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Messages - JOE

Quote from: Frood on May 28, 2024, 03:51:11 AMOr, they can tell Western Oregon to go fuck themselves with a rusty wire welding brush.

Much more "equitable".

Sometimes in Canada the Conservatives only get 20% or less of the vote in some provinces during elections. But they still end up with 2 MPs or seats.

I know Canada may not be perfect, but at least if one of the parties gets enough votes in a particular district, they still get representation.

If Canada ran like the states, and the Liberals got only 40% of the vote, and Conservatives received 39.5%, under American rules, they'd still get nothing. The Liberals would take every seat/vote. And of course, that's not fair. If a party gets enough votes, they should be represented. Likewise, Liberals should be represented if they lose in that scenario too.

Say if there's 11 ev's, and its a virtual tie, the winner gets 6 and the loser gets 5.

Winner take all sucks.
Quote from: DKG on May 24, 2024, 05:58:45 AMI can understand why they would want to exit Oregon. But, does Idaho have tampons in boy's washrooms? That should be a human right.

Why doesn't Oregon just allow split EV's like Nebraska or Maine does?

Then that'd give the Eastern part of the State some of them.

I've seen the election results and sometimes it's 51% Democrat and 49% Republican in the prez election. So of course the Republicans don't get anything in that state. That's why they should split those EV's up so the Republicans in Oregon get something.
Vancouver has a drug problem for all kinds.

Crack, Heroin, Weed, you name it.

Saw a guy so stoned on a bus once he passed out and the Driver and Bus company couldn't revive him. And the bus was full of weed stench.

It's become kinda disgusting in the city since weed was legalized.

It was actually better before when it was illegal because at least people didn't smoke it in public and stink up the public places and buildings.

The way Trudeau legalized it was idiotic. Now they have weed shops close to schools where 6 year old children attened. If they were gonna legalize it, this isn't the way it should have been implemented.
Quote from: Herman on July 31, 2023, 05:35:14 PMOld Fauci will go to the grave without being held accountable for his crimes.

....what about the CEO & the board of Pfizer @Herman erm?

They were pushing vaccines on the public they knew were unsafe & then doctored all the research data to get them approved anyway.

From the looks of it, they're not gonna pay for what they did anytime soon.
Its because Americans have a Winner take all electoral college.

They should allow the losing parties to get a share of them.

Of course it's unfair.

But it's also unfair when Republicans take all the EVs in a state as well. Democrats shouldn't get all of California either
Politics / Re: Bidenomics
May 23, 2024, 12:30:01 AM
Quote from: Herman on May 22, 2024, 09:02:57 PMHappy Meals have become an increasingly unaffordable luxury since Biden took office.
The government uses the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Price Index to measure inflation.

For instance, when President Joe Biden took office, the year-over-year inflation rate was roughly 1.4%. CNN indicated the Biden inflation rate reached a 40-year high of 9.1% in June 2022.

Last week, the Labor Department indicated that the CPI for all urban consumers "increased by 0.3 percent in April on a seasonally adjusted basis, after rising 0.4 percent in March[.] ... Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.4 percent before seasonal adjustment."

According to the BLS inflation calculator, prices generally increased by approximately 21.5% between December 2019 and March 2024, according to TheStreet.

Some consumers have apparently turned instead to fast-food prices to gauge just how much purchasing power they have lost in recent years.

FinanceBuzz has made historical price comparisons easier, contrasting fast-food menu prices in 2014 and prices in 2024 on the basis of pricing data sourced from,, and, cross-referenced with restaurants' official websites.

The breakdown claimed that the price of:

the McChicken increased by 199% over the 10-year stretch, from $1.00 in 2014 to $2.99 in 2024;
the McDouble increased by 168%, from $1.19 to $3.19;
medium fries by 138%, from $1.59 to $3.79;
the Quarter Pounder with Cheese Meal by $122%, from $5.39 to $11.99;
the Oreo McFlurry by 88%, from $2.39 to $4.49;
the 10 Piece McNugget Happy Meal by 83%, from $5.99 to $10.99;
the 4 Piece McNugget Happy Meal by 67%, from $2.99 to $4.99;
the Big Mac by 50%, from $3.99 to $5.99; and
the price of a medium drink increased by 25%, from $1.29 to $1.61.
McDonald's — which has reportedly contested the figures, saying "pricing is set by individual franchisees and varies by restaurant" — is not the only restaurant suffering what some are calling "McFlation."

Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen's menu items have, on average, allegedly jumped by 86% in price since 2014. Taco Bell has reportedly seen an 81% average increase. Dining out at Chipotle Mexican Grill now, 10 years later, apparently costs 75% more.

It appears some of the more dramatic price increases have taken place over the past four years.

TheStreet indicated that the price of medium French fries at McDonald's increased by 134.1%, from $1.79 to $4.19 since 2019; the price of the McChicken increased by 201.6%, from $1.29 to $3.89; the price of the Big Mac increased by 87.7%, from $3.99 to $7.49; and price of the cheeseburger increased by 215%, from $1 to $3.15.

McDonald's CEO Chris Kempczinski told analysts in February, "I think what you're going to see as you head into 2024 is probably more attention to what I would describe as affordability," reported Fortune.

Buy Gold 'n Silver @Herman erm!

That's the only way ta combat inflation in the long run.

All our money's gonna be worthless in 5-10 years, eh?

Ya may as well store it in somethin' that's still gonna be worth something.
Quote from: Lokmar on May 22, 2024, 03:02:41 PMI see it like this:
Gold is real money. It's the king of metals. It also has real world industrial use
Platinum is even more rare but it isnt real money. Its value to industry is huge and its value is demand driven. It behaves the opposite of gold.
Silver is the middle ground. It is money and industrial in balanced amounts. It can and has been more easily manipulated because the money people dont value it as much as gold and the industry people are interested in keeping its price down for their bottom line.

Well, if that's the case - then given that the economy everywhere seems to be in the doldrums, when it picks back up again, the demand for Platinum & Silver should increase & so should the price.

Seems when the economy is slow, companies and even nations (such as China) start mining or stacking resources. Apart from a sluggish economy this gives them ammo when the economy recovers to start the industrial production again.

Clearly, there is this effort to create this 'New Economy'. Includes Green Technologies, Electric, Hybrid, Hydrogen power. So when they expand the price moves should be even more dramatic than the 10% moves we've seen in the last couple of months.

Other words, buy when the economy and demand is low.

When it picks up, reap the rewards from those investments.

Copper & Lithium should be added to the watchlist as well @Lokmar okmeer.

I was lookin' around the other day for 1 lb. copper bars.
Guest what? Couldn't find. 'em, they were all sold out, like on this website, Silverbull

...if you look for the heavier weights, 1 lb, 10 lb, there's no stock. Just the small coins and bars.
Quote from: Lokmar on May 22, 2024, 10:56:56 AMI say the same pattern will hold. It will continue a steady climb with very short terms of stagnating. In 3 months, silver has increased about $10. No reason to think another $3 to $5 isnt likely.

I don't think yer wrong about Platinum @Lokmar okmeer.

I'm getting interested in dabbling inta it some more.

Go gradually in, eh.

Gold Silver & Platinum remind me a bit of a line in hockey

Left Wing, Right Wing and the Center.

Maybe Gold is a bit like the Center & the two wingers are Silver & Platinum.

Feed the other other & they feed on each other.

Pass the puck to one when it's goin' good & pass it back to the other when theyre movin' u faster. That's what they do in hockey. You getta good line in hockey and of course they can score a lotta goals.

I'm startin ta look into mining stocks and ETFs too.

Anyways, I noticed Platinum is down today so it may be a good buy right now.

I've decided I'll keep all 3 in my metals portfolio & buy 'em when the time is right.

Mind you, Gold is too expensive now. It's shot up to much. Heck the price of Gold in US dollars is very close to where it was in CANADIAN dollars last year. $2500 US for an ounce of gold. Last year in Canada you could get that for $2600-$2700 CANADIAN. Not anymore tho. That's when I bought most of it. the current price of Gold, Silver & Platinum seem ever more attractive ta buy into.

