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Posted by Anonymous
 - July 08, 2022, 07:57:01 AM
Epstein-Linked Pedophilia Is a Bigger Deal Than a Fake Insurrection

This is embarrassing for the ruling class. In the past, those who control the media narrative have been able to sweep these types of allegations under the rug as the ramblings of conspiracy theorists. Money, power, and influence ensured that the kind of criminal behavior on Epstein Island remained under wraps from peering eyes on the outside.

Plenty of recognizable names were reputed to have previously kept the company of Epstein and Maxwell. Former President Bill Clinton is estimated to have taken the Lolita flight as many as 26 times. Epstein was reported to have visited the White House at least 17 times. Maxwell even attended daughter Chelsea Clinton's wedding.

Epstein was eventually arrested for sex trafficking in 2019. He allegedly committed suicide while awaiting trial. His death took place under shady circumstances, and many have speculated that there was foul play involved. It is expected that he would have turned over the names of many high-level figures who he had connections with. Epstein's suicide joins a long list of other unfortunate deaths of former Clinton associates.

There was still the expected campaign from many news outlets to reduce the magnitude of the Epstein revelations. Reuters "fact" checking has previously come to the defense of elitist figures such as Bill Gates, dispelling claims that the fellow billionaire ever visited the island—although admitting far down into the piece that there was indeed a documented connection and frequent dinners between Gates and Epstein.

But there was one feature of the story that the piece made sure to hang on to—Epstein's relationship with Trump. The billionaire socialite Epstein was a regular staple of ultra-wealthy circles, so it's no surprise that he and Trump were acquaintances at one time. "I knew him like everybody in Palm Beach knew him," Trump told reporters in 2019.

What should be of more interest is why Trump so adamantly turned against Epstein while celebrities and politicians continued to visit the pedophile-fueled island.

It would instead seem that Trump came to despise Epstein for his questionable character. Unlike Clinton, Trump never made the trip to the island, and any flights he took on Epstein's private jets occurred before Epstein's initial conviction for soliciting a minor for prostitution.

Besides their personal relationship, Trump is also documented as having banned Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. What precipitated this reaction? Of all things, because Epstein allegedly sexually assaulted a minor! Trump was also on video in 2016 calling out Clinton's trips to Epstein's "pedophile island," nearly three years before the latter's arrest and suicide.

The fact that it is getting so little time on the airwaves should be enough to prove that there isn't even close to enough evidence to condemn Trump—if there was, the entire corporate news world would be playing stories about it on a loop.

Instead, they are preoccupied with the Jan. 6 Capitol riots and the notion that Trump is responsible for launching an insurrection against the U.S. government. The Jan. 6 commission is a political ploy, and its legitimacy is further deteriorating with examples like the laughable Hutchinson testimony. Still, it provides an opportunity to construct a narrative against Trump from the careful manipulation of video, audio, and testimony that the Maxwell case just doesn't offer.

The prosecution of Maxwell cuts at the heart of corruption in the U.S. political establishment and criminal behavior in the elitist echelons of power and wealth in our society. As such, it is downplayed and ridiculed. It will shortly be forgotten by the same corporate media that tells us "democracy is under attack."

These are not the types of issues that our media will investigate because they don't actively support the causes they support. In reality, they actually work to undermine the entire façade. The dichotomy of the Maxwell case with the Jan. 6 show trial is a perfect example of the fact that the current political environment and its media lapdogs do not seek to report objective facts, or support constructive dialogue, or certainly not defend "democracy" and the people's public weal.

No, instead, what it proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that there is truly only one thing that concerns those who lord power over us: desperately clinging to that power at all costs."> ... c47g%3D%3D">
Posted by Anonymous
 - July 02, 2022, 10:49:54 PM
All politics in the USA is partisan.
Posted by Anonymous
 - July 02, 2022, 05:25:50 PM
Brit Hume delivered a scathing rebuke of the January 6 committee this week. The Fox News senior political analyst noted that in 50 years of covering Washington, D.C. politics, he's "never seen a committee all of whose members were chosen by one party."

"There's a long tradition of adversarial process in congressional hearings/investigations," York wrote on Friday. "You don't have to compare it to a trial to know something is wrong with the J6 committee."

