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The Guest Nest / Re: Kyle what's up with you be...
Last post by you know the thing - Today at 05:18:06 AM
Quote from: Brent on June 02, 2024, 11:36:30 AMAmerica is being invaded at the Southern border. The president's team are coming close to jailing his opponent in the middle of an election. There is a war on cheap affordable domestic energy.

I don't care about this gossip. Working class people are facing a lot more important problems as Biden turns the States into a banana republic.

Quote from: Brent on June 02, 2024, 12:25:40 PMIt is not a public matter. It is something for the Rittenhouse family to deal with themselves.
^Also this. But, you must surely understand the nature of the scalp that's being claimed here. Rittenhouse, like  Nick Sandman before him, was a private citizen before randomly being selected by the media as the poster-boy for how fundamentally evil MAGA supporters were. Every attempt was made to isolate, vilify and destroy the life of an adolescent for political purpose.

I agree... this OUGHT NOT BE THE CASE... but pragmatism and experience tells me that it is and that I must be on my guard against it. I have no idea of the character of the interviewers, nor what associations they might enjoy outside of their podcast. Don't know them from a piece of shark. They could very well be the next TYT in the making for all I know. They could be taking a second bite at the Kyle Rittenhouse cherry to destroy what the Media Machine failed to accomplish first time around for all I know.

He was made a public figure (without his explicit agreement) and here we are, allowing it to happen again. So yeah, I hear you.

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 02, 2024, 11:44:05 AMwhat would be the motive for such a complete 180?
Money. Mind buggeringly huge amounts of money.

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 02, 2024, 11:44:05 AMand they are referencing passages from his book which is available to anyone who wishes to purchase it.
Have you read it? Are you likely to? I'm willing to bet the answer to that question is the same as mine... namely "no". So in lieu of that, we're going to take someone else's word on the contents of said book and what we are supposed to think about them?

Look, I'm not stating emphatically that Kyle is as pure as the driven snow... I am also not prepared to say he is a complete cunt. I have no evidence to support either premise and while I am inclined to think the actual answer is between the two, I have no direct evidence to support that either.

I do have evidence to see what transpired in Kenosha, as well as video evidence of the media gunning for him all cannons blazing, politicians encouraging riots if a certain verdict was not reached, as well as a very convincing display of emotion from Kyle himself when he prevailed.

I also have the display of his sister grinning as she plunged the knife into his back without him there to defend himself.

You do you. I'll take my understanding of media manipulation (a good slice of it first hand experience) and do me.
The Guest Nest / Re: THERE ARE ONLY TWO MEN BOR...
Last post by you know the thing - Today at 04:42:54 AM
Quote from: Dove on June 02, 2024, 10:32:18 PMMy man said he is genuinely worried about an assassination attempt. One that succeeds.

 He also said it may be more likely though that some AI made audio of Trump saying something awful will get released like 4 days before election day.

 Because by the time it's proven fake...election will be over and it won't matter.
Tell your man that everything is possible. Including skiing through a revolving door now, apparently. Because the Uniparty's house is in complete shambles and their only out is to attack the reputation of their opponents.

It will be a dirty fight, and one waged by a criminal oligarchy that is seeing power slipping through their fingers.

Recently I coached Biggie into encouraging people to vote early, rather than on the day. I forget where I said it, only that it was prior to a more recent thread he made where he proudly proclaimed he'd be out there early on polling day, so... message not received or simply discarded? Meh, it's his decision and, as such, he's made it.

Many Republican voters will do the same... it is a weakness the ailing Uniparty will not hesitate to exploit.

Imagine instead, if the culture within Republican and particularly MAGA sympathists were to vote early instead. To lock in their vote well and truly ahead of the election. Granted, it's not something I would normally advocate for, preferring instead to leave my options open until the last possible moment. Let the candidate fight for my vote right up to the point I put pen to paper.

But these are special circumstances and I must be prepared to think outside the box.

I am encouraging everyone I know with skin in the game to lock in their votes early. "Well before polling day" early. Voting "like a democrat would" in other words, getting a tidal flood of genuinely submitted votes that cannot be peverted by means of the kinds of shit seen in previous elections (dodgy election ballot software, ballots printed on the wrong size of paper, polling booths closed early etc) as well as the spectre of AI generated "evidence" being rolled out at the last minute to confuse those that were unlikely to vote for a democrat into doing exactly that.

Because I believe the current administration and its backers are exactly the kind of pigfuckers to do such a thing. They've proved it to me, time and time again.

I expect this will fall on deaf ears and blind eyes; my advice has a tendency to do that. A shame really, our window to make a meaningful change, to wrench the window wide open so we all might swarm through it rather than having it slammed on our fingers... is fast closing.

And while there is potential to fuck with an early ballot, it's not what the oligarchs are expecting from your average patriot and those oligarchs will necessarily be caught on the back foot, scrambling to play catch up.

I sincerely hope my message is heard before it is too late. It would be nice to wake up one November morning soon to a map of glorious red across a truly united states of America.
The Guest Nest / Re: yeah, putting Trump in jai...
Last post by you know the thing - Today at 04:11:14 AM
The most ridiculous thing? There are still people in this world that think he's the tits.
The Guest Nest / Re: THERE ARE ONLY TWO MEN BOR...
Last post by deport_liberals - Today at 03:25:28 AM
As the Biden scum are saying.  6% of 6 states.
The Guest Nest / Re: THERE ARE ONLY TWO MEN BOR...
Last post by deport_liberals - Today at 03:22:32 AM
The easiest way is to just steal the voats again.
House Dem who challenged Biden in primary calls on Gov. Hochul to pardon Trump for 'good of the country'

Rep. Dean Phillips, President Biden's former primary challenger, called on New York Gov. Kathy Hochul to pardon former President Donald Trump for "the good of the country."

Source: House Dem who challenged Biden in primary calls on Gov. Hochul to pardon Trump for 'good of the country'
Politics / Is Tulsi Gabbard positioning h...
Last post by JOE - Today at 01:52:33 AM seems that way:

Politics / Re: Politics/Religion Consolid...
Last post by Lokmar - Today at 01:07:20 AM
Quote from: Oerdin on June 02, 2024, 07:03:11 PMWow, this one is crazy.  An elite prostitution ring in NYC gets busted and the FBI "accidentally" leaks the client list which contains thousands of extremely rich and powerful married men.  Then the FBI claims it was a mistake to release the file and demands everyone delete it.  It gets even weirder from there.

A cult, hookers, billionaires, politicians, and a FBI cover up.

The fbi needa to be unalived.
avatar_Shen Li
The Flea Trap / Re: This n that
Last post by Shen Li - Today at 12:43:43 AM
GO OILERS GO!!! :yeahhh:   :drunk2: :yeahhh:
News & Current Events / Re: You’re damn right I will v...
Last post by Dove - Today at 12:11:38 AM
Quote from: Oliver the Second on June 02, 2024, 11:29:39 PMI still have no idea what exactly the crime was.

 I think it was he somehow used campaign funds to give Stormy Daniels hush money.

 As if anyone cares he banged a hooker.

 It's different convictions too. It's weird.