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Messages - JOE

You oughta cut back on that sorta thing.

My brother used to indulge himself heavily in sweets. Now he's got diabetes.

I've decided to TRY to cut down on sugar intake.

Not that I've been any good at cutting back or that disciplined myself, but having seen a family member get it, at least now I'm aware of its dangers. I still eat way too much of the stuff tho'. I try to limit myself to the equivalent of 1 small chocolate bar a day. But that is over the recommended limit.

Too much processed sugar is lethal.

Sorry if that offends you.

Every time I see or read about sweet sugary desserts I'm reminded of his condition.

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Renee"OMG Dessert.

WOW...the wife and I both are drooling over that...

Where are you dining at?

Long Horn Steak House.....a girlfriend and I met up for dinner after work. The dinner itself was.....okay. The dessert was phenomenal..... :thumbup:

2 scopes of vanilla bean ice cream and 2 pieces of the best chocolate fudge cake I've had in a long time. Definitely the highlight of the dinner.

The picture doesn't really do it justice because it was huge. We split it and there was still some left over that neither of us could finish.
The Flea Trap / Re: Olivia Ku dead at 25.
May 21, 2016, 04:24:33 AM
Quote from: "Blurt"">//

Too young to die, methinks.

Olivia Who? ....oh ya mean....Ku?

Never heard of her.

Fame jes' ain't what it used ta be.

Here today, gone tomorrow. Oh well.

Anyways, the article says she died at Hoibihu:">

....that's close to Kaoshung in Taiwan, one of the most polluted cities on the planet. The article says she took her mask off. Maybe she swallowed the water and died from it (?). Either that, or she was bumped off by the underworld (?). Never know, there's always some mafia involvement in the entertainment industries. Yeah she died kinda young. Makes ya wonder.
I don't know why you people get so alarmed by Odinson.

He seems to give some of you the heebie jeebies.

I don't know what harm he causes.

If anything, he's become too boring and predictable.

He needs to change his seoulbro pointed out so well.

Odinson is:......zzzzzzz
....the wilderness or the a dangerous place.

If you enter, do so at your own risk. is a completely different world from 'civilization'.

Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "Herman"Common sense stuff. I was going to buy property abroad, but I decided to farm in Saskatchewan instead. Snakes were not the reason I decided to stay home. Though I think JOE is a little wuss and scared of his own shadow.

Gotta confess, I don't like snakes, lizards, crocodiles, alligators or other reptiles much. They're hideous. Nothing I'd like to keep around the house.

I am not crazy about any of them either. But, I will not wimp out of going abroad because of them.

Heck Herman, I don't even venture out in the Canadian Wilderness anymore. I had an incident with a Wild animal while working up North which nearly cost me my life.  So now I have this eerie feeling that someone's looking over my shoulder, tapping on it, and saying to me, "You've used up your nine lives, Pal. This one's on me. But the next time, y'aint gonna be so lucky."  I've often felt I should've died that time & sometimes I wonder if I belong here. Hopefully I can stay alive for a while, enjoy life, the Natural Beauty of this earth in some place - safe, ifya know what I mean, eh?

Do you like "living" like that?
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "Herman"Common sense stuff. I was going to buy property abroad, but I decided to farm in Saskatchewan instead. Snakes were not the reason I decided to stay home. Though I think JOE is a little wuss and scared of his own shadow.

Gotta confess, I don't like snakes, lizards, crocodiles, alligators or other reptiles much. They're hideous. Nothing I'd like to keep around the house.

I am not crazy about any of them either. But, I will not wimp out of going abroad because of them.

Heck Herman, I don't even venture out in the Canadian Wilderness anymore. I had an incident with a Wild animal while working up North which nearly cost me my life.  So now I have this eerie feeling that someone's looking over my shoulder, tapping on it, and saying to me, "You've used up your nine lives, Pal. This one's on me. But the next time, y'aint gonna be so lucky."  I've often felt I should've died that time & sometimes I wonder if I belong here. Hopefully I can stay alive for a while, enjoy life, the Natural Beauty of this earth in some place - safe, ifya know what I mean, eh?
Quote from: "Herman"Common sense stuff. I was going to buy property abroad, but I decided to farm in Saskatchewan instead. Snakes were not the reason I decided to stay home. Though I think JOE is a little wuss and scared of his own shadow.

Gotta confess, I don't like snakes, lizards, crocodiles, alligators or other reptiles much. They're hideous. Nothing I'd like to keep around the house.
I don't mind Odinson. He tends to go over the top at times. Yet nothing he's done is illegal nor is he a genuine threat to anyone or their privcay. And at least we're in universal agreement that SMP should be removed and banned from the VF for good. Why evs keeps him there is beyond explanation (granpa's money or fear of retribution?). And she even comes to his defense as if he's her own son.

