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Messages - Biggie Smiles

Your mom and your sisters were in that courtroom every fucking day. And you leave them behind when you kick off?

oh man, if this is all true - you're a real piece of shit bro.

A day after the unjust ruling of a God fearing man.

And I got to thinking, was Oak perhaps onto something when she called the deaths of innocent children "karma" for a ruling they had nothing to do with?

perhaps we should be looking at this as the beginning of paybacks for all of the rotten things the obamas and every other stinking to the core democrat has done?

you know, just using Pig's own logic in this instance?

Let's mull over that one

For those of you who don't know who "Big Mike" is

That's Michelle "the juggernaut" Obama
The Guest Nest / THIS is a fucking man
Today at 12:46:42 PM
The scum on the left like the TDS retards we've seen at the other place don't even have the right to shine his shoes

Trump said a lot of nasty things about DeSantis and DeSantis shows he is enough of a man to put that all aside and do what is right. Not for Trump but for America

I salute you good sir, even if your action is merely symbolic. Same to Ted Cruz

And I even salute the Judas Iscariot Pence for calling this what it is. And Mitt Rommney too. Neither of whom I had any respect for until now. There is still time to redeem yourselves

Now is the time to rally. Not for the man but for the mission
Just to put things into perspective. You now have TWO punitive rulings for alleged crimes and/or misdeeds where there were no victims or negative consequences to anyone or any thing in a city where repeat offenders of violent crimes roam the streets undisturbed by the justice system

let that sink in for a moment and tell me if you are seeing the BIGGER picture here yet.

Trump is nothing but a vessel here. the shinny spoon the left makes their idiot lackys focus on while they cart the goods out the back door.

fucking morons.
Matt Walsh lays this one out to a tee.

at a minimum you need to watch the first 20 minutes

Quote from: The Right Side Of History on Today at 02:54:43 AMAnd (get this) they have just handed Donald Trump the best possible outcome he could have hoped for... namely, the confirmation of the allegations he has been saying all along was in fact 100% true. This all but assures him of victory in November... assuming of course the Democrats don't start World War 3 against Russie for the heaven sent excuse to invoke the war powers act.

On a wood board with a lot of well placed nails you really hit this one head on, dead center my friend. I've long felt all roads were leading to this climax when I saw the handlers do about their declining gasbag Puppet Of The Underground Society when the shining star that is Trump emerged once again to captivate an even larger following.

From this to our efforts to instigate conflict with a nuclear superpower that has an equally powerful ally along it's border who hates us even more I knew some offensive play had to be in the works already. The play by play run book was there and working we just hadn't seen it all come together yet. The complete picture only becomes crystal clear when viewed through the lens of hindsight. And benefits not those of us stepping through time as it occurs around us.
which is why smart people, no matter personal affinity or feeling towards any one person either positive or negative - keep a keen eye on the process. The fragile checks & balances we do have that are designed to thwart tyranny. They may have their flaws as they were designed by imperfect men, but they are all that stands between us and the final destination we have constructed with our own hands.

We will be next to crumble and our fall will be applauded by our enemies and so called friends throughout the world. And when the auctioneers come looking to scoop us up for pennies on the dollar via proverbial fire-sale we'll be too busy worrying about some degenerate's right to pee in front of little girls in public bathrooms to do anything about it. It will be then, when we ALL will learn what a dictator who "never ever leaves office" will actually look like. 

It will be what I've said above, or something equally constitutionally worthy, will be used to suspend the 2024 election. Or, they'll simply go the full insult to injury route and prop up some MAGA hating stooge puppet like Nikkie Haley at the last minute to give the facade that there is a fair election occurring on NOv 5th. She will lose and we will be told we had a free and fair election

In fact, if you do have a nominee in prison, no matter the charges, that just might be the catalyst they need to amend the constitution with a lower standard when it comes to invoking the war powers act, or at a minimum, an executive order to ""temporarily"" suspend elections for the good of democracy. A move which would undoubtedly be overturned by a sane SCOTUS but wouldn't make it there before enough damage had already been done.   

In either event, they've got the itinerary already laid out and are meticulously executing on it's various dependencies one by one until it reaches completion. It is my belief that come Jan 20th 2025 you will see neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump placing their right hand on the bible.

In fact, whomever it is standing there that day will not be placing their hand on a bible at all. They wont need to.

It's amazing that we still have so called "Americans" cheering and championing the death of the very democracy that protects them. A system of freedom and justice which was bled for that will be nothing but a fleeting memory by the time the hungry beast they created, nurtured and freed from it's cage comes home to swallow them whole.
He's 100% right

now let this sink in. Alvin Bragg is the same prosecutor who refused to file charges against 5 immigrants who were ON VIDEO jumping and beating down a pair of NYC police officers.

but these cockroaches want us to believe he unbiasely followed the law against a 77 year old man who didn't even accept a salary his time spent in service to the american people.

The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 31, 2024, 11:26:10 PM
Quote from: Herman on May 31, 2024, 11:21:11 PMJesus H. I have been reading that aint likely to happen, but you know that state better than the folks from Rebel News.
There is 137 years worth of time sitting on the table should this TDS retard decide to run sentences consecutively vs concurrently and I'll put money on the fact that he's going to do just that.

