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Posted by Anonymous
 - August 06, 2022, 08:45:10 PM
Quote from: Rancidmilko post_id=469054 time=1659749327 user_id=2853
I just hope Martini don't serve any cold fries to the wrong type

These days, that's enough to get you killed

No wonder he cannot support his kids when he has a kids' job.
Posted by Anonymous
 - August 06, 2022, 07:28:51 AM
Quote from: Rancidmilko post_id=469054 time=1659749327 user_id=2853
I just hope Martini don't serve any cold fries to the wrong type

These days, that's enough to get you killed

It's hard to get people working in restaurants since March 2020.
Posted by Rancidmilko
 - August 05, 2022, 09:28:47 PM
I just hope Martini don't serve any cold fries to the wrong type

These days, that's enough to get you killed
Posted by cw_
 - August 05, 2022, 08:37:49 PM
Quote from: Guest post_id=467865 time=1659339051
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=467673 time=1659293906 user_id=3254
I'm not comfortable with how this discussion is moving..

We don't post PI here for all to see..

We have pms.....hint, hint.

Well, some of us do. And some of us do not. Finding myself in the latter group is something I am quite comfortable with, since having a whisper box is more or less an open invite for others to fill it with total crap.

Something else... unless you are forced to use a static IP, you cannot reasonably consider your IP to be PI. That's like picking up a used frangar and declaring it to be yours, even long after some other clown has picked it up and rolled its fuckflake flecked latex down his donger. Only in rare circumstances can an IP be considered a definitive identifier and usually only in conjunction with other information that is largely the purview of the internet provider affording the connection. And even then it's not a sure thing since there is no guarantee that you're the only person using that connection as far as anyone else is concerned. There could be any number of people in that house/business/college dorm. You just don't know.

Same deal for shared handles. I could proxy up right now under Dinky Di's addy and your c-panels would happily confirm we are alts of one another, or I could log in to that account and none of you would be any the wiser. The only possible reason I can think for doing this would be to tie some of you up in knots trying to make sense of it all and if that's what floats your boat then fine. I simply don't see the point in making an ass of oneself pursuing such an elusive and ephemeral "gotcha" moment which is why I'm in a total "fuck-deficit" when it comes to questions like "did the Martini-kang insert himself into the truck driving floozy account." That's right folks; you actually owe me fucking fucks when it comes to that ball shattering e-drama. I really cannot muster the interest, especially not when it's contributing to the phallic strangulation exercises being practiced by the people you are obsessing over. Believe me; if you didn't care either, these wankers might have to actually come up with something worthy of your attention.

A final note, this time for the buttonpushers on staff. I get that more than one of you want to make your panel decisions binding, but you are really only making work for yourselves as well as farming yourselves out for ridicule when your adversaries "get one over you". I preferred my approach over at Ceedub's forum which was to afford miscearnts enough rope to hang themselves, removing posting privileges... permanently... on an account by account basis. I would also invite the operators of these actioned accounts to register again... right away if they wished, and give them the rope they needed to prove themselves either way.

It seemed to work. It costs more effort to create an account than it does to kill it, most people are content to run off and complain about being "banned" than to stick around and try their luck again. Either way, it meant for a much lighter workload from my perspective and all but neutered the efforts of the Blandscapes of this world who interpret "entertainment" as being predicated on how hard they can piss their targets off.

But you do you, and I'll do me. I'm going to guess though that if you sat down and gave it a bit of thought, you could think of a million things you'd rather be doing than policing the Mels and Semenjaws of this world. Eternal vigilance is as eternal vigilance does, but I'd rather be enjoying myself personally.

Quoted for truth.
Posted by Dove
 - August 05, 2022, 11:24:55 AM
Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=468900 time=1659712999 user_id=3381
Quote from: Dove post_id=468899 time=1659712566 user_id=3266
 Turtles all the way down lol.

Just watch out for the snappers; they'll have your leg off faster than you can say:

"That's one ugly son of a b..."

 They've been trying to get me for years.
Posted by Garraty_47
 - August 05, 2022, 11:23:19 AM
Quote from: Dove post_id=468899 time=1659712566 user_id=3266
 Turtles all the way down lol.

Just watch out for the snappers; they'll have your leg off faster than you can say:

"That's one ugly son of a b..."
Posted by Dove
 - August 05, 2022, 11:16:06 AM
Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=468894 time=1659711360 user_id=3381
Quote from: Dove post_id=468891 time=1659710206 user_id=3266
 I think BF conceals the meltdown board as to not spook possible new people. Which ends up spooking possible new people because they can't see it.

I think the colloquial term for it is:

"Punching yourself in the dick"

I don't get the appeal but I hear some people are really into that kind of stuff and I don't judge.

