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Messages - Biggie Smiles

Quote from: horse sense on Today at 10:02:15 PMIt is irresponsible to question the verdict says the Potato In Chief? Ohh right... and just what does he call setting the precedent that any administration may now weaponize the legal system against any political figure past or present they might have a beef with... "prudent" perhaps?

And for what it's worth, nobody I know is questioning the verdict in New York (or "New Australia" as I like to call it, given the amount of rampaging kangaroos bouncing about it its judicial system). Even people in the democrats are calling it foolhardy. That's not questioning it - that's stating the obvious. Because now the stage is set where a case might be brought against any unconvicted felon identified as having held any previous office on the flimsiest of pretexts... and that includes Joe Biden himself.

I can't imagine there's going to be too much incentive going forward for anyone that genuinely wants to do anything other than treat the office as a mafia den quite honestly. And all thanks to a Soros supported flunkey in "New Australia".

Yay and shit. People should blockade that retarded island calling itself "Manhattan" and deprive its steaming retards of avocados and kombucha enemas until they prove grown up enough to return to the Adults table.

And then blockade them some more because reasons.

Exactly. 100%

and notice how you've never read me once say that this wrong because it's an election year?

I'm of the mindset that if there is indeed a real crime it should be properly vetted, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law no matter what's going on that year

meaning, if they had Trump on video the night before the election holding up a liquor store or killing a little lady I'd be the first to be saying "lock his ass up" and would be glad they found this out before I cast my vote for him

but that is NOT what happened here. The charges were bogus from the start, had already exceeded the statute of limitations and were only brought back to life via some crime they have YET to articulate. It's total bullshit across the board and anyone with a modicum of self respect, integrity and intelligence can see that clearly.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 11:10:29 PM
Quote from: Herman on Today at 11:07:45 PMIt aint likely he will be in a jail cell on election day is it?
Oh it is.

People didn't believe me when I said they would convict him on these baseless bullshit charges

and I'm saying right now that come July 11th you will see this TDS trainwreck of a judge go balls to the wall with an outrage prison sentence. I'm from new york. I know first hand the corruption that goes on there

mark my words.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 11:05:11 PM
Quote from: Thiel on Today at 09:36:00 PMRemind them donations to Trump's campaign spiked after the verdict.
Nah, more pleasurable to remind them that they are a couple of spineless jellyfish pussflaps who couldn't endure 1/1000th of what this great patriot is going through for his country

But I do chuckle at the fact that he made 1 million per felon the next fucking day

Every person I know is more determined to vote for him now than they were on wednesday.

in fact, Trump could be in a Jail cell come Nov 5th and I'll still be voting for him with pride and vigor
Ah... we should STACK the jury!!!!!!

I mean, isn't that what they say when the supreme court hands down a ruling they don't like?
it will be fun to watch when the truth about these jurors comes to the surface ; ie the social media posts and histories demonstrating extreme TDS - how the left will spin and insist this was an "on the level" rule

just like several million votes suddenly appearing in key swing states at 2:00am in the morning was completely on the up and up.

of course there was nothing anomalous about trump being up by half a million at 1:59am and then all of the sudden, by 2:15 am Biden suddenly leapfrogs past him to the tune of several hundred thousand votes. Mind you, by this point 95% of the voting had already been counted. so in essence, as an example, trump is at 1.5 million votes by 1:59am, biden at 1 million. By 2:15 biden is at 2 million votes and trump remains at 1.5.

If you are dumb enough to believe that 500 thousand votes came in between 1:59 and 2:15 from that 5% population which was yet to be counted, for EITHER candidate without any for the other, you are certainly the type of lemming idiot democrats are looking to include in the fold. Period
Quote from: caskur on Today at 10:42:36 AMWell Joo you can only try and do good now to make up for back then.

I read Mike Tyson's autobiography twice so am very well aware of the black kids who were as young as 8 and 9 committing crime full time... I think Mike was about 8 when he started breaking into houses...

I know Trump isn't racist... he just likes telling the truth...

The black guys on youtube always acknowledge the race baiting con and they aren't having any of it.

Here's a true fact about the left.

They have to LOOK for ways to connect multiple dots to manufacture Trump's racism against blacks

They do the same way trying to make him a pedophile if he can be seen in the same room or even zipcode as Jeffery epstien or a seen in a photo with his daughter sitting on his lap.

things that might make the average person go hmmmmmmmmm if these vermin had the presence of mind to demonstrate just a modicum of consistency when their side goes completely off the rails in a similar circumstance

For instance, just one of millions!   You can have Biden's daughter writing memoirs about him showering with her, both butt ass naked, no problem.

