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Topics - Oliver the Second


It's high time the companies most responsible for climate change pay for the damage it causes, says environmental advocate Ben Edgerly Walsh.

Walsh is the climate and energy program director with the Vermont Public Interest Research Group. The non-profit environmental and consumer advocacy group has been pushing for legislation to force fossil fuel companies to shoulder some of the costs dealing with climate change.

On Thursday, the group achieved its goal when Vermont became the first state to enact such a law.

"The reality is they are the ones responsible for the pollution that caused the climate crisis. They've made an enormous amount of money on the product that caused that pollution. And they very clearly knew what they were doing," Walsh told As It Happens host Nil Köksal.

"We think it's only fair that they pay their fair share of the costs."
Site Features And Announcements / Quick question
May 23, 2024, 09:40:39 PM

So I'm poasting a video in the music thread and I start wondering if I already poasted it before... the music thread is 79 pages so going page by page would take too long... I know how to see my previous poasts but that's for the entire forum, so is there a way where I could see my previous poasts in that thread only?

Or should I just poast it again anyway because nobody else is going to go through 79 pages either?

Aw crap, I'm stoned and rambling again...

Just wondering.


The mother and father of a Michigan teen who shot and killed four classmates were each sentenced to between 10 and 15 years in prison on Tuesday after a jury convicted them of manslaughter in a rare case of parents being held responsible in a school shooting.

Jennifer and James Crumbley, Ethan Crumbley's parents, were sentenced immediately after several parents of the victims gave emotional statements in an Oakland County courtroom in Pontiac, Michigan.

"Not only did your son kill my daughter, but you both did as well," Nicole Beausoleil, 17-year-old Madisyn Baldwin's mother, told the court as she wept. James Crumbley sat impassively while his wife, Jennifer, hung her head.

Their son was 15 at the time of the shooting at Oxford High School in 2021, in which four students were killed and six other students and a teacher were wounded. Ethan pleaded guilty the following year to four counts of first-degree murder and other charges, and was sentenced to life in prison without parole in December.
So today is Good Friday - Wikipedia defines Good Friday as -

'Good Friday is a Christian holy day observing the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary'

Sunday is Easter Sunday which is defined as -

'Easter is a Christian festival and cultural holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.'

However in Matthew 12:40, Jesus himself prophesies—as the final, explicit sign to the Jews of his identity—that he would be in the grave three days and three nights.

Well if Jesus was crucified on Friday and spent three days in the grave, wouldn't he have been resurrected on Monday? So why is Easter on Sunday and not Monday?

I bet they moved it just so we couldn't get a three day weekend. Those bastards!

General Chit Chat / Tonight, I'm thinking Arby's
January 24, 2024, 05:43:13 PM




General Chit Chat / That's nacho cheese!
December 14, 2023, 09:25:11 AM
Doritos rolls out nacho cheese-flavored liquor

Doritos is betting that its new nacho cheese-flavored liquor is all that and a bag of chips.

The PepsiCo-owned brand has released a new spirit based on its nacho cheese-flavored chips "that smells and tastes just like the real thing," a news release said.

The company partnered with Empirical, a business known for making spirits with creative flavors, to release the Empirical x Doritos Nacho Cheese Spirit. The product will be available for a limited time.

The drink's flavor contains notes of "Nacho Cheese, corn tostada, umami and a hint of acidity." The real nacho cheese flavor is retained "through vacuum distillation," according to the news release.

The new drink will be available online and at select markets in California and New York for a suggested retail price of $65.
The Flea Trap / It's the season!
November 03, 2023, 08:33:24 AM
News & Current Events / Next time call Uber Eats
October 21, 2023, 11:12:27 PM
Phoenix-area woman sues DoorDash after driver reportedly performs sexual act on her food

  A Phoenix-area woman filed a lawsuit earlier this month after she said a DoorDash driver masturbated on her food. According to court paperwork, the unidentified woman ordered a meal from Filiberto's Mexican Food through DoorDash on Jan. 17, 2022. The order was assigned to Jeffrey Reid Jacobs. Court documents said he got the food, parked in the Filiberto's parking lot and pleasured himself on the food.

   A Filiberto's employee saw what happened and told Jacobs to return the food, according to the documents filed in court. He didn't and drove off. The worker then called DoorDash and said what Jacobs reportedly did. The worker told DoorDash to tell the woman about what Jacobs did and not eat the food that was being delivered. The woman claims it took DoorDash 40 minutes to respond, and by that time, Jacobs had delivered the food, and she had eaten it.

