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Topics - Biggie Smiles

The Guest Nest / Well there goes that - SHE BOMBED
September 14, 2024, 08:57:03 AM
Gets a little too big for her bridges after that propped performance on the debate stage and completely bombs her first interview without her service dog by her side  :crampe:

"what do you think about Pennsylvania"

I think Pennsylvania is a state. It exists next to other states and it begins with a P. People have lawns there and they have voices. And when they are talking, you can hear those voices. And we all have to remember that

what a fucking moron. Bring the corpse back. This one is far worse.

The Guest Nest / Trump agrees - he is very angry
September 12, 2024, 07:57:30 PM
And the fact that Kamoron isn't tells you the whole story

The Guest Nest / KAMORON are you watching? LMAO
September 12, 2024, 07:50:28 PM
Got a new idea for you to come along and steal


But pray in front of an Abortion clinic and it's 41 months in prison for your ass.

Trump and 3 other officers from the Miami dade police force can be seen in shocking new video detaining football start Tyreek Hill.

According to eyewitnesses Presidential candidate Donald J Trump can be see banging on Mr Hill's window before ordering him to the ground and handcuffing him in what many are saying is proof of his life long inclination towards racism

Bystanders we interviewed at the scene had this to say.

"it was trump, I'm sure of it"

"when trump walked over to that care I could see the hate in his eyes through the protective visors even, it was that powerful"

"Orange man bad!"

The Guest Nest / Yes, libtards are really this crazy
September 09, 2024, 01:07:08 PM
First and foremost Sept 18th was the day God finally got around to removing that awful scourge on humanity Ruth Bader Ginsturd.

Good fucking riddance.  Rot in piss you evil fucking witch. And let us remember her for the only good thing she ever did in her entire life which was be selfish enough to remain in power after being BEGGED to step down and ultimately wound up dying during Trump's presidency.

HAW HAW  :good:

But now, there is yet another reason to rejoice on this most festive anniversary, For it is the day this scumbag 5th rate judge from sleazy night school was forced by his vile disposition to kick Trump's sentencing down the road until after the election.

you don't really believe that he did this because he respects our democracy, rule of law or integrity of our elections do you?

He has to rule on the immunity case killing order to show cause which is more than likely going to result in a dropping of the entire bullshit case. But if he kicks the can down the road Kamoron can still play the part of District Attorney vs Convicted felon bit in lieu in any substantial police positions or accomplishments.
First let me start by saying condolences to the families. Of the kids and the teachers. It is truly heart breaking to return from summer vacation looking forward to the holidays only to have this happen.

May the offender rot in fucking prison and anywhere where pain and suffering is in no short supply for all eternity. No matter what his political leanings were, or even the political leanings of the victims.

If he supports Trump DIE SLOW YOU MOTHERFUCKER.  If he supports Harris DIE SLOW YOU MOTHERFUCKER.

if his victims supported Harris my heart breaks for you. If his victims supported Trump my heart breaks for you.

All that shit is inconsequential.

But what is consequential is how do we put an end to this disturbing violence already? 

With the lefttards its Same old, same old mouth breathing hysteria. Blaming guns for a problem while absolving themselves and their anti moral, anti authority, anti yield to a power greater than yourself. They sneer at the almighty, mock him, turn their backs on him, spit on his grace and then wonder why the world continues to devolve.

So is banning guns going to work? Has it worked in Chicago? Baltimore? Memphis? New York? Los Angeles? On so on and so on?

we all know the answer to that so no need to repeat it here.

But what about the decay of our society? the crumbling of basic morality? The removal of God from the lives of the most impressionable? The very kids walking into schools committing these senseless massacres. What about the violence they are inundated with on a minute by minute basis through gaming consoles, movies, vidoes, tiktoks and other unimaginable vices being propagated throughout our society? Purposely I reckon.

We've been a 2nd Amendment nation for centuries now. And automatic weapons are nothing new. But these trends in our entertainment and moral values are. Perhaps this is where the reasonable of mind would turn to first when attempting to address this problem? In the technology world theres and old adage - when something breaks start with whatever was changed or introduced last.

And so that is exactly where my troubleshooting of our woes begins

otherwise you may end up with a society that has no legal access to guns, a healthy and thriving black market where these same weapons will be purchases instead -- bringing along with it even MORE senseless killings as the criminal element vies for greater influence and control over the market as a whole.

I know libtards wont hear me, because they WANT my position to be a blind allegiance to gun rights when in fact, if I possessed a sense of certainty that banning all weapons would safe but ONE life I would jump on that wagon faster than a rabbit gets fucked. Because I am in no way arrogant enough to believe that single life could never be one that I cherish.

 The simple fact is, I don't believe it will save lives. Not a single one. Because when there is a will there is a way. My reasons are both sound and difficult to refute given the overwhelming evidence, historical sampling and current trends in areas where guns are indeed banned at the state level.
yeah, Newsum was going to give each of you 5 million in reparations  :crampe:

Did he get you to buy the bridge? The slightest used one in the bay he's selling for 4.95?

He can have all the sissy fits he wants but he'll never make good on any of those impotent threats

Sad. I was hoping the cretin would muster the stones to come see me

The mind of a tds suffering snowflake

What's next? McDonald's suing trump for using their French fries as part of his normal diet to sustain himself ?