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Messages - Biggie Smiles

The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 05:01:00 PM
wow.. it's times like these that make us mortals begin to reflect on the more important things in our fleeting lives.

Live each day as if it were your last a wise man somewhere, at sometime, once said

or was that Illhan Omar

In any event, one simply must ponder with due diligence what would have become of DKG had I not tossed that drooling spastic child predator into the buffoon bucket and shipped his stupid ass on outta here? thus, sparking a chain of events ultimately leading to this passage of Death's angel over our doorstep undisturbed.

Why, DKG might very well have come face to face with a very uncomfortable and possibly debilitating experience. The machinations of the fabled Holidork himself.  Oh that might not have been good. Especially on a platform less than 100 people observe at any given time.

wow -- what could have been -- and how we sometimes escape the hard clutches of fate by the skin of our teethe and don't even know it.

@DKG -- Seems you are indebted to me for the remainder of your life good sir. I shall call upon you to return this incredible favor at a time most convenient to me.
Quote from: Brent on Today at 03:07:58 PMNo, I didn't. I have had enough of the Democrats trying to win this election through the DOJ instead of plarforms.

It is like an Iranian election. I cannot watch anymore of it.
Disgusting isn't it?

Even to the casual observer insulated from much of the resultant consequence, I know. A true travesty to watch a once proud and great nation bordering your own descend into third world status with mentally ill goofbags leading the charge.

Quote from: Brent on Today at 02:58:55 PMDemocrats like gag orders.

Bro -- did you see where these scumbags filed their motion for a gag order in the evening preceding a national holiday without affording opposing counsel any advance notice?

I've seen this play out before in court. The intent here is to stand before a judge and roll the dice as to the judge's competency without the constraints of an opposing argument.

You only pull shit like this when you are pathetically desperate, have ZERO integrity and believe that your case cannot stand based on fact or merit.

total scumbag move and any competent attorney would agree.
This thread will be dedicated to all the ways you can help identify yourself as a spastic koolaid drinking asstard of the democrat variety

Yes friends you may be any asshole devoid of any hope or help if you believe THIS was not an act of desperation on the part of a prosecutor who seems to know deep down they dont have a case

If you disagree with this post please seek immediate help and/or assisted suicide as soon as possible
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 01:52:26 PM
Quote from: formosan on Today at 12:17:39 PMAdmin is so extreme and he seems so angry all the time..

I wanted to know what makes him so antisocial.......but he had too many Donald Trump memes to post.
Imagine the time and energy he expends researching and saving those silly things to his computer?

The guy is a true waste of life.

The only real value a tard like him brings to society is directly relational to his minor impact on the process of photosynthesis
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 10:26:08 AM
Quote from: deport_liberals on May 27, 2024, 04:40:28 AMIf libs are for it I willbe against.  They are on the wrong side of every issue all the time.  And as we see, even when all their enemies are gone they start fighting amongst themselves. Miserable people unable to ever take responsibility for anything.
it's got to the point with me that if a lib actually likes me I'm left wondering what am I doing wrong.

Seriously, hate my fucking guts, it's an honor as far as I'm concerned
Quote from: deport_liberals on Today at 09:22:59 AMAidsman is the only poaster left right or center that tPoTF has never been fighting with.  What man would take that as a paradigm worthy of emulation.
He is exactly the type of subservient sissy betamale that cows like tPoPF like to have under their skirts.

I've never seen him dare disagree with her on anything. I have, however, seen her take unprovoked shots at him from time to time which seem to cause him to slither back into what ever hole he crawled out of until she logs off.

that I've seen first hand.

Maybe this is why he and Peaches stood idle when Tranny boi threw her off CBT for being a homophobic narcissist? 
Quote from: Thiel on May 27, 2024, 09:22:02 PMHe is indeed cut from the same cloth as Bernie.

bums, promising other bums that if elected they will bridge the gaps between them and prosperity off the hardwork of others

This is socialism. Sell losers on the idea that it is the responsibility of everyone around you to take care of you simply because you breathe. Which is funny to me because these are the very same people pontificating about how we stole the land we live on now from Native Indians. Have any idea what the majority of Indian tribes did to people who did not carry their own weight?

these people are nothing but conman. No different from the rodents proclaiming a 200.00 gift to their shell corp of a false ministry will purchase you the mercy of the Almighty. 

AOC, Bernie, The squad, This guy. All the same dog shit, just packaged a little differently
Quote from: Lokmar on May 27, 2024, 07:12:18 PMMy wife reminded me this morning while discussing C. West and parallels with Bernie The loon that Bernie The Loons wife was guilty of all sorts of money mishandling at the university she was employed by. No doubt thats a part of why he bitched out TWICE! He could either watch his wife go to the clink or they would continue to look the other way while the loons ate the pork. I wouldnt be surprised if West's situation is similar.

