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Messages - Kingoffrogs

Working in food service is a job that should only be taken by students and kids that live with their parents. However, there is still a plethora of people that don't get a better job and work food service for their entire life. Here are a few things that these such people have to deal with.

Burn Out: Many food service places have a high employee turnover rate, due to the nature of the employees that work there. As a consequence of this, many food service places are understaffed for a large portion of their business hours, sometimes they are understaffed all of the time. So, what does that mean for you? That means that you have to stay for an extra hour or 2 after your shift to work, it means that you will have to do the job of 2 or 3 people/ do the job of your manager, and it means that customers will experience longer wait times, which causes them to get angry and sometimes yell at you or throw drinks/ food at you like apes flinging their feces. The culmination of these conditions causes many food service workers to work 50-60 hours a week, and if they don't stay after their shift, you can be fired or disciplined at some places for this. If not, you will be ostricized by your coworkers.

Shitty Coworkers: It isn't as bad as working in a fagtory, but at most food service places there are at least a few people that do hard drugs on their shift. I have no problem whatsover with someone smoking a joint on their break, or having a couple grams of Crouton or a couple of beer, as long as they can work as well high as they can sober and no one gets hurt, it's cool IMO. What I DO have a problem with are the people that work in a position that, if they do screw up, they could cause someone to be injured on the job. Not quite as big of a deal as it is if you are working in a factory (then if you fuck up while high someone could die), but still a problem I encounter from time to time with some coworkers.

Also, you will pretty much always be working with a group of people between the ages of 16-21, with 1 or 2 adults sprinkled in (the managers).

Cutting Corners: most food service places have a set of rules that they follow while on shift, IE food safety, cleaning protocols, etc. However, almost every food service does not follow this set of rules, either because they are too busy, or lazy, etc. Now, this is noit always a problem, however, when it IS a problem is when you are having an audit. If you never follow "da rulez", and have an audit, you have to have been working there long enough to know all of the proper protocols. If you are hired into a job, and they do not do a lot of things by the book while they train you, then by the time an audit comes around, you WILL fail.

There are 2 nevers and one always when working food service:

You will NEVER be fast enough.

You will NEVER make enough money.

You will ALWAYS be underpaid.
Quote from: JOE on March 28, 2024, 10:05:14 PM...reason I wonder is the price of bitcoin is skyrocketing

Gold is one thing but when bitcoin outpaces even gold by a wide margin makes ya think a crash might be right around the corner.

We definitely don't live in normal times.

Something's amiss & something is gonna happen.

Bitcoin has been volatile ever since 2015-2016. This is just another uptick before bitcoin drops back down 5 or 10 or 20 %
Because big business doesn't want you to have a reason to have a 3 day weekend.

nvm, OP already said it...
@JOE is right about one things, cars are not good investments.

Depreciate as soon as you drive it off the lot.
Joe if you aren't married and genuinely look like you're in your 30's, go to target and pick up some white chicks there. The ratio of women to men in a target is like 5:1, and half of them have daddy issues.

The more piercings and tattoos, the better.
Quote from: Lokmar on January 29, 2024, 11:10:53 AM:crampe:  :crampe:  :crampe:  :crampe:  :crampe:  :crampe:  :crampe:  :crampe:

Next year, I hope a buncha MAGA's bukake the fuck outta her!!!!  :crampe:

I'm not MAGA affiliated, but I'll be there...
Quote from: TheProwler on March 26, 2024, 12:20:46 AMWhen I say "need" I am really talking about "want".  Most stuff we do not "need" and most of what we are talking about is more of a "want" than a "need".

So arguing that point is just semantics.

If people were previously unable to afford a product, then producing it at a price they can afford is not producing more than we want.  When I say more than we want (or need), I am referring to Senile @JOE's claim that we will produce an "oversupply".

I do not want to go off on a tangent about what I mean by "efficient".

I am talking about efficient methods of producing goods or services.  I am not talking about accurately projecting the demand for a product.

Ok, I suppose I misunderstood.

What does Joe mean by oversupply?

Usually, when supply exceeds demand, prices fall, and then shortly after supply falls.

A surplus is usually a good thing in my understanding of economics, Joe by oversupply do you simply mean a surplus?

Also how do I @ someone it isn't working for me, maybe because I'm on mobile right now.
Quote from: TheProwler on March 25, 2024, 07:22:10 PMDo not be so stupid, Senile Joe.

