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Messages - JOE

#1 seems that way:

Politics / Re: Polls after Trump's conviction
June 02, 2024, 08:18:02 PM
Relax Bigly, polls are only a snapshot of what may be the outcome on Election Day.

Any way it goes, should be an interesting finish.

Maybe most Americans will forget all about it by then.
Politics / Polls after Trump's conviction
June 02, 2024, 07:58:34 PM

QuoteWASHINGTON, May 31 (Reuters) - Ten percent of Republican registered voters say they are less likely to vote for Donald Trump following his felony conviction for falsifying business records to cover up a hush money payment to a porn star, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that closed on Friday.
The two-day poll, conducted in the hours after the Republican presidential candidate's conviction by a Manhattan jury on Thursday, also found that 56% of Republican registered voters said the case would have no effect on their vote and 35% said they were more likely to support Trump, who has claimed the charges against him are politically motivated and has vowed to appeal.

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 02, 2024, 04:56:24 PMHow matter of fact. A polite discussion over eggs Benedict and grits where a homicide just casually makes its way into the conversation. After a full few hours of small talk too!

How did your day go? Oh, I ran a few errands, did some house cleaning, murdered someone and left their corpse on my living room floor to decompose while I enjoy this lovely breakfast with you. Could you pour me some more coffee please?

um.... could you repeat that last part again? no no... the part right before the pouring of more coffeee

Holy shit. 

Thats Tropical cultcha' for ya.

Oh well.
Quote from: Garraty_47 on June 02, 2024, 04:47:40 PMSo we know Tulsi's aunt was at the other woman's house (I'm guessing not for the first time since they're described as having been friends and colleagues) when an argument started and the woman killed Tulsi's aunt. Then the woman apparently went to another friend's house, spent the night, and only told *her* about the murder in the morning while they were having breakfast. Then the murder was reported, the police found Tulsi's aunt at the woman's home, and the woman turned herself in.

What. The. Entire. Fuck.

Humans really are the worst animals on the planet.

I've often heard Somoans have quite a temper. Plus they're big & strong. x3 for their women I s'pose
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 02, 2024, 02:48:01 PMand in today's episode of water is wet and sunlight is bright ........................

also your analogy of Trump being stabbed 34 times is interesting because in some respects it's not unlike what was done to Julius Caesar.

He was becoming too powerful, his enemies feared him so they stabbed him to death.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 02, 2024, 02:37:38 PMThere was a single 130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels was there not? So ask yourself where do these 34 counts come from?

Or let me put it to you this way. If I decide to be a selfless servant of mankind and take a knife and stab you in the face 34 times, striking the same wound each time, and the world is unfortunate enough that day that you manage to escape death, how many counts of attempted homicide should I be charged with?

One? Or 34?

An intelligent person would say one as it is clear I tried to kill you but you are just one lucky son of a bitch or I am just an incompetent bastard who should have stabbed myself in the face instead

what say you?

I think they did that to Trump because they very much fear that he could be elected in November. So even if he is  this will slow him down and put him on a leash. This is what the political Establishment in your country wants. Evidently it's not only Democrats either. Globalist Republicans such as Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney probably wanted this verdict too.

Trump seems to have as many enemies within his own party than outside of it.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 02, 2024, 02:20:51 PMbut you're a fucking moron who sits on the fence acting like there's some grand and baffling mystery to it all when in fact it's as plain as fucking daylight to anyone who can divide their IQ by 2 and still arrive at a whole number

I just don't know enough about all the facts of the case or why Trump got nailed in 34/34 counts. That does seem rather severe.

Trump may have stepped over the line. However the degree with which he did is questionable & whether this is actually a Civil matter as opposed to a Criminal case
One ex President starts illegal wars that result in a million deaths gets off while the other fucks a Porn star & gets nailed with a Criminal record.

Yeah that seems logical
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 02, 2024, 02:11:47 PMwhat's next now that we're constructing these types of frankenstien precedents where you can be jailed for logging payments ambiguously despite the fact that all the detail in the world wouldn't have the slightest bit of consequence on anyone?

Will we be placing NY based business owners in jail for recording time of day start times in EST instead of UTC? If someone logs overtime in the form of 3.6 hours and accounting decides ah fuckit just round up to 4 hours will they suffer for such a heinous crime 10 years after the fact?

The scum on the left is so blinded by their rage they cannot see the forest for the trees and do not understand how precedent is just a powerful standard as is legislating something law. See Roe vs Wade for details.

you leftist scumbags disgust me

Actually Bigly if they were going after an ex President they shoulda gone after Bush Cheney. Those bastards ruined yer country and much of the world.

....oh but wait, they're protected by the Deep State and the political Establishment. Lol
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 02, 2024, 12:34:57 PMI'm fully aware of the obvious fact that he is a drooling fucktard. But I figured I'd have a little fun with some creative analogies in the process.

I mostly leave him to shit in his own playpen to his heart's content because it's not like he's going to suddenly come up with some valuable knowledge or anything

Actually Bigly for some reason, I find this verdict somewhat disturbing. Not sure why. As Tulsi Gabbard said, it's not something people should gloat about because moving forward it divides your country not heals it. The verdict has not resolved anything or outstanding differences. Its akin to the dred Scott decision or Roe v Wade. It creates more fissures than resolves.
QuoteNow tell me how the fuck him sleeping with some washed up porn star 10 years prior is going to have any impact whatsoever on his chances of wiping the floor with Hillary. The whole story was a political nothing-burger and if anything, the guy was a cheating husband attempting to conceal his misdeeds from his own wife.

Well they nailed Clinton over the same sorta thing although he was never convicted.

Someone here remarked that Trump is a 1980s/90s Democratic President or candidate. In some respects that is true. Ie John Edward's, Clinton,  Eliott Pitz & others. But they managed to get away with it w/o getting Criminal records but he didn't
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 02, 2024, 12:24:57 PMYou don't know if he's innocent or guilty eh?

Okay, set the stage to see if your mush mind gets it with this analogy

We are in Harrison Arkansas. The year is 1965 and there stands a black man, beaten and battered, surrounded by figures shrouded in white robes with hoods over their faces holding torches in their hands. There  is a cross burning in the not-so-far distance and a very important matter is being discussed quite excitedly among them. You see, this black man is accused of hurling a 12 ton meteorite at the moon and thus causing significant damage to one of saturn's rings in the process. And this is AFTER his repeated runins with law enforcement where he can be observed engaging in despicable acts like driving his car to work, mowing his own lawn and buying milk on occasion to feed his family.

Surely you'll agree this poor townsfolk have had enough.

So Early the next morning we find that black man's lifeless body hanging from a tree.

Now the question to you is this: Was this man guilty or innocent? And more importantly - was his trial a fair one

take your time.

Well Bigly even if Trump gave hush money to Stormy Daniels during the 2016 Presidential Election in your country, I'm not sure if the truth had come out then, if it woulda made any difference to its outcome. It became increasingly clear that Hillary Clinton was a piss poor candidate who lost the election because of her lack of appeal and some glaring mistakes over a bunch of emails. And had Trump admitted to fucking Stormy Daniels he might have still won that election.