Quote from: Dove post_id=468891 time=1659710206 user_id=3266
 I do also think Plynn is seeking to enlist you. The fact that you and I are friendly had him bitching yesterday,  and it's kinda funny because he just assumes we don't know each other and haven't ever talked on a one on one basis like ever. Lol.

Well we haven't...

...if you don't count multiple forums over a score of years, various social media platforms, etc.

Other than that we're complete strangers. LoL

 We totally just met here on Fleas board.  In this dimension.

 Turtles all the way down lol.
Posted by Garraty_47
 - August 05, 2022, 11:02:39 AM
Quote from: Guest post_id=468893 time=1659711247
Vit, there is nothing to see in BF's busiest sub. Poofer's chest thumping, his Flynn alt patting himself on the back and Poark's ugliness.

That would certainly explain the hesitance in exposing the general public to its contents. /shrug

But I still don't see how that's better than an unpleasant surprise for the ones who take the chance.

No wonder people keep saying they're so churlish and angry over there... it must be all the disappointment sloshing around.
Posted by Garraty_47
 - August 05, 2022, 10:56:00 AM
Quote from: Dove post_id=468891 time=1659710206 user_id=3266
 I think BF conceals the meltdown board as to not spook possible new people. Which ends up spooking possible new people because they can't see it.

I think the colloquial term for it is:

"Punching yourself in the dick"

I don't get the appeal but I hear some people are really into that kind of stuff and I don't judge.

Quote from: Dove post_id=468891 time=1659710206 user_id=3266
 I do also think Plynn is seeking to enlist you. The fact that you and I are friendly had him bitching yesterday,  and it's kinda funny because he just assumes we don't know each other and haven't ever talked on a one on one basis like ever. Lol.

Well we haven't...

...if you don't count multiple forums over a score of years, various social media platforms, etc.

Other than that we're complete strangers. LoL
Posted by Anonymous
 - August 05, 2022, 10:54:07 AM
Vit, there is nothing to see in BF's busiest sub. Poofer's chest thumping, his Flynn alt patting himself on the back and Poark's ugliness.
Posted by Dove
 - August 05, 2022, 10:36:46 AM
Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=468887 time=1659709110 user_id=3381
Quote from: Guest post_id=468878 time=1659707069
Look at this one here trying to poach Vitty to the Poark and Poofer forum known ss BF.

I'll start to believe that when non-members can read what must be (in my opinion) the most interesting subforum on that site.

I don't like joining forums that make you register just to see what the hell is going on.

I suppose it reminds me too much of Pelosi saying shit like: "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it".

What kind of fuckery is that? No thanks.

 I think BF conceals the meltdown board as to not spook possible new people. Which ends up spooking possible new people because they can't see it.

 I do also think Plynn is seeking to enlist you. The fact that you and I are friendly had him bitching yesterday,  and it's kinda funny because he just assumes we don't know each other and haven't ever talked on a one on one basis like ever. Lol.

 It's so weird to me that Plynn carries on as if I'm some new addition to this "community" and that he is the only person who has ever interacted with me on an off board basis. He complained about me addressing you over here as if I'm just now starting to notice you exist and I want to manipulate you into my nefarious plots or something.  Give you some "poor me" rants.  Like I'm trying to suck up to you.   ac_dance

 It's pretty funny  :laugh3:  

 And since everything Plynn accuses others of is a confession,  that is entirely what he is attempting to do. But his posts here are a fun read at least.
Posted by Garraty_47
 - August 05, 2022, 10:18:30 AM
Quote from: Guest post_id=468878 time=1659707069
Look at this one here trying to poach Vitty to the Poark and Poofer forum known ss BF.

I'll start to believe that when non-members can read what must be (in my opinion) the most interesting subforum on that site.

I don't like joining forums that make you register just to see what the hell is going on.

I suppose it reminds me too much of Pelosi saying shit like: "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it".

What kind of fuckery is that? No thanks.
Posted by Anonymous
 - August 05, 2022, 09:44:29 AM
All the guys behind the Flynn handle are way over fifty and have no life. Look at this one here trying to poach Vitty to the Poark and Poofer forum known ss BF.

Get a job Flynns and support your damned kids.
Posted by Garraty_47
 - August 05, 2022, 08:59:22 AM

Don't be so quick to show unkindness to the thorns; they evolved to keep grasping talons paws and hands away from the rose and without roses the world would be much the poorer. Even thorns themselves have a perilous beauty, a warning that can also fascinate. Thorns without a blossom to protect may seem cruel, but a rose without thorns is foolishly vulnerable.

Change is indeed universal; not even internet personas are immune to it.

