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Messages - Oerdin

Greasy Newscum was the guy who originally ordered homeless drug encampments not to be cleared.
White House literally passed out a paper to all their media operators listing lies to say to support Kamala.
Politics / Re: Kameltoe Harris
July 24, 2024, 08:14:58 AM
Quote from: Herman on July 22, 2024, 10:37:34 PMAttorney John Morgan, a major Biden donor, issued the Democratic Party a warning on Sunday after the party began coalescing around Vice President Kamala Harris as the favorite for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

After President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he is not going to seek re-election, Morgan told ABC News that he will stop fundraising for Democrats if Harris is their presidential nominee.

His reason is simple: Morgan believes running Harris is a fool's errand because she is too far-left to win a general election.

If Trump World could pick anybody to run against, I think they pick her," he told ABC News. "If she's a nominee, Mar-a-Lago has a real big party that night."

In fact, Morgan believes that Biden's endorsement of Harris is a subtle message to his own party, whose brokers essentially bullied him into stepping aside as Donald Trump became the clear favorite to win the election.

"Joe Biden's endorsement of Kamala is his f*** you to all who pushed him out," Morgan said. "Be careful what you wish for."

Morgan donated $1 million to the Biden re-election effort.

I have to admit that as parting fuck yous go...  Forcing Kamala on them in return for pushing him out was a good one.  Remember Joe had Kamala as his V.P. because he wanted a terrible person to discourage anyone from replacing him.
People in California don't like Kamala at all.  In fact, Democrats in here in California realize Kamala makes them more likely to lose.
The latest whisper campaign is Joe Biden didn't have covid but instead suffered a minor stroke.  Not sure if this is worth putting much stock in but proof of life via a live appearance would put this speculation to rest.
BTW no one is going to step up to challenge Kamala.  It is not because she is a great candidate, she isn't, it is because most top Dems already believe Trump will win and they don't want to get tied to a failed presidency and an unpopular candidate.  Kamala is the designated fall guy so Dems can say they gave her a chance knowing she is not going to win.  This is just about optics and hoping to save down ballot races.

That it also gets Kamala out of the way is a bonus.
A decent video about Biden dropping out and why Kamala was chosen as the new fall guy.  Dems know Kamala won't win and she is seen as expendable so they can claim they supported her and gave her a chance but she lost.  BTW Pelosi and the other party elites got Biden out by telling big donors to stop donating not just to Biden but for all down ticket candidates as well.  That got the rest of the rats to turn on Biden to save their own skins.

That is why the donor money started flooding in the day Biden stepped down.  They were paying off Dems for agreeing to speak out against Biden.  That was the quid pro quo.
The NYTs and left wing media in general are such low I.Q. propaganda.  These articles are just 10 days apart.  Ten fucking days.

First: It is a right wing conspiracy theory that Dem elites want to replace Joe Biden.  Then: We are so happy Joe Biden has been replaced!
It looks like Democrats have found a way to start over running Texas with illegals/asylum fraudsters.  Texas took state control of its southern border and has been reporting illegals directly back to Mexico.  Democrats hated this policy, sued to try to prevent it, but the courts didn't side with the Democrats. So illegals stopped trying to entire Texas and it seemed the Democrats plan to use illegals to flip Texas Blue was stopped. 

Illegal alien smuggling operations switched all their efforts to California and now the state is over run.  Newsom made a deal with the Biden admin where the Feds pay for plane tickets and illegals get to keep flooding into Texas.  Dems were gleeful because their plans to flood Texas with future Democrat voters seems back on.
10,000 jobs lost, minimum, to date.
The left is so racist and desperate to project their racism on to the other side.  Some things never change.
Democrats are now being racist and are upset that J.D. Vance's wife is an Indian Hindu.  They, as always, lie and claim "alt right" people will hate him... All while leftists act extremely racist about the V.P.'s nominee has a South Asian wife.  What racist shit stains.
Some California public school districts are now using a standard known as "grading for equity".  Under this so called standard test scores earn you different grades based upon your skin color or if you are an "oppressor" or an "oppressed person".  A white or Asian kid might have to get 95% to get an A while a black kid might only have to get a 60% to get the same A.

Oh, and students can retake tests as many times as it takes until they pass and no homework is ever late.  They can turn it in at any time.  Students will still be graded differently based upon their immutable characteristics.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 19, 2024, 10:27:37 PM

I didn't watch the video but who gives a fuck what Scott Ritter has to say?  The guy is both a pedo and a paid Putin shill.  He spews a lot of disinformation and misinformation specifically to create conflict among Americans and to help his Russian employer.