Or, he's out there legislating policies adverse to black men and calling KKK leaders his "mentor" and nothing is said by these cockroaches?

that's when you know they are full of nothing but hatred and shit.
Quote from: caskur on Today at 10:19:32 AMShe is 50% Asian.... don't let her get away with calling herself black because she is NOT black. Yes, she does have African in her but it's only about 20%.
You think that matters to the identity puppeteers who dupe these clowns into believing in them?

You've got a president who gave a eulogy for "his mentor" who also happened to be a KKK leader go on to tell black men that if they don't vote for him they ain't black. And NOTHING becomes of it

But Trump, perceiving what 85% of New Yorkers perceived at the time (I was there) taking out an add in a newspaper calling for accountability of youth who were terrorizing the city at the time makes him a full on racist for the remainder of his life. True, evidence later revealed those 5 were technically innocent but to say the majority of crimes occurring in central park at the time were not being committed by black and Latino youth is a blatant lie

I know this because I WAS ONE OF THOSE LATINO GANG MEMBERS COMMITTING VARIOUS CRIMES IN NY AT THE TIME -- a fact i am not proud of but true none-the-less and places me in a unique position in terms of on the ground visibility into the matter.

These people are nothing but disgusting. Period

Just keep in mind folks

the first conviction of a US president in the history of the US wasn't for Bribing a foreign government to the tune of 1 billion dollar, a manufactured war in Iraq which killed thousands, drone strikes on innocent wedding parties, toppling of regimes over false pretenses, lying under oath to congress about events which took place in the oval office or paying hush money to Paula Jones

Nope. they were for vague entries in a business ledger

Let that sink in if you wish to understand just how low and morally bankrupt the left actually is
Quote from: caskur on Today at 09:57:08 AMI hope you aren't  talking about Kamala?
I wouldn't put anything past these vermin cockroaches at this point.

anything at all
Quote from: caskur on Today at 09:46:24 AMI am pretty sure that Biden wouldn't be able to tie his shoelaces now.

His geriatric condition is quite advanced. I will be surprised if he lasts another year.

He doesn't need to last another year. They have their stand in replacement in long before then.

Anyone in the US needs to buckle up. This is gonna be one hell of a ride from this point forward.
Quote from: Oerdin on Today at 08:09:00 AMThe left never thinks more than one step ahead.  They think the other side won't ever retaliate.
There is where you are wrong my friend.

They don't care if the other side retaliates because they are certain the other side will follow the rule of law when they do. So they weave their activities in such a way so that they are obfuscated entirely from any cursory  glances a judicial body might empower an """"independent""" third party of their choosing to conduct.

2 examples of what I am talking about

First up - the rampant ballot fraud which any person with an IQ above 25 can see was obviously a manufactured cheat. They'll rant and moan and highlight with glee the fact that those judges who bothered to invoke an ""investigation"" into the shenanigans via some lame ass recount is proof positive no ballot fraud was conducted.

Nevermind the fact that you had instances where 37 mailin ballots traced back to a one bedroom apartment which had been abandoned for years. the recount was sound. the math added up. the same fraudulent ballots which amounted to 5 million in total still add up to 5 million in total the second time you count them.

and second - You had the DOJ appoint a ""special"" counsel to investigate the classified documents situation with Biden. Found him technically guilty as fuck. And what ended up becoming of it? His report actually outlined that the guy was too fucking senile to stand trial or be held to account in any capacity. Too senile to face consequence for crimes they will happily throw trump under the jail for despite being just a few years younger, but NOT  senile enough for this discovery to lead to his removal from office as per the 25th amendment
Quote from: Oerdin on Today at 06:59:39 AM
He brings up a good point

democrats will always accuse others of what they are guilty of

so when you hear DeNiro Ranting "he will never leave office" he's basically blurting the quiet part they have planned out loud
I can see it now.

Biden: "I'm not going to debate a convicted felon. "

because like all other sleazy lefttards he is a coward

I'll be out there bright and early Election Day chopping at the bit to cast my vote for the conned and victimized felon. 100% proud of my choice too

*spits.  You filthy fucking cockroaches
Quote from: Lokmar on May 30, 2024, 11:32:49 AMYUO CANT SAY THAT ANYMORE!!!!! Pig de-browned you!  :crampe:

I swear, that fukin bitch's stupid is ALWAYS good for a LOL!
Yes.. that's right. Puerto Ricans are suddenly not Latino enough.

Goal posts on rollerskakes with these fucking snakes