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General Chit Chat / University vs skilled trades
October 11, 2024, 11:22:15 AM
Mark P. Mills, a senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation wrote a fascinating report on the future of the American economy:

The quickly settled International Longshoremen's Association strike takes us one more step toward the Great Inversion: a future in which people in the skilled and semi-skilled trades boast higher average wages than most college graduates. If the justification for most college degrees — only 10 percent of them in STEM fields — reduces to their boosting future earning power, then those graduates will have a problem. (Granted: a college education should be about more than just maximizing earnings.)

It has escaped no one's attention that the settlement with the longshoremen's union will bump up annual starting salaries to about $80,000, with mid-career salaries over $150,000. Both benchmarks are higher than those of 90 percent of college grads. The longshoremen's victory will likely set a market norm, not just for union members, who account for just 10 percent of the workforce, but for the skilled workforce at large. The explanation is found at the intersection of technology and demography.
This is unproven, but even if it is true, it is not like Harris will admit it was her staff that brought the cocaine into the White House.

In July 2023, the Secret Service found a small plastic bag containing less than a gram of powder cocaine inside the White House. The discovery prompted an evacuation. At the time, President Joe Biden and his family were at Camp David in Maryland. The federal agency's investigation yielded no forensic evidence and was closed within 11 days.

Now, a man told Bolden that the cocaine was brought into the White House by a Kamala Harris staffer. The speaker explains that media blamed Hunter Biden for the incident, but some insiders knew that the VP's staff was involved. The scandal eventually led to a heated conversation between President Biden and Harris, he added.
After careful consideration and in consultation with my management team, I have agreed to their recommendation that guests should start paying their fair share.

At an undetermined date in the near future, a one dollar charge will be  required before guests can hit the submit button.

The reason for it, is that guests posting is a service unique to this forum. Our competition does not have the cajones to do it. One lame forum even blocks vistors from reading their repetitive crap. Can you believe that.

I will not be taking any of the money myself. Our admin, Biggie Smiles will be collecting it and applying it to his cruise holiday fund. What could be a more worthy reason to give, give, give. Plus, BF posters will have the satisfaction of knowing they are making a conservative Trump supporter happy.
General Chit Chat / Sweden
September 22, 2024, 07:32:44 AM
Sweden recently made headlines with a bold proposal: to offer immigrants struggling to assimilate into Swedish society $35,000 to return home.

This so-called remigration check is presented as a win-win solution: Immigrants get financial support to rebuild their lives in their home countries, and Sweden's welfare system avoids the long-term costs of providing ongoing support. But what about the Swedish taxpayers, who are now bearing the financial burden of the mess they never helped create?

That the government is willing to try such drastic measures is a telling indication of how bad the problem has gotten.

Malmö, a city in southern Sweden, has increasingly found itself at the epicenter of a growing gang violence crisis that mirrors broader concerns across the country. Once known for its rich cultural history and high standard of living, Malmö has seen a dramatic rise in shootings, bombings, and organized crime activity, much of it driven by rival gangs involved in drug trafficking and turf wars.

Sex crime surge
The bombings are just one part of a much darker picture. Sweden is grappling with a rise in violent crime on multiple fronts, including a surge in sexual violence. The rates of rape, aggravated rape, attempted rape, and attempted aggravated rape have skyrocketed in recent years.

In 2012, Sweden recorded around 6,000 cases of rape and related crimes. By 2023, that number had ballooned to 9,300. In a land of a little over 10 million people, that's quite a number. The increase has been exponential, and it is a sobering reminder of how far the country has fallen from the idyllic, Bernie Sanders-endorsed image it once projected.

Studies clearly show that foreign-born individuals play a significant role in these crimes. The uncomfortable reality is that nothing good has come from the influx of immigrants in recent years. The 2015 immigrant crisis, closely tied to the EU's suicidal open-door policy, saw Sweden admit an unprecedented number of refugees, many of African and Middle Eastern descent.

This decision has been a pivotal factor in the country's ongoing societal upheaval.

