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Messages - Adolf Oliver Bush

The Flea Trap / Re: The Coronation
May 19, 2023, 06:45:51 PM
Now, for the rest of my reply to your earlier post. I do apologise, I started this a few days ago, but more pressing concerns demanded my attention and as a consequence I've only been able to add a bit here and there.

You did give me a bit to chew on though and it would be rude of me to ignore it. And I respect myself too much to not share my thoughts and invite your considered reply. Strap in.

Quote from: caskur post_id=500997 time=1684301034 user_id=2156
...Lady C, Megyn Kelly and Nana Akua, and also The Royal Grifter and The Royal Rogue are 5 reliable and cedible sources....They are from what I can see 90-95 accurate..... and better, independent.

Megyn Kelly's name is the only one I'm familiar with there and only through reputation as I've not been following her for quite some years. But I will commend you at least for casting your net wider than the Average Joe who would prefer one mainstream "authority" and insist with hand on heart that its institution was beyond repute. I've a feeling I am preaching to the choir here when I say that to do so is a mistake. Everyone (and this includes you and I) have our biases, some commentators biases are influenced by financial gain and there are those who prefer to remain a breed apart.

I was taught long ago to question authority for this very reason and to this day I apply it across the board - to media, to rulers and representatives, the people I talk to, even myself. It's an essential habit and one I find easy enough to do, especially since I was lucky enough to receive an education in Critical Thinking before it was removed from the Australian educational syllabus and take a personal interest in the consumption of historical and philosophical works as and when time permits. Being open to previously unexplored or unrevealed ideas and taking the time to sift through them to determine their legitimacy in spite of any perceived bias is key to a more rounded understanding of the world about us. Some people lack the stomach for it and default to their echo chambers instead. And you know what? That's fair too - they might prefer to concentrate on other things that fulfill them and potentially the wider community. I like to think I'm smart enough to recognise that even as I see predators circling overhead, running about like Chicken Little screaming that the sky is falling and expecting everyone to drop whatever they're doing to deal with it means that nothing else would get done. I'm content to get my stuff done and to promote an environment where others might get theirs done, preferably without some moneyed shitbag leeching off the equation. Hence my constant attention to potential threat and incessant nudgings for the rest of the herd to get out of harm's way.

You mentioned five sources above and I'll be sure to keep an ear out for them on my daily rounds. I'd return the favour by leaving a few independent resources I imagine might be useful and potentially palatable to your sensibilities. They are:-">The Lotus Eaters: - an aggregator of current affairs and events headed up by one time MEP candidate and Brexiteer Carl Benjamin, a traditionalist and classical liberal who is presently demonetized from YouTube and Patreon for his political and sociological views. Operating out of Swindon in the UK, the site boasts a daily podcast (live Monday to Friday at 8pm by your clock) with a constantly rotating roster of presenters, a newsletter and daily written articles from a variety of learned commentators from different backgrounds. Subscriber funded (therefore about as independent as you can hope for) though there is plenty available in the free section of the site to whet your intellectual appetite should you decide the premium tiers are not for you.">Computing Forever:- Irish based independent commentator and interviewer David Cullen. Shortform videos delivered ad-hoc which vary in length and deal predominantly with both current events as well as where society is headed. Not sure if this particular channel of his is YouTube approved or not, though he does operate a secondary channel on Odysee and YouTube which deals more with popular culture than the videos on his Bitchute channel do. ANTIFA hates his guts.">Felix Rex / Black Pigeon Speaks - Social and political documentaries mostly, varying in length from ten minutes through to feature length. This guy does his research and presents his findings without discernable bias other than perhaps the occasional audible contempt in his delivery. Has been kicked off YouTube innumerable times and is presently demonetized there. You can also find much of his content on his">Bitchute channel.

I've deliberately chosen these three sources because I feel there's a substantial overlap with your expressed interests. Almost certainly you will not agree with all of it, but then I don't either - I don't let it get in my way of hearing what they have to impart. Some of it has proven very useful, I'll often have it in my headphones while I'm doing other things.

Quote from: caskur post_id=500997 time=1684301034 user_id=2156
QuoteI don't necessarily agree with you entirely on the offset of costs either, and I'll tell you why, That 350 million? A great return on investment to be sure, but how much of that do you imagine the taxpayer actually sees? Not much, I'll bet. Someone's hoovering up a greater share of that chunk and any knock-on to the public will be miniscule at best. Most of those tourist dollars would be spent (and taxed again) in London itself, a lefty shithole with sky high rents most middle class professionals can ill afford and overrun with government-subsidised pakistani reffos who are raping British teenage girls at a rate of 20,000 times a year across the isles while the gay pride flagwaving constabulary runs interference for the groomer gangs in the name of diversity. When they aren't out arresting the citizens for making mean tweets online I mean. Twenty miles out of London, those tourist dollars are unknown and the plebs have to be content with curry-flavoured dick.

this entire and truthful paragraph is the reason why suicide is now a popular sport,,, :sad:

The thing is it needn't be. I've seen what untimely ends do to people; I'd not wish that on anyone. I made a promise to myself long ago to never allow myself to get that depressed, because while I have every reason to expect I won't have to deal with the fallout, there's a good chance those I care deeply about will.

