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Was she not vetted or does Hochul not give a shit.
A former aide to Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, who is now accused by the Justice Department of acting as a Chinese spy, went on a tour of the White House earlier this year, a White House official has confirmed to Fox News Digital.

Linda Sun's visit to the White House was facilitated by another Democrat, Rep. Grace Meng of Queens, and consisted of "a walking tour through historic rooms and [did] not include access to White House offices, personnel, or non-public information," the official said.

Sun is charged with violating and conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act, visa fraud, alien smuggling, and money laundering conspiracy. She is alleged to have acted on behalf of the government of China and the Chinese Communist Party. Hochul fired Sun last year after her office discovered evidence of misconduct.

"This individual was hired by the Executive Chamber more than a decade ago. We terminated her employment in March 2023 after discovering evidence of misconduct, immediately reported her actions to law enforcement, and have assisted law enforcement throughout this process," Hochul's office said in a statement.

The FBI had raided Sun's home on Long Island in New York in late July, but no arrests were made at the time.

In a federal indictment, prosecutors allege Sun, acting on behalf of the Chinese government and Chinese Communist Party, "engaged in numerous political activities in the interests of the PRC and the CCP, including blocking representatives of the Taiwanese government from having access to the NYS governor's office."

They said Sun provided "unauthorized invitation letters from the office of the NYS governor that were used to facilitate travel by PRC government officials into the United States for meetings with NYS government officials."

"In return for these and other actions, the defendant Linda Sun received substantial economic and other benefits from representatives of the PRC government and the CCP," the indictment read.

"Sun and Hu laundered the monetary proceeds of this scheme to purchase, among other items, real estate property in Manhasset, New York for $3.6 million, a condominium in Honolulu, Hawaii for $1.9 million, and various luxury automobiles, including a 2024 Ferrari," it also said. "Sun never disclosed any benefits she received from representatives of the PRC government and the CCP to the NYS government, as she was required to do as a NYS government employee."
In an interview with Tucker Carlson Kennedy spilled the beans on the dictatorial ways of the Jim Crow Joe administration.

The Biden administration has never been a fan of political dissidents, and RFK Jr. is living proof.

"Thirty-seven hours after he took the oath of office, President Biden's White House opened up a portal for the FBI to begin to have access to social media posts on all the different social media sites," RFK explained in an interview with Tucker Carlson.

"The FBI then invited in the CIA, DHS, the IRS, and CISA. CISA is this new agency that is the center of the censorship industrial complex that is in charge, making sure Americans don't hear things that their government doesn't want them to hear."

Those agencies, as well as agencies like the CDC, were given access to social media sites to change posts and shadow-ban users.

"I lost my Instagram account; I had almost a million followers. They say it was for 'misinformation,' but they could not point to a single post that I ever made that was factually erroneous," RFK explains.

In emails, Facebook was recorded pushing back and saying RFK wasn't factually incorrect, so they had to come up with a new word for what RFK was doing.

"Malinformation, which is information that is factually true but nevertheless inconvenient for the government," he says, to which Tucker responds, "That's illegal."

"The White House was overtly telling them that if they didn't comply, that their Section 230 immunity was in jeopardy," RFK adds.

This does not mean there will be a confidence vote and an election soon. Singh pension is not vested until February.

NDP rips up supply and confidence deal with Liberals

OTTAWA — After propping up the Trudeau Liberals for more than two years, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh is pulling out of a controversial supply and confidence deal.

News broke over the noon-hour that the NDP leader would formalize the breakup Wednesday afternoon.

"Today, I notified the Prime Minister that I ripped up the supply and confidence agreement," Singh said in a video statement released on social media.

"Canadians are fighting a battle for the future of the middle class."

In an internal NDP memo obtained by The Toronto Sun, Singh accuses the Liberals of being "too weak, "too selfish" and too "beholden to corporate interests" to be a serious contender to the Conservatives in an upcoming election.

"(The Liberals) cannot be the change, they cannot restore the hope, they cannot stop the Conservatives," Singh said in the video. "But we can."

Instead of offering blanket support for every confidence vote in the House, the NDP will instead "approach every vote on its own merit."

In Nanaimo, B.C., Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre expressed skepticism that much will change after Singh's announcement, dismissing it as a publicity stunt.

