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Messages - Garraty_47

Quote from: Brent on July 26, 2024, 12:19:55 PMWe don't have the option of writing in a name.

That's an option here but at least for presidential races they don't count unless they're on an "approved" list of write-ins. When in 2020 the democrats managed to have the Green party ticket removed from printed ballots they were still (allegedly) valid write-ins; not sure off the top of my head if that rule stands for down ballot races as well.

Not that it matters to me... in down ballot races if there isn't an independent or 3rd party candidate to select I'm gonna write-in someone anyway and fuck 'em if they don't like it.
Quote from: formosan on July 26, 2024, 11:20:40 AMI'm in my late forties Garraty and I've only voted once in my life..

I vote regularly but I either vote for independents and 3rd party candidates or write-in someone.

Excerpt from article:

"Whenever I talk about this stuff I get people accusing me of being defeatist and interpreting this message as a position that there's nothing anyone can do, but that's not true at all. I'm just saying the fake election ritual you've been given by the powerful and told that's how you solve your problems is not the tool for the job. You're as likely to solve your problems by voting as you are by wishing or by praying — but that doesn't mean problems can't be solved. If you thought you could cure an infection by huffing paint thinner I'd tell you that won't work either, and tell you to go see a doctor instead.

Just because the only viable candidates in any US presidential race will always be murderous empire lackeys doesn't mean things are hopeless; that's just what it looks like when you live in the heart of an empire that's held together by lies, violence and tyranny, whose behavior has too much riding on it for the powerful to allow it to be left to the will of the electorate.

Your vote won't make any difference to the behavior of the empire, but what can make a difference is taking actions every day to help pave the way toward a genuine people's uprising against the empire later on down the road. You do this by opening people's eyes to the reality that what they've been taught about their government, their nation and their world is a lie, and that the mainstream sources they've been trained to look to for information are cleverly disguised imperial propaganda services.

What we can all do as individuals right here and now is begin cultivating a habit of committing small acts of sedition. Making little paper cuts in the flesh of the beast which add up over time. You can't stop the machine by yourself, but you can sure as hell throw sand in its gears.

Giving a receptive listener some information about what's going on in the world. Creating dissident media online. Graffiti with a powerful message. Amplifying an inconvenient voice. Sharing a disruptive idea. Supporting an unauthorized cause. Organizing toward forbidden ends. Distributing eye-opening literature. Creating eye-opening literature. Creating eye-opening art. Having authentic conversations about real things with anyone who can hear you.
Quote from: JOE on July 25, 2024, 09:52:33 PMI think Kamala could win the election @Garraty_47 Garraty.

Yeah good okay.

Just ignore the fact that she's already alienating all the people who weren't going to vote for Biden but might have voted for her. Ignore the fact that just like Hillary the more time Kamala spends campaigning the less people like her. Ignore the fact that Kamala isn't liked very well among the democrat establishment who will throw her under the bus in a heartbeat if they believe it would suit their purposes.

Ignore the reality of Kamala being... well, Kamala.
There's good reasons she dropped out of the 2020 primaries before any votes were cast and the fact that she was polling at around 5th place in her own home state was only one of them.

All the jibber-jabber about "enthusiasm" for Kamala is just a heavy dose of copium. It's the corporate media doing what they're supposed to do: manufacture consent.
Quote from: Reggie Essent on July 25, 2024, 08:00:52 PMYeah, but the point is, they can't keep up the gaslighting we've seen over the past three days.  Her record of craziness is already out there and I'm not sure she can campaign for long without fucking up on a grand scale.

Who knows?  She might surprise me.  I'd like to see a Trump/Kamala debate.

I don't think the democrats actually care about voters.
They definitely don't need them for the nomination process, obviously.

After that they'll lean all the way in on the TDS bullshit and if it doesn't work... meh. So Kamala loses an election to Trump. Best case scenario is she can never realistically run for president again which would be fine with the democrat establishment; she's a liability in that role.

They'll blame misogyny and everything/everyone except having a shitty candidate.

Just like they did with Hillary.
Quote from: Reggie Essent on July 25, 2024, 07:38:42 PMI predict Kammy will be pushed aside at the Dem Convention.

The past few days of media frenzy have been extremely obnoxious.  They can't keep it up until the middle of August.  She's gonna crack and gaff something stupid out loud and shit the bed.

