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Russian interference. :crampe:

Putin has just confirmed he wants Kamala Harris to be the next president of the US in a moment of typical Kremlin trolling.

The Russian president told an economic forum in the country's far east that it was up to the American public to choose their next leader, but that he would recommend his supporters back Harris.
Kamala Harris could not have picked a running mate much more out of touch with working class Americans than Tim Walz. And he is a habitual liar too.

QuoteMinnesota Governor Tim Walz's own brother, Jeff Walz, has reportedly considered joining forces with former President Donald Trump, publicly criticizing his brother as "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future."

The discovery was made by conservative journalist Laura Loomer, who uncovered Jeff Walz's Facebook profile, which contains a series of posts highly critical of both his brother and the current administration.

One post, dated May 2023—the same day the Biden-Harris administration indicted Donald Trump in New York City—reads, "We've just become a third world banana republic."

When prompted by a follower to discuss these concerns with his brother, Jeff revealed that he hasn't spoken to Tim in eight years and is "100% opposed to all his ideology."

He further claimed that his family was blindsided by Tim's political rise and denied security after being selected for office.

"Haven't spoke to him in 8 years. I'm 100% opposed to all his ideology. My family wasn't given any notice that he was selected and denied security the days after," he wrote.

Another comment encouraged Jeff Walz to "Help MAGA... Get on stage with President Trump and endorse him... Help save this country."

Jeff's response was equally telling: "I've thought hard about doing something like that! I'm torn between that and just keeping my family out of it. The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future."

Jeff Walz had donated to Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, according to FEC records.
Every president, Republican or Democrat has been better off after leaving the white house, except for Donald Trump. In the case of Democratic presidents, much, much better off.
This would be a joke except some people actually believe America's corporate media.

QuoteThis montage from Grabien founder Tom Elliott contrasts the media's reaction to Tim Walz's candidacy with their reaction to J.D. Vance:


CNN HOST: A Midwestern dad, like super clean-cut vibe!

KASIE HUNT, CNN: Everybody likes Tim Walz!

CLAIRE MCCASKILL, MSNBC: So plain-spoken and relatable.

ASHLEY ALLISON, CNN: As moderate and independent as it comes.

ALAYNA TREENE, CNN: A pretty moderate Democrat.

REP. SETH MOULTON, FOX NEWS: I always knew him as a moderate, one of the most moderate--

JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC: A very moderate record.

JOY REID, MSNBC: A new moderate.

JOAN WALSH, THE NATION: I think this is the new moderate

MICHAEL STEELE, MSNBC: Far from progressive.

REP. NANCY PELOSI: He's right down the middle.

YAMICHE ALCINDOR: He's not just an old white man.

CHUCK TODD, NBC: Tim Walz speaks American.

CHARLIE SYKES: He talks like a regular person.

SUSAN PAGE, USA TODAY: Tim Waltz is the opposite of weird.

CHUCK TODD, NBC: He is basically younger Joe Biden.

DANA BASH, CNN: We have a populist approach to fear on the Republican side and the happy populism that Tim Walz is on the ticket on the Democratic side

MICHAEL SCHEAR, NEW YORK TIMES: Walz is a kind happy warrior.

S.E. CUPP, CNN: Happy warriors.

ANDREA MITCHELL, MSNBC: He was certainly the happy warrior last night... and seemed to be a happy warrior last night.

JONATHAN LEMIRE, POLITICO: A happy warrior, folksy backstory.

MARK MCKINNON: They are going to be very happy warriors!

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, MSNBC: There is a new happy warrior!

ASTEAD HERNDON, NEW YORK TIMES: Following the happy warrior mold.

JOHN HEILEMANN: Happy warrior.

PETER ALEXANDER, NBC NEWS: Happy warrior mentality.

RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC: Wicked sense of humor... Look how happy the pig looks!



DAVID PLOUFFE: J D Vance is weird, extreme, and angry.

RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC: Utter humorlessness... the humorlessness and pompousness.

NICOLE WALLACE, MSNBC: Hard to believe that J.D. Vance could be any more extreme.

TIM MILLER: It's like a freak show of bros.

CHARLIE SYKES: They had J.D. Vance, dark and ugly... beneath the dignity of most politicians.


JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC: The most extreme.

CHRIS HAYES: Being one of the most extreme.

CHARLIE SYKES: We need to recognize the danger.