Did you see any rhyme or reason for that creeper lizard collector looking judge to fine Trump 454 million ? Who's asshole did he pull that number out from?

The vermin cockroaches on the left believe they have their base by such a stranglehold that they feel pulling this type of shit is inconsequential. I mean. c'mon, they literally held the 2020 election up at gun point in broad day and nothing happened - so why should they believe anything is going to happen now?
Quote from: horse sense on May 31, 2024, 10:02:15 PMIt is irresponsible to question the verdict says the Potato In Chief? Ohh right... and just what does he call setting the precedent that any administration may now weaponize the legal system against any political figure past or present they might have a beef with... "prudent" perhaps?

And for what it's worth, nobody I know is questioning the verdict in New York (or "New Australia" as I like to call it, given the amount of rampaging kangaroos bouncing about it its judicial system). Even people in the democrats are calling it foolhardy. That's not questioning it - that's stating the obvious. Because now the stage is set where a case might be brought against any unconvicted felon identified as having held any previous office on the flimsiest of pretexts... and that includes Joe Biden himself.

I can't imagine there's going to be too much incentive going forward for anyone that genuinely wants to do anything other than treat the office as a mafia den quite honestly. And all thanks to a Soros supported flunkey in "New Australia".

Yay and shit. People should blockade that retarded island calling itself "Manhattan" and deprive its steaming retards of avocados and kombucha enemas until they prove grown up enough to return to the Adults table.

And then blockade them some more because reasons.

Exactly. 100%

and notice how you've never read me once say that this wrong because it's an election year?

I'm of the mindset that if there is indeed a real crime it should be properly vetted, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law no matter what's going on that year

meaning, if they had Trump on video the night before the election holding up a liquor store or killing a little lady I'd be the first to be saying "lock his ass up" and would be glad they found this out before I cast my vote for him

but that is NOT what happened here. The charges were bogus from the start, had already exceeded the statute of limitations and were only brought back to life via some crime they have YET to articulate. It's total bullshit across the board and anyone with a modicum of self respect, integrity and intelligence can see that clearly.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 31, 2024, 11:10:29 PM
Quote from: Herman on May 31, 2024, 11:07:45 PMIt aint likely he will be in a jail cell on election day is it?
Oh it is.

People didn't believe me when I said they would convict him on these baseless bullshit charges

and I'm saying right now that come July 11th you will see this TDS trainwreck of a judge go balls to the wall with an outrage prison sentence. I'm from new york. I know first hand the corruption that goes on there

mark my words.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
May 31, 2024, 11:05:11 PM
Quote from: Thiel on May 31, 2024, 09:36:00 PMRemind them donations to Trump's campaign spiked after the verdict.
Nah, more pleasurable to remind them that they are a couple of spineless jellyfish pussflaps who couldn't endure 1/1000th of what this great patriot is going through for his country

But I do chuckle at the fact that he made 1 million per felon the next fucking day

Every person I know is more determined to vote for him now than they were on wednesday.

in fact, Trump could be in a Jail cell come Nov 5th and I'll still be voting for him with pride and vigor
Ah... we should STACK the jury!!!!!!

I mean, isn't that what they say when the supreme court hands down a ruling they don't like?
it will be fun to watch when the truth about these jurors comes to the surface ; ie the social media posts and histories demonstrating extreme TDS - how the left will spin and insist this was an "on the level" rule

just like several million votes suddenly appearing in key swing states at 2:00am in the morning was completely on the up and up.

of course there was nothing anomalous about trump being up by half a million at 1:59am and then all of the sudden, by 2:15 am Biden suddenly leapfrogs past him to the tune of several hundred thousand votes. Mind you, by this point 95% of the voting had already been counted. so in essence, as an example, trump is at 1.5 million votes by 1:59am, biden at 1 million. By 2:15 biden is at 2 million votes and trump remains at 1.5.

If you are dumb enough to believe that 500 thousand votes came in between 1:59 and 2:15 from that 5% population which was yet to be counted, for EITHER candidate without any for the other, you are certainly the type of lemming idiot democrats are looking to include in the fold. Period
Quote from: caskur on May 31, 2024, 10:42:36 AMWell Joo you can only try and do good now to make up for back then.

I read Mike Tyson's autobiography twice so am very well aware of the black kids who were as young as 8 and 9 committing crime full time... I think Mike was about 8 when he started breaking into houses...

I know Trump isn't racist... he just likes telling the truth...

The black guys on youtube always acknowledge the race baiting con and they aren't having any of it.

Here's a true fact about the left.

They have to LOOK for ways to connect multiple dots to manufacture Trump's racism against blacks

They do the same way trying to make him a pedophile if he can be seen in the same room or even zipcode as Jeffery epstien or a seen in a photo with his daughter sitting on his lap.

things that might make the average person go hmmmmmmmmm if these vermin had the presence of mind to demonstrate just a modicum of consistency when their side goes completely off the rails in a similar circumstance

For instance, just one of millions!   You can have Biden's daughter writing memoirs about him showering with her, both butt ass naked, no problem.

Or, he's out there legislating policies adverse to black men and calling KKK leaders his "mentor" and nothing is said by these cockroaches?

that's when you know they are full of nothing but hatred and shit.