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Messages - Dove

Quote from: JOE on June 01, 2024, 10:52:35 PMYa know Bigly, after listening to the verdict & the news, I'm not sure if Trump is as guilty as they say he is. Not saying he isn't. Obviously he crossed the line somewhere.

However, I'm still not entirely convinced that this case warranted a CRIMINAL trial.

It seems more a like a CIVIL case ta me.

Prostitutes, hush money, blonde whores, etc. 

Heck I don't even see what Trump or any man sees in Stormy Daniels.

She looks so butch, full of silicon implants and Kinda ugly imho.

She's def not very pretty.

Didn't @Dove said she met or performed alongside her?

anyways this whole charade seems like One Big Media Circus.

 Yes unfortunately I worked at Penthouse New Orleans and I know her.

 She's disgusting.
Quote from: JOE on May 30, 2024, 07:25:03 PMWhile I'm no fan of Trump Bigly, I wonder why Trump is feared compared to George W Bush who came before him.

ie -

They talk about Trump dismantling democracy in America & taking away all your rights, but I think a lot of that had already been done during the W Bush administration with the Democrats looking on in approval. Obama rolled back many rights of Americans too. Some of the things his administration did were appalling

 Well if you know what "dismantling democracy" actually means when they say makes sense.

 They are panicking because Trump can start investigations into all the criminal and horrible shit that has been done. The Bidens...Fauci...Clinton's.

 Imagine the covid investigations.

 The first comment says "He threw her out like a GTA character" and I can't stop fucking laughing  :crampe:

 @Biggie Smiles you'll love this  :crampe:
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 28, 2024, 08:58:32 AM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on May 27, 2024, 01:57:24 PMBlack people are waking up and it brings me great joy to see it for I too was once under such a cloak of darkness. As a latino I am supposed to adopt the rhetoric by default. Why you think of all the conservative trolls on this site the snowflakes over yonder hate me the most? Have you not seen the same with @Erica Mena under her Countess Id? Is it because we insult them with any greater impact or veracity than any of you? NO. It is because as minorities we represent the most damaging truth to the narrative they are attempting to feed the lemmings. Us, and people like us, like those you see at the south bronx rally are the proverbial fly in the ointment. A threat to the narrative that is most difficult to contain.

And when the epiphany at scale does take place that's when you see the true racist I've been referencing all along in these rodents come to the surface. You'll see clearly how they reserve their most belligerent hatred for black men and women who exit the plantation of their mind.

It is the American minorities  they are most intimidated by as it is very difficult bill of sale to convince any reasonable minded person with a modicum of independent thought that someone like 50 cent, Candace Owens, Ice Cube, Ben Carson, Justice Thomas and a host of many others actually hate their own kind.

Hard sell indeed.

So until the importation of their new and improved voting base is completed they will continue to attempt their mental intimidation tactics on these people with terms like "house nigger", Oreo Cookie and "you ain't black" as a their last ditched attempt to keep the herd in line until which time they are no longer needed.

And they will use caricatures like AOC as implants in the mental prison they have constructed through the various social media and entertainment platforms to make people believe they have a champion. Much the same way the Architect and Oracle inserted Neo into the matrix to control a predictable anomaly.

You don't have a champion when the champion is adored by the very same instrument that is oppressing you. You have a champion when you look to the person they hate more than you because he is willing to help you open your eyes and actually do something about it. That's where your champion is. Your champion is a man with flaws. Imagine that. He's cheated on his wives. He's grabbed women with low self esteem by the pussy because they let him. He's leveraged capitalism to make deals most favorable to himself, sometimes, at great cost to the person sitting at the other-side of the bargaining table. He's said mean things to people. He's held that we , as a people, are more important to him than outsiders who hate us.

Gosh, with all of these facts on the table I'm beginning to foster the insane idea that maybe I should be voting for policy instead of the moral turpitude of the man behind those policies. Does the opposition have a policy I can anchor onto? Something I can read, see, feel, touch?  Something like an itinerary as to where this nation, to whom I pay a third of my income is headed?

