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Messages - JOE

Quote from: Herman on June 01, 2024, 11:29:17 PMFuck off Joe. Don't quote me, don't talk to me.

I knows yer sore an' hurtin' over the verdict, but at least remain civil, eh?

Not sure if I even agree with it myself. Undecided actually.
Quote from: Herman on June 01, 2024, 11:16:43 PMAlex Soros says Democrats should call Trump 'a convicted felon' as often as possible. I expect that.

Actually, it's not wise ta gloat @Herman Herm, cuz politics is a mean nasty game (esp American style) which acts like a double edged sword that can slice and dice the people who think the ball is in their court at the moment.

Without taking sides in this trial, the Democrats should be well aware that Trump is still very electable & if he comes back for a 2nd term he could wreak a lotta vengeance upon them.
Quote from: Dove on June 01, 2024, 10:56:17 PMYes unfortunately I worked at Penthouse New Orleans and I know her.

 She's disgusting.

Well you could become famous since ya knew someone famous...or (in)famous depending on which way ya look at it. ;-)
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 01, 2024, 12:34:25 PMJust to put things into perspective. You now have TWO punitive rulings for alleged crimes and/or misdeeds where there were no victims or negative consequences to anyone or any thing in a city where repeat offenders of violent crimes roam the streets undisturbed by the justice system

let that sink in for a moment and tell me if you are seeing the BIGGER picture here yet.

Trump is nothing but a vessel here. the shinny spoon the left makes their idiot lackys focus on while they cart the goods out the back door.

fucking morons.

Ya know Bigly, after listening to the verdict & the news, I'm not sure if Trump is as guilty as they say he is. Not saying he isn't. Obviously he crossed the line somewhere.

However, I'm still not entirely convinced that this case warranted a CRIMINAL trial.

It seems more a like a CIVIL case ta me.

Prostitutes, hush money, blonde whores, etc. 

Heck I don't even see what Trump or any man sees in Stormy Daniels.

She looks so butch, full of silicon implants and Kinda ugly imho.

She's def not very pretty.

Didn't @Dove said she met or performed alongside her?

anyways this whole charade seems like One Big Media Circus.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on May 31, 2024, 01:58:08 PMAh... we should STACK the jury!!!!!!

I mean, isn't that what they say when the supreme court hands down a ruling they don't like?

I found it curious how this case was tried as a criminal matter and not in civil courts.

Ya'd think that a case involving hush money and a prostitute would be a non-criminal civil case.

Not siding with either, but I wonder if this case even belonged in criminal court, Bigly
The Flea Trap / Re: My daughter
May 31, 2024, 03:31:07 PM
Quote from: Frood on May 31, 2024, 12:54:34 PMShe was sick today and felt very unwell.

So she requested music.

I dunno... but kids are angels. the Kids are alright @Frood Frood?!?

Quote from: DKG on May 31, 2024, 07:35:20 AMDove, there is no need to respond to Joe. If you do, don't be serious because he isn't.

He has derailed political threads at least least one hundred times with the same lame post you responded to.

He craves attention, but in my opinion, he does not deserve any.

Actually @DKG DKG I'm of no opinion either way whether Trump is guilty of these charges. I didn't follow the trial & would have read the summary to make up my mind in that regard

But @Dove Dove raises a valid point - that perhaps a big reason they fear a 2nd coming of Trump is he'd open a can of worms about his enemies. And among these is the Pandemic & the way it was handled.

So while not agreeing just another way of looking at the situation - maybe that's why Trumps enemies warn that his election will mean 'the end of democracy ' because he threatens their positions and undermines their credibility.

In the end it's all about the pursuit of power, who gets it & the struggle to obtain it.
Quote from: Dove on May 31, 2024, 02:14:08 AMWell if you know what "dismantling democracy" actually means when they say makes sense.

 They are panicking because Trump can start investigations into all the criminal and horrible shit that has been done. The Bidens...Fauci...Clinton's.

 Imagine the covid investigations.

Too much vindictiveness & retribution in your country @Dove ove. One side gets in & then they nail the other side. Then the other gets in and they do it back and so on. And that Jeffrey Epstein incident- both Trump & Clinton appear to be complicit which the media hyped up. Such a witch hunt.

Yeah Fauci - if he were investigated they should do it to big pharma, the fda/cdc & Pfizer too. They all appear to have been guilty of profiteering & suppressing other vaccines/treatments which could have been useful during the pandemic.

Ie there was this free vaccine Corbavax - developed by 2 American scientists in Texas that was never approved for use in the USA but was quite effective treating covid. Pig Pharma/fda killed it which Americans were prohibited from having access to it. It was shipped off to India instead.
Quote from: caskur on May 31, 2024, 12:11:23 AMJoe, the left are no longer the left of the old days where their main concern was for working men's rights.

I feel he did more right things than wrong things... what do you think?

Without being that familiar with thos court case & being unaligned with either side, I'd have to say the verdict seemed too severe. Usu an accused is found guilty of a portion of the counts. But Trump? They threw the entire book at him. Guilty on all accounts. That does seem rather extreme and usu such verdicts are reserved for mass murderers not white collar crime.
Quote from: Herman on May 30, 2024, 09:50:14 PMAt least you admit you aint serious. And that is why folks ignore you.

Either way, American politics is such a circus.
Quote from: Herman on May 30, 2024, 09:26:48 PMSee what I mean. This aint a troll thread, but you treat them all the same. I am pretty sure this is why the Seoul brother gets under your skin by ignoring your lame trolling no matter how hard you hump his leg.

In all seriousness @Herman Herm I'm not sure what to make of this verdict.

Have to examine and read about it more before judging it.
so I'm more or less neutral on the topic.

That being said, it does seem rather severe that Trump was found guilty on 34 out of 34.
Quote from: Oliver the Second on May 30, 2024, 07:37:02 PMWith the rampant inflation, lack of housing, massive immigration, wars raging and anti-Israeli protests going on I doubt the average American is overly concerned about some guy paying off a hooker.

I don't care what Trump or Clinton do in their spare time.

These rich white guys all use hookers anyways.

And the probably all got STDs ta show for it @Oliver the Second Ollie.
Quote from: Herman on May 30, 2024, 08:56:40 PMThe Seoul brother aint got a problem with what any folks have to say. The fella wants different opinions. Hell, he went out of his way to welcome the most afflicted TDS wankers.

It is your relentless humping of his leg he is tired of. There might have been a place for your passive aggressive trolling at one time, but not now. There just aint enough folks left on these forums. That is reality now, and you sir are in denial. Give it rest man.

@Herman Herm I know yer sore 'n butthurt by the Trump verdict, but ya gotta accept the lumps with the gravy in life!
Quote from: DKG on May 30, 2024, 07:44:45 PMOliver, I know Biden is the scariest most destructive president the US has ever had. On top of the damage you mentioned, he has done what no other president has even joked about-weaponizing federal agenices to persecute his political enemies, Kennedy included. His team has used his office to bully an independent mass media into not reporting stories unfavourable to the Democratic Party in the middle of an election.

Biden's presidency is a an example of how a nation can descend into authoritarianism. Trudeau has done the same in Canada.

I know you don't like anything I have to say, but I think the Democrats should have got rid of Biden @DKG KG for the Greater Good.

Biden is a symbol of decay.

Hardly a standard bearer for a party which is supposed stand for Progressive ideals.