He's banned everywhere else & is a genuine threat wherever he posts because he stalks others, collects their pi and makes unauthorized use of it. He should have an electric surveillance collar by the police where his Internet activities are monitored & restricted.Plus he's driven off so many ex-members, including many who post here. If VF got rid of that character, it'd improve their forum at least 50% immediatly. The other 50% who drags that it down is Oscar, their forum drunk. Those two are toxic influences who keep many potential new members from joining/staying.
Quote from: "cc la femme"An EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo made two sharp turns before plunging into the Mediterranean Sea, Greece's defence minister says.

Panos Kammenos said the Airbus A320 had "turned 90 degrees left and then a 360-degree turn to the right".

It then dropped more than 25,000ft (7,620m) before disappearing from radar, he added.

....seems like a suicide the way the trajectory of the flight is described.

Unless someone forced the pilot to do that - or - they took over the controls themselves and did it (?).
Not sure why aircraft designers never thought of or could figure out how to make a plane more safe ages ago. Recently, a Russian engineer introduced a design where the fuselage detaches from the aircraft and parachutes enable the cabin to make a safe landing:">"> ... hutes.html">

If they've done it for spacecraft, then why not planes?

It could save a lot of lives.
Quote from: "cc la femme"He has called me "angry" a number of times ... he does it when nailed in discussion  .. same tactic used by cowards like him, Rohammed etc when one "helps" then make themselves look stupid

Their  calling me angry makes me ssssoooo angry   :mad:  acc_angry  :t1929:

 :yahoo:  ac_smile

I think yer both hot!

An' that kiebers needs ta move up ta Canada fer a year, experience a -40 winter ta cool 'im down! He's spent far too much time in the Hot Texas sun, y'know.  :wink:
Kahbuzz, yer at yer best when yer all ornery 'n mad.

I think yer kinda hot tempered an' ya have a tendency ta blot up a lot.

...but I still like readin' what ya have ta say.

Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "J0E"What I find odd, is that its seems a lot easier to approach and meet young girls half my age than it is to older women.

Quote from: "J0E"I  find I have few problems with bein' around young girls, eh?

Quote from: "J0E"But I'm still attractive to the young girls.

You're a creep and everybody knows it. You make SMP look like a distinguished gentleman most days.

If there were a member memorable quote thread...that would be front page material... ac_toofunny
Oh c'mon Renn. You may find me irritating, but I'm never dirty.

All my songs and poems about you are GOOD, CLEAN FUN!

Not even a four letter word uttered in them.

Why, I was humming 2 songs from Joe's Hit Parade, 'Renn Your such a Hen!' & 'Why can't I make Renee Happy?' this morning.

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "J0E"What I find odd, is that its seems a lot easier to approach and meet young girls half my age than it is to older women.

Quote from: "J0E"I  find I have few problems with bein' around young girls, eh?

Quote from: "J0E"But I'm still attractive to the young girls.

You're a creep and everybody knows it. You make SMP look like a distinguished gentleman most days.

I wouldn't go that far. SMP is a real world certified creep. To my knowledge JOE lacks that certification.

But Joe does have a creep flag that he let's fly a little too often.
Hey Renn, since you & RW keep bringing up this accusation, can you provide specific examples or posts that I made on VF or elsewhere which back up your claims? I'd like to see them, please.

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "RW"
Don't start with this shit again Joe.  

Quote from: "Renee"
Jesus H. Christ, do you have any God damn control over how creepy you can be? :negative:

If I may ask ... since my meanderings in the archives have not exposed me to anything weird from JOE ... is there an executive summary available to bring me up to speed?

He's 100% troll with a penchant for dabbling in pedo commentary.

That's  a daring claim to make. Is this a joke, or do you have proof? If not Fash should ban your ass.

Not only am I one if the admins here, I pay the bills for this little slice of the Internet.

Any other complaints you'd like to make?

It's a cheap shot to call someone a pedo without proof on a message board. Real classy

Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?

She didn't call him a "pedo". She said JOE likes to comment on and discuss issues of pedophilia. There is proof of that all over VF......go look for it, dumbass.

Joe likes to speculate about the sexual activity of underage girls and sometimes he gets borderline inappropriate with it. That is no secret. Most long timers around here have been witness to it. A relative newcomer like you should keep your mouth shut and comment only after you have a bit more experience with the troll that Joe likes to throw around.
The Flea Trap / Re: Every bar needs one.....
May 18, 2016, 12:47:00 AM
I got into an argument with someone today about this very issue of liability.