Or suffice to say I shouldn't vote for him because he's all of those things I mentioned previously PLUS  He's a criminal sitting in a NYC kangaroo court where murderers, rapists and thieves are turned loose on society to repeat again because ALvin Bragg says so.  Fighting the charges of felonies neither the prosecutors, biased judge or supporting media can articulate or explain.

might as well coin a fancy hashtag and be done with it already

#Believe All Charges

Your champion isn't Illhan Omar, a boisterous traitor who revels in her treason and makes it pretty well known she'd like nothing more to see YOU, or anyone who looks like YOU and not HER, hung from the nearest tree.

No no, YOUR champion is diverting time, energy and resource away from fighting for YOU to stop a highly alarming precedent from being set by a gaggle of activist elitists who have one end goal in mind. Place into legitimacy the notion that the government can seize personal property for any reason at any time with no constitutional barriers constraining their efforts.

 Or did you not realize that democrats love legislating from the bench as democracy is an all too tedious process to endure. Plus, it does not guarantee a predictable and repeatable outcome. Because, my friend, if you truly believe 454 million in fines is a just outcome for embellishing an credit application with assets inflated either deliberately or otherwise I truly pity you. Because it wont stop there. Just like Roe Vs Wade didn't stop there. Originally that ruling was intended to strike a balance. I read it. But balance is never good enough for a libtard and thus came to life the idea that women could murder their offspring up until the day this living, breathing child was set to exit the birth canal.

And so, Once the precedent is set the tentacles will grow and seek new avenues of applicability. They always do.  And before you know it, you'll be in danger of financial ruin if you've mildly embellished work history on a resume, inflated assets & income on a credit app and so on and so forth. Isn't that the end game for any tyrannical socialist regime? As history has most certainly shown their first order of business to seize property and descend into chaos and poverty from there? You know, the whole RobinHood effect which our society has been glorifying since we were children? So you know they've got the seeds planted already. It's just a matter of continuing to water them.

Yep, when a minority like myself leaves the plantation the former smiles and assurances of acceptance will most certainly come to a bitter and immediate end. And that's when the guilt trips begin. And they come in the form of intimidation that will be vile, baseless and disgustingly littered with untruths. But most of all it will show you clearly who these people really are, always were, and most importantly always will be.

The vampire becomes increasingly restless as daybreak approaches. Does he not?

 Trump grabbed me by the pussy when I saw him psychologically maul the press.  :drunk2:
Politics / Re: Pelosi Hypocrisy Astounding
May 25, 2024, 12:49:25 AM
Quote from: Shen Li on May 25, 2024, 12:36:52 AMTrannies are only the latest libtard fad. They will move on to some new group in need of hate protection. Peds could be next.

 I'm 100 percent certain that's next.

 It's been getting rebranded as "MAPS"(minor attracted people) and there have been orgs who were basically pedo activists. Like Heart Progress.

 The angle is attempting to drum up sympathy for how they can't help it. How they "don't offend"...being a "map" doesn't make you a predator. How it's do stigmatized that these people are too afraid to come out and get help and that makes them more likely to offend.

 All the typical bleeding heart bullshit that we KNOW the minute people start accepting that narrative, the next step is the age of consent being lowered.

 I severely trolled the shit out of a pedo group on social media. There are groups of teenagers who troll them and try to get them busted soliciting minors.

 They feel emboldened enough go shit test the surface. And they've been doing it.
Politics / Re: Pelosi Hypocrisy Astounding
May 24, 2024, 11:19:02 PM
Quote from: Herman on May 24, 2024, 10:31:04 PMSame here with Pierre Pollivere. Barring a miracle for Justine, PP will become prime minister next year.

This country is so screwed, the best we can hope for is he will delay the collapse. But, I will take the delay. And a lot of Americans will too.

 Yep  :drunk2:

 Trying to talk my man into living in a yurt in the woods. We can have goats and chickens and one of those really cool outdoor soaking bath tubs.

 He can be my Bacchus. We will make wine. Frolic in the nude by the river. Eat steak with our hands and make passionate love in the cool grass.

 He just looks at me like I've lost my mind and says "we can do all that here and have indoor plumbing" and I say...."yeah for NOW. Not so much when the revolution comes!"

