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Messages - Oerdin

EVs don't make sense financially or environmentally but that goes double for a cold country like Canada.  Look up how cold temps make batteries lose most of their range.
Quote from: Oliver the Second on May 15, 2024, 09:29:24 PMI'm surprised California doesn't put up toll booths at the border charging people fifty bucks to leave the state.

They sort of did.  They wanted to keep charging state taxes on people who left the state for five years after they left.  Federal court struck that down as unconstitutional, obviously.  It does show how badly the state is hit by rich people leaving because of high taxes.  Dems keep lying and denying but their actions prove otherwise.
Democrats were proposing raising the state gas tax from 30.51 to $1.01 per gallon but now the deficit is so high they have any to raise it to almost $2 per gallon.
Quote from: caskur on May 15, 2024, 07:44:19 PMWe in Australia gave boat people $3,000 to piss off back to the countries they came from...  that worked OK.

That is the correct way to handle things.  Sadly, Democrats are corrupt and view illegals and people committing asylum fraud as "future voters" and a way to offset the declining population of their poorly run states which have people leaving in droves due to high taxes, over regulation, a refusal to allow the construction of housing, and lack of jobs. 
Quote from: Thiel on May 15, 2024, 06:27:46 PMCalifornia will not pay the money back even if the state could.

Fred's have required a big increase in payroll taxes in this state for every employed person.  So this will become just yet another reason to hire people in a different state.
Well, this just came out today. Originally they said $24 billion was lost from the state unemployment fund giving away money to people who didn't qualify or who committed fraud but the actual total revealed today is... $55 billion.

I can't make this shit up.

The Trump administration even warned Greasy Newscum and his fellow Democrats and told them they had to change the system immediately to prevent mass fraud but Democrats deliberately ignored him.  Now the Federal government is demanding $55 billion he returned to it because the state failed to manage it effectively or even take basic actions to prevent fraud.
That won't happen.  They will just keep voting blue no matter who because they are brain dead zombies.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on May 15, 2024, 01:11:02 PMTack on another 7 billion to that number, sir. Because, libtards can't math.

but the good news is. This is all Trump's fault.

Last year Democrats passed free health care for all illegals in the state.  That sounds like something that can easily be cut and save billions.  Another one is Democrats passed free abortions for everyone who wants one plus travel money to get to California for you free abortion plus free hotel stays.
And to deflect from the consequences of Democrats horrible radical left wing policies and mass over spending...  Greasy Newscum lies and tries to blame climate change for the state's $65 Billion budget deficit and terrible economy.
California is #1 in job loses, #1 in violent crime growth, and #1 in homelessness.  That is what unchecked power for leftists results in.
We literally had brain dead idiots like A.O.C. claiming "who cares?  It is literally free money so we can just print more and we can give it to people who can't work or who don't want to work".  That is how stupid and evil Democrats are.
It was $2400 from the state plus $2000 from the feds for $4400 per month for two years of free money.  So every fucking lazy bum, shyster, fraudster, and illegal alien all took it.

Then Dems have the nerve to lie and claim inflation wasn't their fault.  Bull shit!  They literally doubled the entire money supply in just two years.  Now the liars claim "no one knew that would cause inflation" when everyone who took econ 101 knew that.
Quote from: DKG on May 14, 2024, 09:24:54 AMTwenty four billion dollars unaccounted for?????

Raising taxes will only speed up the departure of people in the middle from the Golden State.

Yep, during covid Dems deliberately gave everyone $4000 per month who applied and deliberately stopped checking for eligibility so not only did they give it to millions of illegals aliens (which is illegal for them to do) but people in other countries applied and Democrats just gave away $24 billion and didn't bother to track anything because they KNEW fraud on a cast scale was occuring and didn't want there to be a paper trail.

That is the level of corruption one party states have.  Now the state unemployment fund is broke and in debt so Dems are raising taxes, again, without reforming anything so it will just happen again.
California's gas tax already goes up every year automatically as it is indexed to inflation.  Yet Democrats have so over spent there is now a $65 billion budget deficit and $24 billion in unemployment funds are "unaccounted for" meaning stole by fraud.  Now, Democrats could seriously reduce spending to balance the budget but instead they want to raise taxes which are already the highest in the nation.

They are pushing a new $0.50 per gallon gas tax on top of the existing  $0.511 state gas tax and the federal $0.184 gas tax.  Of course, lying Democrats say "it is to fight climate change" when all it will do is feed inflation and make life still more unaffordable