It will be fun to watch.


The delegate Zoom call will happen some time between tomorrow and August 7th.

If she gets nominated in the roll call vote they're probably stuck with her. The convention in Chicago will only be a public reaffirmation of the Zoom call result.
She isn't just catching hell from GenZ...
Quote from: JOE on July 25, 2024, 01:13:37 PMWell if they can ever get Russia and the Ukraine at the peace table, how do you think they should end that War @Garraty_47 Garraty?

Can they?

Only other possibilities are that Putin dies in office or Russia runs out of money and China is unwilling to bankroll them. Maybe it's the latter that the US and NATO are counting on.

I'm not gonna do it. Absolutely not. You know so little about Russia's special military operation in Ukraine that there is no "discussing" it with you.

Start here, catch up, and then MAYBE we'll talk.

Quote from: Brent on July 25, 2024, 12:47:27 PMJoe sees a thread getting interest and starts another one with the same theme to get attention. What an asshole.

Let's all boyccott Joe threads.

I don't mind someone starting a new thread even if it's a bit like an existing thread. This one, however, is so fundamentally flawed in its very premise that the only response I could muster was a "Funny As Fuck" emoji reaction.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 01:05:33 PM
Quote from: Brent on July 25, 2024, 12:53:46 PMI don't know whether to laugh or get angry when the US accuses China and Russia of imperialism.

I do a bit of both.
I laugh at the blatant gaslighting hypocrisy and get angry that so many 'Muricans actually fall for it.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 12:40:55 PM
Quote from: caskur on July 25, 2024, 12:35:29 PMNow that piece of donkey dung Putin wants to Kill Alexi wife to...

Russia court orders arrest of Navalny's widow, Yulia Navalnaya, in absentia
Yulia Navalnaya is accused of participating in an 'extremist' group and she faces at least two months in jail if she returns to Russia from exile.

That is who you guys are supporting. You must be proud..  :laughinatu:

Any Russian leader, not just Putin, would object to a western-backed group like 'Democratic Alternative' (I think that's the name of it, pretty close anyway) trying to destabilize the country.

From the Russian perspective she's a traitor and a foreign agent.
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 12:36:00 PM
Quote from: caskur on July 25, 2024, 12:26:12 PMSo CIA Scrooge's deserve to die do they?

What is their crime?

Even USA "intelligence" agencies decided Putin likely had nothing to do with Navalny's death.


Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 12:15:07 PM
Navalny was a CIA stooge.

He and the groups he was associated with received funding from known CIA cutouts (National Endowment For Democracy, for one) and his role -far less relevant inside Russia than western media frames it- was to foment discontent and destabilization within Russia aimed at Putin.

A job he kinda sucked at, if truth be told.

He wasn't a hero.
He was a traitor to his own country and an inept agent provocateur.
The Guest Nest / Re: Unpopular opinion
July 25, 2024, 11:48:07 AM
Quote from: Erica Mena on July 25, 2024, 10:21:57 AMLots of black folks on Twitter don't want her. They see what the dems are really about
Politics / Re: China Camped Around Poland
July 25, 2024, 11:28:29 AM
'Murican foreign policy (for lack of a better word) and by extension the collective west's capitulation to 'Murican imperialism have forced those we declared "enemies" to support each other to prevent being consumed by the voracious NATO/'Murica global hegemonic insanity.

We weaponized financial systems to support our economic warfare (sanctions, etc.) which has led to the growing popularity of abandoning the dollar as a default currency for international trade. It made BRICS necessary and has only strengthened BRICS as an alternative to the exploitative and violent methods adopted by the western alliance nations/systems.

We constantly meddle and interfere with other nations up to and including fomenting coups, proxy wars, and invasions/occupations by our own military forces. Last I heard we're still occupying roughly a third of Syria. We weren't invited by Syria to do that.

We surround "adversarial" countries with military bases and hold "joint operation" war games with our allies and vassal states right in those "adversaries'" back yards then cry like a little bitch if they so much as look in our direction.

'Murica along with the collective west is the villain in this chapter of history.

Of course other nations form alliances and cooperative agreements to counter the aggression of NATO/'Murica and it's imperialist goals.

As they fucking should.