A role model's fall
The tragic irony of Sweden's demise was brought into sharp focus by the recent case of a Syrian refugee — a 15-year-old boy, once celebrated by the Swedish press as a model of successful integration. This boy, who arrived in Sweden during the immigrant crisis, was hailed as a symbol of hope. But that hope turned to horror when he was arrested for attempted murder following a school shooting. In short, the very individual who was supposed to exemplify Sweden's progress and humanitarian spirit became a symbol of its failures.

Sweden's public image — the polished vision of an amicable, advanced society — has become a zombie lie, clinging to life even as the truth of its growing violence and unrest becomes undeniable.
Collusion between Iran and the Biden-Harris campaign.

The incident occurred over the summer, the FBI, the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said in a statement. The agencies said the Biden campaign wasn't interested in the hacked Trump materials. There is no evidence that any Biden campaign officials responded.

The FBI on Wednesday confirmed that Iran-backed hackers targeted former President Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign and tried to deliver that information to President Joe Biden's campaign earlier this year.
The multi billionaire has apparently transitioned his focus from pushing experimental vaccines to forms of digital control.

Bill Gates has evidenced, both directly and through his foundation, an intense desire to shape public health, the news landscape, education policy, AI, insect populations, American farmland, the energy sector, foreign policy, and the earth itself. He recently hinted that he would also like to see free speech and engagements online shaped to his liking.

The billionaire has previously hinted at the kinds of speech he finds troubling.

For instance, in a January 2021 MSNBC interview, Gates took issue with content encouraging "people not to trust the advice on masks or taking the vaccine."

The online environment Gates appears to be describing is some sort of digital ID-based panopticon.

Gates has backed various efforts to tether people to digital identities.

Gates' foundation has, for instance, been pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into a program called the United Nations Development Program-led 50-in-5 Campaign, which features a strong focus on digital ID.

The UNDP said in a November 2023 release, "This ambitious, country-led campaign heralds a new chapter in the global momentum around digital public infrastructure (DPI) — an underlying network of components such as digital payments, ID, and data exchange systems, which is a critical accelerator of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)."

Kennedy has an opportunity to hold the Biden-Harris administration accountable that others were denied in Murthy v. Biden.
Afederal court rekindled hopes this week that the Biden-Harris administration could be held accountable over its efforts to have critics censored during the pandemic, ruling that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Children's Health Defense, an organization he leads, have Article III standing to sue.

The U.S. Supreme Court let the Democratic administration off the hook in June for its well-documented efforts to shut down critics of its COVID-19 policies and preferred narratives during the pandemic — policies and narratives that have been shown in the years since to have been in many cases unfounded and/or destructive.

The court's 6-3 ruling in Murthy v. Biden asserted that the states of Missouri and Louisiana, along with other plaintiffs, lacked standing to sue the Democratic administration.

Although the plaintiffs in Murthy were ultimately tripped up — a decision Justice Samuel Alito indicated the country might come to regret — theirs had a companion case that still had legs: Kennedy v. Biden.

U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty of the Western District of Louisiana, whose injunction the SCOTUS reversed in Murthy, gave Kennedy the green light Tuesday to run down the Democratic administration in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

"The Court finds that Kennedy is likely to succeed on his claim that suppression of content posted was caused by actions of Government Defendants, and there is a substantial risk that he will suffer similar injury in the near future," wrote Doughty.

In February, Doughty, a Trump-nominated judge, granted Kennedy an injunction blocking elements of the Biden-Harris administration, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FBI, from coercing social media companies to engage in suppression or outright censorship of content containing free speech.

Following the SCOTUS' June 26 decision, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals kicked the case back to the district court, affording it an opportunity to reconsider Kennedy's standing, admitting also that he may have stronger grounds.

ith the ball back in his court, Doughty noted that Kennedy was "identified as a member of the so-called 'Disinformation Dozen,' which was made up of twelve individuals that the Government specifically targeted for spreading alleged disinformation regarding COVID-19."