Hume tacked on to York's post, "I've covered Washington for more than 50 years, including 11 years covering Congress specifically. I've never seen a committee all of whose members were chosen by one party, and where there is no cross-examination or any attempt to present both sides.""> ... -committee">
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 30, 2022, 07:58:09 PM
Cassidy Hutchinson's supposed "bombshell" testimony to the House Jan. 6 committee was so uncertain that "a first-year law student could have driven a truck through the holes," said journalist and attorney Megyn Kelly on her Sirius XM broadcast.

Kelly, who is admittedly no great fan of the former president and his questionable "temperament," argued that the Jan. 6 committee is so motivated by fear and hatred that they'll do anything "it takes" to stop Donald Trump from running again in 2024.

"As many of you may recall, I raised questions about Donald Trump's temperament to be president at a debate back in 2015. I think that was a fair issue then and I think it was at the root of why he lost in 2020," she asserted. "But what's happening on Capitol Hill is a very long sleight of hand. This committee has one goal and only one goal: to stop Donald Trump from running again in 2024. They're worried he could win."

Kelly noted the one-sided makeup of the committee, pointing out that there are "no Trump defenders, not a single Trump ally and no objective trier of fact." She accused the committee of "doctor[ing]" the riot video and Trump sound bites used at the hearing.

"If this committee would just be honest about its mission, I might be more invested. I might be more interested. Instead, it cloaks itself in sanctimony, purporting to be a fair-minded, down-the-middle finder of fact just looking to get to the truth of January 6th. It's a lie, and they prove every time they get together that it's a lie," she added.
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 22, 2022, 08:36:27 PM
Too bad democRATs. ac_toofunny"> ... Daily%20AM">

First, voters are not being persuaded to support Democrats because of the one-sided nature of the hearings. The House Jan. 6 committee, in fact, has not called a single witness who counters the committee's narrative to testify publicly. The committee has not a single member who supports former President Donald Trump.

"You should have had counter-testimony, you should have had people challenging those witnesses," Luntz said. "But the conclusion that some people have come to is that this is simply the third attempt to impeach Donald Trump."

Second, voters simply care about more important issues.

"Make no mistake: This will have an impact on [Trump's] candidacy should he run," Luntz said. "But also make no mistake: Voters care much more about crime, immigration, and of course inflation.

"This has simply not risen to the importance the Democrats thought it would, and it's not doing the damage to the Republican Party that the Democrats thought it would," he declared.

While Democrats focus on Jan. 6, gun control, and abortion, Republicans are focusing their campaign messaging on issues that voters care about most: inflation, border security, and crime.

Pollster Frank Luntz predicted Sunday the highly publicized Jan. 6 hearings will not help Democrats improve their standing with voters ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 20, 2022, 08:25:01 PM
Congress should investigate fully the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol—and similar recent riots at iconic federal sites.

But unfortunately, it never will. Why not?

The current committee is not bipartisan. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) forbade Republican nominees traditionally selected by the House minority leader to serve on the committee.

No speaker had ever before rejected the minority party's nominees to a select House committee.

Pelosi's own cynical criteria for Republican participation was twofold: Any willing minority Republican members had to have voted to impeach former President Donald Trump while having no realistic chance of being reelected in 2022.

Of some 210 Republican House members, that left just Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) who were willing and able to fit Pelosi's profile.

A real investigation would have ignited argumentation, cross-examination, and disagreements—the sort of give-and-take for which congressional committees are famous.

In contrast, the January 6 show trial features no dissenting views. Its subtext was right out of the Soviet minister of Internal Affairs Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria's credo: "Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime."

If Trump wasn't considering a third run for the presidency, would the committee even have existed?

Its slick Hollywood-produced optics demonstrate that the committee has no interest in inconvenient facts. Why did a Capitol officer lethally shoot a petite unarmed woman entering a Capitol window? And why was the officer's identity and, indeed all information about his record, withheld from the public?

Why did the committee not investigate whether large numbers of FBI agents and informants were ubiquitous among the crowd? After all, progressive New York Times reporter Matthew Rosenberg, who was there on Jan. 6, 2021, claimed, "There were a ton of FBI informants amongst the people who attacked the Capitol."

About his own journalistic colleagues advancing a psychodramatic "insurrection" narrative, Rosenberg scoffed, "They were making too big a deal. They were making (Jan. 6) some organized thing that it wasn't."

