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Messages - Brent

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 12:34:57 PMI'm fully aware of the obvious fact that he is a drooling fucktard. But I figured I'd have a little fun with some creative analogies in the process.

I mostly leave him to shit in his own playpen to his heart's content because it's not like he's going to suddenly come up with some valuable knowledge or anything
And it is not likely Joe will ever come up with new trolling material either. He is a dinosaur.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 12:36:53 PMNo of course not.

But it does demonstrate clearly how far we have fallen as a society when a once shinning star could be seen acting in such a deplorable fashion.
Like whether OJ was guilty or innocent, it is something to talk about.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 12:32:21 PMI would certainly agree

but who was it who threw the first stone. Kyle? Or his family?

If the book indeed has such passages in it then I would say Kyle.

In any event, a man with the means to prevent it, who can watch, without acting, the women in his family descend into squalor is no man at all.

At least not in my book he isn't
It is not something like open borders or the lawfare election strategy that affects working Americans.
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 12:24:57 PMYou don't know if he's innocent or guilty eh?

Okay, set the stage to see if your mush mind gets it with this analogy

We are in Harrison Arkansas. The year is 1965 and there stands a black man, beaten and battered, surrounded by figures shrouded in white robes with hoods over their faces holding torches in their hands. There  is a cross burning in the not-so-far distance and a very important matter is being discussed quite excitedly among them. You see, this black man is accused of hurling a 12 ton meteorite at the moon and thus causing significant damage to one of saturn's rings in the process. And this is AFTER his repeated runins with law enforcement where he can be observed engaging in despicable acts like driving his car to work, mowing his own lawn and buying milk on occasion to feed his family.

Surely you'll agree this poor townsfolk have had enough.

So Early the next morning we find that black man's lifeless body hanging from a tree.

Now the question to you is this: Was this man guilty or innocent? And more importantly - was his trial a fair one

take your time.
As if Joe will give this a serious reply.

He is only here to get his jollies derailing every topic he can. So he can claim victory by thinking he triggered us.  :crazy:
It is not a public matter. It is something for the Rittenhouse family to deal with themselves.
Politics / Re: Justin Troodo
Today at 12:12:25 PM
Trudeau wanted to bring in one thousand Palestinians as refugees. Singh and the NDP want to increase that number to five thousand and get them here like tomorrow with few if any questions asked.

Gaza's closest neighbours, including Egypt, aren't accepting those fleeing the war-torn region. Canadians should ask why.

Hamas could end the bombing by returning the hostages. Let's not forget it was ordinary Palestinians who cheered as bloodied hostages were paraded through the streets of Gaza.
This video is only five minutes. Kennedy calls the verdict politically motivated. He warns this is not how Biden should hope to win.
Quote from: JOE on June 01, 2024, 11:31:55 PMI knows yer sore an' hurtin' over the verdict, but at least remain civil, eh?

Not sure if I even agree with it myself. Undecided actually.
Every time somebody tells you your outdated type of trolling is not appreciated in certain threads you deflect by putting words in people's mouths.

You seemn to like forums, but you want to destroy them. Your actions make no sense.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 11:43:16 AM
Here comes Joe right on cue to wreck this thread with the usual none existent left vs right trolling crap.  :facepalm:

The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Today at 11:41:59 AM
Quote from: deport_liberals on Today at 03:00:14 AMHis soul is as prolapsed as his sphincter.

He can't even wheel himself out to celebrate pride month.
He seems like a real piece of work.
America is being invaded at the Southern border. The president's team are coming close to jailing his opponent in the middle of an election. There is a war on cheap affordable domestic energy.

I don't care about this gossip. Working class people are facing a lot more important problems as Biden turns the States into a banana republic.
Quote from: Odinson on June 01, 2024, 03:48:49 PM
I saw one like this, but even better. I can't find it.
What they are really doing is forcing the people of Vermont to pay more to drive their cars and heat their homes.
Quote from: Oerdin on June 01, 2024, 11:56:50 AMPeter Zeihan mentioned that California produced more clean energy in 2012 than in 2022.  Despite hundreds of billions wasted by corrupt Democrats.  You see the idiot Democrats closed nuclear power plants and removed several hydroelectric fans "for the environment".  Which just proves leftists are liars who don't give a shit about the things they pretend to care about.

Really all they care about is power and control.
If clean means very low emissions, nuclear is clean energy.
The Guest Nest / Re: THIS is a fucking man
June 01, 2024, 02:55:39 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 01, 2024, 12:46:42 PMThe scum on the left like the TDS retards we've seen at the other place don't even have the right to shine his shoes

Trump said a lot of nasty things about DeSantis and DeSantis shows he is enough of a man to put that all aside and do what is right. Not for Trump but for America

I salute you good sir, even if your action is merely symbolic. Same to Ted Cruz

And I even salute the Judas Iscariot Pence for calling this what it is. And Mitt Rommney too. Neither of whom I had any respect for until now. There is still time to redeem yourselves

Now is the time to rally. Not for the man but for the mission
Desantis is a good man.