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Messages - Herman

Quote from: JOE on Today at 12:56:47 AMYou talk about it so much, you oughta hop into bed with Thiel hey @Herman Herm?

Re-live yer prison experiences win him over 'n over 'n over again, eh?
It's your better half Thiel that brings it up. Everybody else just has a good laugh like I am now.

At least you are finally getting some.
Politics / Re: Kameltoe Harris
Today at 12:57:25 AM
Quote from: JOE on Today at 12:50:20 AMI know prison life was hard for you @Herman Herm.

But hey....I understand

Had ta shine yer shitter every day see the warden happy, eh?
Of course you know prison life. You did penn time for stalking Blurt. We all know your secret.
Quote from: JOE on Today at 12:52:12 AMHey @Herman Herm it's odd that Thiel identifies with Right Wingers and the Republican Party when they don't accept his kind at all. in Oklahoma

That's what True Right Wing Conservatism is really like, hey Herm?
I don't think you two fairies would have a problem. It's the party of Trump not the party of Mohammad.
The Flea Trap / Re: Laughter Lounge
Today at 12:53:09 AM
Politics / Re: Kameltoe Harris
Today at 12:48:43 AM
Quote from: caskur on Today at 12:43:11 AMNot Megyn Kelly.... she left the TV industry because someone tried to put the hard word on her.... she is married with children, a lawyer by trade and came from a poor family.

Get to know the real Kamala Joe. Get past her lovely exterior. That is what I am doing. Look for the content of her charactor like Martin Luther King said to do.
Joe spreads his ass cheeks for old Thiel.
Politics / Re: Canada is lost
Today at 12:45:20 AM
Under Justine's watch we have become poor and less free.
Politics / Re: Kameltoe Harris
Today at 12:41:00 AM
Quote from: Oliver the Second on Today at 12:20:19 AMKamala doesn't have a damn thing locked up except all those blacks she threw in jail for smoking weed. You can bet that every delegate who promised to vote for her is already making backroom deals with other candidates. Voting time at the convention could all end up being a total fustercluck.
I hope it does.
Never before released video of 9/11 taken by a Japanese tourist.
News & Current Events / Not Harley Davidson
July 26, 2024, 11:40:00 PM
Aint nothing sacred anymore.
Robby Starbuck is a filmmaker who has exposed multiple companies for their woke initiatives. Now, he's exposing Harley-Davidson — and it's not looking good for the all-American motorcycle company.

"We found that they had put 1,800 employees through these woke trainings, including one group of employees, specifically white males, they sent to a white male only diversity training," Starbuck reveals.

But that's not all.

"When you go farther down the line, then they've got a plan to what they call 'diversify their supply chain,' which is really just corporate speak for 'we want less white people,'" Starbucks continues. "The idea is just so far and away from what the American dream is."

Harley-Davison also funded a Pride event that was considered "all-ages."

According to Starbuck, at this Pride event there was a "rage room," which was "right across from the area where drag queens interact with kids for the story time" and a "play catch with dad area for anybody who had daddy issues."

"I'm not joking," Starbuck says, adding, "It is so diametrically opposed to the values of Harley riders."

The company is reportedly also a founding member of the Wisconsin LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce.
Quote from: Thiel on July 26, 2024, 09:17:02 PMOh Jo Jo you get so silly discussing American politics. I don't mind after we have sex, but none of these people have had sex with you. They won't be as understanding as I am.
You got that right.
Quote from: Thiel on July 26, 2024, 09:14:38 PMIt's likely she will be the nominee, but it's not a lock.
Barack Obama hasn't endorse her yet.

Obama believes Harris cannot defeat Donald Trump in the November election.

"Obama's very upset because he knows she can't win," a Biden family source told The New York Post. "Obama knows she's just incompetent -- the border czar who never visited the border, saying that all migrants should have health insurance. She cannot navigate the landmines that are ahead of her."
Politics / Re: Jim Crow Joe
July 25, 2024, 07:22:35 PM
When a reporter asked Jim Crow Joe if he dropped oout of the 2024 presidential race because of his age, he shook hios head no.
A bombshell report from Maryland found nearly 10% of defendants charged with sexual offenses against children in Baltimore County were illegal immigrants from Central America.
Jim Crow Joe supposedly got 81 million votes in 2020, and then he get 14 million more. But at the end of the day, he was no match for a handful of rich party bosses who run the undemocRATic Party.
Politics / Re: Kameltoe Harris
July 25, 2024, 07:07:01 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 25, 2024, 06:59:12 PM

When this dude said her parents met at a 7-11 robbery I almost died  :crampe:
I was on a call with twenty thousand coloured guys. They aint putting up with smartass comedians.