The judge indicated that elements of the Biden-Harris administration "specifically targeted" Kennedy. After all, he dared hold "positions contrary to Government positions on COVID-19, including mask mandates, vaccine mandates, vaccine injuries, lockdowns, etc."

Doughty wrote:

There is ample evidence in the record showing that Kennedy has been directly censored in the past. Not only was he a part of the alleged 'Disinformation Dozen,' which was repeatedly flagged and/or censored at the behest of numerous Defendants, but he was also censored for his anti-vaccine and anti-COVID-19 rhetoric. Therefore, Kennedy has more than satisfied the first element for Article III standing, that is, he suffered an injury-in-fact when he was censored.

According to the judge, Kennedy's presidential candidacy and political ambitions put him at further risk for future injury, raising the hypothetical of the FBI working in concert with private and governmental outfits to censor campaign-related information deemed "misinformation."

Biden's reelection plan was based on three pillars:
1 Censorship
2 Persecute and prosecute his opponents
3 Hide and deny that he is mentallly unfit to serve.
#8 launched a new documentary: Health Reform Now. It gives a voice to Canadians who have been let down by the health-care system and it speaks to experts and health-care providers to point to meaningful reforms — ones that are widely used in Europe to provide better care to patients.

One such reform would be implementing activity-based funding, a policy the Montreal Economic Institute and Fraser Institute have recommended for years.

Right now, hospitals in Canada are funded in large block grants, with one large lump sum providing the entire year's operating budget. What that means, in practice, is that every patient a hospital treats is a drain on that budget. So the incentive is entirely backwards in terms of getting more people through the doors and into treatment.

What activity-based funding does is reverse that incentive structure. Instead, funding would follow the patient, meaning if a patient is treated, the health-care facility would be given a set fee to pay for that treatment. In practice, this means the more patients a hospital helps, the more dollars the hospital receives from the government.

This isn't a new concept either. Rather, most countries that operate universal health-care systems follow a similar funding formula, tying tax dollars to treatment and results. Canada is a holdout here and there don't seem to be any coherent arguments as to why.

We have seen the difference a simple reform like this can make in delivering health care to folks who need it. For instance, the Quebec government has used this funding policy to increase MRI scans by 22% while the cost per procedure decreased by 4%. This is the type of meaningful but simple reform that could be introduced across Canada to reduce wait times and encourage hospitals to be more efficient and patient-centred.

Governments owe it to patients to pursue them and provide Canadians with the best health-care system in the world, not one where people get sicker or even die while they are stuck on a waiting list.
It's time for health reform – now.

Politicians right across Canada seem unable or unwilling to confront the challenges Canadian public health faces with any meaningful reforms.
Under the Liberals, we've gone from having an immigration system that was the 'envy of the world' to one that 'plugs holes in low-skilled labour markets'

A report released this week by the C.D. Howe Institute highlights just how much Canadian immigration policy has changed under the current federal government — and not for the better.

Canada went from having a "skilled immigration system that has been the envy of the world for decades [to one that in] the post-pandemic years have seen policy prioritize plugging 'holes' in lower-skilled labour markets," the think tank's report says.

The report urges Ottawa to return to an economic immigration model that prioritizes high-skilled immigrants over low-skilled ones.

Under the Liberal government, the number of immigrants in Canada under the Temporary Foreign Worker program — which enables employers to fill jobs with foreign workers when qualified Canadians are not available — has exploded. In 2015, Canada admitted 60,000 temporary foreign workers. In 2023, it admitted 188,000.

Admitting such large numbers of low-skilled workers is not in the interests of Canadian workers, newcomers or the country as a whole.

Most Canadian workers, especially individuals at the low end of the pay scale, would benefit from earning more, particularly in today's high cost environment. When businesses can easily fill low-wage jobs, they have no incentive to raise wages.

By contrast, if a labour shortage is permitted to persist, businesses will respond in one of several ways. One response is to raise the amount they are willing to pay workers in the country, which is obviously good for those workers.

