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Messages - caskur

Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 12:35:29 PM
Now that piece of donkey dung Putin wants to Kill Alexei wife to...

Russia court orders arrest of Navalny's widow, Yulia Navalnaya, in absentia
Yulia Navalnaya is accused of participating in an 'extremist' group and she faces at least two months in jail if she returns to Russia from exile.

That is who you guys are supporting. You must be proud..   :laughinatu:

Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 12:26:12 PM
Quote from: Garraty_47 on July 25, 2024, 12:15:07 PMNavalny was a CIA stooge.

He and the groups he was associated with received funding from known CIA cutouts (National Endowment For Democracy, for one) and his role -far less relevant inside Russia than western media frames it- was to foment discontent and destabilization within Russia aimed at Putin.

A job he kinda sucked at, if truth be told.

He wasn't a hero.
He was a traitor to his own country and an inept agent provocateur.

So CIA Scrooge's deserve to die do they?

What is their crime?
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 12:01:03 PM
Harold Holt drowned...

Harold Holt was a conservative Prime Minister...

Don't try and digress. PUTIN is guilty of murdering political opponents, this year even. A really lovely man that would have dethroned the pigmy Putin.

The prominent opposition politician, 47, died in prison in February 2024 — two years into several sentences that were to stretch around three decades. Alexei Navalny had regularly criticised Vladimir Putin and described the charges against him as bogus. In 2020, he also survived a poisoning attempt.

16 Feb 2024
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 11:49:33 AM
Quote from: Frood on July 25, 2024, 11:37:53 AMYou're confusing Russia with the USSR.

Putin is still USSR.... NOT MY WORDS but words from political commentary..

The guy kills off his political opponents ... do you think westerner leaders do that? Is murdering a political opponent OK with you?
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 11:35:20 AM
Quote from: Lokmar on July 25, 2024, 10:59:15 AMIf anyone looked at the ORIGINAL promise of SSI, you can see its mission creep went way the fuck off the rails. Its become a slushfund for government largess now. 13.2% of my income goes into it. If I die before I collect, my family gets $250. ITS A FUCKING SCAM!

WW3 is about the only thing that can reset all the fuckery. Taxes are more then 60% of my income now and my shitbag job is so concerned with DEI these days that my income went from nearly $200K/yr to about $120,000/yr if I'm lucky!

War, I mean ACTUAL war with Russia and China doesnt mean fuck all to me because I can see where my own damned country is taking me. Sure, I hate china and its cheap shit flooding into our markets, but fuck! We did this to ourselves! I'm looking for an exit ramp but I dont see any that arent at the end of a nuclear missile! If democRATs are successful at cheating another election, I'd just as soon see a big ass mushroom cloud over Washington D.C. even if it means one over my own head! My only ask it to see SagFagcistern go before I do!

13% of your income shouldn't go into it. Ask yourself how Oz people only pay 2% and we are only 26 million or so ... if I was you I would demand your government adopted the Australian model. When Frood comes in and starts complaining... it's because he was working in a flood zone where they struggled for medical help but that was every business not just the medical centres and doctors.

I hope when you were earning the big bucks you slotted something away for the downturns.

Trump will turn everything around because he truly cares about his country.

Kamala is a communist cunt for real. Excuse the French.
Quote from: DKG on July 25, 2024, 11:04:56 AMOh I forgot, the US has never invaded a country.

Imperial Russia is gone. The USSR is gone. The Warsaw Pact is gone.

NATO and the American imperial corporate war machine is as active now as it was at the height of the Cold War.

If Russia was so great Russians wouldn't defect to the west.

I don't see any westerner defect to any communist country or Muslim country either.

Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 11:26:29 AM
Quote from: Lokmar on July 25, 2024, 10:59:15 AMIf anyone looked at the ORIGINAL promise of SSI, you can see its mission creep went way the fuck off the rails. Its become a slushfund for government largess now. 13.2% of my income goes into it. If I die before I collect, my family gets $250. ITS A FUCKING SCAM!

WW3 is about the only thing that can reset all the fuckery. Taxes are more then 60% of my income now and my shitbag job is so concerned with DEI these days that my income went from nearly $200K/yr to about $120,000/yr if I'm lucky!

War, I mean ACTUAL war with Russia and China doesnt mean fuck all to me because I can see where my own damned country is taking me. Sure, I hate china and its cheap shit flooding into our markets, but fuck! We did this to ourselves! I'm looking for an exit ramp but I dont see any that arent at the end of a nuclear missile! If democRATs are successful at cheating another election, I'd just as soon see a big ass mushroom cloud over Washington D.C. even if it means one over my own head! My only ask it to see SagFagcistern go before I do!

13% of your income shouldn't go into it. Ask yourself how Oz people only pay 2% and we are only 26 million or so ... if I was you I would demand your government adopted the Australian model. When Frood comes in and starts complaining... it's because he was working in a flood zone where they struggled for medical help but that was every business not just the medical centres and doctors.

I hope when you were earning the big bucks you slotted something away for the downturns.

Trump will turn everything around because he truly cares about his country.

