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Posted by Anonymous
 - October 27, 2020, 11:41:28 AM
Quote from: Dove post_id=388434 time=1603811323 user_id=3266
She isnt even listed on a registry. She had children and volunteered at their school.....went on feild trips with the class 🤦‍♀️

 That's incredibly fucked up. It's a flagrant disregard of the safety of children and the severity of this monsters crimes.

Dove, were the Bernardo/Homolka school girl murders reported by the US media?
Posted by Dove
 - October 27, 2020, 11:08:43 AM
She isnt even listed on a registry. She had children and volunteered at their school.....went on feild trips with the class 🤦‍♀️

 That's incredibly fucked up. It's a flagrant disregard of the safety of children and the severity of this monsters crimes.
Posted by Anonymous
 - October 27, 2020, 09:11:08 AM
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=388395 time=1603779347 user_id=56
Quote from: Odinson post_id=388393 time=1603778877 user_id=136
Why did the sow get lighter sentence..

She drugged, raped and murdered her own sister.

Why is the sow allowed around children.

They both belong in an electric chair.

Because this is Canada. Nothing we do makes sense.

The deal to reduce Karla Homolka's sentence in exchange for evidence against her husband was a bad deal by the prosecution..

Evidence about her involvement came out after the deal was made.
Posted by Anonymous
 - October 27, 2020, 02:15:47 AM
Quote from: Odinson post_id=388393 time=1603778877 user_id=136
Why did the sow get lighter sentence..

She drugged, raped and murdered her own sister.

Why is the sow allowed around children.

They both belong in an electric chair.

Because this is Canada. Nothing we do makes sense.
Posted by Odinson
 - October 27, 2020, 02:07:57 AM
Why did the sow get lighter sentence..

She drugged, raped and murdered her own sister.

Why is the sow allowed around children.

They both belong in an electric chair.
Posted by Anonymous
 - October 27, 2020, 12:41:47 AM
Quote from: cc post_id=388385 time=1603767783 user_id=88
She's a great risk also

She's been out for fourteen years.
Posted by cc
 - October 26, 2020, 11:03:03 PM
She's a great risk also
Posted by Anonymous
 - October 26, 2020, 07:51:57 PM
Quote from: seoulbro post_id=388378 time=1603752680 user_id=114
Paul Bernardo must remain incarcerated until he dies.

Releasing him is too risky.
Posted by Anonymous
 - October 26, 2020, 06:51:20 PM
Paul Bernardo must remain incarcerated until he dies.
Posted by Dove
 - October 26, 2020, 02:34:50 PM
Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=388333 time=1603724699 user_id=2015
Progs are oh so compassionate when they are not related to the victims of super predators(prog term, not mine).


 If you want justice for innocent victims of brutality and want violent murdering rapists to be accountable.....well gotdam you are a hypocrite!

 Of course they have absolutely zero empathy or compassion for others and those stupid idiot girls likely deserved it. Those meanies....forcing poor Paul and Karla to kidnap, rape and kill them. Real Christian's hug and love on rapists murders and shower them with compassion and advocate for them against these savages that were related to the victims. Did I say victims? I meant "stumbling blocks". Yanno everyone fucks up! We cant judge! (Sarcasm....clearly)

 Liberals are sociopathic fucking retards that destroy lives and societies. No empathy. None.

 Well at least the idiot who spewed that did it under a guest account so none of us know who thinks pedo rapists murderers should be allowed access to children via schools. They gotta know on some level they are fucked.
Posted by Anonymous
 - October 26, 2020, 11:04:59 AM
Progs are oh so compassionate when they are not related to the victims of super predators(prog term, not mine).
Posted by Anonymous
 - October 26, 2020, 08:54:06 AM
Quote from: Dove post_id=388313 time=1603714282 user_id=3266
Quote from: Herman post_id=388311 time=1603713491 user_id=1689
Quote from: Dove post_id=388285 time=1603685745 user_id=3266"> ... -1.5538586">

 Yanno Bernardo needs to die, right? Why is Canada allowing this bag of fucking shit to keep sucking air?

 Why do left leaning governments favor violent sex offenders? Fuck this peice of demon shit.

 You got Karla running around getting married, having CHILDREN.....a woman who said she want to "give" 4 children to this rapist demon so he could brutalize them.  She openly said her womb was there to make rape victims for this fucking scumbag.

 Why is she free? Supervising school feild trips?

 You guys need to put them both too death for what they both did.  Tammy Holomoka, French and Mahaffy dont get to start families and volunteer for feild trips....this fucking monster should never get to either. She does not deserve children and shes a fucking rapist.

 This is not justice. It's a shit show. Human life is pretty cheap, I guess.  A country that has no problem inhumanely executing the most innocent and vulnerable human beings just for existing ...and calling it "choice" .....doesnt respect life in other ways either.

