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Messages - Herman

At least you admit you aint serious. And that is why folks ignore you.
Between now and July 11, Trump will be able to move about as he pleases. He will also no longer have to adhere to gag-order restrictions which previously prevented him from discussing witnesses or the judge and his family members. Trump has previously noted that Merchan's daughter is a political consultant who raises funds for high-profile Democrats such as Rep. Adam Schiff of California.

Trump will also likely participate in a pre-sentencing interview with a probation officer, who will then submit a sentencing report to Merchan.

Judge Merchan will have almost exclusive authority to determine Trump's sentence, and he has several options to consider, including jail.

Though Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies, they are nonviolent, class E felonies, the least serious in the state of New York, and often don't result in jail time. Trump also has no prior criminal record and at 77 years old is not likely to be a threat to the public, all factors that could play in his favor.

Cheryl Bader, a law professor at Fordham University, thinks it's "unlikely" that Merchan will give Trump time behind bars. "Given that he is a former president, has a Secret Service detail and is also the presumptive Republican nominee, I think a term of incarceration would be logistically very difficult," she told the Guardian,
iden and the Democratic Party are doing everything they can to appease the radical pro-Palestine, anti-Israel wing of the left. However, as the protesters' demands grow louder, they may be in for a rude awakening come the Democratic National Convention in August — which they're choosing to have in Chicago.

Chicago doesn't just have an insane crime rate. It also has the largest Palestinian population in the United States.

Counterterrorism expert and Capital Research Center investigative researcher Ryan Mauro is concerned, not just for Chicago but for the country.

Quote from: Oerdin on May 30, 2024, 08:35:05 PMThe shit bag Greasy Newscum signed a bill to create a $25 minimum wage, but, in the face of massive job loses he is suddenly back tracking.  It is just because his record is so puss poor.
I believe in paying folks a fair wage for what they do. A lot of the jobs that law would apply to are quickly being replaced with AI.
Quote from: JOE on May 30, 2024, 09:20:29 PM@Herman Herm I know yer sore 'n butthurt by the Trump verdict, but ya gotta accept the lumps with the gravy in life!
See what I mean. This aint a troll thread, but you treat them all the same. I am pretty sure this is why the Seoul brother gets under your skin by ignoring your lame trolling no matter how hard you hump his leg.

Quote from: Lokmar on May 30, 2024, 09:16:59 PMThe ONLY fucking problem was that the donation websites crashed today. My wife and I are giving money tonight of course. Thats 2 separate donations BTW.
Biden has all the scumbag billionaire donors and Trump has all the donors who carry cooler lunch boxes.

Quote from: Oliver the Second on May 30, 2024, 07:37:02 PMWith the rampant inflation, lack of housing, massive immigration, wars raging and anti-Israeli protests going on I doubt the average American is overly concerned about some guy paying off a hooker.

You nailed it brother. This what blue collar Americans care about. The democRATs don't care which is why they lost the blue collar vote.
Quote from: JOE on May 30, 2024, 07:50:30 PMI know you don't like anything I have to say, but I think the Democrats should have g
The Seoul brother aint got a problem with what any folks have to say. The fella wants different opinions. Hell, he went out of his way to welcome the most afflicted TDS wankers.

It is your relentless humping of his leg he is tired of. There might have been a place for your passive aggressive trolling at one time, but not now. There just aint enough folks left on these forums. That is reality now, and you sir are in denial. Give it rest man.
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
May 30, 2024, 12:15:00 AM
Quote from: Blazor on May 30, 2024, 12:11:44 AMPoor Seaqueen, he does like him some "muy exotica"  :crampe:
DD is his ideal muy exotica.
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
May 30, 2024, 12:07:12 AM
Quote from: Blazor on May 29, 2024, 11:53:20 PMMy eyes are up here home slice, thought you was into thick kneegrows anyway lol.
I like any gal as long she looks like a real gal. No gals that look like young boys for old Herman. For Seamidget yes, but not for me.
Seamidget got a bad case of the squirts, or 'diaria." :crampe:
The Flea Trap / Re: Dayum
May 29, 2024, 10:15:04 PM
Quote from: Frood on May 29, 2024, 01:02:36 AMYou have a morbidly obese fetish.
You have a fetish for gals that resemble pre teen boys.
The Flea Trap / Re: Dayum
May 29, 2024, 10:10:08 PM
Quote from: Frood on May 29, 2024, 08:54:05 PMHerman could get a boner removing one of those fatberg's from a sewer drain. 
I can get wood just thinking about it.
Quote from: Oliver the Second on May 29, 2024, 09:39:43 PMDown in Mexico City they set the Israeli Embassy on fire

I never thought of anywhere in Mexico being Hamas country.
Politics / Re: US election 2024
May 29, 2024, 10:06:13 PM
Quote from: Garraty_47 on May 29, 2024, 09:37:46 PMThe DNC apparently forgot Ohio needs the party to declare a candidate by August 8th in order to make it onto the Ohio state ballot so the DNC geniuses scheduled their convention for August 19th.

Instead of saying "mea culpa" and moving their convention up to late July or very early August they tried to make Ohio give them an exemption and are now talking about having a "virtual roll call" nomination to ensure Biden gets onto the Ohio ballot.

That's right... the Chicago convention will be meaningless because they will have already declared Biden the nominee in a Zoom meeting or what the fuck ever.

Is there *anything* the democrats AREN'T going to fuck up this election cycle?

I read this today. It is easy to forget the democRATs are the biggest political party in the world's biggest economy.