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Posted by Frood
 - January 02, 2024, 10:06:05 AM
Posted by DKG
 - January 02, 2024, 10:03:12 AM
Where is Adolf Oliver Bush?
Posted by Adolf Oliver Bush
 - September 22, 2023, 10:44:29 AM
In light of recent dissent regarding my analysis of the denizens of Tasmania (and their kissing cousins of South and Western Arse-trailer), I present this, exhibit A, the second hit single from Aussie Icons Australian Crawl about a rather famous Taswegian a few of you might be familiar with, along with lyrics because the buggers had a habit of being incomprehensible at the best of times...

Convict state
It just won't rate
He want to get higher
Apple isle, the inbred smile
He's gonna get by'a
His mother's hand
He could not stand
He left for the islands
To fish and hunt
To take a punt
The new guinea highlands

Oh Errol
I would give everything just to be like him

He had to go
The sirocco
He's sailin' the high seas
Hollywood, captain blood
He's billing the nazi's
Took a rebel stand
With the contraband
Coast of Mexico
He want to pounce
Like an animal
To girls he just can't say no

Oh Errol
I would give everything just to be like him

He had them all
Screamin' for more
He play the wild scene
Ah scandalize, no comprise
He's down on his knees
He was the king
The toast of tinsel town
They build him up
They took it all
And they just cut him down

Oh Errol
I would give everything just to be like him

Ironically a few short years later, lead vocalist Guy McDonough would get his wish and end up just like Errol Flynn... dead. From a nasty condition beginning with the letter "A" as it happens. And no, it wasn't fucken acne. Too many trendy chemicals, too many fast women, his dick caught a wog and the next thing you know his bandmates were buying his ass, which is probably just as well.

I mean if the prevailing science of the day was telling us you could catch what he had from cereal boxes, imagine the health hazard his various orifices might posed when his guts started turning into liquefied shit.

Anyway... Tasmania... inbreeding, disease, convicts... it's all there in the first verse.

And it's all over the other places I mentioned too, no matter how hard Cackles denies it.
Posted by Adolf Oliver Bush
 - September 22, 2023, 08:59:50 AM
Quote from: caskur on September 22, 2023, 08:03:29 AMHe posted a link to Kurt's tax.
Did I?

Or did I post a photoshop with band-aids obscuring a publicly available page that literally anyone in possession of your surname (and remember, you were watermarking all your photos with it at the time) could have plugged into the search engine of the tax office site themselves?

Maybe you would care to explain how it is "creepy" when someone posts up an image with no actual information in it, but somehow it's perfectly permissible to go spamming a posters full name page after page. You know, like you did ATVile's... and on a board he wasn't about to defend himself on.

Quote from: caskur on September 22, 2023, 08:03:29 AMThat useless bastard is just one giant jealous monster... he HATES the fact others did better in life than him.
Oh purleaze, you want to try that lie on? Bitch, I'm very content with what I have, I envy you not. I've traveled, met amazing people, worked with some top names and some exceptionally talented unknowns, I have all I ever needed and want for nothing that I never earned.

I certainly don't want your life. For one thing, I'd have to share a bed with Kurt. Fuck that.

Quote from: caskur on September 22, 2023, 08:03:29 AMIf you want to keep my friendship I strongly advise you not to keep pushing that pathetic cunt on me..

Oh derr, you act as if he's raping you with me, knock it off your silly ol' bint!  :crampe:
Posted by Adolf Oliver Bush
 - September 22, 2023, 08:36:52 AM
Quote from: Frood on September 22, 2023, 07:50:59 AMIt's true.

He has no reason to act like the C'nt you reckon he is and I have no reason to lie about the reality of what he knows and what he actually acknowledges on the boards. He enjoys friction though and he gets/enjoys winding you a point.

You should be kissing his size 8 boots for what he has
Size eight? SIze fucking eight?!?!?!?

You take that back! It's size eleven you prick, and you know it!

Sheesh, you'll be telling her I have tiny hands and yeti pubes next... so sad... very sad....
Posted by Adolf Oliver Bush
 - September 22, 2023, 08:32:43 AM
Quote from: caskur on September 22, 2023, 07:57:06 AMYou have have nailed nothing you freak. I have been selling art since the age of 16.
So... a tax cheat then. Based on the complete absence of your name (which you have openly posted yourself and on The Retard Farm) on the publicly browsable Australian Tax Office.