"If you're serious about ending your costly carbon tax coalition with Trudeau, then commit today to voting for a carbon tax election at the earliest confidence vote in the House of Commons," he told reporters during a press conference.

Poilievre said the timing of such a confidence vote is still up in the air as the calendar for the House's fall sitting has yet to be finalized, but implied a confidence motion would be tabled early in the session.

The Liberals and NDP struck their supply and confidence agreement in March 2022, just months after  Trudeau was handed his second minority government.

Singh has come under increasing fire — from observers and members of his own party — over the deal, particularly as polls show that support for the Liberals is tanking.

Earlier this week, NDP MP Matthew Green said his party would be engaging in "tough conversations" over the future of the deal, implying it was time for the party to "revisit" the agreement, and that topic would be a subject of discussions at the party's pre-session caucus meeting next week in Montreal.

Singh will speak with reporters about exiting the deal at a press conference Thursday in Toronto.
Hold the vote. Impeach the vegetable. The democRATs would if they had a majority and there was a Republican president half as corrupt as Jim Crow Joe.

The report describes in detail Biden's 'abuse of power, foreign entanglements, corruption, and obstruction of investigations.'
The House Oversight, Ways and Means, and Judiciary Committees brought their nearly yearlong impeachment probe of President Joe Biden to an end Monday, concluding that the Democrat who unwittingly made Kamala Harris' second presidential bid possible has engaged in "egregious" and impeachable offenses.

According to the investigators' nearly 300-page report, "overwhelming evidence demonstrates that Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family."

"Among other aspects of this conspiracy, the Biden family and their business associates received tens of millions of dollars from foreign interests by leading those interests to believe that such payments would provide them access to and influence with President Biden," said the report.

Bank records reportedly show that when accounting also for the Biden family's business associates and their companies, the international "influence peddling schemes totaled over $27 million from foreign sources" just from 2014 to 2023.

Contrary to the repeated suggestion by Biden and boosters that he had no hand in his son's shady dealings with foreign nationals from Ukraine, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, and elsewhere, the report maintains that Biden "knowingly participated in this conspiracy" — that it is "inconceivable that President Biden did not understand that he was taking part in an effort to enrich his family by abusing his office of public trust."

In August 2019, Biden said, "I have never discussed with my son, or my brother, or anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses."

The following month, Biden said, "I've never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings."

Days after indicating that he stood by his previous protestations, Biden noted on Oct. 15, "I never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having do with Ukraine. No one has indicated I have. We've always kept everything separate."

Biden made similar denials on at least a dozen more occasions, well into his presidency.

Despite his protests, the report indicates that no such distance existed and that some of the proceeds from the influence-peddling scheme indeed went to Joe Biden. Among the funds from the scheme that ended up in Joe Biden's bank account, hundreds of thousands of dollars were allegedly "directly traceable to China."

The report indicated that Biden's active participation was sometimes expressed in American policy changes, as evidenced by the leveraging of a $1 billion U.S. loan guarantee to Ukraine to secure a result favorable to a company affiliated with his son, convicted felon Hunter Biden.

Not only does the report accuse Biden and his ilk of engaging in this conspiracy, it claims they also did their best to cover it up:

Foreign money was transmitted to the Biden family through complicated financial transactions. The Biden family laundered funds through intermediate entities and broke up large transactions into numerous smaller transactions. Substantial efforts were also made to hide President Biden's involvement in his family's business activities.
House Democrats may be prickled to learn that precedents they set in 2019 in their impeachment of President Donald Trump have been turned on Biden.

The House Democrats of yesteryear argued that "'abuse of office,' defined as the exercise of 'official power to obtain an improper personal benefit, while ignoring or injuring the national interest,' is an impeachable offense."

House Republicans were evidently willing to accept this legal interpretation as instructive in their investigation of Biden.

The House Democrats of yesteryear also apparently argued that "'the House may properly conclude that a President's obstruction of Congress is relevant to assessing the evidentiary record in an impeachment inquiry' and 'where the President illegally seeks to obstruct such an inquiry, the House is free to infer that evidence blocked from its view is harmful to the President's position.'"

House Republicans, met with obstruction and refusals to cooperate from the White House, the Biden-Harris administration, and the DOJ, were again willing to embrace the supposed wisdom of their peers and similarly infer guilt.

Extra to hammering Biden over his alleged sale of American political destiny for self-enrichment, the report separately accuses Biden of using "his official position to conceal his mishandling of classified information as a private citizen."