 Yeah. She just helped brutalize innocent teenage girls. Apparently it's no reason not to just let the stupid monstrous evil cunt skip out of prison, avoid the sex offender registry and start a family and hang with school kids.

 And yeah Bernardos records should be respected yanno? Yeah he brutally raped and murdered teenagers but damn man....give the prick some privacy!

 Fucking shit. Get your shit together, Canada! THIS is a "no justice no peace" cause. This demon rapist Karla may be among you and off the registry but you dont have to let her live in peace and you SHOULDNT.

 There should nonstop protests at this evil bitches house. Make her life such absolute hell. They let her go....but you can create a prison where shes NEVER comfortable. She NEVER should have been released....let alone "helping" in the fucking SCHOOLS. What. The. Fuck?!

 Ya'll need me to come over there? Get r done!!

 We dont let Casey Anthony or Stephanie Lopez live in peace. They are constantly trying to hide. Because fuck those brutal cunts. Karla shouldnt live peacefully either. And EVERY bit of info and records on Bernardo should be handed over to whoever wants them no question. Its inexcusable the families of the girls he brutalized have to fight for that.

 Right here that criminal justice system is mocking you and treating these young girls like garbage. Like they were nothing. What a gross joke 😡  Such ghoulish,  easy treatment for what these monsters have done.

 Yes I know the article is from April but I'm just seeing it and I'm very disgusted. There needs to be FAR less tolerance for sub humans who commit brutalities like this and higher standards of respect for human life and innocent victims.

 And you guys have to pay for these shits to have medical care when neither of them should still even be breathing, ffs. 🤦‍♀️

There is a book about the deal the crown prosecutor made with Karla Homolka called Karla: A Pact With The Devil. That cunt alone administered the lethal injection that killed her fifteen year old sister. She stole it from the veterinary clinic she worked at. We paid for her undergrad degree while she was in the women's federal penn too.


 Yes, she did kill her little sister. And while that disgusting monster Bernardo was raping the unconscious girl and the girl was vommiting and overdosing.....the bitch just watched.

 Then the disgusting peice of shit was masturbating on a video talking about how hot it was watching him rape her 15 year old sister.  Then she talked about luring little girls for him in between calling him a "king" and eating his ass. Shes sick, deranged and shouldnt be roaming free.

 I'm convinced she killed all the three of the girls that ended up dead in their hands.

 Those two are revoltingly evil and do not deserve to remain alive.

 Karla was never even rehabbed. Just let out. And she wasnt sterilized and had children and supervised school feild trips.....what the fuck kinda school allows Karla fucking Homolka to volunteer like that? Fucking stone the monster!

 Uhg. Imagine having a kid in that class and finding THAT out. I'd raise so much hell. Omg. "Hey kids! Let's take feild trips with a serial pedo rapist!" 🤮😡

Welcome back, folks, to Pastor Proctor's Pulpit of Power.

This morning, we've been blessed with words of wisdom and compassion from our special guest and sister-in-Christ, Dove Rockheart, author of the Christian best-seller, Fucking Stone The Monster!

So, Dove, tell me, when did our Lord and Saviour first whisper in  your soul that violence against others was the righteous thing to do?
Posted by Anonymous
 - October 26, 2020, 08:42:58 AM
Quote from: Dove post_id=388313 time=1603714282 user_id=3266
Quote from: Herman post_id=388311 time=1603713491 user_id=1689
Quote from: Dove post_id=388285 time=1603685745 user_id=3266"> ... -1.5538586">

 Yanno Bernardo needs to die, right? Why is Canada allowing this bag of fucking shit to keep sucking air?

 Why do left leaning governments favor violent sex offenders? Fuck this peice of demon shit.

 You got Karla running around getting married, having CHILDREN.....a woman who said she want to "give" 4 children to this rapist demon so he could brutalize them.  She openly said her womb was there to make rape victims for this fucking scumbag.

 Why is she free? Supervising school feild trips?

 You guys need to put them both too death for what they both did.  Tammy Holomoka, French and Mahaffy dont get to start families and volunteer for feild trips....this fucking monster should never get to either. She does not deserve children and shes a fucking rapist.

 This is not justice. It's a shit show. Human life is pretty cheap, I guess.  A country that has no problem inhumanely executing the most innocent and vulnerable human beings just for existing ...and calling it "choice" .....doesnt respect life in other ways either.

 Yeah. She just helped brutalize innocent teenage girls. Apparently it's no reason not to just let the stupid monstrous evil cunt skip out of prison, avoid the sex offender registry and start a family and hang with school kids.

 And yeah Bernardos records should be respected yanno? Yeah he brutally raped and murdered teenagers but damn man....give the prick some privacy!

