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Messages - DKG

Quote from: Shen Li on Today at 12:41:14 AMManchin will continue to caucus with Democrats and keep his chairmanship, according to a person familiar with his thinking who was granted anonymity to share his plans. The move helps Democrats preserve their slim 51-49 majority in the Senate.
I hope he retires from politics. He helped get the inflationary corporate welfare bulls IRA and CHIPS Act across the finish line. I want WV to elect a fiscally conservative senator in November.
Politics / Re: EV's, Reliable Power, et al
Today at 10:18:38 AM
Quote from: Oerdin on May 31, 2024, 08:23:26 AM
Michael Schellengerg is lnowledgeable on climate science without any of the apocalyptic exaggeration.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 10:10:33 AM
Quote from: Sloan on June 01, 2024, 08:45:07 PMTaken from the snowflake factory shoutbox just a few minutes ago

 Dove: You are the SAME. On the other end. Just as bad.
20 minutes ago
Dove: Vitty is leftwing. He is no Trump supporter at all. But because he doesnt just echo the guys lump him in with extreme Maga people. He doesnt even bother addressing it because he knows its useless to bother.
17 minutes ago
Dove: He knows its pointless to explain his stance.
17 minutes ago
Admin.: Name calling does not win you any brownie buttons, you ignorant slut.
15 minutes ago
Dove: I havent called anyone names.
A moment ago

Have any of you ever noticed this phenomenon? That leftists become even more unhinged and angry when they get their way? It's as if that hole in their soul can never quite be filled.
That is one unhinged outburst by Admin.

What I like about Garraty is he sticks to issues and reserves his attacks for the post and not the poster. He disagrees with my fiscal conservatism, but he doesn't call me a balding gook when we disagree. The hyper partisan TDS crew from CBT, but now at BF seem incapable of that kind of maturity.
Quote from: Herman on June 01, 2024, 10:35:11 PMIf it is true, I am disappointed in the kid. I know he is making the rounds and probably making some coim. His family stood by him in his darkest hour. He has to do the same.
I am in no rush to judge Kyle Rittenhouse at this point. We are getting sone side of the story.
Quote from: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on Today at 08:33:06 AMOh goody, that means we can look forward to more government gridlock.  Yay democracy!

EDITOR'S NOTE:  The sarcasm factor in the above post, on a 1-10 scale, is 11.4.
Precisely. And again welcome professor.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
June 01, 2024, 09:27:58 AM
Quote from: Herman on May 31, 2024, 11:30:28 PMOh I know the democRATs believe they are entitled to the keys to the white house. And in 2024 they will do anything to get those keys. But, this crosses a line.

Expect some countries to consider Biden an illegitimate president if he wins this way. I know Russia and China will put a question mark beside his presidency.
Many MEP's in Brussels walked out in disgust when Truedau spoke to the European parliament. I would expect a similar reaction to a second term Biden presidency if his opponent is jailed.
UC Berkeley law professor John Yoo made clear this week that President Donald Trump's conviction before a Democratic judge in a Democratic enclave on charges brought by a Democratic prosecutor effectively obliterates any remaining pretense that the justice system is a means for resolution and restitution. The courtroom is now instead apparently a vehicle for seeking retribution and political advantage.

With this transformation, Yoo says its high time for "retaliation in kind" by Republican district attorneys.

Ahead of President Donald Trump's conviction, Yoo noted in National Review that it was abundantly clear the hush-money case was built around "farcical charges" and aimed not at delivering justice but at protecting a decrepit Democratic president from facing his top competitor in November.

"The superficiality of the facts and the vagueness of the crimes magnify the harm that Democrats have inflicted on our political norms," wrote the former deputy assistant attorney general. "Make no mistake, Democrats have crossed a constitutional Rubicon."

Yoo issued a note of caution: The "weakness of the case against Trump lowers the bar for prosecuting future presidents below that for prosecuting garden-variety criminals in New York City."

To remedy "this breach of constitutional norms," Yoo indicated that Republicans' only recourse is to observe the Golden rule: "Do unto others as they have done unto you. In order to prevent the case against Trump from assuming a permanent place in the American political system, Republicans will have to bring charges against Democratic officers, even presidents."