If I appear not to have changed overmuch it's only because I've done so in ways that aren't obvious simply by reading words on a screen. My vocabulary hasn't altered significantly except the words I've learned to actually pronounce properly after only seeing them on pages of books; however that isn't relevant in this context. My writing "style" has changed but not in obvious or drastic fashion; for one example I now make a conscious effort to *not* toss in a comma every time a sentence might contain a pause when read aloud. I was reeeally bad about that all the way up to a few years ago and still have to be constantly on guard against backsliding.

Whatever transformations I've undergone are predominantly attitudinal and therefore haven't severely affected the way I type, aside from the glaringly obvious:

The lack of aggression and vitriol; the latter once so enmeshed with my adopted 'net persona that it was my default nym everywhere I went.

But to this day that persona isn't entirely banished... dormant is as good a word for it as any.

Often I can feel it straining to reemerge and I do allow it out to play occasionally, but never fully unleashed because it was an unruly beast and likely wouldn't be easy to subdue again.

We aren't truly so different despite the apparent distance between the paths we took.

You chose to cultivate your thorns and I endeavored to blunt my fangs but in the end those are only methods by which to achieve a goal; the fundamental goal for each of us and every other sentient being was and is adaptation.

Without adaptation or evolution or whatever you want to call it the inevitable result is stagnation.

Personally I view stagnation as worse than death; a living death; a death that never ends.

Screw that for a game of silly buggers.

Will I miss the acrobatic and whimsical Flynn?

Sometimes. Of course sometimes.

Do I fault you or anyone merely for evolving?

No. Of course not.

So don't be a stranger and by all means, bring your thorns with you next time.

A sting or three and a bit of minor blood loss is a fair price for enjoying the fragrance of an exquisite blossom in a world increasingly filled with ashes and decay.
Posted by Flynn
 - August 05, 2022, 03:54:22 AM
Vitriol. No. The blame lies with me. How were you ever supposed to know that the perennial flower you once knew, grew razor sharp thorns that sometimes trickled blood from the heart? You couldn't have known. We have been strangers for soo long that even the mountains wouldn't have opened up to let us pass--to finally meet one another. You were correct in your memories. There was once a time when everything was green pastures with a hue of pink bubble gum cascading down the corners of my view. Those times are not lost, but perhaps put away like a good book encrusted with dust just waiting to be opened once more.

We all have our favorite memories, Vitriol. Whether it be a brush of soft lips that graze a blushed cheek on a Winter morning. The whisper of a kind voice that echoes into a very secluded chamber of a closed heart. Or perhaps, reading words that takes one back to a time when melancholy was only an ethereal thought in the lonely night. Holding onto the memories that make us who we are is being human. Only outsiders of the unhuman factor could turn this mystical and mysterious dew dropping of a gift off. Keep those memories my dear Vitriol and you will never be truly alone.

To change is the way of every living being that has a heartbeat. Nothing, even the eternal beauty of a newborn soul stays the same and innocent. Time does cast its particular shadow over all of nature's grandest masterpieces. So to admit that the clock of destiny plays not a part in what we feel or think is for the unwise man that thinks he alone can stop what already has been in motion even before the deepest ocean was born. It's a fools errand.

I like your spoken word, "...the kinder gentler lens..." If looking out through a telescope seeped in hope, then how could you ever be not known as a helper and an enabler of good things? Living through a looking glass mired in one's own torrid ecstasy of physical and mental pain benefits no one. It unleashes the inner ghoul that finds a way to usurp the enlightened and positive strides already made by men who came before you. Change is not death. We die only when we cannot change for the greater good.

We are all creatures of folly, do not be soo hard on yourself. That is our nature as untamed beasts that roam, looking for the very sweet nectar of who and what we really are. A boisterous laugh perfectly aimed at one's self isn't something that will injure you my dear Vitriol. As you stated, it's a win. Only by knowing that there is victory even in times of rampant thuggery by the theives of light makes you more insighful knowing that not all things end with a silent and emaciated sigh.

Oh, Vitriol. I had forgiven you even before you thought and wrote and alluded to me being a shell of who I once was. I had forgiven you before you were even conceived in your mother's safe warm womb. There was no infraction made and no healing needed. Like when the rain just falls, does the rain question why it's falling? Or does it just fall giving life to which it touches? Like the rain, we too fall in a frenzy of controlled splashes that cascade over those whose lives we've made anew. Keep your misty memories close to your beating heart, hold on dearly to them, they are yours that way they cannot ever be blown away by the purple winds of gradual change.

I am glad that you say to me, "Always be yourself." For, if I am not myself, then who am I? I am happy when you say, "whoever that may be." Because, being that which you remember gives me angelic joy. I rejoice and it has the scent of a warm Summer morning sitting patiently, holding the hand of a serene lake.

Goodbye, Vitriol. Can you feel it too? Can you feel mother nature gently caressing all my fears away with her tendrils of grace and undying love that encapsulates me from myself?