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Messages - Lokmar

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 25, 2024, 08:17:45 PMVice President Kamala Harris told reporters after her meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that they had a "frank and constructive" discussion in which she pledged to "always ensure that Israel is able to defend itself."

Harris said she's always "had an unwavering commitment to the existence of the State of Israel, to its security, and to the people of Israel. I've said it many times, but it bears repeating. Israel has a right to defend itself, and how it does so matters."


Go anti Israel and watch those MILLIONS in alleged small donor grassroots funding go POOF!

Go anything but Pro Palestine no matter the context and enjoy the huge backlash you've been experiencing now.

By the way, while we are on the topic of small donors of the everyday working class because these people are so anti billionaire class

Netflix just donated 7 million to her campaign.

She was talking out of both sides for sure.

Trump would be like "fuck them terrorists!"  "Fuck em till they're dead!"
General Chit Chat / Re: It's a conspiracy!
July 25, 2024, 08:23:03 PM
Quote from: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on July 25, 2024, 08:05:12 PMLet's just say his term started with high hopes and ended up a total shit fest of high inflation, the hostage crisis, and total lack of international respect for America.

democRAT. nuff said!
Politics / Re: Kameltoe Harris
July 25, 2024, 05:25:15 PM
Quote from: Brent on July 25, 2024, 01:15:47 PMHarris is an anti working class out of touch rich elitist radical.

Here are some examples of her hatred of working class Americans.

-She was one of only 14 people that endorsed the Green New Deal
-She advocated for a complete transition away from fossil fuels in ten years – which would have led to the collapse of the American economy
-She wanted to upgrade every single home and business building in the country for energy efficiency. Making home ownership out of reach for most Americans.

These green energy fukwadz are gonna have a very rude awakening when they realize there aint gonna be enough electricity in America to keep us out of the stone age once electric cars are shoved up our asses.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
July 25, 2024, 05:20:25 PM
Quote from: Marvin on July 25, 2024, 04:08:53 PMeven briefly mentioning my daughter in one of his posts(just earlier this morning)"Ask Stubby if his black son is available for your little girls birthday party." i've only mentioned my kids a handful of times. that daughter of mine is still underage. he seems to write down everything about everyone. he says a lot in chat he does what he wants. dead wrong if wants to bring up my kids a lot. meltdown rules on that site won't save him from a father's wrath i can give him any time. so i hope he enjoys mentioning my kids, push it too far, and he can easily stop breathing.

Tell that fucker my kids will kill him if he wants.
Quote from: Garraty_47 on July 25, 2024, 02:42:50 PMI'm not gonna do it. Absolutely not. You know so little about Russia's special military operation in Ukraine that there is no "discussing" it with you.

Start here, catch up, and then MAYBE we'll talk.

You literally just asked Admongo to have a conversation without memes.  :crampe:
That Van Jones dickhead is such a fukin weeper! I mean really, he fukin cries all the time!
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
July 25, 2024, 01:27:32 PM
Quote from: Brent on July 25, 2024, 12:45:29 PMHitler hated Christianity. His regime persecuted Lutheran clergy for preaching the gospel.

The Catholic churchb which was strong in Bavaria and Austria went along with the anti-Christian bias of the nazi regime. Pope Pius XII aided Mussolinin and Hitler.

Hitler hated ALL Christian religion including catholics.

Early on, the catlicks tried to thread the needle of appeasement when it came to not speaking out against nazi's. By 1939 though, the official position of the catholic church was both anti bolshevik AND anti nazi. Hitler persecuted the catholic church and priests who were a problem got smoked.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 12:42:23 PM
Quote from: caskur on July 25, 2024, 12:35:29 PMNow that piece of donkey dung Putin wants to Kill Alexei wife to...

Russia court orders arrest of Navalny's widow, Yulia Navalnaya, in absentia
Yulia Navalnaya is accused of participating in an 'extremist' group and she faces at least two months in jail if she returns to Russia from exile.

That is who you guys are supporting. You must be proud..  :laughinatu:

Yea, thats just more bad form from the Russians. They should have just scoffed at and dismissed the widow. Their authoritarian streak cant leave well enough alone tho.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 12:39:40 PM
Quote from: Garraty_47 on July 25, 2024, 12:15:07 PMNavalny was a CIA stooge.

He and the groups he was associated with received funding from known CIA cutouts (National Endowment For Democracy, for one) and his role -far less relevant inside Russia than western media frames it- was to foment discontent and destabilization within Russia aimed at Putin.

A job he kinda sucked at, if truth be told.