S.E. CUPP: Angry and mean and dark.

JOY REID, MSNBC: Cat lady-hating sidekick J.D. Vance... This guy is really weird, y'all!

DAVID HOGG: Everybody in America knows a J.D. Vance, but we stay away from him because he's weird.


JOAN WALSH, THE NATION: Hang-dog ex-husband.



JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC: Hope, optimism, joy.

TOREY VAN OTT, AXIOS: Salt of the Earth of the Midwestern uncle vibes.

SABRINA RODRIGUEZ, WASHINGTON POST: The quintessential midwestern dad.

KAISE HUNT, CNN: Tim Walz keeps winning hot dish contests, apparently.

RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC: Tim Walz is so funny that if he's good at this, he will release a recipe for a hot dish.

MICHAEL STEELE, MSNBC: All of his time on the ground, you know, fixing F-150s.

DAVID AXELROD: Walz is out of a Norman Rockwell painting, right? He's small-town America incarnated.

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: Midwest, Your uncle, your dad.

DAVID HOGG: I have not been this happy in years... He is the guy who is always there to help you, whether it's changing your oil, whether it's fixing a lawn mower or whether it's helping to fix our democracy... It feels so good to have hope!

MIKE BARNICLE, MSNBC: I'm going to call him the coach from now until election day.


JOT REID, MSNBC: Tim Walt, the plain-spoken fun uncle who will defend the people he loves.

MOLLY JONG FAST, MSNBC: He ice fishes. He's a hunter. He does butter carving. You know, he is a rural person.
Nearly 1,490 people have been collared on Jan. 6-related charges, with arrests in the first seven months of 2024 running at a significantly higher rate than in 2023 and 2022, the U.S. Department of Justice reported Aug. 6.

Since Jan. 6, 2021, the FBI has arrested 1,488 people — including 223 so far in 2024, according to the DOJ's 43-month Jan. 6 update.

The year-to-date arrest total is up 43% from the first seven months of 2023 and 65% higher than in the first seven months of 2022, according to DOJ statistics.

The most common charge overall is entering and remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds, lodged against 1,417 people, including 171 accused of doing so with a deadly or dangerous weapon. Weapons have ranged from knives, bats, and flagpoles to pepper spray and motorcycle gloves.

Nobody has been charged with insurrection.
The alleged plotter, 46-year-old Asif Raza Merchant, was seeking to avenge the death of Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian terrorist and commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps who was snuffed out by an American airstrike at Iraq's Baghdad airport on Jan. 2, 2020.

Despite reports that this foiled plot prompted the U.S. Secret Service to increase security around Trump — having previously denied him adequate security for the two years leading up to the Butler shooting — it's clear from the agency's performance at the president's fateful July 13 rally, just one day after Merchant's July 12 arrest, they weren't in a rush to make meaningful adjustments.

Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said in a statement Tuesday, "The failure of the Secret Service in Butler, Pennsylvania, is even more outrageous in light of suspected Iranian-backed assassins targeting former Trump administration officials, including President Trump himself. That day, the threat of sniper attacks was even higher than normal."

"I was previously briefed concerning the Iranian threat and the circumstances of Mr. Merchant's arrest and questioned then-Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle on whether she had reviewed the intelligence concerning the Iranian threat," continued Turner. "She confirmed to me that she read the intelligence and was aware of this Iranian murder-for-hire plot."

"Director Cheatle acknowledged she knew the threat and still did not provide President Trump the protection he needed, almost costing him his life," added the Ohio congressman.
My wife and I have been to Jasper. The townsite is beuatiful.

It's gone now thanks to Justin Trudeau's green extremism.

QuoteThere will be an onslaught of accusations that climate change is behind the devastation that occurred in the lovely mountain resort in Alberta.

Environmentalists, academics and the current Liberal government have blamed the Fort McMurray fire in 2016, the Lytton fire in 2021 and last summer's Quebec fires on climate change. Why not blame it for Jasper 2024, too?

Blaming climate change will be used to bolster increasingly unpopular climate-change measures such as EV mandates, net-zero power grid expenditures and the carbon tax.

Don't believe if for a minute.

Parks Canada's insistence that thousands of hectares of dead forest be allowed to regenerate naturally turned Jasper National Park into kindling.

