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Messages - Garraty_47

The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
October 21, 2024, 10:24:59 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on October 21, 2024, 09:52:27 PMhow many posts they get over there today? 12 ?  :crampe:

Half again that many if you count the PMs I got from "Alticus" first asking me to stay then insulting me in rather amusingly amateurish fashion when I said (paraphrased) "Bugger that!".

I hope Alty never gets tasked as a negotiator in any high-stakes deals... "his" client would lose their shirt, their lunch, most of their bank account, and all of their credibility. The attempts to emotionally manipulate me were so ham-fisted I wouldn't be surprised if my BF Inbox still smells like bacon.

The Guest Nest / Re: The rats are abandoning ship!!!!!!
October 21, 2024, 04:09:12 PM
Quote from: Brent on October 21, 2024, 02:00:12 PMNow the Democrats are saying that if Trump deports millions of illegals it will raise wages, and cause inflation to rise. These are the same people that say a twenty buck an hour minimum wage will have no affect on inflation.

Inflation is caused primarily by corporate greed.
Even Kroger had to recently admit they raised prices beyond what was necessary just because they could, and wanted to jack up higher dividends for their shareholders. As all big corporations do. If a company is both buying back stock and laying off workers it's pretty clear they're operating in service to capital, not consumers.

If inflation and corporate profits both spike at the same time that shit ain't happening because of wages (which are undeniably far behind productivity and the cost of living) or anything else having to do with consumers. It's simply a wealth transfer to the people who need it the fucking least.
Quote from: . on October 21, 2024, 03:54:34 AMYMMV of course, but if you or anyone else interpret doxxing in and of itself as something to fear, then you are handing these lackwits their win straight out of the gate. Which is more or less what they are doing it for. I don't see why anyone should make it that easy for them, but that's just my way of thinking.

From my earliest days on the interwurb I've never invested much effort into hiding my identity; not so much to flummox people who considered doxxing a big deal but because I just didn't feel any need. Of course as it turned out it *was* funny to watch someone poast my name as a silly kind of 'gotcha' when most of the readers already knew that information. Their consternation when I laughed instead of freaking out was worth its weight in gold.

I don't share quite so much about my real life these days but that's more out of consideration for family, friends, and coworkers than any personal concern about that kind of stuff.
Quote from: Herman on October 20, 2024, 08:19:56 PMMartini/Flynn is a piece of shit. I hate doxxing, but he needs to see what it is like from the other side.

This is what I don't understand:

People act like doxxing is difficult, or requires someone to become a private detective. That's just not true anymore. With a name (and preferably one or two other details to help filter the search results) and a little money one can buy all of the public-domain information that exists about anyone.

It's an entire industry all by itself; even the government uses those services to circumvent 4th amendment protections because technically *they* didn't look up that information- they only *bought* it.

There's no such thing as internet anonymity unless you never ever never tell ANYONE your real name and never ever never poast ANYTHING that's traceable but even then...

Quote from: Frood on October 20, 2024, 04:42:45 PMFractal butthole

Did I do it right?

Quote from: Frood on October 20, 2024, 04:42:45 PMFractal butthole art forum?

I'm almost afraid to ask... what the hell is a fractal butthole?

Instead of radial lines it has a mandelbrot pattern of folds and wrinkles?

How many colors in the palette?
Sure okay I know there's brown and shades of, however are other hues acceptable?

And most importantly (most concerning) what makes you so confidently assume there'd be an audience for such a thing?

Not saying I'd *do* it; I'm only curious.
Quote from: Flynn on October 20, 2024, 02:35:41 PMbecause when I retire, I want to do what retired athletes and actors/actresses do...get behind the scenes and start my own message board

Thanks for the reminder; I've been itching to create/modify another forum theme. I only wish I didn't have to install a whole fucking forum to do it, but that's unavoidably the easiest way for me to go about it.

Well, it'll have to wait.
I have a project underway that I need to finish before I can take on another project of that complexity.

Still... as I said thanks for the reminder.
Definitely gotta add that one to the official projects queue.

