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Messages - Lokmar

Fukin Jimmy Dore seeing the light and arguable becoming a Trump supporter. You know the end is nigh!!!!
Quote from: DKG on May 30, 2024, 07:17:25 PMLet's not pretend this verdict is not a serious problem for the Trump campaign.

The ONLY fucking problem was that the donation websites crashed today. My wife and I are giving money tonight of course. Thats 2 separate donations BTW.
Politics / Re: Bidenomics
May 30, 2024, 06:56:21 PM
Quote from: JOE on May 30, 2024, 03:03:14 PMActually I think the US & West should outright seize Russia's foreign financial assets outright, sell them to pay for rebuilding Ukraine once that war is over @Brent rent. That's only fair since they started that War and launched an illegal invasion of the Ukraine

Likewise the governments in Canada frequently freeze and seize assets of criminals and drug dealers if they get convicted of crimes. Putin needs to be held accountable too  I'd declare him a war criminal and arrest him if he dares set foot outside Russia.

They're already doing shit like that, dumb ass.
The Guest Nest / Re: Two months off Ozempic
May 30, 2024, 11:35:06 AM
Quote from: Erica Mena on May 30, 2024, 10:41:41 AMI'm good. No weight gain as long as I continue eating right.

Seethe fatties

Did you experience any mood changes or apathy? I keep reading these stories about side affects with that stuff.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on May 30, 2024, 11:23:30 AMYou never seen the Pig go off on Blacks when poked?

I have.

Libtards are always racist as fuck

I mean, hell, they make excuses for a guy who gave a eulogy at a KKK leaders funeral calling him a "mentor"

while at the same time attacking trump for taking out a newspaper add in the 90s about crime in the city because 5 kids who happened to be black were arrested under questionable circumstances.

tells you the whole story about these dirtbags right there 

YUO CANT SAY THAT ANYMORE!!!!! Pig de-browned you!  :crampe:

I swear, that fukin bitch's stupid is ALWAYS good for a LOL!
Quote from: DKG on May 30, 2024, 10:12:07 AMYou mean Democrats cannot be RAYCIS.

I'm not sure. I do know the rules are subject to change tho!
"Chris the nigger" Damn, caught in a brown on brown hate crime! Wait, brown peepoe cant be RAYCIS!  :Doh2:
Pretty sure Legend eats man ass. Just look at him.
I quit eating BK when they came out with the veggie burger. FUK THAT SHIT!
They should bring back daily CHRISTIAN prayer too!
Wind and solar are a jucking joke, an eyesore, and a recycling nightmare. FACT!!!

I know this because I work in the electric power industry.
Them fukin libtard jews are so damned desperate for a friendly voice on the left, they'll crawl up his ass and out of his mouth! Hey fucktards, there's a shit ton of RIGHT WING motherfuckers on your side! "crickets"
Quote from: DKG on May 29, 2024, 10:28:41 AMIt is a shocking subject.

Every once in a while, some shit comes along that makes me......I dont want to call it respect or understanding......wish for maybe? some shit like they do in Iran or India. If some stupid whore pulled this shit in one of those countries, she'd get rape fucked to death by a bunch of dudes or she'd get her fukin head loped off at Chop Chop Square. THATS what i wanna see happen to these hoez!!!!!
The Flea Trap / Re: Dayum
May 29, 2024, 02:07:28 PM
Quote from: Brent on May 29, 2024, 02:03:05 PMWe stole everybody else's culture instead of the other way around.


BTW, I NEVER seen one of Hermans obeseloads look hawt like that!!!!
News & Current Events / White George Floyd?
May 29, 2024, 02:01:04 PM

He died after a cop kneeled on his neck for 14 minutes. Now, his family can finally sue.
Tony Timpa died after a police officer kneeled on his neck for 14 minutes. A court originally denied his family the right to sue.

I'll reserve any comments until I believe all the facts have come out.