Bill Byrne, a former Alberta deputy minister, frequently butted heads with federal officials over their refusal to thin out dead forests in the national parks. He wrote in the Edmonton Journal on Friday that Parks Canada's rigidity ensured "the parks were becoming tinder boxes which would not only destroy the federal parks but, once started and out of control, would spread into adjacent Alberta forests."

According to Byrne, a highly decorated archaeologist, the provincial warnings to Parks Canada go back at least 25 years when the mountain pine beetle began killing trees in Jasper, Banff and Waterton National Parks.

The Alberta government permits selective logging of dead trees from provincial forests. It allows limited firebreaks in advance, conducts prescribed burns and allows "natural fires to run their course if lives or private property were not at risk," Byrne explained.

That's far from the eco-extremist approach by Parks Canada. For instance, no selective logging was permitted inside the parks to thin out the hundreds of thousands of trees lost to beetles. Instead, they stood bare of needles and red for up to two decades, getting drier by the year like giant matchsticks.

When wildfire finally came, kilometre after kilometre of the beautiful national park turned into a tsunami of flame that surged over a large part of Jasper townsite in a matter of hours.

But the concerns weren't just from Alberta.

As long ago as 2016, Parks Canada's own chief conservation officer suggested it might be wise to engage in a little "active management," i.e. selective logging. Nothing was done.

In 2017, the town's popular, longtime mayor, Richard Ireland, pleaded with Parks Canada that all the deadwood had become a "major fire hazard." He worried even then that the "increased fuel load" could, if ignited, make Jasper "the next Fort McMurray."

The "green" cultists in charge at Parks Canada wouldn't hear it. It was around this time the federal agency decided to step up its efforts to convince campers and sightseers to take better care extinguishing their fires and putting out their cigarettes.

In 2018, the House of Commons natural resources committee recommended immediate and significant intervention at Jasper. And two longtime professional foresters, Emile Begin and Ken Hodges, did a thorough examination of the problem and predicted a "mega fire" was inevitable unless an active intervention occurred. "Houses and livelihoods are at a very high risk of being destroyed."

Their predictions have come true, unfortunately.

With a fire of this magnitude, expect a federal investigation. But don't expect Parks Canada to be handed the blame.

Blaming climate change not only fits into the current elite narrative about every extreme weather or nature event. It's also an easier explanation.

Politicians, reporters, academics, activists and many in the public are already conditioned to believe climate change is the cause of everything bad. Break out the EVs, heat pumps, wind turbines and fossil fuel bans.

Blaming climate change also means no one at Parks Canada has to take responsibility.

It's all so convenient.*1pw3i3w*_ga*ODI0MDczMzUuMTcyMjE4OTgyNw..*_ga_72QH41ZTMR*MTcyMjE4OTgzMC4xLjAuMTcyMjE4OTgzMC42MC4wLjA.*_ga_H792QCFZPV*MTcyMjE4OTgyNi4xLjAuMTcyMjE4OTgyNi42MC4wLjA.*_ga_RT9GKF97XT*MTcyMjE4OTgyNy4xLjAuMTcyMjE4OTgyNy4wLjAuMA..&_ga=2.79872471.1341116039.1722189827-82407335.1722189827
It makes sense now. Appearing in a Black Rock commercial, a donation to an ultra progtard organization, his family's interview with CNN.

Even if that isn't him,this one is. Does he ever look like some ultra prog and maybe a violent tranny.

Joe gets his trolling material from the Queen of bullshit, AOC.

QuoteIn a tweet on Oct. 24, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez referred to the Capitol riot on Jan. 6 as "a terror attack," which she said resulted in "almost 10 dead."

Law Enforcement
Ocasio-Cortez's statement that the Capitol attack resulted in "almost 10 dead" includes five police officers, none of whom died at the scene on Jan. 6.

A stroke victim: A Capitol Police release the day after the riots said that USCP Officer Brian Sicknick "passed away due to injuries sustained while on-duty." The report stated that Sicknick "was injured while physically engaging with protesters. He returned to his division office and collapsed."

The New York Times, citing unnamed law enforcement officials, initially reported that Sicknick was struck by a fire extinguisher, but later updated its story to say that medical experts said he did not die of blunt force trauma.

The Washington Post reported on April 19 that District of Columbia Chief Medical Examiner Francisco J. Diaz found that Sicknick suffered two strokes nearly eight hours after being sprayed with a chemical irritant during the riot. Diaz told the Post that Sicknick died of natural causes, but "all that transpired played a role in his condition."