"Nailed it!"

Quote from: caskur on September 22, 2023, 07:57:06 AMWhat you tried to do is PI hound into my private life because YOU ARE A PI HARVESTER and a piss poor one at that.
This would be one of those allegations the left levels at Donald Trump all the time... incompetent, bumbling... yet somehow the biggest threat to the world since Hitler himself.

Nevertheless, a Big Claim requires supporting evidence. If I've genuinely harvested your PII for the purposes of hounding my way into your personal life, you would of course have something more to show for it than "I never lie".

So pony it up. Because from where I sit, only one of us has ever harvested the PII of others, even going as far as to maintain a database of it at Flame Damnation AND hiding it all after the fact when they got caught... and that person wasn't me.

Go on. You wouldn't want to be thought of as a liar now, would you?

Quote from: caskur on September 22, 2023, 07:57:06 AMSo fuck off and die. My financial business is NONE  of your business.
You made it my business, you made it the business of everyone that read your proud boasts at TRF.

I just happened to call you a fraud, and not without good cause.

Quote from: caskur on September 22, 2023, 07:57:06 AMYou should NOT be a moderator. You are nothing more than a creepy stalker.
Yeah well, creepy or not, I'm not overstepping my mark and that's really what counts as far as the management here are concerned. Frankly, I'm not even sure I should be a moderator here either - as far as I am aware my gig is to approve or disallow guest posts and there's not exactly a surplus of those to be had.

I wouldn't cry foul if DKG decided I didn't need the allows any more. I wouldn't feel obligated to keep an eye on things here as much either, which I'm sure would more than meet with your approval.

So why don't you butter him up in PM a bit? Maybe send some nudes of you in the bathtub or something?

Quote from: caskur on September 22, 2023, 07:57:06 AMI do not give a flying fuck that Az thinks you are a top bloke.
So why bring it up then? It wasn't a topic for discussion until you brought it up, ya dropkick.  :crampe: 

Quote from: caskur on September 22, 2023, 07:57:06 AMI know for a fact you are a piece of shit who stalks people...
You're delusional, you've invested far more effort on my behalf than I've done on everyone combined. Shit, I don't even so much as play the "who is behind that nicswitch" game that you spend so much time on!

Quote from: caskur on September 22, 2023, 07:57:06 AMFuck off and die scumbag..
Nah, don't think I'll be doing that. But you be sure to live a long and hateful life yourself, Santa.  :crampe:
Posted by caskur
 - September 22, 2023, 08:03:29 AM
Quote from: Frood on September 22, 2023, 07:50:59 AMIt's true.

He has no reason to act like the C'nt you reckon he is and I have no reason to lie about the reality of what he knows and what he actually acknowledges on the boards. He enjoys friction though and he gets/enjoys winding you a point.

You should be kissing his size 8 boots for what he has refuse
thers over the decades....even if slightly deserved....

(Hi, Flea...  :pardon: )

The dude a stand up dude

He posted a link to Kurt's tax.

If you think that not a bad thing then you're delusional.

I think that is VERY creepy myself.

He does not know anything about me and you only know a little.

That useless bastard is just one giant jealous monster... he HATES the fact others did better in life than him.

If you want to keep my friendship I strongly advise you not to keep pushing that pathetic cunt on me..

Posted by caskur
 - September 22, 2023, 07:57:06 AM
Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on September 22, 2023, 07:18:30 AMAfter how I nailed you at The Retard Farm for your bullshit claims of selling your original art and photographs for four figure sums a pop, I'm not surprised.  :crampe:

You have have nailed nothing you freak. I have been selling art since the age of 16.

What you tried to do is PI hound into my private life because YOU ARE A PI HARVESTER and a piss poor one at that.

So fuck off and die.

My financial business is NONE  of your business.

You should NOT be a moderator. You are nothing more than a creepy stalker.

I do not give a flying fuck that Az thinks you are a top bloke. I know for a fact you are a piece of shit who stalks people...

Fuck off and die scumbag..

Posted by Frood
 - September 22, 2023, 07:50:59 AM
Quote from: caskur on September 21, 2023, 01:14:11 PMYou have to have a good memory if you tell lies.

You can make fun all you like but I find the truth better than lies or lying.