Besides, I have unfinished business. I'm still planting trees under whose shade I know I'll never sit.  :wink:

Quote from: caskur post_id=500997 time=1684301034 user_id=2156
 If we could categorically state the original investment was that super-shadowy "someone" pulling the 125 million out of their own pocket then fine, except we know the 125 million was appropriated from the public purse and precious little of the 350 million it generated will actually make it back there. Theft by any other name. I guess the average British taxpayer should be thankful they only lost a couple of quid out of the exchange.

I disagree with this. They got a front row, sensational, one of a kind church service, many hours of a free musical concert and a world wide tourism promtion for a couple of quid. If they whinge over that, they need their crotches kicked in.

And this after you agreed with me above that the tourist dollars meant dick once you got twenty miles out of London, a sprawling metropolis that these days is about as far removed from British tradition as it is possible to be and still be on the same island.

You would kick the crotch out of a Northerner for their ingratitude that a Londoner gets a couple of days exposure, free concert, a church service for the very guy that's in the process of forsaking it... not very charitable of you Caskur. And I imagine that if a similar shindig was organised... in Canberra... you would be as likely to attend it as they. In fact... I imagine I might expect you to tell the eastern states to go fuck themselves. And to give you your money back or you would kick them in the crotch.

Is that a fair assumption? Of course it is. So tell me again why non-Londoners shouldn't feel similarly. If reasonability is the order of the day, I doubt you can.

For what it's worth, I did watch the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Dianna. I'm not in a position to compare it to the recent coronation, but I can tell you that if there was magic to be had in the occasion, the television coverage didn't do it justice. Not for me... and I've worked in media as you know. Actually being at an Event is where it's at... watching it on a box while some wanker describes it in overly effusive superlatives is a surefire way of cheapening it.
The Flea Trap / Re: The Coronation
May 19, 2023, 05:42:56 PM
Quote from: DKG post_id=501006 time=1684330899 user_id=3390
Quote from: caskur post_id=500998 time=1684302194 user_id=2156
As for the American in the video, he is a paranoid fuck.

He knows NOTHING about how our system works.... the last people on earth I would take advice from are Americans. They have moved so far away from the middle ground they are alien to me.

I agree.

Well he's not the only one saying it and there are plenty of others who have gone in depth as to the whys and wherefores of the argument. I said before that Charles was not his mother; I meant it. She might not have beaten him about the gills like a redheaded stepchild, but her disapproval for his ideas was palpable in so many little, different ways. Valid disapproval, which I'm inclined to agree with.

You could start with his desire to be accommodating to faiths at the expense of the Anglican. Also known as the Church of England. The reigning monarch of England's religion and one that the prince... now king... is effectively consigning to the scrapheap after five centuries of accepted tradition. Tossed in the round file next to the remnants of that eight century old tradition, the Magna Carta. You know, the document that allowed for the peasantry to own their own houses, the right to speedy and fair trials, to see the evidence leveled against them, that they might be considered innocent until proven guilty and so on.

The document that insisted the king and his government was not above the law. Yes, THAT document.

I don't think you realise what King Charles is about, either of you. You are so caught up in the pageantry you have NO idea of what the man actually is and are defaulting to identitarian copouts to continue basking in the dream. Which will give you a warm and moist feeling in your panties... in the short term at least.

Like the progtards before you in fact, as they raised their voices against those who cautioned them to keep an eye out for what was being lined up for us all after their hated Orangeman Bad.

And hear how "happy" they are two years on...">

Open your eyes. Open your minds. It might be the only thing that saves you.
The Flea Trap / Re: This n that
May 19, 2023, 05:08:08 PM
I hope they merge and become a mudwrestling channel. My money's on Anderson Pooper taking a dive just so he can get Sean Hannity's slug up his skinny cracked rump.
The Flea Trap / Re: Freud!!
May 19, 2023, 05:04:08 PM
The nappyhead he's chatting with spells as bad as SemenJaw.
Joe, your post reeks of the same stank that emanates from those who presently blame guns for all the mayhem and strife in America. AI is but a tool, the capacity for its misuse rests solely in the fuckwit who misuses it.

