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Messages - TheProwler


Senile @JOE went to the zoo one time.
If a tree fell in the forest and crushed Senile @JOE and nobody was there to hear it.....

That would suck.

I would love to hear his last words..."Argggg!!!  The tree crushed me!!!!  I wasted my life being a useless spectator!!!  Arrrrr....g."
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
July 10, 2024, 03:55:32 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 07, 2024, 05:38:53 PMThe jealousy factor is always reliable avenue when you wish to invoke a predictable response with those halfwit cretins.

It is a tried and tested troll. It just does something to them. Deep down in that empty space normally reserved for a soul. Trail-blazed by none other than myself and used with great success over and over again.

I still remember fondly, getting under Admong's cellophane and Oak's crust with details of a lifestyle far superior to the putrid & sordid existence which plagues them both.

Tell @TheProwler he may skip the royalties due me as he and I go way back and I have always been quite fond of his workmanship  :thumbup2:

Not that anyone is paying attention, but I rarely, if ever, initiate the conversation about my Corvette.  I posted about it in the "Last thing you purchased" thread, and since then it has always been other people mentioning it.  Usually in some negative way.  I knew they would because of the way they reacted whenever you talked about buying a car.

It does say a lot about their character.  When I see a nice car IRL, I do not hesitate to tell the owner "I like your car!"  And it does not have to be a fancy or expensive car...I have said that to people about their Chevy Spark (those things were going for $10K brand new a few years ago with manual transmission and w/o A/C...I was close to buying one.  $10K for a new car w/warranty!!).

The negative people like Admin and Fat Lily cannot stand to see other people with nice things and have to be negative about it.  It is just plain old envy/jealousy.

Joo Dog, I did post a picture of your room with the did not gain traction.  I put it in "What are you doing" or some thread like that.  Nobody bit.  They probably read your post here and were ready for it.  Haha!!
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: A Song for Brent
July 05, 2024, 06:54:58 PM
Quote from: JOE on July 05, 2024, 10:59:52 AMI'm waiting to see how the economy will go in the next year @Lokmar okmeer

I don't think it's a good time to invest at the moment.

I gotta couple hundred thousand to invest parked in cash but I'd rather wait until after the US elections since it appears to be propped up by excessive stimulus spending.

Theres no sense buying assets now if they could be worth less next year. RE is going down almost everywhere including Vancouver where this rarely happened before

When RE falls that's not only an indication of a recession but the stock market may not be far behind. When the value of homes go down people spend less because they feel poorer

If parts the stock  market are hot this year it likely wont be next year. Good year is usually followed by a poor or mediocre one especially one propped up artificially high like it is right now. 2021 saw a resurgence in stocks after they fell during the pandemic. But 2022 was poor followed by a surge in 2023 to now.

It's only a hunch but that's the way I see it so I'm mostly parked in cash at the moment.

Buy assets when they are cheaper next year. That's what I intend to do...Lokmeer

You rent a 1 bedroom apartment.

At your age....
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: A Song for Brent
July 05, 2024, 02:21:43 AM
Quote from: JOE on July 04, 2024, 09:58:30 PM...and yet the Gold that I own is now worth more than your overpriced Corvette @TheProwler he Prowler.

And in 5 years, it will be worth at least twice as much as your Car Prowler.

And that's by doing nothing. I just watch them go up in price while your car depreciates by the day, Prowler.

I just checked...

My trading account went up $21,694 in value today.

I have over $36K in dividends to invest.

I could buy your gold 100 times over, Senile @JOE.

Quite trying to compete with me in terms of Net Worth, Senile @JOE.

It is stupid.
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: A Song for Brent
July 05, 2024, 02:12:38 AM
Quote from: JOE on July 04, 2024, 09:37:25 PMMy mistake.

Actually I just checked my Grandfather's diary & it was indeed CPR not Canadian National.

This is what he wrote @TheProwler Prowler:

"When we arrived in Kenora Ontario, after an adventerous trip, we both secured jobs at the C.P.R roundhouse. The C.P.R. Roundhouse at Kernora was mainly a service and maintenance depot of locomotove steam engines which were brough in on a regular basis for servicing.

"The first job that I secured was that of being a locomotive engine wiper. I cleaned the locomotive inside and out twelve hours a day at sixteen cents an hour. We did not receive any days off and therefore we worked every day of the month."

This was in the year 1916. He was just 16 years old and he made 16 cents per hour. 16 cents x 72 hours per week = $11.52

So Grandad made just a little over $10 per week.

This what $10 looked like in those days Prowler:

So of course, $10 in 1916 was worth a lot more than it is today.

Today, the actual gold weigh of that coin is worth $1650 Canadian or close to $1200 USD.

However, it is unlikely that Granddad ever saw that much gold...ever.

I believe he passed on a gold plated watch to my sister which he cherised til he passed away.

You have got to be the biggest retard on the Internet.
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: A Song for Brent
July 04, 2024, 04:37:33 AM
Quote from: JOE on July 03, 2024, 05:15:02 PMHere's to my Grand Dad

It is nice that he did not have to witness what a complete loser his grandson has become.
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: A Song for Brent
July 04, 2024, 04:32:03 AM
Quote from: JOE on July 03, 2024, 05:12:59 PMIncidentally, I believe my Grandfather worked for CP's predecessor, CN.