For instance, a Republican district attorney will have to do the work the Biden Department of Justice appears unwilling or at the very least incapable of doing: Hold Hunter Biden to account for one of his various alleged crimes.

"Another Republican DA will have to investigate Joe Biden for influence-peddling at the behest of a son who received payoffs from abroad," continued Yoo. "Only retaliation in kind can produce the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutual assured destruction; without the threat of prosecution of their own leaders, Democrats will continue to charge future Republican presidents without restraint."

"We must rely on Republicans to threaten an escalation of banana-republic politics in order to prevent actually becoming a banana republic," concluded Yoo.

Two can play this dangerous game the Dems started. If Americans don't want this banana republic style persecution to be the new normal, Republican DA's will have to fight fire with fire. And there is a lot to go after the Biden crime family on. Clintons too.
The Flea Trap / Re: Here we go again
June 01, 2024, 09:14:50 AM
Masks Found to Be Ineffective After First Omicron Wave: New Study

By the second Omicron wave, wearing masks was shown to offer no protection for adults and potentially increased the risk of infection in children.

In a study published in PLOS ONE, researchers found that several risk factors for infection, including wearing a mask, changed significantly in December 2021 when Omicron became the dominant SARS-CoV-2 variant.

To help explain why some interventions were associated with a decreased risk of infection early in the pandemic but were less protective or associated with an increased risk later on, the researchers examined survey data from the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) from 200,000 people who were tested for COVID-19 every two weeks.
Quote from: Herman on May 31, 2024, 10:35:10 PMGone are the days when political bias was checked at the courthouse door. The rule of law has been drained of any meaning. As we've seen with the Derek Chauvin trial, the federal prosecutions of January 6 and abortion protesters, and now Donald Trump in Manhattan, a defendant cannot get a fair trial or impartial jury in a blue jurisdiction if he finds himself on the "wrong" side of the political divide. He is guilty by virtue of who he is.

Blue states and the federal administration have weaponized the justice system. This is not something I ever thought I would see in the US.
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
June 01, 2024, 09:06:17 AM
Quote from: Blazor on May 31, 2024, 12:02:43 PMActually, over the Winter we were down to 4 day work weeks. But busy season started nearly 2 months ago, so we are working 2-3 Saturdays a month now.
And making $$$$$
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
June 01, 2024, 09:05:27 AM
Quote from: Blazor on May 31, 2024, 12:10:22 PMYou're wrong about "nobody controls what you watch", and yet right. Cause I indeed choose not to watch that bullshit, and yet the ones in control, are indeed controlling what the masses watch.

Curious what you are referring too with venturing outside my comfort zone, do you mean stuff made in other countries or something?
No, I am not wrong. As other people have said, the US is not the only country making shows and movies. Expand your horizons.
Quote from: The Right Side Of History on June 01, 2024, 03:11:11 AM...after the prosecution's own star witness testified that Donald Trump did not do any such thing, that it was the aforementioned "star witness" who in fact "disguised" the money, yes I heard.

Donald Trump did accuse them of running a witch hunt on him. Now the proof is in and he is set for yet another bump in approval ratings. Are you starting to understand why I saw him as a surer bet than Vivek or DeSantis yet?  :wink:
I didn't follow all the details of the case, but I do remember that pertinent detail.
Quote from: Conservative Perspective on June 01, 2024, 08:21:21 AM'Corrupt criminal': Maxine Waters receives backlash over vitriolic response to Trump's guilty verdict

Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters was blasted on social media after telling former President Trump to "shut your mouth" after he was convicted in criminal court on Thursday.

Source: 'Corrupt criminal': Maxine Waters receives backlash over vitriolic response to Trump's guilty verdict
Maxine Waters believes the DOJ exists for the sole purpose of persecuting people who don't like her totalitarian ideas.
Politics / Re: US election 2024
May 31, 2024, 07:54:05 AM
Minutes after the jury returned a guilty verdict in former President Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York, an influx of donations to his presidential campaign as an apparent show of support caused his donation page to temporarily become unavailable.