Why would we produce more than we need?

Anyone who think being inefficient is better than being efficient should just sit this one out.

We produce more than we need in order to create a surplus, therefore lowering the cost of consumer goods and making them more accessible to those who previously were unable to afford them.

Supply and Demand Have never been and will never be in equilibrium. We can get close, but because of many things (such as the delay in supply change in response to demand.) it will never be a 100% efficient system.
The Guest Nest / Re: democRATs Be Like
March 25, 2024, 01:55:12 AM
More like DemoCRAPS!

Take THAT, I'm tired of deliberating and debating with illiterate libtards! (Say that 3 times fast.)
The Guest Nest / Re: Should Seaboobies be banned?
March 25, 2024, 12:47:34 AM
Of course Admin still sucks Caulk, it's in HIZ NAE-CHURE!
Whatever happened to land belonging to whoever conquers it?

Land doesn't "belong" to any particular group of people just because they inhabited it previously.

whether designated as a group by ethnicity, language, culture, etc, at the end of the day, a plot of land is owned by whoever occupies/governs it.

"But... but the 2 kingdoms of Israel! Da jediz where there 4 ever! And... And da twelve tribes, folx!"

Yes, they where. Then the levant was conquered by the Romans. After that the Byzantines held it, until the Rashidun, Umayyad, and Abbasid caliphates conquered it. Then it was held by mamluks, and then ottomans, etc.

It is utterly pointless to argue that a specific group of people are entitled to a plot of land just because they at one time inhabited it.

These are my thoughts on the matter. Is there anyone that disagrees? I would like to hear another viewpoint on this subject.
Original Article Here

Fantastic. More government spending. Let's see what the money will be used for, surely it will be used for the nation's most pressing problems, like our international debt crisis, the opiod "epidemic", and the rising cost of goods like food and cars.

QuoteHere's what's in the $1.2 trillion fiscal year 2024 spending package passed by the House on Friday (with a Senate vote still pending):
$200B cut in federal spending over the next 10 years.
$6B in clawbacks of unused COVID-19 emergency funds.
$27B increase in defense spending from fiscal year 2023 — including 5.2% pay bump for US service members.
Hike in CBP & ICE funds, including $125M in OT pay for Border Patrol, salaries for at least 22,000 agents and 41,500 detention beds at the US border.
$3.3B for continued funding to Israel for war with Hamas.
$300 million to purchase new arms, equipment and ammunition for Ukraine.
$1B for climate change work at the Pentagon.
Elimination of taxpayer funding for UNRWA relief agency for Palestinian refugees.
$200M for new FBI headquarters in Greenbelt, Md.
$50M cut in funds for DEI programming at the Pentagon.
Funding to provide 12,000 special immigrant visas for Afghans who helped the US military during war against Taliban.
20% cut in funding to NGOs that help settle migrants in the US.

Providing visas to 12k Afghanis?  They are importing Low-Skilled laborers into an information economy. How many Afghanis do you know that code?

3.3B to Israel  When Israel could have crushed Hamas and annexed the entirety of Palestine (Maybe save for Gaza.) if they wished to. But, Alas, they are going to draw out the conflict in order to have a reason to recieve foreign aid.

200B cut in federal spending over the next 10 years.  It doesn't matter how much you cut spending by if you are just going to raise the debt ceiling next year and approve another half trillion or more spending package.

$300 million to purchase new arms, equipment and ammunition for Ukraine.  Ukraine no longer has the demographic structure to participate in the Russo-Ukrainian war, but Russia's demographic structure has been slipping since 1945. Hopefully Ukraine kills enough Russians to the point that, when the Russians win, they will only annex a few provinces, keep Crimea, and implode. They don't have the manpower to occupy all of Ukraine, Even occupying Donetsk might be difficult, even though Donetsk was torn apart.

$200M for new FBI headquarters in Greenbelt, Md.  At least it isn't going in Wyoming.
Quote from: JOE on March 18, 2024, 08:33:07 AMI followed an online auction of this car

...and the Hagerty Index has this car valued at about $80,000 US:

...a good buy?

For reselling purposes, no, cars are horrible assets to have if you want to profit off of selling them.

But, Joe, you are probably nearing or past retirement age. If you have the funds to spare and it's the car you really want, i'd say go for it tiger.
Did she look like this, Joe?

If so, you might have a fighting chance...