest Nest / I could not date a liberal woman
September 30, 2020, 11:03:11 AM
I don't care how fine you are or how wet your pussy is.

if you're a liberal there will be no you and I. I'll get up from the dinner table on a first date and walk out the minute she tells me she's a liberal leftist vermin rat.

I'd rather jerk off.
The Guest Nest / Trump destroyed Biden
September 29, 2020, 11:22:47 PM
Biden couldn't list one single plan that was feasable

That moron is done
It is truly awe inspiring.

They have courage and I salute them

The Guest Nest / By the way?
September 22, 2020, 09:24:19 PM
What ever happened with that Goya boycott?

Did the spazzes on the left manage to wipe them off the face of the earth yet?
The Guest Nest / who does this remind you of?
September 22, 2020, 06:59:31 PM

Enough said

The Guest Nest / today is a good day
September 18, 2020, 11:13:19 PM
Such a good day I want to take a moment to publicly apologize to Poofer for every mean thing i've ever said about him

let's me friends again brah

water under the bridge as far as i'm concerned

God is good.

My faith in the future of humanity is restored.
The Guest Nest / Because Evil vader ginsburg is dead
September 18, 2020, 10:55:21 PM