 Fucking shit. Get your shit together, Canada! THIS is a "no justice no peace" cause. This demon rapist Karla may be among you and off the registry but you dont have to let her live in peace and you SHOULDNT.

 There should nonstop protests at this evil bitches house. Make her life such absolute hell. They let her go....but you can create a prison where shes NEVER comfortable. She NEVER should have been released....let alone "helping" in the fucking SCHOOLS. What. The. Fuck?!

 Ya'll need me to come over there? Get r done!!

 We dont let Casey Anthony or Stephanie Lopez live in peace. They are constantly trying to hide. Because fuck those brutal cunts. Karla shouldnt live peacefully either. And EVERY bit of info and records on Bernardo should be handed over to whoever wants them no question. Its inexcusable the families of the girls he brutalized have to fight for that.

 Right here that criminal justice system is mocking you and treating these young girls like garbage. Like they were nothing. What a gross joke 😡  Such ghoulish,  easy treatment for what these monsters have done.

 Yes I know the article is from April but I'm just seeing it and I'm very disgusted. There needs to be FAR less tolerance for sub humans who commit brutalities like this and higher standards of respect for human life and innocent victims.

 And you guys have to pay for these shits to have medical care when neither of them should still even be breathing, ffs. 🤦‍♀️

There is a book about the deal the crown prosecutor made with Karla Homolka called Karla: A Pact With The Devil. That cunt alone administered the lethal injection that killed her fifteen year old sister. She stole it from the veterinary clinic she worked at. We paid for her undergrad degree while she was in the women's federal penn too.


 Yes, she did kill her little sister. And while that disgusting monster Bernardo was raping the unconscious girl and the girl was vommiting and overdosing.....the bitch just watched.

 Then the disgusting peice of shit was masturbating on a video talking about how hot it was watching him rape her 15 year old sister.  Then she talked about luring little girls for him in between calling him a "king" and eating his ass. Shes sick, deranged and shouldnt be roaming free.

 I'm convinced she killed all the three of the girls that ended up dead in their hands.

 Those two are revoltingly evil and do not deserve to remain alive.

 Karla was never even rehabbed. Just let out. And she wasnt sterilized and had children and supervised school feild trips.....what the fuck kinda school allows Karla fucking Homolka to volunteer like that? Fucking stone the monster!

 Uhg. Imagine having a kid in that class and finding THAT out. I'd raise so much hell. Omg. "Hey kids! Let's take feild trips with a serial pedo rapist!" 🤮😡

Those two frickin rabid animals would be euthanized in a normal country. But, Canada makes no sense. And when Justine turns this country into a third world shit hole, we will become a source of immigrants rather than a destination.
Posted by Dove
 - October 26, 2020, 08:11:22 AM
Quote from: Herman post_id=388311 time=1603713491 user_id=1689
Quote from: Dove post_id=388285 time=1603685745 user_id=3266"> ... -1.5538586">

 Yanno Bernardo needs to die, right? Why is Canada allowing this bag of fucking shit to keep sucking air?

 Why do left leaning governments favor violent sex offenders? Fuck this peice of demon shit.

 You got Karla running around getting married, having CHILDREN.....a woman who said she want to "give" 4 children to this rapist demon so he could brutalize them.  She openly said her womb was there to make rape victims for this fucking scumbag.

 Why is she free? Supervising school feild trips?

 You guys need to put them both too death for what they both did.  Tammy Holomoka, French and Mahaffy dont get to start families and volunteer for feild trips....this fucking monster should never get to either. She does not deserve children and shes a fucking rapist.

 This is not justice. It's a shit show. Human life is pretty cheap, I guess.  A country that has no problem inhumanely executing the most innocent and vulnerable human beings just for existing ...and calling it "choice" .....doesnt respect life in other ways either.

 Yeah. She just helped brutalize innocent teenage girls. Apparently it's no reason not to just let the stupid monstrous evil cunt skip out of prison, avoid the sex offender registry and start a family and hang with school kids.

 And yeah Bernardos records should be respected yanno? Yeah he brutally raped and murdered teenagers but damn man....give the prick some privacy!

 Fucking shit. Get your shit together, Canada! THIS is a "no justice no peace" cause. This demon rapist Karla may be among you and off the registry but you dont have to let her live in peace and you SHOULDNT.

 There should nonstop protests at this evil bitches house. Make her life such absolute hell. They let her go....but you can create a prison where shes NEVER comfortable. She NEVER should have been released....let alone "helping" in the fucking SCHOOLS. What. The. Fuck?!

 Ya'll need me to come over there? Get r done!!

 We dont let Casey Anthony or Stephanie Lopez live in peace. They are constantly trying to hide. Because fuck those brutal cunts. Karla shouldnt live peacefully either. And EVERY bit of info and records on Bernardo should be handed over to whoever wants them no question. Its inexcusable the families of the girls he brutalized have to fight for that.

