SMF - Just Installed!
I've been inside his gourd for years.Quote from: "Bricktop"He's just having another rant, with a belly full of beerto give him added courage.
Here's Bricktop ready with his copy & paste one liners...Quote from: "Chuck Bronson"
He's ready to go, as always... With the same old shit. Same crap. Every fucking time.
No wonder these forums fucking suck. Idiot hag Admins catering to idiot posters. Doesn't work here, and doesn't work there.
Dead forums. No new posters.
Oh well... I warned them what would happen. And now they can achieve their goals by sucking old man cock. Mimi and Evs did it with Oscar, and this shithole can do it with Bricktop.
Both will ruin forums, and I don't really care anymore.
It has been made clear to me that these forums are for the chosen ones only... Fucking hags that are bored with their husbands. Sad.
Occidental, Oriental, it makes no difference. It also makes no difference who you vote for. The game is rigged.Quote from: "Chuck Bronson"I roll with the flow, as what else can one do? When the time is right, I pack up and buy my 100 acre retreat. I don't necessarily like people, as many have proven to me what they actually are. There are some good ones left out there, but not many these days it seems... I work with some really good guys on many of the jobs I work on... Some of these guys are grade A customers, and a pleasure to work with. I keep busy.
That's the only reason I'm even still here, in this immigrant infested shithole.
Nonetheless, ready to leave at any time, when the time is right.
I don't necessarily like people.Quote from: "Chuck Bronson"
Western democracies are totally corrupt. The difference between criminal corruption and bureaucratic corruption is that the bureaucrats think that what THEY do is OK.Quote from: "Bricktop"
At least crims know they're committing criminal acts.
You should demand transparency.Quote from: "caskur"
I blame our stupid government privatizing everything... in other words, selling the family farm.Quote from: "caskur"
But, are you selling any of your ports in Canada to the Chinese government? Do you think America is going to sell any of their ports to the Chinese?
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