Kamala is a communist cunt for real. Excuse the French.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 10:53:53 AM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 25, 2024, 10:46:38 AMReality does suck. But this should be no surprise to you as I am certain you are quite familiar with the last days as spoken about in the bible.

Yeah... it is Gods war on unruly mankind...

I am just feeling extremely vulnerable. My left foot has Plantar Fasciitis and if we had to move from an invasion or other catastrophe I think I could only lay down and die... I am not fit enough to take flight.

If Armageddon does come.... I hope  it goes around my house. I'll watch from my windows.. 

Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 10:48:47 AM
Quote from: Lokmar on July 25, 2024, 10:41:59 AMAnyone that thinks a US President would get rid of SSI or Medicare/aid is a fucking moron. Those people believe Trump is literally hitler and they cannot be helped.

Me? I would literally get rid of SSI and Medicare/aid. I want them all GONE!!!!!

Well that is silly thinking ...but then your system needs tweeking and as I am extremely ignorant of your system I cannot defend it or condemn it...

Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 10:45:26 AM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 25, 2024, 10:40:06 AMIt is very likely to eventuate. That's the whole point.

Poof, out of nowhere we are at war with a superpower right in time for the elections. But we have the first ever black female candidate running for office.

So shut up and eat your bugs as we suspend elections for your own good!

Now you are really making me sick with worry...

Thanks.  :for_brian:
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 10:41:42 AM
Quote from: Lokmar on July 25, 2024, 10:38:08 AMUSA OUT OF CANDUHDUH NOW!!!!  :crampe:

Canada is part of the Commonwealth... the UK and its Commonwealth has their own Militaries and the USA is an ally.

Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 10:38:45 AM
Quote from: DKG on July 25, 2024, 10:31:35 AMPrecisely. NATO should have been shelved when the Warsaw Pact became history. Instead, they have expanded and started several in former East Bloc nations.

The real question is why is the US camped near Russia.

Because Russia has hundreds of years of history invading their neighbours by force.

Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 10:35:19 AM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 25, 2024, 10:09:30 AMHmmmmm I heard fighter jets had to scramble yesterday because there were Russian and Chinese bomber planes off the coast of ALaska

Of course you wouldn't have heard about that as the propaganda arm of the whitehouse was too busy fawning over Biden for pretending his resignation was anything but a coup orchestrated by the power hungry puppet masters that control him

I was thinking Obama has been running the USA. Could that be true?

Quoteso two questions.

a) what are Chinese and Russian warplanes doing flying together? Have we, perhaps, instigated some kind of an alliance between the two?

They are aligned because both leaders are despots with agendas. This is what happens when you give aid to developing nations. They grow powerful. Now they want war. And make no mistake about it, they really do want a war.

QuoteB) if Kamala's poll numbers do not climb between now and the DNC event next month how long will it before before one of these events turns into an actual incident which drives us into all out war with either of these two entities. Unintentionally of course, but requiring a suspension of elections none-the-less

You better hope what you are thinking is hyperbole and mere imaginings from a seasoned cynic and doesn't eventuate.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 10:13:18 AM
Quote from: Lokmar on July 25, 2024, 09:52:24 AMIts all moves and countermoves. Each side SHOULD project competency and ability. The chanks and rooskies were always going to team up because they've got nobody else.

Thankfully, the U.S. and wests countermoves are on somewhat of an auto pilot. If everything in our arsenal relied on POTUS, Russia and/or China would be acting even more aggressive than they already do. Still, American leadership is projecting not only weakness, but utter incompetency.

Can you imagine being in a closed door meeting with Russian or Chinese Military and listening them talk about biden and harris let alone our commitment to DEI and faggotry?

I've no exact idea when REAL war will come to the west but I'm confident the risk escalates as we become more and more DEI degenerate.

That is why you guys should really worry ditzy Kamala will have to be replaced asap. She is absolutely no match for the leaders of China, Russia or the Middle East.

The leftie press are working overtime to show Kamalas lying about Trump.

I saw her tonight saying Trump is going to get rid of Medicare. He isn't. I saw him at his rallies telling people he is NOT going to rid the USA of Medicare... if Medicare goes under/breaks down by any chance, it'll be because that fuckwit Biden opened the border and literally let in 10+ million illegal aliens and giving them access to YOUR Medicare.

I really hope there are Americans who pay attention to Trumps rallies otherwise Mr and Mrs Middle Class Anerican will be doomed.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 09:57:47 AM
Quote from: Garraty_47 on July 25, 2024, 08:34:08 AM"If Russia and China don't want to pick a fight why did they put their countries so close to our military bases?"


They can't wait for conflict. They don't have militaries just for decoration do they?
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 25, 2024, 09:24:14 AMYou didn't see the part where she creeped Anderson out?

She's a lunatic

Yes I did.... I was creeped out too and so was Kurt.

She is weird and not really believable.

If she was raped, why didn't she report it at the time..?

But this is really damning to Trump because they will cut up the footage and not show the end of the tape and it'll give lefties an excuse to label Trump a criminal. Wait until seamajor sees it. He'll blow a wad when he sees it.