CP and CN are two different companies, you idiot.
Quote from: JOE on July 04, 2024, 02:29:05 AMFucking old senile man who deluded himself that he still belongs there

Sounds familiar.....
Quote from: JOE on May 01, 2024, 09:55:04 PMSo Lokmeer, today I completed an auction where I bought 6.775 grams pure gold (after excluding alloys), paid $660.80 Canadian or $480 US) including shipping/taxes. 31.15 g is 1 troy ounce,  Current spot is $505 USD. Minimum price I saw on Ebay for that coin excluding shipping and taxes is $540 US. So I got it at least $60 US less than the going rate. With taxes and shiping added that might be $100 US saved.

and 9 ounces of pure Canadian Junk silver (after excluding alloys), like you've recommended

Mind you that was some pretty nice 'junk', 80% Silver in each coin:

6 ounces pure silver 50 cent pieces (paid $211 Canadian or about $154 US)
Current spot price is $160

3 ounces pure siver $1 pieces (paid $105.73 including taxes or about $77 US @$25/ounce)
Current spot price $80 US maybe I did about 5% below spot price on all of 'em?

so if it was sold retail might be 10-15% below retail?

That's what I was talkin to you about b'fore - buy below spot & yer laughin' Bud!

My wife transferred $30,000 into her trading account today.

We got too much cash kicking around.

I might buy another car.

What kind of car do you drive, Senile @JOE?
Quote from: DKG on May 02, 2024, 07:26:34 AMIt's a retroactive tax on a group of professionals who do not have access to pensions, sick days or insurance. The vast majority of family doctors and just doctors in general in Canada are practicing through what's called a professional corporation. It's a retroact5ive tax on a group of professionals who do not have access to pensions, sick days or insurance.

A capital gain is the difference between the cost of an asset, a holiday home, an investment property, a stock or a mutual fund and its total sale price.

Right now, only 50 per cent of capital gains are taxable; the budget proposes to increase that "inclusion rate" from 50 per cent to two-thirds on capital gains above $250,000 for individuals.

I agree with Jessica Brandon-Jepp of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce's senior director of fiscal and financial services policy who said the capital gains hike could affect growth. This at a time when Canada is experiencing a productivity crisis.

Former Liberal finance minister Bill Morneau also criticized the proposed changes to capital gains last week, saying it's "clearly a negative to our long-term goal, which is growth in the economy, productive growth and investments."

"This was very clearly something that, while I was there, we resisted. We resisted it for a very specific reason — we were concerned about the growth of the country," he said last week at a post-budget Q&A session with KPMG, one of the country's large accounting firms.

"I think we always have to recognize any measure that creates a disincentive for investment not only impacts us within the country but also impacts foreign investors that are looking at our country."

I know what is going on.  Haha!  I pay tax on Capital Gains every year.

Bill Morneau is worried about.....Bill Morneau.

His opinion is questionable because of his conflict of interest.

Increased tax percentages on increased levels of income is the norm.  This is just applying the same principle to Capital Gains.

And BTW people, this is always an ongoing game with the government.

You know what you all should be thinking about?

Not taxes.

You should be thinking about expenditures.  Government spending.  That is where we all should focus.

Taxes have to pay for the spending.  If the spending was disciplined, there would not be a need for tax increases.
Quote from: JOE on May 02, 2024, 01:23:14 AMActually TheProwlerThe Prowler - I am

I stopped reading there.

If anybody else read more, please let me know if he said anything interesting.
This whole issue is being blown out of proportion.

And while it might appear that popular opinion is against it, remember that people vote anonymously.

Most people like Senile @JOE will tend to like this policy because he has the "stick it to the elite" mentality.  There are a lot of people with that mentality.  They know it will never affect them, so they like it.  So while they follow the pack on this like Senile @JOE and talk like they are against it, secretly they support it.

Politically, I think this is a winning position for the Liberals and I think the Conservatives are fucking up by making it a bigger deal than it really is...
Quote from: DKG on May 01, 2024, 07:16:13 AMMore than one might think.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is rejecting a call from some doctors for his government to reconsider its planned capital gains tax hike.

The doctors warn that the tax change could undermine efforts to recruit and retain physicians in Canada and threaten the stability of the health-care system.

Canadian Medical Association president Kathleen Ross told the Canadian Press earlier Tuesday that many doctors would be be hit by the hike because they incorporate their medical practices and invest for their retirement within their corporations.

Ross said many doctors set themselves up as small businesses, incorporating their practices to help them deliver services to their patients.

In a statement posted on the CMA website, Ross said the hike "will create another barrier to retaining and recruiting physicians in a time when our health system and the providers within it are already under constant strain."

The statement says that the tax increase undermines the well-being of doctors and "jeopardizes the stability of our struggling health-care system" at a time when physicians are already leaving the profession or reducing their hours.

Ross's concerns were echoed by the non-profit organization Doctors Manitoba.,and%20threaten%20the%20stability%20of%20the%20health-care%20system.

That is all theater to highlight the importance of doctors.

Next thing you know, they will be saying they need to be paid more.  That is the end game.

Someone who is earning over $250K per year solely in Capital Gains does not need to be paid more.  And the benefit of sheltering one's investments under a corporation has less benefit now.

That is their real concern.

They are not hitting $250K in Capital Gains.  It is the investments they are sheltering in their corporations.

The investments in their corporations are already taxed at half the rate it would be if they paid themselves.

There is a shortage of doctors and those fuckin' weasels just want to take advantage of taxpayers.  The government should hire some business process analysts to optimize the operations in these private family doctor practices.  We could streamline their operations and justify a significant reduction in their government paid income.

Honestly, fuck them.