On the other hand,

Accordingum sums knows EVERYTHING about me and could have sunk me years ago.

More bullshit...

It's true.

He has no reason to act like the C'nt you reckon he is and I have no reason to lie about the reality of what he knows and what he actually acknowledges on the boards. He enjoys friction though and he gets/enjoys winding you a point.

You should be kissing his size 8 boots for what he has refuse
thers over the decades....even if slightly deserved....

(Hi, Flea...  :pardon: )

The dude a stand up dude
Posted by Adolf Oliver Bush
 - September 22, 2023, 07:32:22 AM
Frood is probably right, you know... I probably could have sunk Caskur, but... what would be the point? What would it actually gain Me to do such a thing?

I cannot think of a single good goddamned thing. Not one. Nada. Zip.

See, I've never understood the zealotry some people pursue others for the purpose of wrecking their lives. That time is better invested on oneself. Wrecking Caskur doesn't improve my life, it doesn't enrich me, it's not going to fulfil any ideological goals I have... hell, it's not gonna give me get a tingly feeling in my bell end to vanquish her, so why go to the effort?

Maybe someone can explain it to me, convince me of some tangible benefit to do so. But I doubt it.
Posted by Adolf Oliver Bush
 - September 22, 2023, 07:18:30 AM
Quote from: caskur on September 21, 2023, 01:14:11 PMYou have to have a good memory if you tell lies.

You can make fun all you like but I find the truth better than lies or lying.
After how I nailed you at The Retard Farm for your bullshit claims of selling your original art and photographs for four figure sums a pop, I'm not surprised.  :crampe:

That's really where your boner for me got started I reckon. I ran two competing narratives (one of you being a tax cheat, the other being a welfare fraud) and there was really no way you could have disproven one without lending credence to the other. It was a cunt act, sure... but then so was you attempting to doxx V-Agent and reposting ATVile's name by block-spamming the forum with old Doomsday posts you'd mirrored/archived at Flame Damnation.

The funny thing being that the only dog I had in the fight was I didn't care to see The Retard Farm turn into a PII-driven bully pulpit a-la Bawl Mall, so when you started in on V-Agent (ironically an old adversary of mine as was ATVile), I took your proud claims of financial largesse and turned them on their head.

You seethed of course, badly enough to make it your business to fuck me up at every turn you could. Eight years on and it still rankles you that you've never succeeded in your aims. I could have told you it was a wasted effort in the beginning. Others probably did, but you are Cathy and you cannot be told a damn thing.

Your problem, I reckon. I don't hate you and never did, but for as long as you kept coming at me... well, I'm okay with fencing you any day of the week.

Quote from: caskur on September 02, 2023, 09:05:20 fuck off FOR GOOD... on ignore you go FOREVAH Dumb Cunt ...
Nineteen days... damn, and you reckon you never lie. :s_laugh:
Posted by caskur
 - September 21, 2023, 01:14:11 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 21, 2023, 08:40:24 AM

You have to have a good memory if you tell lies.

You can make fun all you like but I find the truth better than lies or lying.

On the other hand, Dum sums is a profound bullshit artist... his problem not mine.

According to Frood, dum sums knows EVERYTHING about me and could have sunk me years ago.

More bullshit...
Posted by caskur
 - September 21, 2023, 03:38:13 AM
Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on September 20, 2023, 04:47:00 PMBreathtaking... take a squizz at Zeehan sometime, place looks like another planet... and not in a good way. I was there when I was eight, my overriding impression of the place was that the earth (clay might be a better word) was the strangest shade of grey/purple/red that I'd ever seen.

Bicheno was better, like a quaint English country town. Quite green and pretty.

Herman mentioned Newfies. If I might, I remember them for their input into things like This Hour Has 22 Minutes. Funny, in a droll and humourous way. Tasmania? Well they're funny too, in a sleeping with your cousins and getting knocked up at 14 kind of way.

The person claiming everything is the opposite of what I say has openly admitted to getting knocked up at 15, but has been known to lie her arse off with impunity previously. Make of that what you will.

I NEVER lie.
Posted by caskur
 - September 21, 2023, 03:36:06 AM
Quote from: Frood on September 18, 2023, 07:21:49 AMWA is where I FedEx my nastiest turds rather than contaminate an Eastern state's soil or sewer system...

...but only when I'm drinking Emu Export...

EMU Bitter is the best.