He wasn't a hero.
He was a traitor to his own country and an inept agent provocateur.

If true, he should have been tried and if convicted, hanged or shot, not poisoned to death.

Russia has been very sloppy with its use of nerve and radioactive poisons and the open political assassinations of people like Prigozhin have made Russia a pariah.

Sure, America has its own problems but those Russian cunts have no tact. At least when the USA wants to take out a politician, we have the decency and grace to open the door and let some mentally deranged douchebag do the dirty work!!!
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 11:32:58 AM
Quote from: caskur on July 25, 2024, 11:26:29 AM13% of your income shouldn't go into it. Ask yourself how Oz people only pay 2% and we are only 26 million or so ... if I was you I would demand your government adopted the Australian model. When Frood comes in and starts complaining... it's because he was working in a flood zone where they struggled for medical help but that was every business not just the medical centres and doctors.

I hope when you were earning the big bucks you slotted something away for the downturns.

Trump will turn everything around because he truly cares about his country.

Kamala is a communist cunt for real. Excuse the French.

It's pretty easy to find out when it went off the rails. LBJ's great society program in the 60's based upon the idea that "we'll have the niggers voting for us for 200 years" (President LBJ quote BTW), is when SSI was hijacked.

Repealing government policy when it comes to taking taxpayer money is about impossible without a civil war.

I used my money to buy guns, ammo, silver, and some other prepper things. One thing to note is that while I've taken about a $70K to 80K/yr cut in pay, my ACTUAL spending power was reduced about $35K/yr because the rest went to taxes anyway. Still, thats HUGE! Sickening, isnt it?
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
July 25, 2024, 11:12:48 AM
Quote from: Blazor on July 24, 2024, 01:35:34 PMTwo and a half minutes, not a cartoon, let me know your thoughts....

Propaganda. Sure, SOME of this is true and even a jew lover like me wants to see libtard jews gassed like rats. The problem is laying every ill on the doorstep of "the jews". Its fucking absurd and doesnt help fix things. The cunts burning the flag yesterday hate jews to their very core and I have NOTHING in common with them! They are the very freaks that are to blame for the leftist degeneracy we face in this country.

Hitler wasnt a Christian BTW.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 10:59:15 AM
Quote from: caskur on July 25, 2024, 10:48:47 AMWell that is silly thinking ...but then your system needs tweeking and as I am extremely ignorant of your system I cannot defend it or condemn it...

If anyone looked at the ORIGINAL promise of SSI, you can see its mission creep went way the fuck off the rails. Its become a slushfund for government largess now. 13.2% of my income goes into it. If I die before I collect, my family gets $250. ITS A FUCKING SCAM!

WW3 is about the only thing that can reset all the fuckery. Taxes are more then 60% of my income now and my shitbag job is so concerned with DEI these days that my income went from nearly $200K/yr to about $120,000/yr if I'm lucky!

War, I mean ACTUAL war with Russia and China doesnt mean fuck all to me because I can see where my own damned country is taking me. Sure, I hate china and its cheap shit flooding into our markets, but fuck! We did this to ourselves! I'm looking for an exit ramp but I dont see any that arent at the end of a nuclear missile! If democRATs are successful at cheating another election, I'd just as soon see a big ass mushroom cloud over Washington D.C. even if it means one over my own head! My only ask it to see SagFagcistern go before I do!
The Guest Nest / Re: Unpopular opinion
July 25, 2024, 10:47:21 AM
I'm way more concerned about democRAT election theft via cheating than who the candidate is.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 10:41:59 AM
Quote from: caskur on July 25, 2024, 10:13:18 AMThat is why you guys should really worry ditzy Kamala will have to be replaced asap. She is absolutely no match for the leaders of China, Russia or the Middle East.

The leftie press are working overtime to show Kamalas lying about Trump.

I saw her tonight saying Trump is going to get rid of Medicare. He isn't. I saw him at his rallies telling people he is NOT going to rid the USA of Medicare... if Medicare goes under/breaks down by any chance, it'll be because that fuckwit Biden opened the border and literally let in 10+ million illegal aliens and giving them access to YOUR Medicare.

I really hope there are Americans who pay attention to Trumps rallies otherwise Mr and Mrs Middle Class Anerican will be doomed.

Anyone that thinks a US President would get rid of SSI or Medicare/aid is a fucking moron. Those people believe Trump is literally hitler and they cannot be helped.

Me? I would literally get rid of SSI and Medicare/aid. I want them all GONE!!!!!
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 10:38:08 AM