 Right here that criminal justice system is mocking you and treating these young girls like garbage. Like they were nothing. What a gross joke 😡  Such ghoulish,  easy treatment for what these monsters have done.

 Yes I know the article is from April but I'm just seeing it and I'm very disgusted. There needs to be FAR less tolerance for sub humans who commit brutalities like this and higher standards of respect for human life and innocent victims.

 And you guys have to pay for these shits to have medical care when neither of them should still even be breathing, ffs. 🤦‍♀️

There is a book about the deal the crown prosecutor made with Karla Homolka called Karla: A Pact With The Devil. That cunt alone administered the lethal injection that killed her fifteen year old sister. She stole it from the veterinary clinic she worked at. We paid for her undergrad degree while she was in the women's federal penn too.


 Yes, she did kill her little sister. And while that disgusting monster Bernardo was raping the unconscious girl and the girl was vommiting and overdosing.....the bitch just watched.

 Then the disgusting peice of shit was masturbating on a video talking about how hot it was watching him rape her 15 year old sister.  Then she talked about luring little girls for him in between calling him a "king" and eating his ass. Shes sick, deranged and shouldnt be roaming free.

 I'm convinced she killed all the three of the girls that ended up dead in their hands.

 Those two are revoltingly evil and do not deserve to remain alive.

 Karla was never even rehabbed. Just let out. And she wasnt sterilized and had children and supervised school feild trips.....what the fuck kinda school allows Karla fucking Homolka to volunteer like that? Fucking stone the monster!

 Uhg. Imagine having a kid in that class and finding THAT out. I'd raise so much hell. Omg. "Hey kids! Let's take feild trips with a serial pedo rapist!" 🤮😡
Posted by Anonymous
 - October 26, 2020, 07:58:11 AM
Quote from: Dove post_id=388285 time=1603685745 user_id=3266"> ... -1.5538586">

 Yanno Bernardo needs to die, right? Why is Canada allowing this bag of fucking shit to keep sucking air?

 Why do left leaning governments favor violent sex offenders? Fuck this peice of demon shit.

 You got Karla running around getting married, having CHILDREN.....a woman who said she want to "give" 4 children to this rapist demon so he could brutalize them.  She openly said her womb was there to make rape victims for this fucking scumbag.

 Why is she free? Supervising school feild trips?

 You guys need to put them both too death for what they both did.  Tammy Holomoka, French and Mahaffy dont get to start families and volunteer for feild trips....this fucking monster should never get to either. She does not deserve children and shes a fucking rapist.

 This is not justice. It's a shit show. Human life is pretty cheap, I guess.  A country that has no problem inhumanely executing the most innocent and vulnerable human beings just for existing ...and calling it "choice" .....doesnt respect life in other ways either.

 Yeah. She just helped brutalize innocent teenage girls. Apparently it's no reason not to just let the stupid monstrous evil cunt skip out of prison, avoid the sex offender registry and start a family and hang with school kids.

 And yeah Bernardos records should be respected yanno? Yeah he brutally raped and murdered teenagers but damn man....give the prick some privacy!

 Fucking shit. Get your shit together, Canada! THIS is a "no justice no peace" cause. This demon rapist Karla may be among you and off the registry but you dont have to let her live in peace and you SHOULDNT.

 There should nonstop protests at this evil bitches house. Make her life such absolute hell. They let her go....but you can create a prison where shes NEVER comfortable. She NEVER should have been released....let alone "helping" in the fucking SCHOOLS. What. The. Fuck?!

 Ya'll need me to come over there? Get r done!!

 We dont let Casey Anthony or Stephanie Lopez live in peace. They are constantly trying to hide. Because fuck those brutal cunts. Karla shouldnt live peacefully either. And EVERY bit of info and records on Bernardo should be handed over to whoever wants them no question. Its inexcusable the families of the girls he brutalized have to fight for that.

 Right here that criminal justice system is mocking you and treating these young girls like garbage. Like they were nothing. What a gross joke 😡  Such ghoulish,  easy treatment for what these monsters have done.

 Yes I know the article is from April but I'm just seeing it and I'm very disgusted. There needs to be FAR less tolerance for sub humans who commit brutalities like this and higher standards of respect for human life and innocent victims.

 And you guys have to pay for these shits to have medical care when neither of them should still even be breathing, ffs. 🤦‍♀️

There is a book about the deal the crown prosecutor made with Karla Homolka called Karla: A Pact With The Devil. That cunt alone administered the lethal injection that killed her fifteen year old sister. She stole it from the veterinary clinic she worked at. We paid for her undergrad degree while she was in the women's federal penn too.