Another response is to invest in technology that automates certain job functions (think of, for example, the menu boards where you can now place orders at most fast-food restaurants). Such capital investments boost firms' — and Canada's — productivity, making us a wealthier nation in the long run.

Yet another response, if a business cannot afford to do either of these things, may be to close up shop. This is also okay. It is not the government's job to keep businesses operating by reducing workers' bargaining power.

The C.D. Howe report also makes the case that programs that bring in low-wage workers risk fostering a two-tier society and deepening economic inequality.

Specifically, it points to research showing individuals' sense of satisfaction with their income and status is determined not by reference to their past selves but to the people around them. So a minimum wage worker at a downtown Toronto Starbucks may earn more than she did in her home country, but may feel worse off given the struggles of affording life here and the regular exposure to affluent Torontonians.

Finally, the report notes that an immigration system that is designed to simply expand the labour force without raising the country's average skill level is unlikely to increase GDP per capita.

For Canada — which is confronting serious productivity and economic growth problems — this is a major issue. We need to be focused on increasing GDP per capita, which is strongly associated with higher levels of well-being and improvements in longevity, health, education and knowledge, the report notes.

For all of these reasons, it makes sense for our immigration policy to prioritize economic immigrants who are most likely to benefit our economy and succeed in Canada. This means selecting immigrants who are likely to create jobs, innovate in areas like science, business or tech, or fill high-skilled and structural labour gaps, such as chronic shortages in the health-care sector. 

Canada's immigration points system — which awards applicants points for characteristics such as education, age and language — has much to recommend it. But there are ways for it to be improved to increase the job success and earning potential of high-skilled immigrants.

The system should, for example, increase the amount of points it awards to immigrants who have prior Canadian work experience. Statistics Canada data show this is one of the best predictors of labour market success.

It should also assess and award points for prospective candidates' soft skills. Soft skills, such as communication abilities, are integral to employability and workplace success in Canada, and yet the current system places almost no emphasis on them.

It could also differentiate between foreign degree-granting institutions, awarding more points to candidates who obtain degrees from globally recognized universities than candidates who get degrees from institutions with little international reputation.

These suggestions may sound harsh, but the reality is that the labour force is harsh. Companies care about where individuals get their degrees from and whether they have soft skills. We are doing highly-skilled individuals — and their previous home countries — no favours by bringing them to a market where they are unlikely to practice in their field of training.

It is not a little ironic that the Liberal Party, which trumpets its progressive bona fides, has overseen the vast expansion of a Temporary Foreign Worker program that is not good for workers, both current or new. This needs to change, either under the current government or a new one.
The Guest Nest / A challenge for Gremlin
July 07, 2024, 11:25:10 AM
I admit I have not read Project 2025. I doubt you have either. Give me one week to read it and I will debate some of the dubious claims in the Democratic Party propaganda memes you posted.

One week for both of us to read the document and then discuss it. Is it a deal?
If you can't beat your opponent, use the DOJ and FBI to persecute them. If the Supreme Court gets in your way, assassinate them.

Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden have reportedly taken out several mortgages and refinanced their home 35 times.

A report has just been released by the Daily Mail that claims Joe and Jill Biden "have been using their Delaware house for fast cash."

The pair have reportedly refinanced their home 20 times with loans totaling $4.2 million since buying the $350,000 home. The Bidens borrowed a total sum of $6 million on their two properties and still have an outstanding $541,000 mortgage on their current Wilmington mansion nearly 30 years after the original purchase.

The Biden's have a reported net worth of $10 million that the president claims is from "book deals," so the constant refinancing is raising questions.

"There's no record of him ever getting payment except for the signing bonus because nobody reads the books," Glenn Beck says, confused.

While it's not likely Biden will give an honest answer as to why he's been constantly refinancing his home, ChatGPT has some theories.

Constant refinancing can be a method to manipulate debt and create the appearance of legitimate financial activity. This could help in justifying the large sums of money received and repaid.

"Constant refinancing can be a method to manipulate debt and create the appearance of legitimate financial activity. This could help in justifying the large sums of money received and repaid.