He said that if he invited some friends over for drinks, he felt that it was his responsibility to make sure thathey get home safely. So he either let them stay over at his place, or he acts as the desgnated driver to take them home. He said that the law would find him negligent if allowed them to drink and drive. But I see it differently - that middle aged men ought to be grown up and experienced enough to know their limit. And if they don't they're irresponsible. There's a point in ones life when they have to be men as opposed to teenagers & take responsibility for their actions. We in Canada seem to live this nanny state where numerous individuals delegate blame to someone else when in fact their own fault.
The Flea Trap / Re: Every bar needs one.....
May 17, 2016, 11:48:12 PM
Quote from: "kiebers" :oeudC:  :dash1:

Thank you for educating me about my criminal justice system. Canadians are lucky they get time off for good behavior. The way you are talking the US obviously makes criminals serve the full time given. No time off for good behavior. And your friend that served time in Texas...tough shit. He did the crime and did the time, or did he get time off for good behavior? Oh are implying that doesn't happen bad.

Where is that sarcasm font when you need it????

Now you want to put police in all the bar parking lots....hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha  

Who has the resources to pay for that. Trust me, there will not be enough revenue generated to pay for that. Not to mention the amount of people that will be in jail from that. Crowd that justice system up, eh J0E...overload an already overloaded system, eh J0E.  

Hey I know....put a breathalyzer in all the vehicles instead. Create jobs and make the streets safer.

And not everyone gets drunk at a bar, some get drunk and drive from company functions, home and other places as well.

Knock Knock

Hey Kahbuzz - I wasn't in any way defending the man's actions in the video.

Nor did I offer an opinion about the severity or lack of it in the man's sentence.

I was just pointing out the differences between Canada and the United States.

And clearly there are some.

So don't git so uppity and upset.

It's just that I've never heard of anyone in Canada getting 14 years in prison for a DUI even if it involved fatalities.

So it got my attention. And it was just an observation, not passing judgement.

Anyways, the idea of having breathylizer machines in bars isn't new.

I think they've had them for a while.


Actually, if every patron leaving a drinking establishment was required to blow, it may actually help  the owners by providing them with protection against lawsuits from patrons who blame them for getting them drunk. Similar to warning labels on cigarettes.

There was a case in Canada, where a patron sued a bar for intoxicating him and they were found liable:"> ... b2ee4bee62">

QuoteRICHMOND I The B.C. Court of Appeal has upheld a lower court ruling that in March last year found a Richmond bar owner 50-per-cent liable for a car accident involving a drunken patron.

No financial damages have been awarded in the case but at the time it was reported as the most severe apportionment of blame against a drinking establishment in Canadian history.

The Appeal Court decision came down Thursday following a two-day hearing in Vancouver before Madam Justice Anne Rowles, Madam Justice Catherine Anne Ryan, and Mr. Justice Kenneth Mackenzie.

The hearing was convened after counsel for the Steveston Hotel appealed the March 2005 B.C. Supreme Court ruling that split the liability of the accident evenly between the drunk driver and the bar.

The decision to quash that appeal now paves the way for plaintiffs in the case to seek damages, lawyer Jim McNeney said in an interview Friday.

McNeney represents four of the five men injured outside the Steveston Hotel in the early morning hours of June 12, 1999.

His most seriously injured client, Eric Tremblay, remains unable to live on his own and suffers from orthopedic and brain injuries resulting from the accident, McNeney said.

A hearing to determine damages is scheduled next year in B.C. Supreme Court, McNeney said. He declined to specify how much money he will be seeking on behalf of his clients.

In an interview last March, however, McNeney told The Sun that Tremblay's injuries were similar to those of Natalia Spehar, who was awarded $7.5 million in damages in 2003 after she was injured in a crash.

When told about Thursday's ruling, McNeney said Tremblay was "very, very happy."

Counsel for the Steveston Hotel could not be contacted for comment Friday.

The hotel owners still have the option of applying to the Supreme Court of Canada to hear an appeal of the case.

The crash that injured the five men took place about two blocks from the Steveston Hotel.

Tests would later show that Harry McWilliams, the 21-year-old driver who was involved in the crash, had a blood-alcohol count of more than twice the legal limit. McWilliams had been drinking in the hotel pub prior to getting into his vehicle. After driving away from the bar, McWilliams tried to pull around a pickup truck that was stopped on the road. In doing so, he drove into a crowd of people, mainly teenagers, hitting five of them.

McWilliams pleaded guilty to impaired driving causing bodily harm in August 2000 and received a 14-month conditional sentence. if the bar had signs warning the patron, and allowing him/her the opportunity to know his or her fitness to drive, it could place 100% liability on the patron.