   The woman in the lawsuit says the incident has "caused her emotional pain and suffering," and she has "incurred medical expenses and lost wages, and will continue to suffer both in the future." The lawsuit claims Jacobs broke the law, but it's unclear if law enforcement was called after the incident. The victim calls for a jury trial but doesn't say how much money she wants.

The Biden administration announced it waived 26 federal laws in South Texas to allow border wall construction on Wednesday, marking the administration's first use of a sweeping executive power employed often during the Trump presidency.

The Department of Homeland Security posted the announcement on the U.S. Federal Registry with few details outlining the construction in Starr County, Texas, which is part of a busy Border Patrol sector seeing "high illegal entry." According to government data, about 245,000 illegal entries have been recorded so far this fiscal year in the Rio Grande Valley Sector which contains 21 counties.

"There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas," Alejandro Mayorkas, the DHS secretary, stated in the notice.

The Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act were some of the federal laws waived by DHS to make way for construction that will use funds from a congressional appropriation in 2019 for border wall construction. The waivers avoid time-consuming reviews and lawsuits challenging violation of environmental laws.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) is looking into opening taxpayer-funded, city-owned grocery stores in areas in which businesses have pulled out due to rampant crime.

Johnson announced a partnership with the Economic Security Project to look into the possibility of opening city-owned grocery stores. The first step in the partnership will be to perform a feasibility study, but the city did not provide a timeline, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Johnson claimed his administration is "committed to advancing innovative, whole-of-government approaches to address these inequities."

he partnership comes as a plethora of mega-retailers have closed multiple stores in Chicago. For example, Walmart closed four out of its remaining eight stores in Chicago in April. 

Although Johnson's police chief Umi Grisby claimed the city would not be "spending any taxpayer dollars," Johnson's office said the grocery stores would be funded by grant money from state and federal tax dollars.

"All of our stores are closing, and so now we have to go outside our neighborhoods to purchase food," one South Side Chicago resident told CBS News. "I think that's a good idea that Mayor Johnson is picking up the slack where these big store chains are leaving."

However, prominent Chicago restaurateur Sam Sanchez said the stores would be "operating in the red," thus wasting taxpayer dollars.

"Control crime and business will come," Sanchez opined.
Politics / Rich Men North of Richmond
August 15, 2023, 01:43:08 PM
12 million views in 6 days

He's singing what we're all feeling

Canadian Muslims invite everyone to join 'Million Person March' against LGBT indoctrination in schools

Canadian Muslims are planning to hold a "Million Person March" to combat LGBT indoctrination in schools. 

On September 22, 2023, Ottawa businessman and Muslim activist Kamel El-Cheikh hopes to gather Canadians of all faiths to march against LGBT ideology being pushed on children in the nation's schools.

"I am optimistic – absolutely," El-Cheikh told the Post Millennial in a recent interview. "You know, if [there's] one thing that's going to inspire Canadians from coast to coast to go down and protest, it's the kids and their innocence and it's families."

In recent months, El-Cheikh has led Muslim and Christian groups in Ottawa in protests against gender ideology and sex education in the city's schools.

According to El-Cheikh, schools are beginning to directly target Muslim children with LGBT ideology. He revealed that one school pamphlet even asked children, "Can I still be Muslim if I am queer?" 

The pamphlet answered that Islam and homosexuality are not in conflict and an active homosexual can be a good Muslim. According to El-Cheik, such a statement is tantamount to "blasphemy."

"The kids called [the teacher] out on it and they told [him], 'Excuse me sir, you're a liar,'" El-Cheik said. "These are 14- year-old kids and they walked out of class anyway."
News & Current Events / Well this is interesting...
July 29, 2023, 11:48:07 PM
Obama Spotted at Golf Course with Bandaged Fingers, Black Eye One Week After Mysterious Paddle Boarding Accident Claimed the Life of His Personal Chef

Just a week following the unexpected and rather tragic death of their personal chef and friend, Tafari Campbell, the Obamas were spotted out and about, seemingly unscathed and unaffected.

Barack and Michelle Obama were spotted at the Vineyard Golf Club and Farm Neck Country Club, respectively, according to exclusive photos obtained by Daily Mail. The pictures are the first public glimpse of the Obamas since the loss of their dear friend and personal chef.

Dressed in a yellow polo shirt and white shorts, Barack Obama was seen engaged in a round of golf at the exclusive Vineyard Golf Club. The former president is noticeably bearing bandaged fingers which is causing speculations online.

Citizen journalist Travis of Flint, Michigan wrote, "just days after his personal chef and friend died in a very mysterious paddle boarding accident, Barack Obama appears to have injured fingers and a black eye. We still don't know who the other person was and Obama loves paddle boarding. I think we can all guess what happened at this point!"