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Posted by horse sense
 - June 10, 2024, 09:41:53 AM
Quote from: JOE on June 09, 2024, 09:04:59 PMI know more than a few like that. But they aren't from the older generations. Seems the young ones/baby busters are even worse. Trouble is they've grown up in a time of plenty & have only known prosperity. But just a scant 100 years ago most people were poor & few could afford the time to be spoiled like many are today. However it could all vanish as rapidly as it appeared. Most of these young women (and men too) are unaware how quickly times can change & many will end up struggling like our grandparents did. Unlike them tho, many may not make it as they haven't learned the essential skills of survival.
100 years ago it was the rule rather than the exception that a single member of the house could function as the breadwinner, while the other would stay at home to function as the protector of the nest. The income generated from a sole breadwinner had the purchasing power to allow for this.

Such a situation has not existed for decades. Most family units these days require both parents to be working one or more jobs and taking on lines of credit to make ends meet. With increasing government interference aimed at dissolving the family unit and making the remnants dependent on the state for their next meal ticket.

Maybe you'd like to shut your yap for long enough to reassess what "wealth" is and how it might be expressed. Because the way I see it, society today is all but bankrupt and you would be looking at pod living in your dotage, but for the generous offer of you being Thiel's piece of buttered crumpet.

And don't hand me any shit about your store of coins and precious metals. They won't be calling you "grandpa" and sitting on your knee to hear about the tales of your successes, real or imagined.
Posted by Lokmar
 - June 09, 2024, 10:21:17 PM
Quote from: JOE on June 09, 2024, 09:04:59 PMI know more than a few like that. But they aren't from the older generations. Seems the young ones/baby busters are even worse. Trouble is they've grown up in a time of plenty & have only known prosperity. But just a scant 100 years ago most people were poor & few could afford the time to be spoiled like many are today. However it could all vanish as rapidly as it appeared. Most of these young women (and men too) are unaware how quickly times can change & many will end up struggling like our grandparents did. Unlike them tho, many may not make it as they haven't learned the essential skills of survival.

If the shit hits the fan, they'll learn.
Posted by JOE
 - June 09, 2024, 09:04:59 PM
Quote from: disgustapated on June 09, 2024, 06:18:39 PMIt's pretty widespread, enough to be meme-worthy at this point. Feminism raised women's expectations as to what was fair and reasonable and they keps getting raised until women as an aggregate forgot how to stop complaining and to be grateful for what they had.

The latest complaint being "why don't men want to date us any more". Duhh, men are increasingly seeing the larger percentage of women as a liability to their way of life, an aggravation that has been cultivated to act like complete pains in the ass and to make men subservient to their every need. NOT the kind of role a creature biologically wired to be The Hunter adapts well to.

I'm speaking in generalities here of course, but it seems like not a day goes by when you're not hearing the kinds of tales that would have been considered shameful to our grandparents generation. I blame the Boomers for being a pack of greedy bastards myself... and of course the feminists who, having achieved everything the pretended they wanted at the outset, drafted up more and more outrageous demands to chase, lest they become redundant.

You reap what you sow, bitches. Nobody but a beta masochist wants a nagging, ungrateful bitch to share their bed.

I know more than a few like that. But they aren't from the older generations. Seems the young ones/baby busters are even worse. Trouble is they've grown up in a time of plenty & have only known prosperity. But just a scant 100 years ago most people were poor & few could afford the time to be spoiled like many are today. However it could all vanish as rapidly as it appeared. Most of these young women (and men too) are unaware how quickly times can change & many will end up struggling like our grandparents did. Unlike them tho, many may not make it as they haven't learned the essential skills of survival.
Posted by disgustapated
 - June 09, 2024, 06:18:39 PM
Quote from: Lokmar on June 06, 2024, 02:25:43 PMPeople are shit and we all draw from our own experiences. All the women in my family brow beat me from a young age into paying attention to what women want as their husbands didnt according to them.
It's pretty widespread, enough to be meme-worthy at this point. Feminism raised women's expectations as to what was fair and reasonable and they keps getting raised until women as an aggregate forgot how to stop complaining and to be grateful for what they had.

The latest complaint being "why don't men want to date us any more". Duhh, men are increasingly seeing the larger percentage of women as a liability to their way of life, an aggravation that has been cultivated to act like complete pains in the ass and to make men subservient to their every need. NOT the kind of role a creature biologically wired to be The Hunter adapts well to.

I'm speaking in generalities here of course, but it seems like not a day goes by when you're not hearing the kinds of tales that would have been considered shameful to our grandparents generation. I blame the Boomers for being a pack of greedy bastards myself... and of course the feminists who, having achieved everything the pretended they wanted at the outset, drafted up more and more outrageous demands to chase, lest they become redundant.