That day, US. Capitol Police released a statement that read: "The USCP accepts the findings from the District of Columbia's Office of the Chief Medical Examiner that Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes. This does not change the fact Officer Sicknick died in the line of duty, courageously defending Congress and the Capitol."

Four suicides: Four other police officers committed suicide in the days and months after the riot.

The first was U.S. Capitol Police Officer Howard Liebengood, 51, who had been guarding the Capitol for 15 years and was on duty at the Capitol on Jan. 6. He took his own life three days after the riots.

The following day, Trump ordered flags at the White House be lowered to half-staff in honor of both Sicknick and Liebengood.
General Chit Chat / CNN presidential debate
June 27, 2024, 06:01:05 PM
Thursday's debate moderator has compared Trump with Hitler and called his presidency a national 'nightmare.'

Trudeau's Liberals lost a byelection to the Conservatives yesterday in the riding of Toronto-St Paul's. That riding is a Liberal strnghold. It was considered one of the safest Liberal seats in Canada.

The polls are showing that if an election were held today, the Conservatives under Pierre Pollivere would win a massive majority. Will the pm step down? Polls show that it doesn't matter if Freeland, Carney, Leblanc or any of them replace Trudeau, the Liberals are going to be defeated in the next election.

QuoteConservative candidate Don Stewart winning the closely-watched Toronto-St. Paul's federal byelection, and delivering a stunning upset to Justin Trudeau's candidate Leslie Church in the long-time Liberal riding, has sent political shockwaves through both parties.

Responding to the result, and facing calls from his main opponent now to call a general election, Trudeau acknowledged the outcome has made it clear that "I and my entire team have much more hard work to do to deliver tangible, real progress that Canadians can see and feel."

Congratulating Stewart for his "tightly fought" victory, and for Church's "positive campaign," Trudeau did not address the broader questions now being raised about his future.
The Guest Nest / I love Poland
June 15, 2024, 01:23:39 PM
Just weeks after suggesting black children in the Bronx "don't even know what the word 'computer' is," and calling a New York Supreme Court justice an "extremist" for following the law, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul concluded on CNN's "The Lead" Thursday that the constituents of the diverse crowd of working-class Americans  in the Bronx where Trump held a rally "clowns." :s_laugh:
I did not need a report to know that living standards are heading in the wrong direction under Trudeau.

QuoteCanadians are currently experiencing one of the worst and longest declines in their standard of living in decades, according to a new report by the Fraser Institute.

"Despite claims to the contrary, living standards are declining in Canada," study co-author Grady Munro says in the report by the fiscally conservative think tank, "Changes in Per-Person GDP (Income): 1985 to 2023."

The study says that from April 2019 to the end of 2023, inflation-adjusted, per-person GDP in Canada, a broad measure of living standards, fell from $59,905 annually to $58,111 — a 3% loss and the third-steepest decline in almost 40 years.

Only a 5.3% drop in real GDP Canadians experienced from 1989 to 1992 and a 5.2% drop from 2008 to 2009 were more severe.

The study also says the latest decline in living standards which lasted for 18 fiscal quarters from 2019 to 2023 is already the second-longest in almost 40 years, surpassed only by one that lasted 21 fiscal quarters from1989 to 1994, "and if not stabilized in 2024, this decline could be the steepest and longest in four decades."

A chart in the Liberals' 2022 budget projected that Canada was in danger of experiencing the lowest annual growth in real GDP per capita between 2020 and 2060 among 16 comparable countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, as well as lower growth than the OECD average and lower than every other member of the G7 — U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Italy and Japan.

"Most Canadian businesses have not invested at the same rate as their U.S. counterparts. Unless this changes, the OECD projects that Canada will have the lowest per-capita GDP growth among its member countries."

The problem, critics say, is that in the Liberals' 2024 budget released last month, its major themes — higher spending, higher deficits, higher debt and higher capital gains taxes — are all sure-fire ways to reduce business confidence in the economy, discouraging private sector investment aimed at increasing productivity and innovation.
What an ignorant progressive Dumbocrat. This would be the biggest "news" story of the year if Ron Desantis said this.

Quote"Right now we have, you know, young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't even know what the word 'computer' is," Gov. Kathy Hochul blabbered into a microphone Monday.

