SMF - Just Installed!
I do?Quote from: "SCOUSE"ac_dunno
I think Fashionista is trollin' meQuote from: "SCOUSE"ac_crying
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Scouse wants our attention. However, I cannot give him any right now, I'm busy. I may have an opening on Tuesday night between 8:45 and 9:00 pm Mountain Standard Time. Are you free then Scouse? What am I saying, of course you are.Quote from: "Shen Li"ac_razz
When I want a Chinese takeaway or a blowjob I'll let you know!
Scouse wants our attention. However, I cannot give him any right now, I'm busy. I may have an opening on Tuesday night between 8:45 and 9:00 pm Mountain Standard Time. Are you free then Scouse? What am I saying, of course you are.Quote from: "Shen Li"ac_razz
Quote from: "Herman"Quote from: "SCOUSE"Quote from: "seoulbro"Blah blah, you take this shit far too seriously, I'm not too fussed whether you're amused or not to be honest.Quote
But carry on pretending you know all about me when you don't have the first clue....
Renee does not take you seriously. I would make a wager on that. Nobody here does. I would think Renee finds you as boring and predictable as I do. There's no imagination, no creativity in your posting.
Well go away then you weird little faggot.
No one is forcing you to respond to my posts...
No interest in gals, no interest in getting a girlfriend,
Blurt, how are you doing brother?Quote from: "Herman"ac_drinks
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Quote from: "Renee"Quote from: "SCOUSE"Quote from: "Renee"Quote from: "SCOUSE"Quote from: "Renee"Ma jokes, are we really gonna go there?Quote from: "SCOUSE"
I'm sorry, I didn't think they were jokes.ac_dunno
But seriously, I probably shouldn't be too hard on the old trollop. It must be punishment enough knowing that a dickless, bag of offal like you fell out of her womb.
There isn't enough douche in the entire UK to clean a vagina after an unnatural disaster like that.
Does your ma suffer with weight issues aswell? I'm presuming so, as fatties usually take after their parents.
Can't be good at her age though, the older you are the more your health deteriorates when overweight.
Food for thought perhaps? Sorry, I shouldn't have used the word food...
Don't you worry about my mother, she's just fine. I imagine she would get a good chuckle at your attempt at getting under my skin the way I've obviously gotten under yours. At the very least, unlike your mummy, my mom would never have to walk bowlegged after passing through a Pakistani neighborhood.
We all know how you are going to go and cry and whine over on VF about how I treated your little pink virgin ass like dirt. You'll probably even spin it to how you really put me in my place.After all, your video game playing, dishwashing, indigint, unwashed, little ass is one of the "master race". ac_lmfao
BTW, little boy if you are going to come around here you are going to have to do alot better than this subpar attempt at trolling you've exhibited thus far. Otherwise people will grow very tired of you and you will be stuck in here playing all by your lonesome. Don't believe me?.....Ask Dinky Dumbass how that worked out for him.>>>>>>
Yes you have got under my skin and I am so mad GRRRR etc.ac_boring
I hate to break it to you, but the length and tone of your posts would suggest that you are the angry one who's had her 5 XL panties rustled.
Sorry shit for brains, the only thing you could be more wrong about would be your answers on a basic math exam. I can assure you that you don't anger me. All I feel when it comes to you is a mixture of pity and mild amusement.
Unfortunately you won't find any one or two line posts out of me. I'm sorry that I'm not one of the usual mentally deficient opponents you try to push around. What you and so many of you plebs mistake for agitation or anger is just my normal posting style......Just ask around if you think I'm pulling your leg.
The fact that you fail to see the amusement that I am feeling in my appraisal of your condition, proves that you are denser than a bucket of tar.
Blah blah, you take this shit far too seriously, I'm not too fussed whether you're amused or not to be honest.
But carry on pretending you know all about me when you don't have the first clue....
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Quote from: "seoulbro"Blah blah, you take this shit far too seriously, I'm not too fussed whether you're amused or not to be honest.Quote
But carry on pretending you know all about me when you don't have the first clue....
Renee does not take you seriously. I would make a wager on that. Nobody here does. I would think Renee finds you as boring and predictable as I do. There's no imagination, no creativity in your posting.
Well go away then you weird little faggot.
No one is forcing you to respond to my posts...
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Well go away then you weird little faggot.
No one is forcing you to respond to my posts...
Quote from: "seoulbro"Blah blah, you take this shit far too seriously, I'm not too fussed whether you're amused or not to be honest.Quote
But carry on pretending you know all about me when you don't have the first clue....
Renee does not take you seriously. I would make a wager on that. Nobody here does. I would think Renee finds you as boring and predictable as I do. There's no imagination, no creativity in your posting.
Quote from: "seoulbro"Blah blah, you take this shit far too seriously, I'm not too fussed whether you're amused or not to be honest.Quote
But carry on pretending you know all about me when you don't have the first clue....
Renee does not take you seriously. I would make a wager on that. Nobody here does. I would think Renee finds you as boring and predictable as I do. There's no imagination, no creativity in your posting.
Scouse, old buddy, you're more interesting when you go all Hitlerish on the world's ass.Quote from: "Blurt"
More substantial, you know? Less vaporous and speckle-brained.
Just sayin'.
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