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Topics - JOE

Politics / China's stock market takes a PLUNGE
February 14, 2024, 10:40:40 PM
...will this eventually spread to North America?

...could it be a sign of things to come here?

Comments welcome.
...and she wasn't very pleased with the direction of your country.

She told me homelessness everywhere, the middle class is dead in America, money aint worth nothin', and she fears a return of Trump will lead to Civil War.

She doesn't like Trump at all.
But wasn't terribly optimistic about Biden either.

But it's like Garraty said in another forum - which is can't really trust the MSM saying the economy is up, they appear to lie about its true state and the general health of American society.

Now...since I don't live in the US of A, those aren't my opinions or POV.I jes try ta keep an open mind and listen to different viewpoints from either side.

I'm sure when the American tourists come up this summer to Canada I'll hear an earful from either side too. I got along with them both I suspect - because I don't take sides, but just listen to what they have to say. Should be intersting as the election season heats up down south - which I suspect will be a deadly affair just like 2020.
In spite of his failing mental capacities & having some credible candidates who could replace him tomorrow, there is a complete refusal to even entertain the remotest possibility of doing so.

I'm starting wonder if that the game plan is for him to lose?

Maybe the Democratic leadership or parts of it actually want that outcome so they can choose somebody they really want in 2028. They/everybody knows that Biden is too old and isn't suitable to be President again. But maybe he's seen as 'the Old Guard' and by getting rid of him, the Progressive Wing feel they can gain control of the party . This Woke group wants to do to the party what they did in New York. Replace a moderate like Andrew Cuomo with a primarily feminist woke group and agenda.

But they don't want it to appear like a hatchet job like they did in New York, so of course the most convenient way for them to take over is to allow a Potatohead like Biden to run, inevitably lose, so they can rise.

so by getting Trump back in, it'll rile up their base who'll use slogans 4 years later, "Never Again!" so that the Democratic party members will support their woke left candidate(s).  The Democratic leadership or at least parts of it, don't want another moderate like Dean Phillips to relace Biden and take over. They want someone woke left to further their agenda.

As the Repbulican party moves further to the Right, so the Democratic party will move further to the Left. Both parties will become diametric extremes of one another, with not much in the middle anymore.

So what they may be saying is, "If Biden loses, We win!"

Do yo think there's any truth in these assumptions?
#44 spite of all his shortcomings and checkered past, Trump is still the overwhelming favorite among Republicans.

If given a choice between None of the Above & the others, Republicans would choose the former if Trump isn't running.

So the next leading candidate, Nikki Haley could receive the most votes, but still lose to 'None of the Above'

Veddy Intelesting
...this I found astonishing.

She, a Republican, was the lead plaintiff apparently
General Chit Chat / Underground Comics
February 03, 2024, 02:09:47 PM
I bought a few. Robert Crumb. Gilbert Shelton. Larry Welz.

I'm not really a fan tho.
They are more of a curiosity. I just bought the rare first printings worth money with collector value.

They are actually homegrown American culture. UG comics didn't really exist prior to the 20th century. They started as Tijuana bibles in the 1920s & were popularized in the 1960s with the hippie movement.

Anyone into this genre?
....and she said 32 and oldest 34.and I did ask her again if that was her honest opinion. And she said yes.

She was in her late teens or early 20s. She was demonstrating food products at a supermarket

I just wanted to know how old I looked/seemed to young women.

Anyway that was good news. I suppose could get away with bein' Dovey's date or Erica Mena's younger boyfriend.

Truth be known I'm old enough ta be their Dad. Guess I'm kinda lucky that I don't age much. Luck of the draw in the gene pool eh.
To Those of ya who want the US to become a birther nation....

...some of the most populous and fertile wanna go the other way.

And Indonesia a religious somewhat devout Muslim nation commonly associated with high fertility rates.

We should aid & encourage them as much as possible.

Set an example for the overly fertile countries who can't afford it and keep flooding into places like the US
...and she told me how much she hated the guy, found him disgusting, etc. Same time, she talked about him as if he was some guy in the distant past & that somehow miraculously, he wasn't coming back.

However I reminded her that he recently won 2 key Republican primaries. and that didn't seem to faze her. Just living in her own bubble and what she wanted to believe.

I think many liberals in the US and outside of it are asleep at the wheel and don't seem to realize that a Trump comeback is very much a reality.

Now as for myself, I'd rather not get involved in US politics this coming cycle. It kinda reminds of Israeli/Middle Eastern politics these days. As in .... don't take sides, and don't go there, especially if you are not a US citizen and can't vote in their elections. Like the Middle East, seems US political atmosphere these days is too toxic to take a middle road stance.

Whomever wins, I'll just accept the verdict of US voters.

What will be done will be done.

I figger if ya don't get emotionally involved with their politics, ya don't get too upset whatever the outcome.

However, I'm not sure this will be the case of many Canadians, Europeans or Australians who've this loathing of Trump. And if a Trump comeback catches them offguard and smacks them in the face then they can't say I didn't warn them.

Personally I wish neither Trump nor Biden were running this time & that it was younger, moderate candidates on either side.

But that's not for me to decide.
...cuz I wanted ta be King of France, eh?

I thought, "That's a Cool costume."

and I bought the crown too:

Turns out it really was used in Legends of Tomorrow:

Here's the video clip at :20 seconds or so:

...we have a decent size move/film/TV industry in Vancouver, so I guess the Legends of Tomorrow series was filmed here.
...he needs ta be more a peace with himself & the rest of the world, eh.

Poor guy...I hope he gets over what's botherin' him & chills a bit.
...might have most of the issues of the 1st 20 years by the end of the year.

I'll probably have the whole set complete before my gold coin collection. Collecting rare gold coins is actually much harder because there are so few of some coins around.

Playboy...not so much since it was printed in the thousands and some cases...millions. So it's actually not so hard to complete.

On the other hand, I missed one gold coin in my collection during an auction because I lost my nerve. And unfortunately, I haven't seen it since in that condition and might not ever. Rare coins are almost like once in a lifetime or generation. Ifya don't get 'em while they're still available, might not ever get a 2nd chance, eh?

Playoby? Not so much. There always seems to be 2nd chance
Yum! Yum!

Kin hardly wait!

Bagel with Lox 'n cream cheese & potato soup.

I hope that's plenty kosher!

Nobody kin say I'm prejudiced!

I Joe, am a liberal Equal Opportunity Employer!
Google says it's -11 Celsius going down to -14

The USA weather network says its 10 Farenheit.

Not used to it.
Here's a lengthy article by a former Twitter employee who describes and laments Musk's coming:

...and that he basically took a wrecking ball to 'a special place'.

But in fact...did he?

Or did Musk just try or perhaps suceeded in leveling the playing field by reforming a social media platform which had gone out of control?

....what you say, folks?
...cuz he always me or anyone he doesn't agree with ta SHUT UP!

...what say you, folk?

I propose an apolitical(as much as possible) where folks here can discuss money matters, investing, household budgets, the economy, the markets etc. Regardless of political stripe it's a topic of wide interest.

Anyways, that just an idea. Maybe DKG could be the host.

I figger it's better than crowding just one sub-forum at the moment and having a wide array of topics.
General Chit Chat / HAPPY NEW YEAR!
January 01, 2024, 12:53:14 AM
...friend or foe.

Best Wishes to ya in the New One! :drinks:
interesting story...

...about a Mathematician who made billions in the stock market.