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Messages - DKG

Politics / Re: US election 2024
Today at 07:36:22 AM
Trump is Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini all rolled into one. At this stage, the Democrats and their media propaganda allies are just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.
Immigrant students in Springfield, Ohio are given a much easier grading scale at a school in Springfield, Ohio, effectively preventing them from failing because they are still considered English "language learners," an email from the superintendent confirms. They cannot receive a grade lower than a 'C,' superintendent confirmed.
The Flea Trap / Re: This n that
Today at 07:25:18 AM
Quote from: Lokmar on October 21, 2024, 10:16:32 AMIts the cleanliness, the service, and the fact that the food is real. The food is actually a bit boring but it isnt fake pink slime like McD's.

I actually prefer Popeyes but I can rarely tolerate the hassle. Amongst these hassles are:
1. You never know if the place is ONLY taking cash or ONLY card
2. The person at the drive up tells you to pull forward where they take your order. They do 1 drive through order at a time.
3. They are out of whatever you want about 1/2 the time.
4. They either have 2 black people working their asses off to the point of going postal or 5 niggers fucking everything up.
5. Its dirty AF!
6. They are rude AF.

Lots of other bullshit as well.
Popeye's are opening up new stores all over the place. I have never heard any complaints about the cleanliness.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 07:21:14 AM
Quote from: Garraty_47 on October 21, 2024, 10:24:59 PMHalf again that many if you count the PMs I got from "Alticus" first asking me to stay then insulting me in rather amusingly amateurish fashion when I said (paraphrased) "Bugger that!".

I hope Alty never gets tasked as a negotiator in any high-stakes deals... "his" client would lose their shirt, their lunch, most of their bank account, and all of their credibility. The attempts to emotionally manipulate me were so ham-fisted I wouldn't be surprised if my BF Inbox still smells like bacon.

If the owner of that forum is not bipolar, I don't know who is.
Quote from: Grimmy on Today at 04:27:15 AMProblem with life in prison for sex offenders and pedophiles is that its an insane drain on the economy, who wants to pay to feed these cunts 3 times a day and bed them for the rest of their lives, maybe the correct offer should be castration or execution and if the ones who are castrated re offend(molestation or whatever) are convicted again they should just be killed.

Good riddance they offer very little to society and I'd venture most would agree.

But obviously that will never happen, but you know fingers crossed and all that.
I think many would take the hormone blocker drugs if they had the option.
Quote from: Conservative Perspective on Today at 03:12:16 AMSquad member calls for 'radically' changing the Supreme Court: 'SCOTUS reform is on the ballot in November'

Rep. Ilhan Omar calls for "radically" changing the Supreme Court. She advocates policies such as increasing the number of justices on the bench.

Source: Squad member calls for 'radically' changing the Supreme Court: 'SCOTUS reform is on the ballot in November'
She's not the first Democrat to want a permanent supreme court that is an extension of her party just like like the msm, social media, academia and the federal bureaucracy.
A must watch video if you want to understand the duopoly that Garraty talks about. The movement that Trump has built represents a threat to GOP and Dem elites equally.

Politics / Re: Kameltoe Harris
October 21, 2024, 07:30:14 AM
I have tremendous respect for Nigel Farage.
The Flea Trap / Re: This n that
October 21, 2024, 07:14:00 AM
According to customer satisfaction surveys Chick-fil-A is the number one fast food chain in the US.
Quote from: Garraty_47 on October 20, 2024, 09:57:20 AMThey've been calling Jill a "Putin's Puppet" since 2016. Right now they're leaning into the "spoiler" label but I still hear the Russia connection bullshit mentioned sometimes. Maybe they don't use the Putin-adjacent line of attack much recently because despite repeating it for years the only people who believed it are the shitlibs who are already going to vote-blue-no-matter-who anyway.
Everybody that stands as a political opponent against the Dems is a Russian puppet. It is really getting stale.
Good morning Seamoron. See anything you like here (or comprehend) to take back to BF. 
Politics / Re: US election 2024
October 20, 2024, 09:13:35 AM
After the first presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris had a slight edge on Donald Trump — but that edge is now weakening, and her loyal mainstream media is starting to realize it.

"Numbers say it, it is a tied game here weeks before the election," MSNBC pollster Steve Kornacki told Kristen Welker of "Meet the Press" in a recent segment.

"Harris had opened up that advantage over Trump going in our new poll," Kornacki continued. "That advantage has all in the last few weeks in our poll washed away for her."

The polling on the issues of immigration and financial stability lean in favor of Trump while Kamala's leading in "representing change," though her numbers have still dwindled on that specific issue since September.

"Maybe a reason for that too is remember, she's the VP in an unpopular administration. Look, we ask [about] Joe Biden's policies as a president, 'Do you think they're helping or hurting your family?'" Kornacki says, before showing that almost double the number of people asked say the current administration's policies are hurting their family.

Meanwhile, 44% of people polled believe Trump helped their family while 31% of them say he hurt their family.
Quote from: Garraty_47 on October 20, 2024, 09:06:30 AMThe democrats and specifically the Harris campaign have failed on policies, candidate appeal, building and/or maintaining a coalition, and messaging. All they have left is lawyering up; trying to boot third parties off the ballots and weaponizing the "justice" system against their competitors.

It's a panic response to what everyone already knows: they're losing.

<sips coffee>

Couldn't happen to a more despicable bunch of genociders.
Now, it's Jill Stein they are trying to get off the ballot in key battleground states. How long will it be before she is accused of being on Moscow's payroll.
Quote from: Conservative Perspective on October 20, 2024, 09:01:08 AMFLASHBACK: Harris declined to intervene on behalf of native tribe push to protect sacred site from wind farm

CA AG Kamala Harris' office said it did not have legal standing to take up the case of a Native American group fighting to preserve sacred burial ground from a wind farm.

Source: FLASHBACK: Harris declined to intervene on behalf of native tribe push to protect sacred site from wind farm
Hypocrite. If they were trying to stop a pipeline, their cause would be her cause.