By all means, go ahead and put it down, it will only make you an easier target for those who pick up theirs.
The Flea Trap / Re: This n that
May 19, 2023, 04:48:55 PM
Quote from: Herman post_id=501044 time=1684360717 user_id=3396
Quote from: Guest post_id=500887 time=1684206544


That is what I said.

I find myself wondering which network will go bankrupt first... FOX or CNN.
The Flea Trap / Re: ANNOUNCEMENT
May 19, 2023, 04:39:43 PM
Quote from: "The Wise and Powerful" post_id=501106 time=1684454232 user_id=3395
Quote from: "Adolf 0liver Bush" post_id=501059 time=1684393533

FRW? Faggy Retard Wankers? I was talking about POLLOOTIKOF. Had gangs of fun trolling Manbearpig into thinking her palsied eggnippled boobage was Ladyship material before you relaxed the standards to let PI peddlers like her in.

You mean you'd forgotten?

Are you related to Joe Biden?

She was talking about FRW. Not OOTIKOF. Do try to keep up.

I was talking about POLLOOTIKOF, not Fried Rancid Willies. YOU keep up!

Ahhh, me. It's just like old times... only without you prostituting yourself to some progtard pretend intellectual overlord and editing every last one of my posts. And speaking of THE MOR0N, hope he's doing well in DeSantisville, waging equity on troons and ANTIFAgs while he battens down the buttplugs in preparation for four more years of Trump.  :yahoo:
The Flea Trap / Re: ANNOUNCEMENT
May 19, 2023, 04:37:45 PM
Quote from: "The Wise and Powerful" post_id=501107 time=1684454300 user_id=3395
Quote from: "Adolf 0liver Bush" post_id=501060 time=1684394098

You authenicated it once, you can do it again. I believe in you!

I'd say "ask OBI-WANK", but we all know he only ever larped as a Knight in shining armour; in real life it's only a few sheets of cardboard and some sticky tape with some crudely drawn boobage on it. Everyone needs a hobby, he found his, bless him.

(Or wee in his Wheaties, whatever floats your boat  ac_biggrin )

I have no panel here. Just how inept are you???

Clearly not very, I had you dead to rights didn't I? And my faith in Flea to get it right... well founded as it seems. A smart lass that Flea, either worked it out for herself or knew who to ask for further instruction. IE: not you. Heh.

Kow's the lobsters you old bastard? Keeping the brillo pad nice and trim?
The Flea Trap / Re: Recovering from Covid...
May 19, 2023, 04:30:53 PM
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501147 time=1684526563 user_id=3351
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501144 time=1684525012 user_id=3409

Why, you planning to suck sideways slanting cut cock or something?

Nope. You plan on getting assraped by your local boogy joo? Does the boogy joo only come at light? Oi Vey!!!!

We're all out of boogy joos over here, I sent them over to your place last night. I told them you had a microwave that seats 400, they're going to spunk all over the insides of it and make latkes with the resulting spooge for their next bah mitzva.

30 minutes on high ought to do it. Think you can handle it or do I need to send and instruction manual over as well, old man?
The Flea Trap / Re: Rest in heaven Brent
May 19, 2023, 04:21:07 PM
Quote from: Frood post_id=501122 time=1684491376 user_id=1676
I hope Dead Distorted View's...

THE Dead Distorted Views?">


Oh right... Brent. I'm calling troll.
The Flea Trap / Re: They keep dropping.
May 19, 2023, 03:52:58 PM
The Flea Trap / Re: Recovering from Covid...
May 19, 2023, 03:36:52 PM
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501141 time=1684522579 user_id=3351
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=501140 time=1684520818 user_id=1728

Come on Shlomo, you must have wised up by now!

Hey, I just wanna know which slant eyed bat eating JOOOOOOZE invented COVID-19!!!!!  :laugh3:

Why, you planning to suck sideways slanting cut cock or something?
Quote from: DKG post_id=501001 time=1684316682 user_id=3390
Quote from: Guest post_id=500965 time=1684280326

What I do know is the next time I catch someone out in the real world singing the praises of Billary Clithorn, I'll have an open and shut case as to either how ill-informed they are.

Or how outrageous a cunt they are, one or the other. Either way I'm going to enjoy destroying their narrative.  ac_biggrin

The Clintons left a a lot of problems for future generations.

Come on, I'm sure Chelsea isn't THAT bad...  :laugh3:
The Flea Trap / Re: This woke shit
May 18, 2023, 08:37:43 PM
Quote from: Blazor

Meanwhile in a grade eight classroom in Illinois...

This is a war.
The Guest Nest / Re: Never say never...
May 16, 2023, 09:38:10 PM
Grassy ass.  acc_hugz