"Mortgage cycling can create a complex financial paper trail that makes it difficult for investigators to track the true source and destination of money. This can also help hide illegal financial financial activities," Glenn continues.

ChatGPT's number one reason for the president continuously refinancing his house is that "it can be a method to launder illicit funds."
Trudeau will contunue to erode liberty and prosperity until we fire him in the next election.

Ottawa's illegal bill C59

The federal Liberal and NDP coalition has passed draconian legislation that will irreparably harm Canadian's ability to hear the truth about the energy industry and Alberta's successes in reducing global emissions.
Alberta is a global leader in the complex effort to reduce emissions from our energy industry while delivering the resources our nation and the world need to live and thrive. We need a lucid partner in Ottawa that is willing to work with us and not demonize one of Canada's largest employers and industries.

Bill C-59, when it receives royal assent, will prevent private entities from sharing truthful and evidence-based information that happens to oppose the extreme and untruthful oil and gas narrative of the federal NDP and Liberals. This is being done to intentionally intimidate boards and shareholders, silence debate, and amplify the voices of those who oppose Canada's world leading energy industry.

Indeed, it would appear to be part of an agenda to create chaos and uncertainty for energy investors for the purpose of phasing out the energy industry altogether. Ironically, this kind of absurd authoritarian censorship will only work to stifle many billions in investments in emissions reducing technologies – the very technologies the world needs to reduce emissions while avoiding energy poverty for billions around the world.

We're already seeing the NDP-Liberal coalition's plan play out as organizations like Pathways Alliance and the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers are making difficult decisions to remove websites, reduce available information, and cease advertising out of fear that if they do not comply with the narrative of eco-extremists like Minister Stephen Guilbeault and Jagmeet Singh, their companies will face tens of millions in penalties. This is a direct consequence of the new legislation and is not related to the truth and accuracy of our environmental communications.

We have won in court before against this lawless government, and we will win again if needed. Alberta's government is actively exploring the use of every legal option, including a constitutional challenge or the use of the Alberta Sovereignty within a United Canada Act to protect the free speech rights of all Alberta workers, leaders and companies in our world-class energy sector.
Biden announced a 10-year bilateral security agreement with Ukraine to help the country "defend itself now and to deter future aggression." The agreement also reaffirmed the Biden administration's stance that "Ukraine's future is in NATO," a position that experts believe is a red line for Moscow. In fact, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday the war could end if Ukraine renounces plans to join NATO.

This is British Columbia MP Laurel Collins. Her base salary is $167,000 per annum.  :crazy:
By any measurement, Canada is performing poorly under Trudeau. Falling Canadian living standards are the price we all pay for his ideologically driven recklessness.

Sweden's parliament has dumped its 100 per cent renewable target amid ongoing concerns about short-term energy security as it looks to join several European nations to build new nuclear plants.

The country's three operational nuclear power plants with six operational reactors generated around 30 per cent of Sweden's electricity production in 2022.

The ongoing war in Ukraine has forced Europe to turn its focus on energy security has it has tried to wean itself away from Russian gas exports. The EU has positioned itself as a leader in climate policy, targeting a 55 per cent cut in greenhouse gas emissions on 1990s levels by 2030 and net-zero by 2050.

Swedish Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson said the current circumstances had created conditions for nuclear power, despite a decision 40 years ago to phase out the technology.

"We need more electricity production, we need clean electricity and we need a stable energy system," she said.

Vattenfall, Sweden's state-owned utility, plans to build at least two small modular reactors and extend the lifetime of the country's existing nuclear reactors.

The country has among the largest uranium reserves in Europe but has banned uranium mining since 2018. Today its uranium is imported from Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan. The government will also attempt to overturn a ban and several legislative hurdles over where it can build new plants.

The International Energy Agency has consistently warned a steep decline in nuclear energy capacity would threaten climate goals and power supply security unless advanced economies found a way to extend the lifespan of their reactors

Environmental campaigners, including Greens MPs, have criticised the recent changes to Sweden's energy policy, saying it clashes with the country's previous identity as a climate leader.

