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avatar_Oliver the Second
Politics / Re: Election in BC tonite
Last post by Oliver the Second - Today at 09:23:36 AM

So who got cheated into office uh I mean, who won?
Politics / Re: Re: California's Disatrous...
Last post by Oerdin - Today at 09:22:38 AM
If there is a real war in the Mideast  most of the U.D. would do fine from an energy point of view but California will get hosed hard.  The reason is the state Democrats have been waging a war on oil l, deliberately preventing drilling and fracking, and deliberately forcing refineries to close (for the environment).
avatar_Oliver the Second
The Flea Trap / Re: What happens to Stocks in ...
Last post by Oliver the Second - Today at 09:14:20 AM

They go up in price like everything else.

The media and democrats talk about the stock market being at 'record highs' but in reality it's no more valuable than it used to be.
avatar_Oliver the Second
General Chit Chat / Re: Manhood Under Attack
Last post by Oliver the Second - Today at 09:09:29 AM

What's deodorant?
The Guest Nest / Re: The rats are abandoning sh...
Last post by Logic Sandwich - Today at 08:43:35 AM
It's actually quite simple and a question of supply and demand. A corporation can jack their prices up the yin yang, if there is no corresponding increase in the money supply to feed it, people will simply buy less of the corporations product, in turn providing less reason for the corporation to produce product and ultimately their reason to exist at all.

Inflating the amount of tokens (money) in circulation that might be used to exchange for the products and services... this is the essence of inflation. With the money supply vested firmly in the hands of the government, it is the government that is responsible for inflation and not "the corporations". The coporations can lobby for an increase in the supply, they cannot increase the supply off their own bat.

Now, it is true that a corporation might induce a scarcity of the product or service they provide, driving up the price of their product, they may even collude with other corporate entities to "price fix", but if the money remains finite, the corporation quickly runs out of wriggle room to produce profit for their shareholders. They are also leaving the door open for someone to come in and undercut them with similar product/service. You show me one corporation that wants that outcome. I'm not aware of any myself.

It is also true there are those individuals in the public that produce nothing, yet open their beaks wide like a bunch of nested hatchlings and squawk to receive "their fair and equitable share". Again, assuming the government does not pander to their welfare whims by inflating the money supply for the purposes of communistic redistribution, inflation cannot occur since the money tokens and the supply of products and services is remaining static.

Bottom line, while greed drives the market for inflation, only one entity can provide that inflation and that entity, like it or lump it, is government. It is the government that is responsible for inflation and the government only.

I'm glad we had this discussion.
General Chit Chat / Re: One Of The Worst Atrocitie...
Last post by caskur - Today at 08:24:17 AM

The Guest Nest / Re: Flynn is the best flamer t...
Last post by Flynn - Today at 08:22:20 AM
Interesting how all these random named "guest posts" just start popping up everywhere, trying to throw shade my way and throwing cryptic messages to Flea.

For crying out loud how much more ridiculous can this get?
General Chit Chat / Re: One Of The Worst Atrocitie...
Last post by caskur - Today at 08:20:47 AM
Quote from: Lab Flaker on Today at 07:54:55 AMThat was a good digital gif of you though. Lol

Of course... I snagged it.. it's on my phone...

I will show you something done years ago by TDT Nele
The Guest Nest / Re: This IS dedicated to Basta...
Last post by Frood - Today at 08:12:27 AM
Drink! (x2)