Robert Hur, who led the investigation into Biden's handling of classified documents, apparently figured the president too decrepit to face legal culpability, though he ultimately chose ultimately not to exonerate him outright.

The report underscored that "Joe Biden has exhibited conduct and taken actions that the Founders sought to guard against in drafting the impeachment provisions in the Constitution: abuse of power, foreign entanglements, corruption, and obstruction of investigations into these matters."

It recommended that under the Constitution, the remedy is clear: The House must impeach Biden and the Senate should remove him from office.

Although the report could prove a black eye for the Democratic president whose political career is now all but over, it may similarly dog the Department of Justice, since it reiterates and buttresses past claims about the DOJ's apparent efforts to give Hunter Biden "special treatment" and spare him from the kind of accountability those outside the top echelons of the Democratic Party might otherwise face.

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, stated on X, "The evidence produced by our impeachment inquiry is the strongest case for impeachment of a sitting president the House of Representatives has ever investigated. We have exposed the truth."

"The facts speak for themselves, and Democrats can no longer stretch the truth to cover for President Biden," wrote House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). "As Democrats celebrate Joe Biden and crown Kamala Harris as his heir apparent this week, Americans should remember the reality of the Biden-Harris Administration: crime, chaos, and corruption."

Politico noted that it would be historically anomalous now for an impeachment vote not to follow the inquiry, not to mention politically risky for House Republicans facing re-election.

The democRATs say Trump is the threat to freedom. :crampe:
Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said she and her family are stressed due to increased levels of surveillance after whistleblowers reported multiple air marshals have been on flights with the former congresswoman.

"This is only the information that we know. Obviously, I experienced a significant change in my travel when all of this began on July 23," Gabbard said on Fox News's Hannity.

"Given this environment, it's impossible to feel free," Gabbard said. "No American deserves this. No American deserves to live in fear of our own government."

"We know under the Biden-Harris administration, they have no hesitation in weaponizing all means possible, all tools available to them, to target and go after their political opponents, anyone they deem as a threat to their power," she added.
Politics / Trump the Waycist
August 05, 2024, 06:46:45 PM
Democrats don't stigmatize white voters because they don't matter — they do it because white voters do matter.

I am about to debunk virtually everything you've been told, including from much of your so-called conservative media, about how elections work and what we need to do to win. Let's start with Republicans and the black vote over the last 40 years.

Here is the percentage of the black vote relative to the overall electorate, followed by the percentage of black voters who voted Republican:

These numbers all look very similar regardless of the style of Republican in the race. In 2016, Trump got 8% of the black vote on the way to victory, and then Jared Kushner convinced him to empty the prisons through "criminal justice reform." In return, he got 12% of the black vote and a loss in 2020, failing to improve on Bob Dole's margin with black voters in 1996 despite an all-time high black turnout.

Now ask yourself if the level of GOP media obsession with this segment of the American electorate is worth it.

The GOP has a white voter problem that won't be solved by giving up on the culture war and having a black bisexual ex-stripper speak at the Republican National Convention.

So what should we be obsessing over instead, Steve? Glad you asked, because it's actually white voters where the GOP's problem lies. Let's examine the white women vote over the last 20 years, since I couldn't find reliable exit polling data before 2000:

John McCain won white women over Barack Obama by six points in 2008. Then at least 4 million white voters, many of them women, didn't vote in 2012 after voting four years earlier. Had Mitt Romney replicated McCain's turnout, he would have defeated Obama even in the face of record black turnout.

In 2016, Donald Trump won white women, 52% to 48%, despite going up against Hillary Clinton, who was looking to become the first female president in American history. Four years later, if Trump had just turned out white women at the rate McCain did, he'd not only have won re-election but probably the popular vote as well.

Now let's look at the white married vote since 2000:

George W. Bush got 57% of the married vote in 2004 when it weighed in at an all-time high of 63% of the overall electorate. When that dropped to 60% four years later, McCain got rolled while still beating Obama with married people.

Between 2016 and 2020, Trump gained one point in the percentage of the married vote but lost three points in the overall turnout of that demographic, leading to his election loss. If Trump in 2020 had performed with married people at Mitt Romney's level in 2012, he would be finishing his second term right now.