That fucking retard wouldn't even be a blip on the radar if it weren't for the race hustling angle


He's running on a platform of free money in the form of reparations for black people and can't even draw a crowd in a predominately black neighborhood

That right there should be telling this asshole he'd be better off suffocating himself with a plastic bag than running for president
Quote from: Frood on May 27, 2024, 07:34:10 PMBernie was such a hypocrite. He and his wife have millions in assets and property but he wanted others to house or pay for illegals he was advocating for.

Career Fuckwit

Easy to virtue signal when someone else is holding the bag isn't it?

This is exactly what happened with libtard mayors - virtual signaling because they believe 2000 miles of geography insultated them from consequence

and then comes along a master chess player to call their bluff -- and we've all seen the fall out for ourselves
Quote from: Oliver the Second on May 27, 2024, 03:15:06 PMThe elites always think they will be immune from the disorder they inflict on the common folk and are genuinely surprised and upset when it affects them too. 

My old company owner was a big Obama fan until the business got hit with a fat new Obama tax. He asked the accounting girl about it (she was a big Trump fan) and she said "Well that's what you voted for". Boy was he pissed  :crampe:
Do you know why this is the case?

Plainly, because there is, unknown to each level below, a hierarchical structure of elites with each level up the pyramid being more valued and important to cult than the one below. However, the ones below are not informed they are in the lower class and therefore happily and dutifully parrot the narrative passed down to them from the elites above thinking they are a part of the saved class.

When in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. This is a PONZI scheme of class and mind but libtards are simply too stupid to see it.

When the chaos erupts and society crumbles there will most certainly be a finite amount of room on their proverbial Ark -- and you can trust, with utmost certainty,  people like Joy Reid, AOC, Ilhan Omar and the thousands upon thousands of other idiotic talking heads are not on the VIP.

But yeah, they're still stupid enough to hate a man that those atop of the food chain hate because they are told to hate him, when in fact, he's just as much in the same boat as they are -

only difference is, he's aware of it, they are not.
Quote from: Garraty_47 on May 27, 2024, 05:38:30 PMHe should have stayed in his ivory tower; this so-called presidential run has exposed him as someone who not only can't win the election but someone who *shouldn't* win.

He's lost the faith and respect of the very people he claims to speak for.
that's because he was nothing but a con man to begin with. It just became more and more apparent when the lights started shining on him.

I'm sorry, but any man to whom it can be proven that he does not take care of his own child has no business leading a nation nor pontificating about any of the injustices in it which he perceives

and I'd be saying the same thing about trump if someone could point me in the direction of back child support owed or other types of financial neglect in ANY one of his children
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 27, 2024, 02:03:46 PM
So here, for you ultra smart leftist scumbags

A visual which depicts perfectly how both Trump, and every one of us, feel about your lame efforts to smear this man based on unsavory details about his personal life.

Pity with all your paper weight degrees You just will never get it though.

The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 27, 2024, 01:57:24 PM
Quote from: Lokmar on May 27, 2024, 05:21:14 AMKudos to the brown and libtard white community thats waking up!!!!  BRAVO MOFO's!!! I swear to GOD ON MY VERY SOUL!!!! I have absolutely ZERO desire to have anyone subservient to me let alone in chains under me! Hell, I dont even want my  cunt whore ex wife in chains and I call that bitch lord voldemort!!! All I want for America is PEOPLE, IDGAF what color you are, who love God AND America, and want freedom for EVERYONE, but with responsibility for your own damned actions!!!!!

And I aint even black!!!!!
Black people are waking up and it brings me great joy to see it for I too was once under such a cloak of darkness. As a latino I am supposed to adopt the rhetoric by default. Why you think of all the conservative trolls on this site the snowflakes over yonder hate me the most? Have you not seen the same with @Erica Mena under her Countess Id? Is it because we insult them with any greater impact or veracity than any of you? NO. It is because as minorities we represent the most damaging truth to the narrative they are attempting to feed the lemmings. Us, and people like us, like those you see at the south bronx rally are the proverbial fly in the ointment. A threat to the narrative that is most difficult to contain.

And when the epiphany at scale does take place that's when you see the true racist I've been referencing all along in these rodents come to the surface. You'll see clearly how they reserve their most belligerent hatred for black men and women who exit the plantation of their mind.

It is the American minorities  they are most intimidated by as it is very difficult bill of sale to convince any reasonable minded person with a modicum of independent thought that someone like 50 cent, Candace Owens, Ice Cube, Ben Carson, Justice Thomas and a host of many others actually hate their own kind.

Hard sell indeed.

So until the importation of their new and improved voting base is completed they will continue to attempt their mental intimidation tactics on these people with terms like "house nigger", Oreo Cookie and "you ain't black" as a their last ditched attempt to keep the herd in line until which time they are no longer needed.

