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Posted by Frood
 - Today at 03:00:14 AM

Ok, farm league flamer.
Posted by Flynn
 - Today at 02:24:25 AM
Quote from: Frood on Today at 01:59:40 AMAI generated songs are pretty meh...

The 1st one in this thread was ok.

No one asked you fuckface. And certainly no one needs to read your opinion on anything you fucking cross dressing fairy.
Posted by Flynn
 - Today at 02:20:11 AM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 28, 2024, 09:53:07 PM:crampe:

What the fuck are you laughing about Bozo?

You're the idiot Lily singlehandedly nuked with one well placed pm.

Basically i'll break it down to you fucking nerds in a language you'll fucking understand.

Imagine you (Biggie Dunce) being the Deathstar from the first Star Wars. Now think of Large Lily as one single rebel X-Wing taking you on, I know it's hard to think of Taco Eating Galaxy Champion Lily as one single fighter because she's like nine squadrons. Anyways, getting back on track here, do you realize that the mentally ill cow got through all your defenses and then miraculously hits a one in a trillion half court shot while feasting on buttholes and Taco Bell?

You just still haven't learned have you? Yoda would be very disappointed in you for your lack of being a real man.

You're such a goofy tard.

Posted by Flynn
 - Today at 02:08:55 AM
Quote from: Erica Mena on September 26, 2024, 06:39:23 PMFucking Flynn  :crampe:

What does that even mean?

Do you realize you sound like a retarded Mexican trying to sell rotten oranges on the side of the road in East L.A.?

With you sounding sooo very well, you, you validate everything that Lord Of The Rings Looking half Hobbit and half goblin SemenMajor says about your fat and crusty ass.

In case I'm speaking waaaaaay above your level, I guess what I'm saying is....

...try not sounding soo fucking stupid next time, if you can.

Fat wetback bitch.

P.S.-And, if you have a fucking problem with my spot on diagnosis of your Himalaya sized stupidity you can go suck on Admin's dirty clitoris for all I care you fucking cockroach.
Posted by Frood
 - Today at 01:59:40 AM
AI generated songs are pretty meh...

The 1st one in this thread was ok.
Posted by Flynn
 - Today at 01:59:23 AM
Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 26, 2024, 07:09:07 PMLike I said at BF:

Someone finally put the "perform" back in performance art. Kudos!

Hey....pssst......hey, Garraty...................




Why are you even posting?

I mean why?

Why is it when I read your Marlboro induced asthmatic laden Garraty Special Ed post, I all of a sudden want to punch you in the face very, very, very, hard?
Posted by Flynn
 - Today at 01:53:44 AM
Quote from: Lokmar on September 28, 2024, 10:33:42 PMIC Flynnbecile has directed his seething away from Dovey and on to the BF crew!  :popcorn:

Yeah. And I'm the one always bringing her up.

Jokemar, you're such an insignificant dickhead, who wouldn't know the difference between your inbred Jewish hook nosed daughter, and your pink shriveling mass you piss and think out of while squatting.

Get the fuck out of here with your dusty regurgitation of you being the one who brought down BF you fucking delusional pussy. Then you're claiming that you're going to single handedly kill all faggots by sucking each and every one of their cocks until they die, no matter how long it takes.

Fucking idiot.
Posted by Flynn
 - Today at 01:39:22 AM
Quote from: deport_liberals on September 27, 2024, 06:46:11 AMI might have to take tPoTF off ignore to see the

Why don't you try growing some real testicles first, you introverted mental midget.

Maybe Jurassic Sized Lily has you and your highly retarded prose on ignore? Ever think about that you fucking senile bastard?

Do me and the rest of the free fucking world a gigantic favor and go get lost in Lily's Jupiter sized anus, you fucking cowering simp. No one needs you cheerleading you goddamm tool. Do you know how you sound with all your open whining and with you dick licking certain members with your ant eater like forked tongue?

Get away from me you fucking weirdo.
Posted by Flynn
 - Today at 01:33:31 AM
Quote from: Lokmar on September 26, 2024, 06:17:21 PMDamn, Flynnbecile! BF even made you a mod!  :crampe:

I bet he wants a $100 donation from you now, RIGHT NOW!!!!!

Shut. Up. STUPID!
Posted by Lokmar
 - September 28, 2024, 10:33:42 PM
IC Flynnbecile has directed his seething away from Dovey and on to the BF crew!  :popcorn:
Posted by Biggie Smiles
 - September 28, 2024, 09:53:07 PM
Posted by Flynn
 - September 28, 2024, 07:50:45 AM

NOTE: It's "Hostess Twinkle" because of copyright.
Posted by Flynn
 - September 27, 2024, 05:37:37 PM
Quote from: Erica Mena on September 26, 2024, 08:08:28 PMI ain't gonna lie. This was excellent


I have to assume you're talking about the song?

Do you know what the song is about?

Here are the lyrics in French and English. Then tell me how you feel.

[Couplet 1]
Je sais qui tu es,
ce que tu as fait,
tu penses que j'oublierais,
l'attaque était brutale,
j'ai encore les cicatrices,
tu pensais que tu allais t'enfuir,
pas aujourd'hui,
si je peux l'éviter,
tu vas avoir le tien

[Couplet 2]
J'ai une petite lame nommée switch, ton nom est écrit dessus,
la lame,
je pense que quand je te trouverai,
je te ferai crier,
un peu comme tu l'as fait pour moi, est-ce qu'on s'amuse déjà,
le meilleur reste à venir.

[Couplet 3]
J'ai beaucoup de projets,
pour toi,
juste toi et moi,
et ma lame,
nous explorerons les profondeurs de la douleur,
ensemble nous remédierons à la maladie,
tu renaîtras,
dans le sang,
ton sang,
alors qu'il coule,
des trous de ton corps.

La vengeance est un plat servi très froid.

Tu vas avoir ton bonheur,
tu pensais t'être enfui,
désolé de t'informer,
tu ne vas nulle part,
aujourd'hui ou demain,
ta liberté et ta vie sont sur le point de prendre fin.

[Verse 1]
I know who you are,
what you did,
you think I would forget,
the attack was brutal,
I still have the scars,
you thought you would run away,
not today,
if I may,
you'll get yours

[Verse 2]
I have a little blade called switch, your name is written on it,
the blade,
I think when I find you,
I'll make you scream,
kind of like you did for me,
shall we have fun,
the best is yet to come.

[Verse 3]
I have many plans, for you,
just you and me,
and my blade,
we will explore the depths of pain, together we will cure the disease,
you will be reborn,
in blood, your blood,
as it flows,
holes in your body.

Revenge is a dish served very cold.

You're going to have your happiness,
you thought you got away,
sorry to tell you, you're not going anywhere,
today or tomorrow,
your freedom and your life are about to end.

Posted by DKG
 - September 27, 2024, 07:08:02 AM
Posted by deport_liberals
 - September 27, 2024, 06:46:11 AM
I might have to take tPoTF off ignore to see the