Wanna get nuts now? Let's rank states by black population to find out how truly lost we are in our electoral strategery:

Wait, you mean to tell me that most of the states (seven out of 10) that have the highest black population are never contested and are either solidly red or solidly blue? Only three out of 10 of those states would be considered battleground states.

So once again I ask if these numbers line up with the level of obsession that occurs in conservative media about how to win elections.

They do not.

So here are some vital conclusions if, you know, you are tired of losing like I am:

Six of the top 13 states with the highest percentage of black voters are reliably red states that Republicans haven't lost since before 1980.
Only 7.22% of California's population is black. In fact, Kansas has a higher percentage of black residents than California. Yet California is considered the strongest Democratic state in the union. So why are we always desperately trying to prove we aren't racists if the numbers show it doesn't even matter? There are no good answers to that.
Only 12 states in the union have Hispanic populations greater than 15%. Among those, only four — Arizona, Nevada, Florida, and Colorado — are considered battleground states. The other 11 are states that have not changed parties in a presidential election so far this century. So why are we even considering amnesty with this information in mind? Again, there are only bad answers.
To be clear, the GOP has a white voter problem that won't be solved by giving up on the culture war and having a black bisexual ex-stripper speak at the Republican National Convention. That's not how this works. It won't even make a dent in the Democrats' minority vote stranglehold and will alienate frustrated white voters who simply want their kids to be safe from illegal aliens and groomers. You know, little stuff like that.

Many people in this industry don't know this data and are likely following the narrative fed to them by Fox News. But the narrative is wrong and explains a lot about how and why we lose. Democrats don't stigmatize white voters because they don't matter; they do it because white voters do matter! Democrats guilt white voters into voting for them and guilt conservative media and strategists into chasing DEI fantasy gibberish.

I insist we get off that ride. Because I actually want to win before the lights go out for good.

News & Current Events / Not Harley Davidson
July 26, 2024, 11:40:00 PM
Aint nothing sacred anymore.
Robby Starbuck is a filmmaker who has exposed multiple companies for their woke initiatives. Now, he's exposing Harley-Davidson — and it's not looking good for the all-American motorcycle company.

"We found that they had put 1,800 employees through these woke trainings, including one group of employees, specifically white males, they sent to a white male only diversity training," Starbuck reveals.

But that's not all.

"When you go farther down the line, then they've got a plan to what they call 'diversify their supply chain,' which is really just corporate speak for 'we want less white people,'" Starbucks continues. "The idea is just so far and away from what the American dream is."

Harley-Davison also funded a Pride event that was considered "all-ages."

According to Starbuck, at this Pride event there was a "rage room," which was "right across from the area where drag queens interact with kids for the story time" and a "play catch with dad area for anybody who had daddy issues."

"I'm not joking," Starbuck says, adding, "It is so diametrically opposed to the values of Harley riders."

The company is reportedly also a founding member of the Wisconsin LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce.
Politics / Kameltoe Harris
July 22, 2024, 10:12:11 PM
Remember back when Biden put Harris in charge of immigration? Her aides were so angry that they leaked on him to the press. The political realities of the Democratic Party's base, they cried, barred any politician from any actually workable border solutions. It was political sabotage, they moaned.

Worse: Kamala was totally unwilling to do the work or even read the briefs her staff had compiled. (They leaked this part, too.)

Biden's goal, they suggested, was to take out an insurance policy against the vice president to keep her ambitions against him in check. In all fairness to the Biden camp, Harris' lack of political resonance (she came in last in the 2016 Democrat primary) was
News & Current Events / Bidenbucks
July 16, 2024, 09:13:18 PM
Michigan govern Whitmer is being used for her role in buying votes for Jim Crow Joe.
Last week, the America First Policy Institute, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose (R), Republican Texas Reps. Ronny Jackson and Beth Van Duyne, and others filed a lawsuit against Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and several other big names in the Democratic administration over the EO, claiming Biden and his cabinet officials "have usurped States' role in registering voters and redirected federal resources to partisan voter mobilization efforts, in violation of federal law."

Echoing many of the concerns raised by the Oversight Project, the complaint noted that Biden's "EO and its implementing agency actions violate federal law, including multiple violations of the Administrative Procedure Act."

It also emphasized that the EO unconstitutionally expands the federal government's role in elections.