And they will use caricatures like AOC as implants in the mental prison they have constructed through the various social media and entertainment platforms to make people believe they have a champion. Much the same way the Architect and Oracle inserted Neo into the matrix to control a predictable anomaly.

You don't have a champion when the champion is adored by the very same instrument that is oppressing you. You have a champion when you look to the person they hate more than you because he is willing to help you open your eyes and actually do something about it. That's where your champion is. Your champion is a man with flaws. Imagine that. He's cheated on his wives. He's grabbed women with low self esteem by the pussy because they let him. He's leveraged capitalism to make deals most favorable to himself, sometimes, at great cost to the person sitting at the other-side of the bargaining table. He's said mean things to people. He's held that we , as a people, are more important to him than outsiders who hate us.

Gosh, with all of these facts on the table I'm beginning to foster the insane idea that maybe I should be voting for policy instead of the moral turpitude of the man behind those policies. Does the opposition have a policy I can anchor onto? Something I can read, see, feel, touch?  Something like an itinerary as to where this nation, to whom I pay a third of my income is headed?

Or suffice to say I shouldn't vote for him because he's all of those things I mentioned previously PLUS  He's a criminal sitting in a NYC kangaroo court where murderers, rapists and thieves are turned loose on society to repeat again because ALvin Bragg says so.  Fighting the charges of felonies neither the prosecutors, biased judge or supporting media can articulate or explain.

might as well coin a fancy hashtag and be done with it already

#Believe All Charges

Your champion isn't Illhan Omar, a boisterous traitor who revels in her treason and makes it pretty well known she'd like nothing more to see YOU, or anyone who looks like YOU and not HER, hung from the nearest tree.

No no, YOUR champion is diverting time, energy and resource away from fighting for YOU to stop a highly alarming precedent from being set by a gaggle of activist elitists who have one end goal in mind. Place into legitimacy the notion that the government can seize personal property for any reason at any time with no constitutional barriers constraining their efforts.

 Or did you not realize that democrats love legislating from the bench as democracy is an all too tedious process to endure. Plus, it does not guarantee a predictable and repeatable outcome. Because, my friend, if you truly believe 454 million in fines is a just outcome for embellishing an credit application with assets inflated either deliberately or otherwise I truly pity you. Because it wont stop there. Just like Roe Vs Wade didn't stop there. Originally that ruling was intended to strike a balance. I read it. But balance is never good enough for a libtard and thus came to life the idea that women could murder their offspring up until the day this living, breathing child was set to exit the birth canal.

And so, Once the precedent is set the tentacles will grow and seek new avenues of applicability. They always do.  And before you know it, you'll be in danger of financial ruin if you've mildly embellished work history on a resume, inflated assets & income on a credit app and so on and so forth. Isn't that the end game for any tyrannical socialist regime? As history has most certainly shown their first order of business to seize property and descend into chaos and poverty from there? You know, the whole RobinHood effect which our society has been glorifying since we were children? So you know they've got the seeds planted already. It's just a matter of continuing to water them.

Yep, when a minority like myself leaves the plantation the former smiles and assurances of acceptance will most certainly come to a bitter and immediate end. And that's when the guilt trips begin. And they come in the form of intimidation that will be vile, baseless and disgustingly littered with untruths. But most of all it will show you clearly who these people really are, always were, and most importantly always will be.

The vampire becomes increasingly restless as daybreak approaches. Does he not?
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 27, 2024, 12:50:48 PM
"knuckle Draggers" -- I swear this animals are lowlife fucking garbage to be saying that.

About mostly black and latino people too! Coming from the same geography which elected your wonderful little do gooder AOC.

so what does that tell you? If you're 1/1000th as smart as your toilet paper degree would have you believe you'd realize that SOMETHING must be going on in their personal lives for them to be coming out in droves to support a man who is the exact polar opposite of A) the freshman ex stripper they elected to represent their district just a few short years ago


B) the catatonic douchebag who's done nothing for the ""pubic"" in his 50 years in ""public"" service whom they more than likely voted for just 4 years ago

So assuming for a moment that Trump is the racist, misogynist, criminal conman you animals say he is.

This criminal conman, misogynist, racist pig of a man has WOMEN, MINORITIES and LAW ENFORCEMENT coming out to support him in record numbers. In the districts you once controlled with an iron grip.

What does that say about you? what does that say about the trainwreck disasters you people call policies? Or will you continue to run on a premise that "we're not him"

Yeah, we know that, and that is exactly why we are supporting him. Thanks for being honest for just once in your sorry lives.

Keep one thing crystal clear in your minds you lowlife stupid cockroaches, even the best conman cannot exploit feelings of resentment that aren't already there. He can only cultivate them. He cannot, himself, create a mirage of discontent among people who are content and then exploit said mirage to his own benefit.

Tell me that at the very least, your fucking course in logical thinking taught you that much.

fucking moron.