You reap what you sow, bitches. Nobody but a beta masochist wants a nagging, ungrateful bitch to share their bed.
Posted by Lokmar
 - June 06, 2024, 02:25:43 PM
Quote from: caskur on June 06, 2024, 01:07:46 PMI don't know... I am very disappointed in females generally however the Hite report on men's sexuality and 100,000 of men surveyed said 72% of men in America cheated on their wives and only 52 ish ?% of American women cheated on their husbands according to Hites  interview of 100,000 women..... so men are quicker to do the dirty on their spouses.

People are shit and we all draw from our own experiences. All the women in my family brow beat me from a young age into paying attention to what women want as their husbands didnt according to them.

My own experience was from my 1st marriage to a lazy, worthless, screaming bitch who didnt like sex after we had the first kid. She was the town whore before that. Of course I cheated on her. I'm surprised we even had a second kid. She let laundry pile up and then complained when I did it cause I "did it wrong", she was shit for a cook too so I did 95+% of the cooking. The kids hated it when she cooked for the most part.

Eventually, she ran off with some derelict dipshit and I got sole custody and she didnt pay her child support....and women say men dont pay! LOL! Eventually, we had split custody and I paid her for health care coverage on the kids. She bitched about that and when I got re-married, my current wife put them on her health care and of course the dumb cunt didnt chip in PLUS she complained anytime she had to pay co-pays.

What a piece of shit! I'd STILL like to shit on her corpse.
Posted by caskur
 - June 06, 2024, 01:14:15 PM

They are good reads... and there is a female one..

The Hite Report on Male Sexuality (1981) recounted the results of about 7,200 questionnaires completed by men. In 1987 Hite published an update of her first study, The Hite Report on Women and Love: A Cultural Revolution in Progress, the content again culled from questionnaires. › ...
The Hite Report | Summary, Controversy, & Facts
Posted by caskur
 - June 06, 2024, 01:07:46 PM
Quote from: Lokmar on June 06, 2024, 10:25:47 AMWhat makes you think some skank whore that fucks around on her husband and gets knocked up by another man is doing all the cooking, cleaning, and fucking her cuck?

I don't know... I am very disappointed in females generally however the Hite report on men's sexuality and 100,000 of men surveyed said 72% of men in America cheated on their wives and only 52 ish ?% of American women cheated on their husbands according to Hites  interview of 100,000 women..... so men are quicker to do the dirty on their spouses.
Posted by Lokmar
 - June 06, 2024, 10:25:47 AM
Quote from: caskur on June 06, 2024, 01:54:07 AM:musicboohoo:

What an idiot you are. The cuck should be grateful for a woman cooking, cleaning and washing his skidmarked underoos, and laying for him every night...

What makes you think some skank whore that fucks around on her husband and gets knocked up by another man is doing all the cooking, cleaning, and fucking her cuck?
Posted by caskur
 - June 06, 2024, 09:46:00 AM
I have decided all women should abandon all men and just keep a few around to mow the lawn or put the rubbish bins out on Monday nights for collection on Tuesdays...

Useless waste of oxygen they all are..

Posted by burp
 - June 06, 2024, 07:33:21 AM
Quote from: caskur on June 06, 2024, 01:54:07 AM:musicboohoo:

What an idiot you are. The cuck should be grateful for a woman cooking, cleaning and washing his skidmarked underoos, and laying for him every night...
Nah, you're full of shit. He should buy a couple of stick mags or a prostitute he could kick out the door after busting his nut on her tits, then go full blown MGTOW and get a gym membership. Shed some of those excess pounds and make something of himself.

Then he wouldn't have to dress like a dork and go on some cheapass Maury Povitch spinoff acting like a complete man-let. He would have Options.
Posted by caskur
 - June 06, 2024, 01:54:07 AM
Quote from: burp on May 16, 2024, 08:09:47 AMThe women who do this should be mandated by law to reimburse their cuckolded husbands for their financial contribution at the same rate that men are forced to pay maintainence.

Or have the words "LOOSE SLUT" tattooed on their foreheads so everyone knows, either works.


What an idiot you are. The cuck should be grateful for a woman cooking, cleaning and washing his skidmarked underoos, and laying for him every night...

Posted by caskur
 - June 06, 2024, 01:24:42 AM
Quote from: JOE on May 15, 2024, 06:05:34 PMHere's another, only it's a White family

why do Americans watch sleazy programs like this?
Posted by burp
 - May 16, 2024, 08:09:47 AM
The women who do this should be mandated by law to reimburse their cuckolded husbands for their financial contribution at the same rate that men are forced to pay maintainence.

Or have the words "LOOSE SLUT" tattooed on their foreheads so everyone knows, either works.
Posted by JOE
 - May 15, 2024, 06:05:34 PM
Here's another, only it's a White family