"The Biden administration's desperation to unfairly and illegally win the election knows no bounds," Rep. Jackson said in a statement. "Instead of instilling policies that Americans want and need, they turn to the well-oiled D.C. swamp filled to the brim with deep state loyalists to illegally register voters in an attempt to help them win."

LaRose noted, "This is a cynical attempt to turn government agencies into a Democratic turnout machine, and it's wrong. That's why I'm joining this lawsuit and working to hold the administration accountable."

Taking Whitmer to court
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) and her administration appear especially keen to help see through Biden's initiative.

The Oversight Project indicated that the U.S. Small Business Administration announced an agreement with the Michigan Department of State to aid in the realization of Biden's EO.

That's particularly troubling given that Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's poor track record when it comes to elections. A court determined in 2021 that she violated state law by unilaterally altering absentee voting rules ahead of the 2020 election. She also worked closely with Mark Zuckerberg-funded groups to influence state elections in 2019.

The Trump campaign, the Michigan Republican Party, and the Republican National Convention sued the Biden administration, Whitmer, and Benson on Monday over the "BidenBucks" scheme.
Because he is the first presidential candidate ever to campaign on behalf of working men and women.
In the 24 hours after his conviction in May on 34 felony counts, Mr. Trump's campaign stoked its small donor base, raising nearly $53 million and shattering online records for Republicans. The haul helped him close a fund-raising gap and pull ahead of Mr. Biden, who had maintained a financial advantage through most of the campaign.

The democRATs are scared shitlessw their elitist billionaire paymasters and Hollywood millionaires ain't paying the bills they think Biden will lose.
Jim Crow Joe's open border treason is working exactly as they planned it.
Investigation uncovers threat to election integrity.
Asurvey conducted by the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project found that 10% of illegal aliens and non-citizens stated that they are registered to vote in the upcoming election.

In a video posted to X on July 4, Mike Howell, the Oversight Project's executive director, stated, "My fellow Americans, today we are calling on all of you to declare independence from foreigners deciding our elections. The evidence you are about to see relates to illegal aliens being registered to vote. This is a problem national in scale. The United States of America is for Americans, and our elections only should be decided by them."

Progtards have misappropriated liberlaism. As the Seoul Brothers says, today's liberals are illiberal.

Everything was supposed to be powered on unicorn farts by now. :crampe:

Why the 'great reset' failed to change the world

Anyone remember the "great reset" theory during the pandemic, which among other things was supposed to put the world on a permanent path to addressing climate change by dramatically lowering industrial greenhouse gas emissions?

Simply put, it never happened.

The great reset plan endlessly spouted by "progressive" politicians, the United Nations and think-tanks like the World Economic Forum was all the rage in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic four years ago, including by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who told a UN conference in September 2020 that: "This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to re-imagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like ... climate change."

A year later, then-federal environment minister Jonathan Wilkinson told The Globe and Mail that because of the pandemic that was officially declared by the World Health Organization in March 2020, 2019 would be the last year that Canada's annual greenhouse gas emissions would increase and that for the next decade they would steadily decline.

"We will see year-on-year reductions — absolute reductions — starting in 2020 through to 2030," Wilkinson said. "We have high confidence that's actually going to be the case."

But that was then and this is now.

Last week, the authoritative Statistical Review of World Energy released its latest annual report, which described global energy use in 2023 as "a year of record highs in an energy hungry world" during which the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions hit record levels.

Emissions from energy rose by 2% compared to 2022, exceeding 40 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent for the first time.

Global fossil fuel consumption also reached a record high, up 1.5% from 2022, as did total primary energy consumption, up 2% from 2022, 0.6% above its 10-year average and over 5% above 2019 pre-COVID levels.

Fossil fuels — coal, oil and natural gas — continued to be the world's dominant energy sources, accounting for 81.5% of the global energy mix, only marginally down from 82% in 2022.

The story was much the same in Canada, where unlike the Statistical Review of World Energy the federal government reports our emissions two years after the fact, meaning the latest data available comes from 2022.

That said, despite Wilkinson's "high confidence" in 2021 that emissions by now would be on a steady, downward march heading toward 2030, Canada's 2022 emissions at 708 million tonnes were up 1.3% from 2021, when emissions at 698 million tonnes were up 1.8% from 2020 emissions (686 million tonnes).

