SMF - Just Installed!
Quote from: Edward post_id=373090 time=1595891981Quote from: Guest post_id=373085 time=1595891665
The ghey is strong in this thread.
Let's meAT!
Quote from: Guest post_id=373085 time=1595891665
The ghey is strong in this thread.
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=371927 time=1595135672 user_id=3254
Your PI was posted in this sub..
In fact, I quoted it without even being aware of the PI breach..
And for that I'm very sorry..
At best, I skim in this sub..
We will be much more vigilante in deleting PI from now on.
Quote from: Blurt post_id=372630 time=1595605698 user_id=1974
Maybe we can do that DIY-challenged nincompoop a solid by buying him a level and a can of paint at Canadian Tire.
Quote from: Renee post_id=372655 time=1595613322 user_id=156Quote from: Blurt post_id=372630 time=1595605698 user_id=1974
Hey, Seoul.
You're right, it doesn't matter... except when people who think it does post an awful pic while labouring under the delusion they're God's gift to mankind.
My sentiments exactly.
I have no problem with people posting their image if the mood and circumstance benefits them...I only ask that they have some consideration for good taste and a healthy dose of untainted self awareness before they do it.
Mel obviously has niether because his view and opinion of himself is distorted beyond rational comprehension. He is a less than mediocre example of masculinity and he is physically, intellectually and emotionally repulsive. Stir that all up into one package and it's almost enough to make your eyes bleed.
Quote from: Blurt post_id=372630 time=1595605698 user_id=1974
Hey, Seoul.
You're right, it doesn't matter... except when people who think it does post an awful pic while labouring under the delusion they're God's gift to mankind.
Quote from: Blurt post_id=372630 time=1595605698 user_id=1974
Hey, Seoul.
You're right, it doesn't matter... except when people who think it does post an awful pic while labouring under the delusion they're God's gift to mankind.
So, yeah, let's forget Mel's appearance (and what a blessing that would be!) and focus instead on asking him who the moron is who installed his light switch plate and towel rod. Maybe we can do that DIY-challenged nincompoop a solid by buying him a level and a can of paint at Canadian Tire.
Quote from: Blurt post_id=372616 time=1595587868 user_id=1974
You forgot waxy, feeble and poopy-pantsed.
Quote from: Renee post_id=372463 time=1595513722 user_id=156
It has nothing to do with being "white" and everything to do with you being a furry, pasty, underdeveloped and frankly gross looking example of a man....
Quote from: Renee post_id=372463 time=1595513722 user_id=156Quote from: Mel post_id=372441 time=1595499359Quote from: Renee post_id=372310 time=1595430346 user_id=156
Does anyone else feel like they want to throw up due to the direction this thread has taken or am I the only one?...ac_unsure
Just you, Chubster... The US has done a very good job of making being White a bad thing. Haven't you watched the news lately?
It has nothing to do with being "white" and everything to do with you being a furry, pasty, underdeveloped and frankly gross looking example of a man....
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