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Messages - caskur

Politics / Re: Kameltoe Harris
Today at 11:20:41 AM
Willie Brown 90, former Mayor of San Francsico and Politician and was also married to Blanche Vitero had an affair with Kamala Harris buying her very expensive gift and over-paying $100,000 for 2 meetings a month.

So what is the difference between her immorality and Trumps encounter with Stormy Daniels Asal? Asal isn't  here but brought up Stormy Daniels on another forum.

It really worries me hearing about this Karmala Harris rise to fame. This is  because for some reason she has risen to be an influential power without deserving to get there. Like Meghan Markle she gets the jobs and doesn't do them or finish them. She is actually friends with Markle too.

Quote from: Herman on July 25, 2024, 06:16:25 PMElon Musk protects his family's privacy. At least it seems that way.

Now that he has openly talked about something very painful to him we will see more of it.

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 01:01:22 AMno no -- it's actually more like - People such as yourself are dumb enough to vote for that cackling creepshow in a blue suit.

People should have aptitude tests before they can vote imo.

Quote from: JOE on Today at 12:54:25 AMShe doesn't have to be but her handlers have to be smart enough to get her elected.

She does have to be smart and tough. She has to deal with despot leaders like Putin and Xi Pingpongball...

She's no good.

Watch the videos we put up.... we put them up for a reason
Quote from: JOE on July 25, 2024, 11:59:41 PMShe doesn't have to since most of her supporters live in the Northeastern Blue States @Shen Li Shen.

Winning the US election is all about numbers & being able to win the Board game of the Electoral College.

The 1st to get to 270 wins even if the other half of the country is alienated and doesn't have their concerns addressed.

She isn't going to win. She isn't smart enough to be the President and she is a communist.

There should be 1 vote 1 value... end of.
Quote from: Reggie Essent on July 25, 2024, 11:58:58 PMIt means they are automatically registered to vote, even if they don't know it and never show up to vote in person.  Once they are registered, it's an automatic ballot for filthy Leftist Dems.

lol, I just read your comment on 2nd page when I wrote that... I am just going through all the posts.

I am glad you know what I know about the voting. The hardcore lefties at memebee vancouver forum don't believe me.
Quote from: Reggie Essent on July 25, 2024, 09:55:35 PMOf course the Democrats don't care about voters.  Never did.  Don't even need them to win elective offices.  They only need ballots.  Lots and lots of ballots that they harvest from motor-voter registration rolls, obituary lists, nursing homes and hobo camps, as teh last election showed us all.

the demon rats have given illegal aliens drivers licences and social security numbers which means they can register to vote.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 25, 2024, 05:09:43 PMShortly after the house wins a vote to condemn Kamala on the boarder. Including SIX democrats who voted with republicans to condemn her

now she has this

like this lovely young lady says: The comments and the likes on those comments tell you the whole story.

Young people work through their emotions and don't have a clue about what is going on in Israel for real.... anyway when she matures, and grows up, she will understand Israel has to rid Hamas once and for all.

We should go back to only people over 35 being able to vote.
The Guest Nest / Re: New Rules for trans People
July 25, 2024, 11:09:33 PM
Quote from: Shen Li on July 25, 2024, 09:41:57 PMI was under the impression that the UK was moving in the same direction as Europe. Europe has had a serious rethink of the whole barbaric business of surgery and hormone blockers for kids.

There is talk about it in the UK but in Australia they are still practicing on Children because Australia tolerates whackos.

the tied is turning though. When you get a chance, go to my Elon Musk thread and watch the video in it... Dan Wootton is a gay conservative (NZ born) living in the UK,... Elon Musks son had the full trans treatment... Elon is angry about it and has vowed to destroy the woke mind virus... its good viewing.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 01:39:27 PM
Quote from: Brent on July 25, 2024, 12:53:46 PMI don't know whether to laugh or get angry when the US accuses China and Russia of imperialism.

They are all imperialists... once there were King's then they were overthrown by men with ambitions who set themselves up as pseudo-King's... Putin is a Pseudo King... if you try to shift him from his throne he will poison you..

Don't tell me you support him, I don't want to know.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 01:28:08 PM
Quote from: JOE on July 25, 2024, 01:05:57 PMItll probably result in another Cold War with the Communist or ex Communist nations aligned with each other against the West & America @caskur Caskur. The rogue nations against the Established Ones

The USA will no longer be able to command the hegemony it once did at its height. Thanks in large part to Warmongers W Bush/Cheney.

World is splitting into 2 solitude. BRICS vs Team USA. Neither will be able to topple the other. But it will be an uneasy coexistence.

You are not a biblical person but if you were, you would know about Nebuchadnezzar's dream in the Book of Daniel, the statue and the feet of iron and clay. The feet of iron and clay don't mix and the statue comes tumbling down.. the statue is the global political system down the ages until now, the end of days.

Iron is basically the old feudal system or right-wing  system and the clay is the socialist left winged system and they don't mix... and they fight over the earth's hidden treasures which is oil.

America is the lion with a lambs mouth in the last book of the bible but never forget that it's an Anglo-American world power against the so called Communist or left wing states. America is supported by strong allys..

It looks like there is definitely a gathering going on but we are digressing here and going in all different directions..

I know the Bible prediction Babylon would never be built again and when Saddam Hussein was alive he vowed to build Babylon again... well, we all know what happened to him.

Some of the people here know what I am talking about, others have no use for a spiritual interpretation but it's all fascinating just the same.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 12:52:44 PM
Quote from: Lokmar on July 25, 2024, 12:42:23 PMYea, thats just more bad form from the Russians. They should have just scoffed at and dismissed the widow. Their authoritarian streak cant leave well enough alone tho.

Alexei was a very handsome healthy looking man.

I wonder what his policies were?

I feel so sorry for his mother... I did see her on TV go to visit his body.

It made me sick.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 12:49:51 PM
I cannot believe any of you entertain wrong doing as a solution to anything.

Sigh... no wonder the world is fucked up.

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 25, 2024, 10:00:25 AMYou really think that this lunatic's testimony is damning towards anyone who didn't already hate Trump enough to believe anything?

She's a whack job, anyone with a modicum of common sense can see this for themselves. But the true deranged imbeciles on the left wont care because it's fodder which they believe can be exploited. The true patriots on the right won't care because they've all seen this "little boy who cried wolf" saga play itself out dozens of times already.

That leaves the independents. Independents tend to fall into a higher IQ bracket than the deranges monkies running around with their hair on fire so I suspect they will cringe and see this woman for what she is too. A lunatic with serious mental problems. Just like Anderson Cooper did. Even if his employment status requires him to keep his mouth shut about it.   

I hope you are right. I err  on the side of caution... I always keep in mind the swing voter..  they have the most power.

If they are shown an edited version they might believe the nutter.

Once you watch the end you realise the truth.

I guess we will have to wait and see.