May as well buy Platinum if you can get 2.5 ounces of it for every ounce of Gold
Hey @Lokmar okmeer, here's a YT video I just saw from an Industry Expert/Insider who agrees with your idea that Platinum is 'The New Gold' and the place ta be, eh?

Here's a full interview:

His premise rests on the hybrid vehicle industry & the emerging hydrogen energy sector.
Quote from: Lokmar on May 21, 2024, 12:48:04 PMjosephine, you really dont need to listen to these people although they do repackage some info decently. All year long, we've known the fed would have to cut interest eventually or the economy will shit the bed. The latest they'll do this is September because of the election benefit to biden. We also know when this happens, the dollar will devalue and metals will go up. China knows this too and is moving out of a soon to be devalued dollar. Its not rocket science.

They say usu the coming summer months will be a slow time for metals until the fall when metal prices should move up more dramatically.

This is what happened last year.

So if that is any indication gold & silver may stall or go sideways for now & then move up come September right through the fall  end of 2024 and early in 2025.

By then gold might surpass $2600 or be in that range.

Maybe silver will be closing in on $34-36 an ounce in 2024? $36- $40 in 2025?

But later in 2025 and after all bets are off & things could get wonky or go haywire. That's when prices could shoot up quite rapidly right into 2026.

...sound about right?

That's just my hunch.
Anyway @Lokmar okmeer here's a really informative video about the reasons for the rise in gold & why the stock markets or equities could be in for a correction possibly next year:

Among the speakers on YouTube I thought this guy Alisdair McLeod was among the most credible. Because he doesn't sensationalize anything & doesn't predict $10 or $20,000 Gold. He jus says it will go up & last year accurately predicted the current price rises we're witnessing today with gold & silver.

But he gives credible reasons based on sound logical economic analysis based on his experience as a banker.
Quote from: Lokmar on May 20, 2024, 08:51:44 PMFor me, this is a hobby that currently makes me a few bucks instead of losing/spending it like my race cars or bourbon collection. If all of it halved, not the end of the world since when the $2000 set of tires I buy for 4 days of racing is worth $0 and the empty bottle of Writers Tears is also worth $0. The racing is more fun by far. Hell, just driving the ZLE is wicked fun.

Yeah I agree. I Try not to take it too seriously. Yanno I see these guys on YouTube flipping out on it & the stock market too. But its cuz they are players & have sunk everything they have into it so of course they are up to their eyeballs in it watching every cent up or down. So they have no choice except to be worried shitless if their investments or the market tanks on them. Probably keeps em up all night too. But that's no way to live. It should be just let it roll off a person's back & be treat it like another day, another dollar. Try to have fun doin it.
Quote from: Brent on May 20, 2024, 08:09:53 PMThis thread should have been locked long ago.

The only person that responds to any of Joe's gay spam is Lokmar. Don't ask me why.

But, I am willing to bet he will not care if this thread is locked.

Obviously cuz he's invested in that sector, @Brent rent

Maybe you don't care, think that everything's gonna be like it was in the past.

But he and I think otherwise.

Our currencies, be it the USD or C$ are highly vulnerable to devaluation and erosion of purchasing power in the coming years Brent.

Maybe its something you don't wanna think about, enjoy yer retirement at all, but it's always on my radar, eh.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on May 20, 2024, 07:56:38 PM21 pages about that gold that joe bought?

fucking serious?

who the fuck is responding to this guy about this shit?

eh, don't tell me. I ain't going back and reading any of it anyway

Good God

And yet it's been quite a run lately, this Gold 'n Silver Market, Bigly.

Otherwise, if it wasn't goin' nowhere, I probably wouldn't write about it.

Truth be known, when I bought in last year, I didn't think it would go anywhere.

I figgered I'd be lucky if gold hit $2100 an ounce, even stayed at $2,000.

Oh well, guess I got lucky, eh.

Like reelin' in a swordfish fer dinner.

I'm an accidental winner.