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Topics - Biggie Smiles

Ship them to Oregon, California and Washington

let them show their appreciation by blowing something up over there.

I'd even donate money to keep them confined to those places
The Guest Nest / Is this guy for real?
May 08, 2024, 04:46:48 PM
I mean, c'mon, I totally agree with you conceptually but the reality of the matter is that you have a better chance making pigs reach mach 3 at high altitude than you do getting this passed
My advice to you, Donald Trump.

Listen, I get where you coming from and I understand fully the point you're making and how low the scumbag democrats are. I, and millions upon millions of good hearted Americans with souls and consciences like the ones you see filling up stadiums to capacity cheering you get it. We most certainly understand and we are behind you

But at this point in the game you aren'tchanging the minds and hearts of TDS fucktards like the drooling morons we see crawling in and out of toilet crevices at BF. Or the talking head assholes littering most of the news channels day in and day out. And certainly not the putrid scum terrorizing college campuses across the country. You are not reaching their hearts and minds Primarily because they have neither.

The people who want you guilty are going to call it guilty no matter what evidence to the contrary comes to light. And they care not what detrimental impact this has to the rule of law, the sanctity of the process. Nothing. As long as they get YOU.

So why make their job any easier than it has to be?

Those of us who still believe in AMerican will stand by you through this. Not necessarily for YOU as a person but for the process, and what you stand for. So I ask again - why make things harder on yourself?

This New York judge doesn't want you talking about witnesses, jurors and other key players in the case. So just shut the fuck up and dont talk about them. Is that an infringement on your 1st amendment rights? YEs and no.

YEs, because you are aforred the cloak of free speech in this country

No, because the argument can be made that you have nearly 100 million loyalists behind you and the probability does exist that one of these people will go off script and pull a Jan 6th style maneuver.

Do you need that? Do you need some lower IQ hick from alamba driving his hoopty up to New York to assassinate an individual he believes is out to get his leader? Does our cause need that?

If you can truthfully say the answer is no then SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop talking about this case already.

I say this with the utmost respect and admiration for you, bro. YOU/WE don't need the negative optics. We're winning. THat much is obvious just by virtue of how scared these cockroaches are right now.
And democrats reactions show what utter scum they are.

you mean to tell me it is a proper application of the justice system to attempt conviction of a man when the FBI cannot even guarantee the integrity of the documents they allege to have found in Trump's residence?

are you people seriously this fucking stupid, stunted, sick and/or sinster?

It's called chain of custody you dumb fucking morons. look it up and try to familiarize yourself with the value such a standard brings to the process. Put your TDS to the side for just a moment and think, think long and hard about the eventuality the justice system as a whole will face if something this obviously tainted is allowed to proceed unquestioned.

when Israel is alledgedly blowing up hospitals and killing innocent children by the tens of thousands the bold ""freedom fighters" of this terrorist outfit are ready to remain strong and fight it out

typical leftist libtard scum mentality. Stand firm and true to the cause as long as SOMEONE ELSE bears the consequence

but now that Israel has their last remaining stronghold surrounded and ready to choke these fuckers out they're ready to accept a cease fire proposal?

And people respect these fucking cockroaches?

If Israel accepts this ceasefire at this late stage then every baby and innocent person who has died in this tragic conflict will have died for nothing and I will blame Israel for every Gazan death counted during the NEXT conflict when these animals have had enough time to regroup

Rip the fucking bandage off already. Fuck what the rest of the world thinks. The rest of the world isn't dealing with thousands rockets falling on them year after year.
And the leftist tds lemmings still root for them and cheer them on?

oh wait.. they are dumb lowlives with no common sense or integrity. Nevermind
The Guest Nest / I found a girlfriend for Admin.
May 05, 2024, 07:02:50 PM
Go head Noodle Neck... do yer thang.
which sounds alot like the argument the hostile HIPPO normally makes about literally everything

because she's stupid

watch from 5:35 onward

Do it in California where that shit is accepted by the vermin democrats in power and their lemming constituents

but in The greatest state in the union that shit just wont fly
I mean don't we have bigger things to worry about than the affordability of food for the lower income families in the state?

There are mens public bathrooms which do not provide taxpayer funded tampons !

and even more horrifying, there exists, in many areas of this country public women's bathrooms which do not have urinals!! Can you believe such a travesty of justice? So what is a transman do to when he needs to pee in front of little girls? Do his business sitting down in a toilet stall like the other women in that bathroom are doing?

surely you fucking jest!!!

Stop your whining says the fat pig who went bankrupt and leeches off the taxpayer

boo hoo to yoo snowflake says the sissy crippled queer who sucks cocks and also collects a government to sit on his dick cushion all day crying about trump

non-sequitor says the bobble headed retard who left this state for this very same reason

muy-exotica says the fumbling retard who cannot tell the difference between a chick with a dick and a real woman


Your STAR witnesses in this "hush honey" case against trump have been

A man convicted of lying to the court

A porn-star who is obviously above nothing to make a dollar

And the owner of a sleazy tabloid magazine that will print anything about anyone to hustle in a dollar

No wonder you animals are launching these kangaroo cases in liberal shitholes like NY and Fulton county
Once the violence and intimidation started it ceased being a ""peaceful"" protest and a viable means to articulate positions on a matter

unless you are of the mindset this should be happening to innocent students.
You do t coddle them and allow them unfetted ability to break laws u set the pretense of free speech.

You set these fuckers straight with clear and concise boundaries
The Guest Nest / Moral question
April 25, 2024, 10:49:57 PM
Hell fucking yes I would.

Without a single doubt in my mind
News & Current Events / Omg when admong reads this
April 24, 2024, 05:25:18 PM
He won't know whether to shit in his panties or go blind

Riley Gains is the anti christ!!!