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Quote from: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on September 08, 2024, 10:21:26 PMActually, they have their heads in a camel's ass.No, their dicks in a camel's ass.
Quote from: Lokmar on September 08, 2024, 03:25:21 PMI'm the only genuine bigot here.
Quote from: Thiel on September 08, 2024, 02:57:46 PMThe left have their heads in the sand when it comes to Islam.
Quote from: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on September 08, 2024, 01:07:06 PMBut, but, but....
Its the religion of peace. I'm crying in my organically grown steel cut oatmeal. You're all bigots.
Quote from: Prof Emeritus at Fawk U on September 08, 2024, 01:07:06 PMBut, but, but....The left have their heads in the sand when it comes to Islam.
Its the religion of peace. I'm crying in my organically grown steel cut oatmeal. You're all bigots.
QuoteA 20-year-old man from Pakistan, living in Toronto, was arrested near Montreal this week on charges of plotting to shoot up a Jewish centre in Brooklyn. This is what the people cheering on Hamas mean when they chant "globalize the intifada" on the streets of Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal.
Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, also known as Shahzeb Jadoon, was arrested Wednesday in the small Quebec town of Ormstown, about 60 kilometres south of Montreal and about 25 kilometres from the border crossing at Covey Hill.
American officials announced the arrest on Thursday saying that Khan faces one count of attempting to provide material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization. In Canada, the RCMP announced that he faces charges of attempting to leave Canada to commit an offence for a terrorist group and participating in the activities of a terrorist group.
His plan was to carry out the attack in the name of the Islamic State, or ISIS.
In conversations with undercover law enforcement released by the Americans, Khan said he wanted to launch an attack in New York on Oct. 7, the anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel, or Oct. 11, the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. In several messages, Khan was clear in why he was choosing Brooklyn as the site for his attack.
"New york is perfect to target jews," Khan wrote to the undercover officers because the city has the "largest Jewish population In america."
He also said that the attack "could rack up easily a lot of jews" and that "we are going to nyc to slaughter them."
"if we[']re successful this is going to be one of the largest attacks ever on jews outside of the israeli territory in recent times," he said in another message.
Quote from: caskur on May 23, 2024, 03:36:18 AMWell Celine Dion is an Aries so you might have a point there. Her voice after all is in clear breach of the Geneva convention. Just like that poo-pushing homo Elton John... and that utter waste of wax Mariah Carey.Quote from: caskur on May 21, 2024, 08:13:21 AMI don't who he is but since he is an Aries... I know he's bad noos.Fixed.
You know DKGHitler was an Aries and you might think it rubbish but amongst despots I see a pattern..
Beware of Aries.![]()
Quote from: DKG on August 31, 2024, 10:50:35 AM
Quote from: caskur on May 23, 2024, 03:43:46 AMI would just take them outback and give their brain a bullet.... problem with UN solved.Plenty of tinpot regimes have got their start by ridding themselves of their undesirables in such fashion. They make a great playground for organisations like the CIA to send in the assassins to take out the heads of state for the purposes of installing their own puppet governments. For the purposes of denuding the nations of their mineral wealth you know. And knowing how much you love it when your minerals are stolen from under your feet to enrich the pockets on the other side of your country, I imagine you'll be overjoyed when those profits are going straight into the pockets of foreign multinationals, bypassing those select few robber barons in the eastern states that you love so very very much.
There are alien sightings in our desert... the aliens must have got them.
Get the UN to go look for them.
Quote from: horse sense on May 22, 2024, 02:33:40 PMKind of like the promise of getting Mexico to pay for the wall, your proposal on how citizenship works owes much to its Pie In The Sky origins. Your country does not get to tell Lebanon that your troublemakers are now their problem simply because Australia says so, any more than any country dictates which of their refuse gets dumped on your shores. I know you see authoritarian overreach as your golden ticket to ridding your country of anyone you personally deem as undesirable, but the second you run up against a nation that says they do not recognise jus sanguinis and certainly not when it's being ordered by a foreign state actor who calls herself Caskur the Mighty, you will in fact be creating stateless persons with your policies and, as a consequence, be in breach of the UNHCR charter your country signed back in 1954. That same charter by the way includes provisions that require it's signatories accept stateless people into their borders, meaning you will be obligated to offer sanctuary to the very people you just rendered stateless or be in breach of that charter all over again.
It's not all bad news mind you; there are member states that walked away from the UNHCR charter in question after originally signing it (Madagascar) as well as nations which refused to sign it in the first place (China, various "muhzzie" nations et al). There are also nations (like Israel) who have signed it and then proceeded to bomb entire populations into flight with neighbouring states closing their borders against those effectively rendered stateless. While nations such as yours cry "think of the children" and what bastards a particular nation is, based on whatever is politically expedient at the time. But I would remind you not only of your country's effective vassal status at the UN, as well as what happens to those whose political rhetoric runs counter to the UN's decree. As Pauline Hanson found out, open your mouth too wide and there will be those only too happy to sacrifice you to appease their masters in Turtle Bay using any pretext that fits the narrative.
You too could have your very own set of striped pajamas and with three square meals a day to go with. All bought and paid for on the Australian taxpayer's dime. How's that for welfare?
Quote from: caskur on May 21, 2024, 08:13:21 AMI don't know who he is but since he is an Aries... I know he's bad noos.
Quote from: caskur on May 21, 2024, 01:03:27 AMNo, they become the citizens of their parents origins so if their parents are Lebonese then the unruly brat loses their Australian citizenship and the mutt becomes Labonese.Kind of like the promise of getting Mexico to pay for the wall, your proposal on how citizenship works owes much to its Pie In The Sky origins. Your country does not get to tell Lebanon that your troublemakers are now their problem simply because Australia says so, any more than any country dictates which of their refuse gets dumped on your shores. I know you see authoritarian overreach as your golden ticket to ridding your country of anyone you personally deem as undesirable, but the second you run up against a nation that says they do not recognise jus sanguinis and certainly not when it's being ordered by a foreign state actor who calls herself Caskur the Mighty, you will in fact be creating stateless persons with your policies and, as a consequence, be in breach of the UNHCR charter your country signed back in 1954. That same charter by the way includes provisions that require it's signatories accept stateless people into their borders, meaning you will be obligated to offer sanctuary to the very people you just rendered stateless or be in breach of that charter all over again.
Your head would spin at how I would fix this country... in 2 seconds flat,
Quote from: caskur on May 21, 2024, 08:13:21 AMI don't who he is but since he is an Aries... I know he's bad noos.
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