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The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Last post by James Bond - Today at 02:28:07 PM
Admin is wetting himself dreaming that the Democratic party might be able to finally end those pesky elections permanently by jailing everybody who does not support men in women's prisons and girl's locker rooms.
Quote from: DKG on Today at 09:58:58 AMPrecisely. And again welcome professor.

Thank you.
Quote from: JOE on Today at 02:15:56 PMActually Bigly if they were going after an ex President they shoulda gone after Bush Cheney. Those bastards ruined yer country and much of the world.

....oh but wait, they're protected by the Deep State and the political Establishment. Lol

and maybe they could have gone after the clintons for the very same activities?

worse actually.. as the Steele dossier and the concealment of payments used to fund it most certainly had an impact on the 2016 election and even the 4 years after as I seem to recall the Russia Russia Russia probe that cost American 36 million in tax payer funding had it's roots in that whole transcript of lies

but you're a fucking moron who sits on the fence acting like there's some grand and baffling mystery to it all when in fact it's as plain as fucking daylight to anyone who can divide their IQ by 2 and still arrive at a whole number

News & Current Events / Re: You’re damn right I will v...
Last post by JOE - Today at 02:18:12 PM
One ex President starts illegal wars that result in a million deaths gets off while the other fucks a Porn star & gets nailed with a Criminal record.

Yeah that seems logical
News & Current Events / Re: You’re damn right I will v...
Last post by JOE - Today at 02:15:56 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 02:11:47 PMwhat's next now that we're constructing these types of frankenstien precedents where you can be jailed for logging payments ambiguously despite the fact that all the detail in the world wouldn't have the slightest bit of consequence on anyone?

Will we be placing NY based business owners in jail for recording time of day start times in EST instead of UTC? If someone logs overtime in the form of 3.6 hours and accounting decides ah fuckit just round up to 4 hours will they suffer for such a heinous crime 10 years after the fact?

The scum on the left is so blinded by their rage they cannot see the forest for the trees and do not understand how precedent is just a powerful standard as is legislating something law. See Roe vs Wade for details.

you leftist scumbags disgust me

Actually Bigly if they were going after an ex President they shoulda gone after Bush Cheney. Those bastards ruined yer country and much of the world.

....oh but wait, they're protected by the Deep State and the political Establishment. Lol
what's next now that we're constructing these types of frankenstien precedents where you can be jailed for logging payments ambiguously despite the fact that all the detail in the world wouldn't have the slightest bit of consequence on anyone?

Will we be placing NY based business owners in jail for recording time of day start times in EST instead of UTC? If someone logs overtime in the form of 3.6 hours and accounting decides ah fuckit just round up to 4 hours will they suffer for such a heinous crime 10 years after the fact?

The scum on the left is so blinded by their rage they cannot see the forest for the trees and do not understand how precedent is just a powerful standard as is legislating something law. See Roe vs Wade for details.

you leftist scumbags disgust me

News & Current Events / Re: You’re damn right I will v...
Last post by JOE - Today at 02:08:58 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 12:34:57 PMI'm fully aware of the obvious fact that he is a drooling fucktard. But I figured I'd have a little fun with some creative analogies in the process.

I mostly leave him to shit in his own playpen to his heart's content because it's not like he's going to suddenly come up with some valuable knowledge or anything

Actually Bigly for some reason, I find this verdict somewhat disturbing. Not sure why. As Tulsi Gabbard said, it's not something people should gloat about because moving forward it divides your country not heals it. The verdict has not resolved anything or outstanding differences. Its akin to the dred Scott decision or Roe v Wade. It creates more fissures than resolves.
News & Current Events / Re: You’re damn right I will v...
Last post by Frood - Today at 01:58:28 PM
Quote from: JOE on Today at 01:57:29 PMWell they nailed Clinton over the same sorta thing although he was never convicted.

Someone here remarked that Trump is a 1980s/90s Democratic President or candidate. In some respects that is true. Ie John Edward's Eliott Pitz & others. But they managed to get away with it but he didn't

Ok, Canuckistani Boomer.
News & Current Events / Re: You’re damn right I will v...
Last post by JOE - Today at 01:57:29 PM
QuoteNow tell me how the fuck him sleeping with some washed up porn star 10 years prior is going to have any impact whatsoever on his chances of wiping the floor with Hillary. The whole story was a political nothing-burger and if anything, the guy was a cheating husband attempting to conceal his misdeeds from his own wife.

Well they nailed Clinton over the same sorta thing although he was never convicted.

Someone here remarked that Trump is a 1980s/90s Democratic President or candidate. In some respects that is true. Ie John Edward's, Clinton,  Eliott Pitz & others. But they managed to get away with it w/o getting Criminal records but he didn't
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Last post by Garraty_47 - Today at 01:55:19 PM
Quote from: JOE on Today at 11:41:47 AMActually I can't figger out why Left & Right in America hate each other so much.

Then either you haven't "actually" thought about it or you're not "actually" being honest.

It's not a mystery. It's not a puzzle. It's not even hidden.

Just say you don't "actually" care and aren't going to "actually" waste any time looking into it. That's not against the law anywhere that I'm aware of. Ignoring something then pretending your ignorance is the result of that thing being complicated or obscure is essentially telling a lie.