The Swedish government has promised generous loan guarantees because it believes new reactors are essential to power the shift towards net-zero emissions.

Throughout Europe, there has been a pause on the rush to unreliable wind and solar. Sweden is blessed with an abundance of hydroelectric capabilities. Nuclear can safely and reliably supply the remainder of the nation's electricity needs whereas wind and solar cannot.
During breaks from his deployments in the Afghanistan war, Craig turned to smoking cannabis to alleviate stress, just as he had done as a teenager. However, one evening, things took a turn when he barricaded himself and his two young daughters in the master bedroom.

"He thought the house was surrounded by terrorists," Jennifer Thomas, the girls' mother, recounted while speaking to The Epoch Times. "That night was bad; he said they were under attack. The other times before that were mostly him seeing auras and aliens talking."

Military police took Craig to a psychiatric hospital, where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia at 26.

he Cannabis–Psychosis Link
New UK research shows adults who consumed high-potency cannabis between ages 16 and 18 are twice as likely to experience psychotic episodes like hallucinations and delusions by their mid-20s compared to those using low-potency strains or abstaining. The longitudinal study, published in Addiction, highlights cannabis' risks to adolescent brain development.
"Young people using higher-potency forms of cannabis are twice as likely to have experiences associated with psychosis, such as hallucinations and delusions," lead author Lindsey Hines, a professor from the University of Bath Department of Psychology with a doctorate in epidemiological psychiatry, stated in a press release.

Over the past several decades, illicit marijuana products have become significantly more potent. The concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)—the psychoactive compound in cannabis responsible for the "high" sensation and one linked to psychotic experiences in some people—increased from around 10 percent in 2009 to roughly 14 percent by 2019, according to a scientific review published in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.

"This is the problem," Yasmin Hurd, director of the Addiction Institute at Mount Sinai in New York, told The Epoch Times. "Many people don't realize that the cannabis that is consumed today—the majority or all of it—is high-potency."

Food for thought. But, not edibles.
It might seem even strang to see Justice Samuel Alito splashed across the top of Politico's Playbook and the New York Times morning newsletters for the high crime and misdemeanor of flying a nerdy Revolutionary War flag.

But it is part of a deliberate strategy to try to try to combat virtually the only check remaining on the Democrat Party's political power. While Congress and the White House cannot outright remove judges, they can bring real pressure to bear, cast national doubt on rulings, and reform the court even to the point of expanding it.

The reason for all this is the Supreme Court sometimes says no to things Democrats want. Already this year, the court has batted down Trump v. Anderson, in which a state official tried to block Republican candidate Donald Trump from the Colorado ballot for treason. They are currently considering two other cases that could decide what immunities a president has from prosecution for official duties and whether a law designed to prosecute Enron executives can be used to put Jan. 6 rioters and trespassers in prison for years.

"Democrats' Supreme Court Strategy is fourfold," a senior Republican Senate aide told Blaze News: "First, incentivize justices to defect and change their rulings. Second, delegitimize the Court's outputs. Third, provide political cover for aggressive ethics reforms that are stalking horses for bureaucratic controls to kneecap the Republican majority, such as mandatory recusals on the basis of unevenly applied ethical standards. And fourth, create the political conditions necessary for court-packing."

We've watched modern Supreme Court intimidation for years now. President Barack Obama famously broke decorum at the State of the Union, scolding justices to their faces during his 2010 State of the Union. But now it's different.

Democrats are attacking the USSC because it is the only branch of government they cannot control. The independence of the top court was not a problem until they made some decisons the Democrat mafia did not like. Now it's war on the jusicial branch.
The Biden administration's $5 billion rural aid package includes many of the same restrictions that have sent prices soaring and led to shortages throughout the continent. We can't let it happen here.

Throughout history, when food production is radically changed or when agriculture is disrupted, the results are catastrophic.

Europe has been doing this ever since the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015. The United States would be exactly where Europe is now, but Donald Trump disrupted the entire shift. Today, European farmers are so fed up that they are spraying government buildings with manure in protest.