Hochul made the remarks at the Milken Institute Global Conference Monday where she was primarily discussing her $400 million Empire AI initiative that recently passed as part of the state budget.
Millions of people in this country are forced to go to food banks and Trudeau is giving billions of dollars to corporations.

QuoteEV industry huge gamble for taxpayers

Someone should tell Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ontario Premier Doug Ford that creating a successful electric vehicle industry in Canada will require a lot more than throwing taxpayers' money at it.

That's the easy part, which Trudeau and Ford have been announcing over the past year, jointly bestowing mega-billions of dollars in public support for EV battery plants.

Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux has said it will take 20 years for the two governments to break even in recovering up to $28.2 billion in subsidies awarded to two companies — $15 billion to Stellantis-LG Energy Solutions to build a battery production plant in Windsor and $13.2 billion to Volkswagen to do the same in St. Thomas.

On Thursday, Trudeau and Ford announced another $5 billion deal in support of a $15-billion project by Honda to build another battery plant in Alliston, along with the construction of other facilities to create a supply chain for EVs.

They said it will create 1,000 jobs, secure 4,200 existing ones and lead to spinoff employment of more than 28,000 related jobs.

What they didn't say is that creating an EV supply chain from scratch involves multiple massive projects that will have to be simultaneously developed and co-ordinated.

These include mining and transporting the raw materials for EV batteries to production facilities, manufacturing EV batteries, manufacturing EV vehicles, cathode and anode manufacturing, and EV battery recycling.

The good news is Canada, has an abundance of the metals, minerals and other raw materials needed to build EV batteries and compete with the global market leader, which is China.

But getting those raw materials out of the ground will require an unprecedented mining boom in ecologically sensitive parts of Canada, including Ontario's Ring of Fire, with governments needing to dramatically streamline their existing environmental processes for getting mines and roads approved.

While some Indigenous groups favour these developments, others, who will have to be meaningfully consulted, are opposed.

The auto sector is vital to the Canadian economy so it's hardly surprising Trudeau's Liberals and Ford's Progressive Conservatives are boasting about their support of it.

But we won't know whether the multi-billion-dollar public investments they are making into Canada's EV sector today will give taxpayers good value for money spent, until years down the road.
News & Current Events / Degrowth
March 17, 2024, 11:20:38 AM
I recently heard about this latest rich prog control tactic.
The Guest Nest / Is Joe an idiot or a troll?
March 12, 2024, 02:56:45 PM
Probably both.

I present exhinit A.

Was the economy better under Trump or Biden?

And he had a link from Vox.
News & Current Events / Manipulating weather data
February 18, 2024, 12:30:29 PM
I read this yesterday.

I am not going to say if weather data is being deliberately manipulated. This is only food for thought.
HAARP isn't just in Alaska, it's spread evenly all over our world! Controlled in tandem with other weather modification programs, all working simultaneously together to bring "hell on earth", meaning time is modified on a scale many people cannot imagine! Every country has its own HAARP ionospheric heater, Colorado and Massachusetts even has one!
Their sinister goal, to destroy the natural environment of our earth by blaming it on "Climate Change." Ionospheric heater: "Powerful HF transmitter (2.8 to 10 MHz) that induces a temporary and controlled change of temperature of the electrons at the desired altitude".
Arays of heating antenna pump electricity from the ground into the atmosphere! This artificial electrical alteration in our ionosphere creates many different effects.
These experiments are highly controversial and probably not only affect our atmosphere, but they could also affect your mood. High-energy microwaves can pinch the electromagnetic field in the ionosphere like harp-playing fingers. This can produce very low-frequency radio signals that can penetrate land or water – sometimes up to depths more than 100 meters (328 feet) into the ocean, making it a possible communication method for submarines.
According to an earlier report by the South China Morning Post, China is now building an even larger and advanced facility in Sanya, Hainan, with the capacity to manipulate the ionosphere across the entire South China Sea. Ultra low frequency waves generated by these powerful structures could even affect the functioning of the brain and human body, causing side effects such as; headaches, cancer, loss of concentration and liver problems, just to name a few. Spraying heavy metal particles means increasing atmospheric conductivity (global warming or climate change is the cover article), which, if used together with these heaters, are used to create all kinds of "natural" disasters, such as starting fires that burn houses instead of trees, creating earthquakes, modifying atmospheric electrical properties so much that it creates hurricanes, tornadoes and floods.

Written by Scott L. Biddle