A real committee also would investigate why there were lots of warnings that a large crowd would assemble, but apparently little government follow-up to ensure security should rogue elements turn violent.

A real committee would learn why the government and media insisted that officer Brian Sicknick was killed by Trump supporters—even when it was known he died of natural causes.

None of the questions will be answered because none will be asked, because the committee's role is not inquiry, but confirmation of a useful narrative.

A real committee would also investigate the other, far larger and more lethal riots on iconic federal property months earlier.

On May 31, 2020, for example, violent demonstrators tried to rush the White House grounds. Rioters sought to burn down the nearby historic St. John's Episcopal Church.

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser mysteriously didn't send police to reinforce overwhelmed Secret Service agents who, at moments, seemed unable to keep the mob from the White House itself.

The giddy New York Times later crowed, "Trump shrinks back." Was the Times preening that the president was a coward for retreating from a righteous mob?

As a precaution, the Secret Service removed the president and first family to a safe underground bunker.

Such riots near or at the White House continued for much of the fall, before mysteriously tapering off in the last weeks before the election.

Less than three weeks after the violent Washington riot, Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris seemed to incite the continuing violent protests.

"They're not going to stop. ... This is a movement ... they're not going to let up. And they should not, and we should not."

Note that Harris's cheerleading was joined by a host of prominent left-wing luminaries who contextualized the violence.

"The 1619 Project" architect Nikole Hannah-Jones boasted, "Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence."

Former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo pontificated, "And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful."

Note that the 2020 summer rioting, arson, and looting continued for nearly four months. Its toll resulted in more than 35 dead, some 1,500 police officers injured, about 14,000 arrests, and $1 billion to $2 billion in property damage.

The violence was often aimed at iconic government buildings, from courthouses to police precincts. There were never any federal investigations to determine why state, local, and federal officials allowed the destruction to continue.

Why were the vast majority of those arrested simply released by authorities?

And how had Antifa and BLM radicals orchestrated the violence using social media? What was the role of prominent elected officials in either condoning or encouraging the violence or communicating with the ring leaders?

A truly bipartisan House select committee dedicated to ending all violence directed at the White House, the Capitol, or federal courthouses might have been useful in probing this dark period in American history.

And that is precisely why there was no such committee.
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 20, 2022, 11:08:38 AM
CNN host Dana Bash grilled Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Sunday over why the House Jan. 6 committee is not hearing from witnesses who counter the committee narrative about the United States Capitol riot and former President Donald Trump.

At the end of Schiff's interview on CNN's "State of the Union," Bash observed that every public witness the Jan. 6 committee has called thus far only confirmed the committee's narrative.

"Why aren't you calling witnesses in a public way who might challenge the committee?" Bash asked. "Is that intentional, because you don't want to deviate from the storyline that you're trying to present to the public and, of course, potentially to the Justice Department?"
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 19, 2022, 02:25:35 PM
Quote from: Edward post_id=460452 time=1655663036ac_hithere

Posted by Anonymous
 - June 19, 2022, 02:23:56 PM
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 19, 2022, 02:21:17 PM
Quote from: Edward post_id=460411 time=1655584192
MSNBC is the greatest news channel ever.

Of course you'd say that.......hello Edward.

Posted by Anonymous
 - June 18, 2022, 04:29:52 PM
MSNBC is the greatest news channel ever.
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 16, 2022, 11:13:20 AM
The House of Representatives voted 396-27 to approve the measure that had already been passed with unanimous consent in the United States Senate. The Senate's measure passed in May after a leaked draft of a majority opinion indicated that the Supreme Court intends to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The 27 congressmen who voted against the bill were all Democrats.
Posted by Gaon
 - June 11, 2022, 10:59:05 PM
The American left are fascists.
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 11, 2022, 10:31:28 PM
Aint this special."> ... Engagement">

Far-left activist group Ruth Sent Us implored its followers to unleash protests at the church and home of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. The pro-abortion activist group hinted at targeting Barrett's children.
Posted by Thiel
 - June 09, 2022, 09:25:48 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=457829 time=1654731370user_id=3214"> ... n-arrested">

Congress impeached a president they say incited the January 6 trespassing of the Capitol building. It seems only fair Biden should be impeached for this.