The reason the great reset never happened is that it relied on the illogical belief that the global economic recession caused by the pandemic in 2020 was the beginning of a rapid, worldwide shift away from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power.

In reality, the only times global emissions have gone down significantly — but also temporarily — were during major recessions.

Prior to the pandemic in 2020, the last major global recession where emissions fell rapidly and dramatically was in 2008-09, set off by the subprime mortgage derivative scandal in the U.S. that eventually led to a global credit freeze.

Emissions fall significantly during major recessions because people have less money to buy goods and services, almost all of which are created using the fossil fuel industry.

But once the economy begins to recover, the demand for these goods and services, along with the need for more fossil fuel energy to produce them, increases.
It is really modern, low crime rate, and affordable compared to most world capitals.
The Guest Nest / Ashley Biden
June 12, 2024, 10:37:31 PM
What a sick old fuck that Jim Crow Joe is.
The entry in a sexual trauma section concerning Joe Biden's alleged inappropriate behavior toward his daughter was evidently real all along.
Aimee Harris moved into the former residence of Ashley Biden in Delray Beach, Florida, in 2020. Just as Hunter Biden abandoned a laptop containing damning information at a Delaware computer repair shop, Ashley Biden had left behind a diary containing troubling allegations that implicated then-presidential candidate Joe Biden in possible abuse.

After finding the diary, Harris worked in concert with Robert Kurlander to sell the document, ultimately, to Project Veritas. Kurlander and Harris pleaded guilty years later to conspiracy to transport supposedly stolen property across state lines.

Project Veritas refrained from publishing it, both out of concern for doing more harm to Ashley Biden than her father may already have and the organization's inability to "corroborate the allegation further." The National File, however, published a digital copy it allegedly received from a Project Veritas employee in October 2020.

Just as social media dutifully hid the Hunter Biden laptop story from the public ahead of the 2020 election, Politifact indicated that damning posts about the Democrat in the diary were flagged as misinformation.

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Watch Larry Elder debunk another prog bullshit talking point.
Bereft of sympathetic representation in Salem, rural Oregonians are willing to redraw the map.
The "Greater Idaho" movement continues to gain steam, promising to liberate conservative counties east of the Deschutes River from the ruinous policies and Democratic control all but ensured by residents in the more populous leftist areas nearer the coast, such as Mayor Ted Wheeler's crime-ravaged Portland.

On Tuesday, Crook County voters were presented with ballot measure 7-86, which asked: "Should Crook County represent that its citizens support efforts to move the Idaho state border to include Crook County?"

The majority signaled their support for moving the state border westward and joining their conservative compatriots in the Gem State.

Citizens for Greater Idaho president Mike McCarter, a firearms instructor from the town of LaPine, alternatively argued, "There is a way to get better governance for central and eastern Oregon. The current location of the Oregon/Idaho border was decided 165 years ago and is now outdated because it doesn't match the location of the dividing line between the counties that prefer Idaho's style of governance and counties that prefer Oregon's style of governance."

McCarter, whose organization has elsewhere suggested that "only 25% of Oregonians who are registered to vote are registered Republican," stressed that the alternative would be to continue living under the thumb of Oregon politicians who "don't understand how we make a living. Their decisions damage industries like timber, mining, trucking, ranching and farming."
It was another scam just like the Russia collusion bullshit in the US.

Those keen observers, investigative reporters, and historians who understood the tall tales about unmarked Indian children's graves near and in former residential schools to be fraudulent, overblown, or at the very least unsubstantiated were smeared with a term once reserved for Holocaust deniers: "denialists." Lawmakers even considered making such publicly stated doubts a crime.

The admitted absence of any evidence now, years later, has prompted the narrative's grip to slacken and some to reflect on how it was able to hold on for so long absent a body.

Maxime Bernier, the leader of the People's Party of Canada, told Blaze News, "Three years after a moral panic broke out following the supposed discovery of 'mass graves' at the Kamloops residential school, we now know that it was all a hoax. No bodies were found even after $8 million was spent to find them."

Hundreds of millions of dollars have been blown on the other investigations — ostensibly also fruitless pursuits.

"But like other moral panics, this one was instrumentalized by far left activists and the Trudeau government to demonize Canadian history and Canadian society," continued Bernier. "Among the awful repercussions of this demonization is the fact that it likely motivated hateful criminals to torch over 80 churches across the country during these three years, with new ones being added almost every week."