 I'm trying. If he wants to stay and deal with being in the suburbs when it collapses....I guess I'm staying too.

 At least we have firearms and plenty of ammo and emergency food dust lol.  You just add hot water and it becomes beef stroganoff hahaha.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 24, 2024, 11:14:23 PM
Quote from: Herman on May 24, 2024, 10:33:06 PMThe hard left parties in Canada play the race card too. So far, it is working even though it has produced no tangible improvement.

 Sounds about right.

 It will never produce anything. It's just destructive. In so many ways.

 It's sad and scary.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 24, 2024, 10:27:05 PM
Quote from: Herman on May 24, 2024, 10:09:03 PMJesus H, that is stupid. Indians in Canada vote NDP and Liberal knowing both of those prog parties have failed them for decades.

 They really think it will be worse if they don't.

 Just uninformed and manipulated.
Politics / Re: Pelosi Hypocrisy Astounding
May 24, 2024, 10:25:32 PM
Quote from: Herman on May 24, 2024, 10:12:12 PMA Trump victory without the GOP in control of congress and the senate will mean blocking his agenda again and impeachment bullshit again.

 True. But we will still have more of a shot to gather ourselves.

 Even if Trump wins....we are still fucked. It's going to all crash.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 24, 2024, 09:57:37 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on May 24, 2024, 08:59:20 PMWhen dems feel confident it's because the fix is in, NOT because the people are being given a transparent and fair chance to choose their leadership

 Indeed. And that's why I'm worried about it and hoping they lose NY. And CA. States they think they have on lock.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 24, 2024, 08:55:55 PM
 And the way no one cared about OH....the dems seem far too confident.

 So I'm worried about TX for sure.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 24, 2024, 08:54:49 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on May 24, 2024, 08:51:53 PMNah, I don't want these rodent cocksuckers flipping any state.

Let them keep the shitholes that are irredeemable at this point and fester in the worlds they created. Leave good red states alone

 I don't want them to either. If they get TX it's over unless Trump gets NY. Or CA. Or both.

 Seeing them finally get TX that they worked so hard and so shitty for....piling in all those immigrants....just to see they lost a major state

 You KNOW it would be funny lol
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 24, 2024, 08:52:59 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on May 24, 2024, 08:50:54 PMone of the reasons I wanted Vivek

but noooooooooooooooo ultra right wing hicks just couldn't fathom the idea of voting for a little brown man.

 I love Vivek. I hope to see more of him.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 24, 2024, 08:46:53 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on May 24, 2024, 08:44:39 PMthat's why it's vital to enforce voter id laws

oh but it's RAYCYST to expect the darkies to get drivers licensees!!!! yeah, they're trying real hard to sell that bag of shit to people for real

but as a contingency?

Texas goes blue when all those little crotch rockets  spit out right after these people crossed the border reach their 18th birthday and can vote based on what the country can do for them

we're doomed now or doomed later.

 Preaching to the choir there lol. I know it.

 Thats why I'm hoping if they DO finally flip TX.....Trump flips NY. Even better if he gets NY and CA.

 It will be hilarious  :crampe:
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 24, 2024, 08:45:48 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on May 24, 2024, 08:35:27 PMJust imagine the blood flow if Trump is exonerated next week

good thing they give out free tampons to all the little ladies who were born with girl penises in the state of Oregon or he might be confined to his doll house for weeks without any interaction with the outside world

Trumps big weak spot is people liking him. He will give in to shit if he gets complimented.

If the stupid fucking Dems had a brain...they'd have simply sucked up to him and he probably would have worked with them and gave them their way more.

I'm backing Trump all the way. But I hate how easy he is when he gets flattered. His ego is his weak spot.

Part of me worries that he agreed to some deals and that's why the cases are just all falling apart. Not that there was a case...but if the government is after you, it just doesn't go away easy.

I think that raid on Trumps home was an attempted assassination.  Sending normal cloths...consent to use deadly force and NOT alerting secret service was INSANE. They wanted a shoot out.

Either assassinate Trump or drum up more January 6th hysteria. Tim Pool was talking about this.