Have you heard about any of these protests in any real detail on the news? Remember the yellow vest protests? The coverage was everywhere, and it was 24/7. Why such sporadic reporting in comparison on these farmer convoys and protests?

No one is asking the farmers why they're leaving their fields to protest in the city. It gets minor mention, or you see articles like this from the Guardian, which, in the writer's "expert" opinion, claims the farmers are "being exploited by the far right."

It surely isn't about Europe's crazy Agenda 2030 plan. It isn't about diesel prices blowing through the roof or fertilizer becoming more expensive and less available. Or how about the fact that government regulators are more concerned with globalist climate goals than the economic wellbeing of the people they claim to represent? That's what happens when you are governed by unelected bureaucrats beholden only to the globalist elites.

Less land, less food
The European Commission published its plan to completely upend food production. It's masked in words like, "to increase the resilience of agriculture and forestry against climate change." It points out that agriculture accounts for 10% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. The next line lays out its plan for a quasi-nationalization of every industry and means of production in Europe.

It says farming emissions come behind energy, transportation, residential, commercial, and finally, agricultural industries. It wants direct government interference in basically every industry until there's no private industry left. This is 21st-century fascism, and it has nothing to do with climate. This is a power play. It's about seizing control.

But the problem for these neofascists is that farmers are not the type to let anyone push them around. That's why we're seeing farmers protesting all over Europe right now.

The EU's agriculture climate document discusses cracking down on two major "greenhouse gasses": methane and nitrous oxide.

Methane emissions come mainly from livestock. Cutting those emissions could entail anything from culling herds to mandating different kinds of feed. This alone radically alters how much food is available, and it incurs new expenses atop already sky-high operating costs.

Nitrous oxide is a major component of fertilizer. We all know where this leads: a full-on ban. Two years ago, a ban on nitrous oxide led to the absolute collapse of food production in Sri Lanka. One rice farmer told Reuters: "Last year, we got 60 bags from these two acres. But this time it was just 10."

The European Commission's plan for farmers includes "Green Direct Payments." These are effectively bribes for anyone who bends the knee. To get these bribes, farmers and ranchers must "maintain permanent grassland" — in other words, farm less land. That means less food.

They must also "undertake crop diversification." This is the European government telling farmers what to plant. How on earth did farmers survive thousands of years without "experts" in their government telling them how to do their job?

Finally, they must "dedicate 5% of arable land to ecological focus areas." This also means fewer crops and less food.

Keep in mind, in Europe, these are not suggestions. This document describes the "monitoring process" that will be employed, and how it is all backed up on a "legal basis."

If the media bothered to ask the farmers in Europe what they're protesting about, here is what they would tell them: These restrictions not only entail less food for the people but also the inability of farmers and ranchers to make a living for their own families.

Biden wreaks havoc
This has nothing to do with the climate. It's about forcing the agriculture sector into a partnership with the government. This used to be called fascism, but now it's just called Build Back Better, the Great Reset, or whatever else they plan to rebrand and rename it in the future.

But this is not just happening in Europe. It's just further along than we are. Joe Biden has stated that farmers under his administration are "thriving," but if you talk to any of them, they will tell a much different story.

One Kansas wheat farmer told Fox News that he and his family are in "survival mode." He cited the volatile market, out-of-control diesel costs, and the rising price of fertilizer as the main contributors to their financial woes. Sound familiar?

They want farmers in a no-win situation where partnership with the government is the only option left. Just like the EU, Joe Biden announced a bribe method to reel in farmers and ranchers.

Biden in November announced a $5 billion package for rural communities. It includes many of the same regulations pushed by the European Commission. All that's missing is the compliance checks and legal framework for punishment, but how long before that gets added?

Donald Trump halted our disastrous trajectory that Europe has already embarked on, but how long until Europe's war on food is adapted and implemented by our own government? Do you want a government that can tell farmers what to grow and what not to grow? Do you want to be ruled by unelected bureaucrats who are more concerned with climate goals than whether the American people have enough food?