But hey, since I've got you here:

Go Fuck Yourself.

Quote from: DKG on October 20, 2024, 09:11:16 AMNow, it's Jill Stein they are trying to get off the ballot in key battleground states. How long will it be before she is accused of being on Moscow's payroll.

They've been calling Jill a "Putin's Puppet" since 2016. Right now they're leaning into the "spoiler" label but I still hear the Russia connection bullshit mentioned sometimes. Maybe they don't use the Putin-adjacent line of attack much recently because despite repeating it for years the only people who believed it are the shitlibs who are already going to vote-blue-no-matter-who anyway.
The democrats and specifically the Harris campaign have failed on policies, candidate appeal, building and/or maintaining a coalition, and messaging. All they have left is lawyering up; trying to boot third parties off the ballots and weaponizing the "justice" system against their competitors.

It's a panic response to what everyone already knows: they're losing.

<sips coffee>

Couldn't happen to a more despicable bunch of genociders.
Quote from: Beardo on October 17, 2024, 06:13:31 PMJust admit it vitriol, you're here for the gossip, drama and fights. What else is there?

If you have to ask I have to doubt you'd understand the answer.
Quote from: Flynn on October 17, 2024, 06:03:02 PMWell...well...well...look at this senile fuddy-duddy. You know what Garraty, I also knew you as Vitriol at KOF and at CO. The funny thing is you've been saying the same overused commentary for years now, longer than my "stale act" has been around.

It's true... I've been calling fuckheads fuckheads for a long time. However it's not my fault there's so many of them; it's not like I'm whipping up batches of them in my basement or something.

Quote from: Flynn on October 17, 2024, 06:03:02 PMYou've been the voice of semi-reason for years now and you've been beating your walking cane over the heads of those unlucky to be in your crosshairs for probably over a decade.

Has it been that long?
Wow, time really does fly when you're having fun.

Quote from: Flynn on October 17, 2024, 06:03:02 PMSo if you want my "stale act" to stop, then join me in cutting off your geriatric hollering about what Gen X's are posting you ancient Baby Boomer.

I've never shaken my cane at Gen-X'ers (or any other generation come to think of it) in particular, to my recollection. Are you sure you don't have me confused with someone else?

Quote from: Flynn on October 17, 2024, 06:03:02 PM"Appeal?"

You think I do this for "appeal" and to read your regurgitated nonsensical senior citizen complaints?

I neither know nor care *why* you poast.
I didn't even offer a conjecture on that subject.
The "appeal" was entirely resident in people who are amused by that specific poasting style and at that point you were part of the discussion only peripherally as a practitioner of said style.

Paranoia much?

Tsk. Kids these days... so *sensitive*.

<sips coffee>
Quote from: MrNiceGuy on October 17, 2024, 05:05:24 PMDid Garraty or Vitriol even ever watch the movie "Lincoln"?

I watched 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter'.

Does that count?
Quote from: Erica Mena on October 17, 2024, 03:31:38 PMIt's cunt. Always trying to make me feel stupid for thinking shit is funny.

I doubt that's personal... S'Cunt likes to make *everyone* feel stupid for one reason or another. It's his most endearing quality. lulz
Quote from: Erica Mena on October 17, 2024, 01:26:19 PMYou people are party poopers

Not true!

But the first time you see a drunk party guest fall face-first through a screen door it's funny; by the hundredth time you probably just think it's stupid or don't even notice it at all.

The property damage and potential personal injury isn't the whole party... it's just something that happens *at* a party. Likewise Flynn isn't a whole forum anywhere there's a 'Flynn' account... it's just someone who happens to have an account *at* a particular forum.

Accusations of party pooping vociferously denied.
Quote from: Lab Flaker on October 17, 2024, 08:50:22 AMI wouldn't be swayed by any propaganda in this election. Harris hasn't a clue on how to run a country. She can't even do an interview. Sit back and enjoy the show.

"When you think about what's at stake in this election, it's packed with a lot of stuff! <CackleCackleCackle>"

:facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm: